Favoriting Music Only I Care About with Miss Mei: Playlist from February 14, 2023 Favoriting

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Music Only I Care About is the place to go for anything weird, forgotten and fun: Demos, Private Press, Outsider oddities and more! A little bit of odd, and a little bit of even odder, brought to you by a bespectacled bird with a lisp and a love for archiving.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting February 14, 2023: Ambient music for the heart...

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Artist Track Album Label Format Approx. start time
Dick Sutphen and Upper Astral  Trance Sex   Favoriting Trance Sex    CD  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Steven Cooper  Soulmate Suite   Favoriting Soulmate Suite  Valley Of The Sun Publishing  Cassette  1:00:02 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 1:01pm
Mr Fab:

Avatar 1:02pm
Miss Mei:

Hello! We will be starting momentarily....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm

Hi Miss Mei
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:04pm
Rich in Washington:

love this track
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:06pm
Rich in Washington:

Hi everyone.
Hi MHLee! How far are you from the ever-expanding column of black death that on one outside of Ohio is allowed to talk about?
Avatar 1:06pm
Mr Fab:

how many people have listened to WFMU and thought "the radio is broken"?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm
Rich in Washington:

I think the radio is broken
Avatar 1:08pm
Miss Mei:

Can you hear synthesized choir voices ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm

↳ Rich in Washington @1:06
It's 100 miles North of my parents, about 50 miles from the state boarder
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

First time listener here.
Avatar 1:08pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @1:08
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

Hi Miss Mei and Sheena family.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm
Jan Turkenburg:

Some cosmic interference, but I think we have established connection!
Avatar 1:08pm
Miss Mei:

This album has subliminal messages in it that are designed to make...sex..better I guess?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:09pm

↳ Rich in Washington @1:06
it seems foretold that the mutant race will be spawned in some obscure corner in Ohio. Yes, I know, really inappropriate humor but the seriousness of that conflagration prompts me.
Avatar 1:09pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Trance Sex" by "Dick Sutphen and Upper Astral"
Dick wants to go Upper Astral.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10pm
Rich in Washington:

I met Dick Sutphen but he didn't try any of this trance sex business with me. Whew!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10pm

↳ MHLee @1:08
60 miles from Pittsburgh
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Miss Mei:

↳ Rich in Washington @1:10
I have been following the late Sutphen's label since 2012.
Avatar 1:11pm
Miss Mei:

At the time that I discovered it I was still in high school and would play the albums from his label in my yoga class I took.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:12pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ Miss Mei @1:11
I still listen back to your earlier New Age cassette episodes. I love them so much.
Avatar 1:12pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Rich in Washington @1:12
I'm so glad! This was put together pretty quickly.
Avatar 1:13pm
Miss Mei:

Tomorrow marks 1 year since someone I care for deeply passed away and I just wasn't able to get a regular show with the usualy weirdness I play together.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:13pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ Miss Mei @1:11
I've told this story before but I remember whole spinny racks of these types of cassettes in the bookstore my mom worked in and he and other new agey authors and artists would do in-store appearances.
Avatar 1:14pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @1:08
you never know what you're gonna get with Miss Mei. Might be talentless sociopathic internet rappers, might be blissful spacey ambience.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:15pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ Mr Fab @1:14
that's why I dig this show so much.
Avatar 1:17pm

Enjoying what I'm hearing! d^_^b
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Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:14
Next week is gonna be another show of Spanish Clowns.
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Miss Mei:

Ok well I might play one singing in Portuguese too... (Brazil's Bozo The Clown)
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Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @1:18
Mas payasos locos? O mi dios!
Avatar 1:21pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:20
Yep, next week we finally introduce PAYASO CARNAVALITO
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Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:20
I'm writing the setlist as we speak
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I've known muchos payasos in my time
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:35pm

There's something a little eerie about this record
Avatar 1:38pm
Mr Fab:

↳ MHLee @1:35
yeah, don't know if this would get ya "in the mood."
Definitely good for some moods, but maybe not that one.
Avatar 1:45pm
Miss Mei:

↳ MHLee @1:35
It is actually an edit of an existing tape by Upper Astral.
Avatar 1:58pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Miss Mei @1:18
Awesome. Also, someone should send DJ GG an invite to next week's clown show.
Avatar 2:03pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr. Oxford @1:58
There is an unspoken rule that these clowns are only used for good and not evil.
Avatar 2:06pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Miss Mei @2:03
I stand corrected. I shall obey this rule and use clown music only to make people happy and spread goodness.
Avatar 2:11pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Song: "Soulmate Suite" by "Steven Cooper"
This is quite nice.
Avatar 2:21pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:11
Steven Cooper made quite a few great albums.

Happy… Tuesday
Avatar 2:22pm
Mr Fab:

We need to be in a planetarium!
Avatar 2:23pm
Mr Fab:

imagining Carl Sagan speaking over this...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:31pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ Mr Fab @2:22
"...and onto the far left, you can BARELY make out Uranus.."
"...Okay, kids, very funny! Do we need to end this field trip and go home? Hmmmm?"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:31pm
Rich in Washington:

God. I actually and unironically enjoy this kind of music.
Avatar 2:44pm

↳ Mr Fab @2:23
Wish granted! melodysheep.bandcamp.com...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:49pm

↳ HyperDose @2:44
I had forgotten about that work. Thanks.
Avatar 2:49pm

Love Melodysheep. Discovered his stuff when he did that remix EP for PBS.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ WR @2:49
Me too! That's wonderful.
Avatar 2:51pm
Miss Mei:

Hope everyone has enjoyed these 2 albums. It's a beautiful day outside and once this finishes I gotta go and get a walk in.
Avatar 2:52pm
Mr. Oxford:

Thank you Miss Mei for today's show! Really enjoyed it. I love such ambient music shows from you.
Avatar 2:53pm

I was just on the balcony and it was lovely here. Enjoy your walk!
Avatar 2:54pm
Mr Fab:

Over already? Guess I really was put into a trance. Thanks so much Miss Mei, it’s truly appreciated.
Avatar 2:54pm
Miss Mei:

Well, I may not enjoy it fully because after a 5 and a half hour walk yesterday, my ankles feel like they were hit with sledgehammers. But it's too pretty looking out to not go for a walk.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57pm
Rich in Washington:

<insert John Cage joke>
Avatar 2:58pm

Been lurking in the back round Great Show
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:59pm

Thank you!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:00pm

↳ Rich in Washington @2:57
I was wondering where the sound went, I had to refresh my player,
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