DJTT good morning. hope your covid recovery goes easy
It's early, don't know why I'm up; but as long as am, may as well say morning all !. Hang tough DJ Time Traveler, you'll get over it soon enough, and back to your usual self before you know it.
Good morning, DJTT. Hope you're getting better in or close to schedule.
Speaking of getting back to ones usual self, I see that Lix Life is back to his old self. I have to say Lix you had my attention there a while back when you were posting some concerning comments about yourself. I myself have been diagnosed with depression about 11 years ago, And it would have been nice to have the support of the fmu crowd back then; but I've managed it on a day to day basis up until now, So far so good. And I knew that you could, because you have the support of your fellow fmu listeners, and they make for a good support group.
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Listener comments!
DJ Time Traveler:
DJ Time Traveler:
DJ Time Traveler:
DJ Time Traveler:
DJ Time Traveler:
DJ Time Traveler:
DJ Time Traveler:
DJ Time Traveler:
DJ Time Traveler:
DJ Time Traveler:
DJ Time Traveler:
LiXiviated Life:
Oh yeah
You’d lose a good thing”
Krys O.:
RIP Gilbert Gottfried...
ben abs:
ben abs:
ben abs:
Will the Sound Guy:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Ken From Hyde Park: