Favoriting Atlantic Tunnel with Ed: Playlist from October 24, 2021 Favoriting

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Join us on a sonic journey through space and time, with forgotten hits and future classics from the UK and beyond. Hand-picked pop from the Tunnel vaults just for you dear listeners. Broadcasting with luv from the ageless Mod, Edward Rogers

Sunday 2 - 4pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting October 24, 2021: No show today due to technical difficulties.
Welcome to our Brum-Beat Special: from 1962 - Now! The myths, stories and fables, with music, of this magical place. Brummie Ed Rogers plays the music of his youth including early Roy Wood, Jeff Lynne, Stevie Winwood, Denny Lane, Christine Perfect and so many others. Join us for this fascinating two-hour Midlands Special. We explore the roots to the current day music of Birmingham’s Brum-Beat!

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 2:03pm
Marshall Stax:

Hello, from a soggy place, Berkeley, CA The weekly journey begins!
Avatar 2:03pm

Sorry....We are playing last weeks show!!!!!!!!!.....Will try to correct or play next week sorry!
Avatar 2:04pm

Hey Marshall...sorry mate...the station is playing last weeks show! sorry mate!
Avatar 2:05pm
Don Ciccone:

Hi Stax and Ed -- I thought I clicked on the wrong show.
Crazy storm outside.
Avatar 🎸 2:06pm
Marshall Stax:

Darn station... oh well, will listen anyway!
Double RR:

Is this Groundhog Day.
Avatar 2:07pm

Don......Opps the station played the wrong show!.....going round in circles!
Double RR:

I'll turn this off and listen to Eldorado
Avatar 🎸 2:08pm
Marshall Stax:

One advantage... advance look at the playlist (sort of)
Avatar 2:08pm
Don Ciccone:

Well, that's okay. More Cambridge Nutlakes.
Double RR:

This show isn't live?
Avatar 2:08pm

Double RR.......Sorry mate!....I hada brill show too! Eldorado was the opening track too!
Avatar 2:09pm

most times this time recorde earlier!
Avatar 2:09pm
Don Ciccone:

I didn't know the Applejacks were Brummies. Learned something already.
Avatar 🎸 2:09pm
Marshall Stax:

The show itself is recorded, the Chat & Playlist are live
Double RR:

Let's have the tea discussion again.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:09pm
Matt Clarke:

Hey Ed! Had a day off from rehearsals n work and was so looking forward to this. Hopefully next week?!
Avatar 2:09pm
Don Ciccone:

PG Tips here. But when I go down the corner to the Irish cafe it has to be Barry's.
Avatar 2:10pm

Don....yep!....I had to wikko all the artists involved...some good ones too!
Double RR:

Should I make my NC-17 Tips joke again?
Avatar 2:11pm
Don Ciccone:

That was a good one, Double RR
Avatar 2:11pm
Don Ciccone:

Barry's tea is rated RR
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:11pm
Matt Clarke:

Roy Wood is King of the Brumbeat
Avatar 2:12pm
Don Ciccone:

Never ask for English Breakfast Tea at an Irish Caff.
Avatar 2:12pm

Hey Matt...so brill hearing from ya mate!...I wash you still had the old time slot....I have a writing session every tuesday during your new time slot!
Avatar 2:12pm
Don Ciccone:

Does the Idle Race count?
Double RR:

The Idle Race rules!!
Avatar 2:13pm

Matt...there is so much old/new covers found of Roy Woods recently!
Avatar 2:14pm

Don......Ha ha!....We actually both make good tea!!!!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:15pm
Matt Clarke:

@Ed: Gonna send ya an email about a lager sesh/Roy Aood fandom sesh
Double RR:

Didn't Syd Barrett lose his mind from too much tea?
Avatar 2:15pm

Double RR..........You know there was so much Jeff lyne related projects I could do a special on him!
Avatar 2:16pm

Matt....TOTALLY mate!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:16pm
Matt Clarke:

What is the best tea brand? I have missed this important info
Avatar 2:17pm

PG Tips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Avatar 2:17pm
The Kat in Maine:

I would have loved to have heard Eldorado - great memories w/ Gary!
Double RR:

I vote yes for a Jeff Lynne special.
Avatar 2:18pm
Don Ciccone:

I vote yes to PG Tips.
Avatar 2:19pm
The Kat in Maine:

"Say you don't mind" but I'm going back to your Colin B Interview; I have a newfound appreciation for his voice & songwriting abilities!
Avatar 2:19pm

Since this is the Hellraiser october here at the station, Ive been playing nothing but specials.....but there is so much new /old music I want to share with u!
Avatar 2:21pm

Ello KAT....So brill you joined us!....Collins first three albums are must haves.
I dont know if I told you, we touring with Colin n The Zombies In Feb/March...in England!!!
Avatar 2:23pm

Kat....Yeah...Gary was a big fan!....I dont know if I told you He n I went to the xmas show of Emerson Lake n Palmer in 74???????
Avatar 2:23pm
The Kat in Maine:

I'm thrilled - for you! Bye for now...
Avatar 2:23pm

Chat soon!
Avatar 2:25pm
The Kat in Maine:

E L P sings my all-time favorite Xmas song! I was just singing it to myself yesterday...
Avatar 2:26pm

They Closed the show with that song!...we'll play it on our xmas show!!!!!!!!
Avatar 🎸 2:28pm

Hi All! Deja Vu? Groundhog Day? All good!
Double RR:

I want to hear this again next week.
Avatar 2:32pm

Ha ha....Papernut Cambridge must be real happy!!!!
Avatar 2:35pm

Wow!....just reading about the rain in S.F. GOOD LUCK GUYS!!!!!
Avatar 2:42pm
Don Ciccone:

Thanks Ed. Yeah, it's crazy here. Worried about our quail outside.
Avatar 🎸 2:47pm

You have a quail, Don Ciccone!?
Avatar 2:49pm
Don Ciccone:

We have many quail. One inside but the rest are outside. Come on over and get some eggs.
Avatar 2:51pm
Don Ciccone:

I think we're up to Papernut Cambridge now. He literally dreamt the name.
Avatar 🎸 2:59pm

Wow! Fresh Quail eggs!
Avatar 3:01pm

Don......Are u in the line of the storm?
Ian's a really good guy!...Found out after the show he co produced a Trevor Burton album!
Avatar 3:06pm
Don Ciccone:

Yeah it's pretty crazy out there Ed. We're literally battening down the hatches (on the quail at least).
That's wild that Ian worked with Trevor Burton!
Avatar 3:08pm

Good luck mate!!!!!!.....Yeah...I was just thinking your right on the beachfront!!
Avatar 3:13pm
Don Ciccone:

I can practically toss a rock in the pacific from here.
Avatar 3:14pm
Don Ciccone:

mine is The Last Block in America.
Avatar 3:17pm

Yeah!....I distinctly remembered that when I visited !....very cool n strange!!!!
Avatar 3:20pm
Don Ciccone:

Ed: Very cool that you made it all the way out this way. A lot of people who visit the city never do.
Avatar 3:24pm
Don Ciccone:

This song playing now really is a cross between Syd B. and Kevin A.
Avatar 3:24pm

Don.....Very cool area!!!!!!!....I really thought it was so special!
Avatar 3:25pm

Totally.....reallly cool duo...Cold Spells
Avatar 3:27pm
Don Ciccone:

The Flamin Groovies "Grease" EP was recorded a few blocks from here.
Avatar 3:28pm
Don Ciccone:

Also seen in the Woody Allen films, Play It Again Sam and Blue Jasmine.
Avatar 3:28pm

Really...Wow....so much music history in that City!
Avatar 3:30pm

Last Sunday aw an advance screening of "Last Night In Soho"...so parts VERY cool...great Soundtrack!
Avatar 3:31pm
Don Ciccone:

RIP Diana Rigg
Avatar 🎸 3:33pm

I LOVED that movie! Must see it again when it officially opens. And, yes, RIP, lovely Diana Rigg.
Avatar 3:46pm
Don Ciccone:

Song for Sisters was very VU. Liked it.
Avatar 3:47pm
Don Ciccone:

Well, we still have the Brum-Beat show to look forward to.
Avatar 3:48pm

Sorry for the mishap!....next week ...will be the Brum Beat show....more appropriate as it s also my birthday!!!!!!....chat than!...thanx for bearing with me!....ta!
Avatar 3:53pm
Don Ciccone:

Wow, that IS more appropriate. Cheers.
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