Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from August 14, 2022 Favoriting

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An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 16th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Daniel Blumin

Favoriting August 14, 2022: Johnny & The Moondogs Pray To The Gods Above For Rain

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
The Meters  Cissy Strut   Favoriting The Meters  Josie  1969  debut album / one of the 1st groups that the Neville Brothers formed    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Desire  Black Latex   Favoriting Escape  Italians Do It Better  2022    *   0:03:10 (Pop-up)
Padogische Hochschule  Finsternis   Favoriting P.H.  Graf Haufen Tapes  1982      0:07:28 (Pop-up)
Voice Farm  Seeing Is Believing   Favoriting Bigger Cooler Weirder  Morgan Creek Records  1991  San Francisco trio / "Seeing Is Believing" was not on original 1990 edition of this album, but was included in later editions    0:12:09 (Pop-up)
Blancmange  Radio Therapy   Favoriting Blanc Burn  Proper  2011  "Blanc Burn" was Blancmange's 4th album and it was released 25 years after their 3rd album    0:16:35 (Pop-up)
Klaus Weiss  Wide Open Space Motion   Favoriting Open Space Motion (Underscores)  Coloursound Library  1981      0:21:02 (Pop-up)
Stephen Mallinder  Shock To The Body   Favoriting Tick Tick Tick...  Dais  2022  Mallinder is one of the co-founders of Cabaret Voltaire  *   0:23:55 (Pop-up)
TELE83  Das Leuchten   Favoriting   TELE83  2022    *   0:30:25 (Pop-up)
Heiko Maile  Nachtspaziergang (Tape 40)   Favoriting Silberland - Kosmische Musik Vol 1 (1972-1986) (VA)  Bureau B  2022    *   0:33:41 (Pop-up)
Moebius  Etwas   Favoriting Tonspuren  Sky  1983      0:37:05 (Pop-up)
Carl Finlow  Emitter   Favoriting Desequence EP  20/20 Vision  2022  this track only appears on digital version (not on 12" LP)  *   0:40:55 (Pop-up)
Feldermelder & Julian Sartorius  Veloweg   Favoriting Bonne Route  -OUS  2022  Bonne Route is a village in Switzerland  *   0:46:51 (Pop-up)
Chris Liebing  Another Day (Radio Slave Another Dub Mix) (feat. Polly Scattergood)   Favoriting Another Day - EP (remixes)  Mute  2021      0:50:41 (Pop-up)
Populäre Mechanik  Scharfer Schnitt No.1   Favoriting Kollektion 03: Populäre Mechanik (Compiled by Holger Hiller)  Bureau B  2015  Populäre Mechanik is a group from Berlin    1:09:31 (Pop-up)
DSR Lines  Deluge   Favoriting Abstrakce Sample I (V/A)  Abstrakce Records  2022  this track was originally from their 2018 split, "The Encyclopedia Of Civilizations: Atlantis (Volume 2)" w/ Bitchin' Bajas  *   1:11:36 (Pop-up)
Eugeniusz Rudnik  Erdada 80/50/39.40 na tasme   Favoriting ERdada Na Taśmę  Requiem  2014  album was recorded in the studio of Boleslaw Blaszczyk using historical equipment withdrawn from use at the Polish Radio    1:17:06 (Pop-up)
Barton McLean  The Last 10 Minutes (Performance)   Favoriting Computer Music From The Outside In (split w/ Karl Korte & Reed Holmes)  Smithsonian Folkways  2004  orig 1983 / collection is a narrative exploration, with examples, of how 4 major computer music works are composed – from the Electronic Music Center, The University of Texas-Austin. This collection is a companion to "Electronic Music From The Outside In."    1:56:39 (Pop-up)
Miss Kittin & The Hacker  La Cave   Favoriting Third Album  Nobody's Bizzness  2022    *   2:08:10 (Pop-up)
Robert Hood / Paul Newman, et al.  Outlast / Nobody Can Eat 50 Eggs   Favoriting Technatural EP / Cool Hand Luke  M-Plan  2022  orig 2000 / this version is remastered  *   2:11:48 (Pop-up)
Max Cooper  Perpetual Motion   Favoriting Yearning For The Infinite  Mesh  2019  4th full-length album from this London producer    2:17:01 (Pop-up)
Michael Bundt  La Chasse Aux Microbes   Favoriting Just Landed Cosmic Kid  Offers Musik Produktion  1977      2:21:44 (Pop-up)
36  Room 6   Favoriting The Infinity Room  A Strangely Isolated Place  2016  36 (AKA Dennis Huddleston from UK) did a new reinterpretation of this album this year    2:30:15 (Pop-up)
Snowy Red  Madman (by David Bowie & Marc Bolan)   Favoriting The Right To Die  Weyrd Son  1982  Bolan & Bowie only got the chance to record a demo of this song - it was recorded 7 days before Bolan passed away    2:34:12 (Pop-up)
A-ha  Stay On These Roads   Favoriting Stay On These Roads  Warner  1988  3rd album from this Norwegian group    2:38:05 (Pop-up)
Blancmange  Don't Tell Me (Extended Mix)   Favoriting 12" A-side single    1984  orig version on "Mange Tout"    2:42:56 (Pop-up)
The Beatles  Rain   Favoriting Past Masters Volume Two      orig released as B-side to "Paperback Writer"    2:49:23 (Pop-up)
Jordan Reyes  Everything Is Always   Favoriting Everything Is Always  American Dreams  2022    *   2:52:17 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01am

So Sunday morning has began, predawn…
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02am

The Meters are a huge hometown act for us in New Orleans, for decades now
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:05am
David (in London):

Morning Moonshots.
All hail the wonderful Carol Crow.
Listener Bop Monroe:

greetings from slowly dawning Tannersville NY DJ CC and all.
bunnies on my front step, time for toast and tea.
berkshires matty:

just found $6 in the pocket of my hoodie!
Avatar 6:06am

Hello wonderful people. Carolista. 🎈
Avatar 6:07am
wizard frog:

howdy! 💃 🌜🌝 🌚🌛🌝 🌚🌜 🌚🌝🌛 💃
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:07am
Brian in UK:

Hello Carol & slow risers. This is the home of the hits.
Avatar 🌜 6:07am

I'm up way too early again today. Good morning Moonies.
Avatar 6:11am
I was Dave Bowman:

Houston, Tranquility Base here ... the Eagle has landed.
Avatar 6:11am

'Teacher training college'.
Intriguided, Carol, about your musical cornucopia!

Carol, the sounds are circling the earth...Thank you for the soundtrack to a sunset moonrise Sunday evening over here in Japan
Avatar 🌜 6:13am

I'm sitting here in the pre-dawn finsternis of Chicago. Guten morgen Heidee!
Avatar 6:14am

Ha ha, Yeti Bob, hiya! You may watch it grow brighter by the minute. Good you're up - for us!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:14am
Brian in UK:

There was a most wonderful red moon last evening.
Avatar 6:15am
wizard frog:

I was looking through the old playlists and noticed the show banner had variations of moon images a while back but it was the current Scottish Terrier iteration that prevailed!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:19am
David (in London):

G, Bop, matty, Heidee, Wiz, Brian, Count Yeti Bob, Dave, Paul. Salutations good Sunday people.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:21am
David (in London):

Walking home last night I saw that Blancmange are playing at Islington Town Hall, just round the corner from me. I might go and see them. I last saw them in 1985. Might be time for a round two...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21am
Paulo AD:

Heyyyyy ooohhhhh
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22am
Paulo AD:

Dai, booked the hotel this week. We're staying in Bermondsey
Avatar 6:22am

David, Paulo, all! 👋

morning greetings from Montreal!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26am
Paulo AD:

Guten aben Heidee :)
Avatar 6:26am

Hello G in New Orleans!
Listener Bop Monroe:

great, strong 1st set! Thnx!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27am
Paulo AD:

We went for unlimited wine and cheese last night, guess who feel ls great right now
Avatar 6:27am

Morning to the dapper David in London!
Avatar 6:28am

greetings Bop Monroe! say hello to the bunnies for me:)
Avatar 6:28am

@berkshires matty@6:06: sweet!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:29am

good morning everyone. good morning Carol!
Avatar 6:29am

Hello Heidee!
David in London:

Paulo, yes, I saw the local copper setting up barriers and checkpoints, and guessed as much. Go go go!
Listener Bop Monroe:

will do!
Avatar 6:30am

mystery of the week: yesterday, I got prepared to go out, finished reading my book, ate, took my bike downstairs from the 3rd story, did like 5 kilometres, was early by half an hour, had to witness a guy fighting violently with a woman (probably his gf/wife...) in the park while waiting...and then at 5.30 sharp, went to meet with my book group at the usual spot : NO. BO. DY . not ONE person out of the usual like 10 ! #twilightzone
Avatar 🌜 6:32am

Avrilinmay: Are you sure you had the right day? ;-)
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:32am

G'mornin Carol and all listeners. G8 start to an amazing summer day in Bklyn.
Avatar 6:32am

morning everyone !
Avatar 🌜 6:32am

Hiya Lunar Landers!! - Good morning Caz!
Avatar 6:33am

Loving today's electronic vibes!
Hi Avril, quite a mystery - now I'm interested in how you were ending your evening?
Hi Pabs!
Avatar 6:33am

@yeti : yes! that's immediately what I thought at first too. but then double checked when I got home and : yup: says saturday the 13th right there!
eric from lake hiawatha:

The last hours of my shift I was counting down to your show to take me home, you are wonderful
Avatar 6:34am

And which books did you prepare for the meeting?
Avatar 🌜 6:35am

Avatar 6:35am
I was Dave Bowman:

Avatar 6:37am

Good morning Carol, mooniz.
berkshires matty:

open the pod bay door hal
Avatar 6:39am
I was Dave Bowman:

Sup, TDK.
Avatar 6:42am

howdy wizard frog!
Avatar 6:43am

Hello Brian in UK. Haha!
Tom from Stirling:

Wait! What? Emitter. Yes, please.
Avatar 6:43am

Good morning Yeti Bob.
Peter from Dover NJ:

Good morning Carol and moon 🌙🌛units.
Avatar 🌜 6:43am

@Dave Bowman - Did I leave my headphones in your yard after we played Lawn darts??
Avatar 6:44am

Good morning Dave B.
Avatar 6:44am
I was Dave Bowman:

Hi, Carol.
Avatar 6:45am

@PaulV in Japan@6:12: Happy to have you with us!
Avatar 6:45am

that sounds like 💜 moonlight my sunday!
Avatar 6:46am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs...I'll look.
Avatar 6:49am

Morning, I was Dave B.
Avatar 6:49am

@heidee : I was a bit bummed so I went home immediately! :D I was surprised by my own reaction (well, not really *that* surprised) because I didn't wait more than 2 minutes! (but that's probably because I feel a bit like an outsider still, here (it's THE richie rich neighbourhood) but especially because of that violent **** I was talking about. so went home, did boring chores while relistening to JA's last thursday show at a decent volume (I was alone, which is rare) and then a podcast about books with an author I thought might interest the good people of this chat
(saying all this while thinking: I wish could have said "and then I went out partying/attended a concert instead" but yeah no... still not the case for me right now 😭)
Tom from Stirling:

The Bells! Why must I be made of stone like thee? - Q Moto
berkshires matty:

a kid got pegged...in the head...with lawnnn darttt
Avatar 6:52am

the book is not terribly exciting I'm afraid: a collection of essays by orwell (inside the whale ans other essays) bit it was the least boring and the less openly politically themed I could find out of the books I have with me, the rest is still in boxes in storage (or still on my whishlist, too expensive for me rn :D)
Avatar 6:55am

moral of that story: there's a wfmu playlist for every life disappointment :D
Avatar 🌜 6:56am

Orwell is still relevant as hell.
Avatar 6:56am

Same old story
Day after day
weird time in which we are alive

Another day
Tom from Stirling:

Another Day. Just Another Day on Earth. Isn't that a song too?
Polly Scattergood, kind of a funny name. Right?
Avatar 6:57am

@David (in London)@6:21: Oh man! Let us know how it is if you go!
Avatar 6:57am

Good morning Paulo AD!
Avatar 6:58am

morning Mark in Montreal!
Avatar 6:58am

peace to you Ike-o
Avatar 6:59am

good morning john_zilla!

Enjoying the heck out of todays show. Trying to get motivated to go for a run. It’s working
Avatar 6:59am

Avril: 👐
My yesterday's disappointment doesn't have the weight to compare, but I lost two gaming pieces from 'Connest Four' through the gaps of our wooden terrace.
Avatar 6:59am

Avatar 7:00am

@Avrilinmay@6:30: Huh! Well, we are glad to have you with us!
Avatar 7:00am

G'mornin Robini in Bklyn.
Avatar 7:00am

Radio slaves!
Avatar 7:01am

Good morning Pablexa™!
Avatar 7:01am

@heidee :D :D that's *extremely* annoying and I totally empathize! (my disappointment are no more serious than yours or any one's )
  🌜 7:02am

Carol, great set, Greeting from Croton on Hudson
Avatar 7:03am

Rave on CarolCrow!
Avatar 7:03am

@Carol : and thank the stars and moon for that!! (actually not sad about that because I knew I'd be with you today :) )
Cooh John:

Good morning Carol and moonsters. 🌙
Avatar 7:05am

Bone Root ... something like that
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:06am

these have been some really great tracks!!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:07am
Baja Joe:

Good morning Carol and everyone listening
berkshires matty:

i remember the Living on the ceiling video from MTV when i was in HS
Avatar 7:09am
I was Dave Bowman:

Avatar 🌜 7:12am

heidee - people sell the strangest things on ebay www.ebay.com...
Avatar 7:21am

@yeti : yes he is! I meant it in the way that I have such a long list with other titles, more contemporary, that are (seem I should say) more pressant, more updated, also more precise that I have been dying to read for a while (so it is more an issue strictly tied to my trajectory, when it comes to the sequence of books to read that I have in mind)
But that's actually what I thought reading this: he says stuff in the 40's that could totally apply to stuff right now, but then next sentence: something too generalizing to be taken seriously. like what's up with his view of anarchism? :D
Mr. Oxford:

Hello everyone. This Eugeniusz Rudnik track is great
Tom from Stirling:

The dew point has been under 50 degrees the last few days. Very comfortabe. But we need rain. The streams in the Swamp are bone dry.
Avatar 7:26am

@eric from hiawatha@6:33: glad you are heading towards the last hours of your work day! Glad to have you here:)
Avatar 7:26am

Good morning TDK60
Avatar 7:26am

@Carol@She's talking™️

/fɛldɘmɛldɘ ɘnd dʒu:lɪɘn satɔɹɪɘs/
/bɒn ruːt/
/u:/ or maybe /ɘs/

Something like that :-)

And yes: Finsternis translates as darkness, you were spot on, Carol. (Cf. Yeti Bob@6:13) :-)

@Yeti Bob: Great! Thanks, yes! I had just gone to the German ebay site as well and bought it! Thanks for looking, darling!
Avatar 7:27am

Bonjour Tom from Stirling.
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Good morning Peter from Dover NJ.
Avatar 7:28am

Good morning Toutevoix!
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@ryansterlingvirtue@6:59: enjoy your run!
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Good morning tubegear in Croton on Hudson!
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Good morning John in Columbus.
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Good morning Baja Joe in SI!
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@ryansterlingvirtue: here to motivate you even further. Go Go Go like Tom says
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Hello Mr. Oxford. Glad you are enjoying!
Avatar 7:33am

@Heidee@7:26: Thank you!!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:33am

hey now. enjoying the sounds.
Avatar 7:34am

So happy to have everyone here!
Tom from Stirling:

Bonjour Carol! Its Sunday . It's Serious Moonlight Sonatas!
And according to my watch we still have half more show to go! Give or take.
Avatar 7:40am

hey now dale!
berkshires matty:

btw if anyone wants a rescue emu, contact Mass SPCA. His name is Jerry.
Tom from Stirling:

Eugeniusz. Eugenio Suarez is one of my favorite basaball players. Because his name is Eugenio.

Hello fellow moon listeners
Avatar 7:46am

@Carol and @all who are interested in linguistics:
That 'veloweg' is a typical Swiss hybrid form of 'velo' (French for bicycle) and 'Weg' (German for path). Being a multinational country (French, German, Italian, and Romansh), you will hear a happy mix of parts of all within some single expressions. My favourite one is using the Swiss-German diminutive '-li' ((like a German dialectal '-lein', as in '-chen', meaning "little"), attached to the French word for skirt (jupe), you will hear "jupe-li", for example in a phrase like "Let's buy that little skirt". So sweet.
OK enough of that babble. Just out of curiosity.
I have family in Switzerland. 😀
Mr. Oxford:

Some of this sounds like the background noise of Space Ghost Coast to Coast.
Avatar 7:47am
I was Dave Bowman:

Robm, saying hi from Minneapolis.
Avatar 🌜 7:49am

Heidee - I worked at CERN for a while and got to travel around Switzerland. As somebody who studied German and a bit of French, it was endlessly fascinating.
Avatar 🌜 7:49am
Pablexa (TM):

Ima in the lake Dave Bowman
Avatar 7:50am
I was Dave Bowman:

In your kayak?
Avatar 7:50am

Hello Robm!
Avatar 7:50am
Really Lisa:

Hi Carol and all, belated thanks to anyone who posted info on my query to re-home the vinyl I won at last fmu marathon (pic of it in avatar). No takers so I will email Joe McG for fmu brick address, hoping it can be put to use / enjoyed there.
Hope everyone has a nice week. ☮️

Morning heidee
Morning i was dave
Avatar 🌜 7:50am

(my textbook French and German didn't help much with Swiss dialect, but it was a fun challenge)
Avatar 7:51am

@Heidee@7:46: Interesting! I would have never known that. Thank you!
Avatar 🌜 7:52am
Pablexa (TM):

@Dave Bowman yep
Avatar 7:52am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs...I'll miss you.
Avatar 🌜 7:52am
Pablexa (TM):

Avatar 🌜 7:53am
Pablexa (TM):

I'll leave you my remaining PBRs
Avatar 7:53am
I was Dave Bowman:

I admire you.
Avatar 7:54am

Really nice of you Really Lisa!
Listener Bop Monroe:


@Pabz...canoe swim?
Listener Bop Monroe:

the older tech is best for this type of stuff.
decommissioned polish radio echoplexs, yeah!
berkshires matty:

i gotta cut back on the nitrous oxide
Avatar 🌜 7:56am
Pablexa (TM):

@ Go LOL! No I actually cant
Avatar 🌜 7:56am

Heidee - once I got picked up by the police in Switzerland for riding a bike without insurance. I explained to the polizei that I had never heard of Fahrradversicherung. They told me that surely in Germany (where they assumed I was from, due to the Hochdeutsch) it is also required. When I showed them my USA passport, they shook their heads in disbelief and let me go. My proudest German-speaking moment.
Avatar 7:56am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs...For real?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:57am

Good Sunday Morning Carol and all those tuning in...

Avatar 🌜 7:59am
Pablexa (TM):

@Dave Bowman it's OK ima heading towards a beach. Am I at your back door??
Avatar 8:00am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs...Stay safe.
Avatar 8:00am

Thanks for appreciating, YB and Carol.
Yes, there aren't any official Swiss dictionaries since "Swiss languages" are spoken orally and are not codified. Of course there are the regular standardised national languages, but the variants are often subtle (and often not subtle), dialectal and phonetically striking.
Hi Really Lisa, hi Robm!
Ah, I just saw your story, YB, well done for passing as a German! (And tut-tut to the Swiss police for being so sqare-headed. They like to call it accurate.) :-)
Avatar 🌜 8:02am

Heidee - it's funny, when I am in Germany or Switzerland everyone can tell I'm "not from around here", but they never guess where I'm really from.
Avatar 🌜 8:02am
Michael of Cologne:

Sunday greetings to @Carol, @Heidee and all & sundry. Anything but Finsternis in the southern and northern skies on this day of swelter.
Avatar 8:02am

had no idea there was a bike insurance ! (not *that* surprised though) good to know !
Avatar 8:02am

Hi Really Lisa!
Avatar 🌜 8:03am
Pablexa (TM):

Ima passing some Loons. They look helpful should I get into trouble
Avatar 8:04am

YB if you ever make it to Heidelberg, let me know. We have a cracker of a dialect here.
Avatar 8:05am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs...Yes, they might tow you in.
Avatar 🌜 8:06am

Gruß Michael in Köln!
Avatar 🌜 8:08am
Pablexa (TM):

She's talking (tm)
Avatar 8:09am

@heidee : interesting, thank you for sharing this with us :)
Avatar 8:12am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14am

Good morning Carol and Moonies. Guten tag Heidee, IwDB, FU Pablo!!!(tm)
Avatar 🌜 8:15am
Pablexa (TM):

I made it to a beach and ima cold and will put on a shirt. There are swings here also
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15am

JB is in, let the fun begin!
Avatar 8:15am

@yeti @7:50 they never dooo they never do 😄
just kidding, all the love to the people making them. I am certain they work especially for vital phrases like "help" and stuff like that. It's one of those things that, the way I see it, the internet is unquestionably for: to be updated frequently with time for it to actually really work
Avatar 8:15am
I was Dave Bowman:

JB is here!

@JB...FU JB!!
Avatar 8:16am
Really Lisa:

Cool hand Luke 💜
Avatar 🌜 8:16am
Pablexa (TM):

Avatar 8:16am

Hi JB. Tach Michael.
Avatar 8:16am

: )
Avatar 8:17am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Lisa...Great movie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18am

GO is here? Who left the damn door open??
Avatar 🌜 8:18am
Pablexa (TM):

I think I see a Starbucks. I think ima gonna be OK
Avatar 🌜 8:18am

Heidee - Pfälzisch is the ancestor of the "Pennsylvania Dutch" spoken in parts of the USA. So if you ever find yourself among some Old Order Mennonites in the USA, you'll be right at home
Avatar 8:19am
Really Lisa:

@I was DB, yep one of the best!
Avatar 8:19am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs...What flavor?
Tom from Stirling:

"Prey", a solid prequel to the Predator films. A young Comanche girls kicks some serious Predator butt.
Avatar 8:20am

YB, yes that is really amazing!
Avatar 8:20am

Have to watch that film, Really Lisa!
Avatar 🌜 8:21am
Pablexa (TM):

@dave PBR

@Really Lisa..."what we have here is a failure to communicate"
Avatar 8:22am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs... Enjoy, my friend.
Avatar 8:23am
Really Lisa:

Hi Heidee! Def do watch it! So much going on.. esp from teaching perspective (watched it in a high school class.. was the third time I’d seen it). The symbolism! 💜
Avatar 8:23am

@pablexa : are you driving? (it's going to look like a contradictory question in a few if the answer is yes)
Avatar 🌜 8:24am
Pablexa (TM):

@Dave I was wrong it was a frigging Caribou. Ima doomed
Avatar 8:25am
Really Lisa:

@GO yes indeed. So many memorable lines.
Avatar 8:26am

Hello GO
Avatar 8:26am

Good Sunday Morning Strandlund
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Sunday greetings Michael of Cologne.
Avatar 8:27am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs...Buck up.
Avatar 8:27am

Good morning JB!!!
Avatar 8:28am
I was Dave Bowman:

JB has awesome hair.
The Butterman:

Morning CC, CC Rider, see what you done done.
Darn it all, slept too late!
Tom from Stirling:

"...failure to communicate" No "a"

@CarolCrow...Good morning to you. My virgin foray in listening to your show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29am

Hey Carol, how is the ankle/foot doing? I haven't been awake early enough to hear an update. Hope all is well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30am

@IwDB- I sure do. It's just now growing out of my ears.
Avatar 8:31am
I was Dave Bowman:

*laughs out loud*
Tom from Stirling:

The old synthesizer pieces always hit the spot.
Avatar 8:33am

Morning Butterman!
Tom from Stirling:

Oko! Room 6 is making my ears so happy.

Avatar 🌜 8:38am
Pablexa (TM):

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39am

Love you Carol, peace out Loonies. I gotta leave now.
Avatar 8:39am
I was Dave Bowman:

Later, JB.
Avatar 🌜 8:39am
Pablexa (TM):

Have a great day

See ya JB...don't forget to shut the damn door!
Avatar 8:41am

Aha, perfect leaving music. Thank you Carol and all for a lively and entertaining chat, thanks for enduring my effervescent patter. Will look out for the film, Really Lisa, stay well and happy. Be happy all.
Avatar 8:42am

bye JB
Avatar 8:42am
I was Dave Bowman:

It's laundry day. Mow the lawn? That's too much for a Sunday.
Avatar 🌜 8:43am
Pablexa (TM):

Ask Dave Bowman. I do a great take on me at karaoke
Avatar 8:43am
Really Lisa:

Cheers, Heidee, take care too.
Avatar 8:43am

@heidee : your patter est un plaisir. Have a great day
Avatar 🌜 8:44am
Pablexa (TM):

My lawn didn't need mowing much of the summer. It's just brown and dead
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I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs...I'd pay to see that.
Avatar 🌜 8:45am
Pablexa (TM):

My brown lawn or karaoke? There's video. Although that might be free falling
Avatar 8:45am
I was Dave Bowman:

Avatar 🌜 8:46am
Pablexa (TM):

You gotta come out to a meet up
The Butterman:

Pablexa, you a great take on “Take on me.” That’s a lot of take. I have a friend who was obsessed with Morton Harket in high school but now won’t admit it. What’s to be ashamed of he’s cute.
Avatar 🌜 8:47am
Pablexa (TM):

I just like to hear Caz say Blancmange
Avatar 8:47am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs...I need to.
Avatar 🌜 8:49am
Pablexa (TM):

We wanna meet ya Dave. I know it's scary, but you'll end up having a good time

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I was Dave Bowman:

@Pabs...Will bug be there?
Avatar 8:51am
I was Dave Bowman:

We need more rain.
Avatar 🌜 8:51am
Pablexa (TM):

Bug never shows
Tom from Stirling:

Rain? Yes, please. We could use rain around these parts.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am

Thank you, Carol! 🪶
Avatar 🌜 8:54am
Pablexa (TM):

Oh! This is nice
Avatar 8:54am

Formidablissime Carol always a pleasure finding sideways under the moonlight sending love
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Carol. Have a moonful week.
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I was Dave Bowman:

Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:55am

there were brush fires at the top of bear mountain last week. creeks are down to a trickle around here. lawn looks like a sand dune.
Avatar 🌜 8:56am
Pablexa (TM):

She's Talking (tm)
Tom from Stirling:

Go go go. Its amazing. go Go GO.
Avatar 8:56am

who is in the booth this morning ? volunteers taking care of the mail, people keeping the station breathing and transmitting, Great morning and thanks to YOU!
and thank you Carol. Hope you are feeling better now
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:56am

what a great show today Carol!! great selections
Avatar 🌜 8:56am
Pablexa (TM):

I AM AT THE BEACH!!! And people are looking at me funny
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I was Dave Bowman:

Put your clothes on.
Avatar 8:57am

The only road I wanna be on is the Freeform one. Thanks Carol!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am

Thanks Carol...you and your music were great company this morning
hendrix wolfbat:

Wow I’m really sorry I missed this set and I will be looking for your show when it’s available on the archives
Avatar 8:59am

@pablexa : don't mind them too much, enjoy yourself. "be in the moment" as they say :))

Have a Mice Day 🐭
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I was Dave Bowman:


Mlle Carol Thanks for the musical journey. All stay safe and be well
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 9:00am
Brian in UK:

Avatar 🌜 9:01am
Pablexa (TM):

Thanks Caz
lazy pierogi:

Avatar 9:16am

Thank you to all for listening! Happy Sunday:)
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