Favoriting The Orange Peel Hour with Orange Peel: Playlist from June 20, 2022 Favoriting

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From the UK in a big way comes classic DJ, Orange Peel. A transplant from the North of England, stuck in suburban California since the 1960's. He spins scintillating sunshine sixties psych, pop & beat.

Monday 5 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting June 20, 2022

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Listener comments!

Avatar 4:58pm
Orange Peel:

HiDeHo, Pop Pickers
Avatar 4:58pm

Top of the day to you OP...
Avatar 🎸 5:00pm

Hello, DJOP! Hello, sw2442! Hello everyone! Looking forward to the tunes!
Avatar 5:00pm

Hi Woof...
Avatar 5:01pm

Happy Birthday Brian!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01pm
Michael 98145:

Let's stare into the Solstice
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CARL singing a great song for his brother!!
Avatar 5:02pm

Hi everyone
Avatar 5:02pm

Hi WLSClark...
Avatar 5:02pm

Hi Erica...
Avatar 🎸 5:02pm

Sir peel, you know that everyone's fave here is "Little Girl I Once knew" so please have that instant request!! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:02pm
Michael 98145:

{ in today's news "Helium-filled passenger airships made through a venture backed by Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson will soon be sailing Spanish skies." }
Avatar 🎸 5:03pm

Hi sw2442, Erica, Michael and Mom whenever she gets up from her nap! haha. I had mine 2 hours ago, so.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04pm
Michael 98145:

Almost beer time here on the Left Coast
Avatar 5:04pm
Eric R:

this is another great Cab Calloway song
Avatar 🎸 5:04pm

Brian, like you, I just wasn't made for THESE times. My time was 1960's thank God. THESE are NOT my times.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:05pm
Michael 98145:

Just watched the sad Brian documentary. 80 today?!?
Avatar 5:05pm

Hi Eric...
Avatar 5:06pm
Eric R:

hey sw! 60 years since the Parlophone audition. Why no deluxe edition featuring Pete?
Avatar 5:07pm

Happy birthday to Brian Wilson! 🎁
Avatar 🎸 5:07pm

Michael, I did not like that film. I was pumped, but it turned out to be a guy driving Brian around and all he wanted to listen to was Long promised Road and Its OK. Subjects touched on were fluff. Waste of time, unless you DIDN'T know what Brian is like today. Sad, sure, but....could have been over in 30 minutes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:07pm
David (in London):

King of the squeal, he's Orange Peel.
Evening groovers: 2442, Woof, Michael, Clark, Erica, Eric.
Advanced hellos to MOM WHIG and jen.
Avatar 5:07pm
Orange Peel:

Not sure why the playlist is not working for me today, but then again, I am not so sure about many things these days.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:08pm
Michael 98145:

good point @WLSC
Avatar 5:08pm
Orange Peel:

Am I Crazy?
Avatar 5:08pm
Eric R:

hey, anyone want to hear, once again, of my meeting with Brian? (I'm sort of tired of this story, too)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:08pm
Michael 98145:

we're all mad here
Avatar 5:08pm
Orange Peel:

It is perhaps the situation that the Bunny wishes to Gaslight me?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09pm
David (in London):

Eric, I haven't heard it. Go for it!
Avatar 5:09pm
Eric R:

Avatar 5:09pm

Hi David (in London)...
Avatar 5:09pm

Greetings all - OP, sw2442, Woof, Michael98145, WLS, Erica, Eric, David in CA
Avatar 5:09pm
Orange Peel:

I got back my later show, but alas - things are amiss. Rather than a-hit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:10pm
Michael 98145:

Aloha @Mom, friends
Avatar 5:10pm

Hi Mom...
Avatar 5:10pm
Eric R:

well...cough cough...this is the way I've decided to tell it. I was at Madame Wong's in 1978, my group had a tune in the top 100 (soon to drop off and we'd never be heard of again). 20/20 was playing, Phil Seymour joined for the encore. Rodney Bingenheimer came over to me and said "hey, there's someone I want you to meet". So far, that's all true...
Avatar 5:10pm

WLS - hey there Siesta done - dinner in the oven - is the PLAYLIST NOT WORKING
Avatar 🎸 5:10pm

OP, #435 on list of WFMU problems past month. I heard this stream works different from Drummer one, but I think maybe both have problems. I know DA the DJ is an important cog in operations, but he needs some more help! Even when I was on in 80's public radio, they had at least 3 engineers to work on problems. We had FEW 40 YEARS AGO!
Avatar 5:11pm
Eric R:

anyway, it was Brian and he was difficult to talk to 'cause he was already going nuts. I gushed, fan-like. Rodney had to lead me away
Avatar 5:11pm

I don't know what's wrong with the playlist either.
Avatar 🎸 5:12pm

Mom, no playlist YET. ERIC, great start to story! I would have been blown over to meet PHIL SEYMOUR!!!
Avatar 5:13pm
Eric R:

Shazam says that was the Factotums
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:13pm
David (in London):

Eric. I love that, and bonus points for Rodney, too.
Avatar 🎸 5:13pm

Eric, wait a minute. Wasn't RODNEY going nuts too??? haha
Avatar 🎸 5:14pm

I love Exceptions version of this Wilson Classic!
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Eric R:

Clark, Rodney is completely sane. A really sweet guy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:14pm
Michael 98145:

wasn't that about the time KROQ was going to some other format, or something?
Avatar 5:15pm
Eric R:

Mom might like this. That encore, 20/20 with Phil Seymour was Anytime at All.
Avatar 5:15pm
Eric R:

Michael, I don't remember KROQ doing anything different then, but I pretty much only listened to Rodney's show on that channel.
Avatar 🎸 5:16pm

Eric, good to know. Somehow I had an impression Rodney was a bit strange. I know he was iconic. NEVER heard him on air so shouldn't have spoken that way. Sorry.
Avatar 5:16pm

Eric - thanks. I liked Caroline No & Surfer Girl, God Only Knows
Avatar 5:16pm
Eric R:

is this really Bobby Vee!!!??
Avatar 🎸 5:17pm

Eric, I do have an aircheck of Rodney that never has made rounds I think. Not sure.
Avatar 5:17pm
Eric R:

OP, I'm loving these covers
Avatar 🎸 5:18pm

So, WHO is doing my fave BB here?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:18pm
Michael 98145:

I think KROQ shut down for a couple years due to $ money problems
Avatar 5:18pm
Orange Peel:

Why thank you, Sir Eric
Avatar 5:19pm

Hullo Mr. Peel. What is wrong with your playlist?
Avatar 5:19pm
Eric R:

Shazam says the Jackpots
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Eric - did you get the Holiday off today?
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Eric R:

no Mom, but I finished my work! Sadly, I'm gonna lose my wifi for a few hours while the phone company does some updating
Avatar 5:20pm

Thanks OP
Avatar 🎸 5:20pm

1965 summer--when this intro came on the radio....oh man!
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WLS - YES the BEST back then - so it's '65 all over again!
Avatar 🎸 5:23pm

Mom--1964 to 1968 records take me away to a place where I am in Heaven.
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WLS Agreed those were some really special times.
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Eric R:

Clark, 64 was unbelievable.
Avatar 🎸 5:25pm

Eric, agree, but really got into radio side strongly in 65, so 64 was more for just records. Adding radio to the mix made it amazing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25pm
Michael 98145:

Would like to know who is covering this ...
Avatar 5:28pm
Eric R:

For me I remember 64 as beatlemania, 65 as satisfaction, 66 as shapes of things, summer in the city, the pied piper, revolver, 67 as Sgt pepper, are you experienced. Each year had a special quality.
Avatar 5:29pm

Is this the Association? or 5th Dimension
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:29pm
Michael 98145:

The Byrds in those years
Avatar 🎸 5:29pm

Eric, agreed. 68 darned near as good too!!
Avatar 5:30pm
Eric R:

Michael, yes! And Motown
Avatar 5:30pm
Eric R:

Where is this from?
Avatar 5:30pm

Eric clueless here
Avatar 5:32pm
Eric R:

Whatever this is, I want it
Avatar 5:33pm

WLS weather channel just had Tornado warnings for NEB & WI
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:33pm

Hey. I was trying to take a nap but it didn't work. Beach Boys today?
Avatar 5:33pm

This is Be Here in the Morning from the Friends album...1968. But this might be an alternate mix.
Avatar 5:33pm

Woo good to see you - still issues with NO Playlist - but Beach Boys
Avatar 5:34pm
Eric R:

This reminds me of Todd Rundgren
Avatar 5:34pm

We need a tracklisting.
Avatar 5:35pm

@Eric R This does has that 70s soft rock sound doesn't it?
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This is All I Really Want from Sunflower...1970.
Avatar 5:35pm
Eric R:

Thanks sw.
Avatar 5:36pm

Country Air from Wild Honey...1967.
Avatar 5:36pm
Eric R:

Country Air!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:37pm
David (in London):

'This is my playlist and it freaks me out.'
Avatar 🎸 5:37pm

Mom, tornadoes.....our current phase. THAT warning is very near to our state landmark of Chimney Rock where wagon trains used as way to west in 1800s.
Krazy kat:

it's my scene and it freaks meow-t
Avatar 5:38pm

'This is my music and it freaks me out."
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WLS fingers crossed
Hey there Krazy kat
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Eric R:

We were warned about climate change. Fires, tornadoes..
Avatar 5:39pm
Eric R:

Is this also from wild honey or smiley smile?
Avatar 🎸 5:39pm

You know how birthdays come in threes? Paul, Brian and tomorrow Ray Dives 78! Toss Candy in there too!!
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Wild Honey Eric...
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WLS Lesley's was also recently
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Eric R:

Thanks again sw
Avatar 5:41pm

Yeah sw Thanks for the track listing.
Avatar 5:41pm
Eric R:

I need this, too
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Little Bird from Friends...
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Eric R:

I'll have to find the double CD of Friends and I think its Sunflower
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I think we all know this one...
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Eric R:

Love the castanets
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Dance Dance Dance!
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One of my favs from the BB
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Eric R:

Carl sure could play guitar
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Nice harmony too
Avatar 🎸 5:45pm

OP, just dont play "Honkin down the gosh darned highway" OK?
Avatar 5:46pm

So David in L:ondon - did you see Matt Clarke & Mike Sin there?? They were doing all the Beatles sights, etc.
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Avatar 🎸 5:47pm

Mom, Matt sent a pic or two. Turns out HE is Billy Shears!

Hi, all. I’ve been here but multitasking. Thanks for the fab set to celebrate BW, Sir Peel.
Avatar 5:49pm
Eric R:

Sock it to me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50pm
David (in London):

MOM WHIG, sadly no, I didn't. I will however ne up in Liverpool in a few weeks' time, so I might take in a few of my own again.
Avatar 5:50pm

uptownjen - hey there
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OK, NO more "Love you" tracks please?? THIS Lp was such a disappointment to me, despite the cool cover and that Brian was back.
Avatar 5:51pm
Eric R:

Still it has Brian's funky piano
Avatar 5:53pm

So bye now OP - is Andrew next????
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Eric R:

Flip of...? Heroes and Villains?
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You're Welcome...B-side to Heroes and Villians
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David - ck out Mike Sin's FB page - lots of pics of him there w/Matt
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Mom, may flip between Andrew and Kip depending what I like best. haha
OR whichever Bunny lets on air.
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So, I guess we just hang in here for Andrew's
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Great hour OP. I hope your playlist gets fixed next week.
Avatar 5:54pm

Thanks OP...
Avatar 🎸 5:55pm

Great show as always, Sir Peel
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DA the DJ:

Thanks everyone!
Avatar 5:55pm

Instrumental backing track for Little Pad from Smiley Smile
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
David (in London):

Thank you Orange Peel.
Have a good week groovers.
Avatar 5:55pm
Eric R:

I'm off for a little bit. Catch you all in about a half hour. Thanks OP. This was great
Richard Whig:

alright! loving this BD special
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