Favoriting Wired Up!: Playlist from August 12, 2023 Favoriting

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Two Action Packed hours of Junkshop Glam and Bubblegum 45s, w your hosts, Velvet Tinmine & Kitten Sparkles’ Glitterbox DJs Don Bolles (AKA Kitten Sparkles) & Noah “King of Glam” Wallace! Prepare to stomp, Shout, and jump around to the groovy sounds of “The 70s We Never Got to Have” here in the USA. High energy super catchy songs, - and almost none of it ever made it to America! Crank it up and yell “Hey!” w all the groovy glitter kids and Bubble Gum Disciples! Also Teen Wave, Bonehead,Ye Ye, and lots of other Glam-adjacent pop styles! Guests! Fun! And all on 7” / 45RPM!

Saturday 3 - 5pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting August 12, 2023: WIRED UP! #152

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Label Year Format Comments Images Approx. start time
Walkers  Fire   Favoriting Phillips  1973  7"  Denmark 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bonnie St. Claire & Unit Gloria  Waikiki Man   Favoriting Phillips  1973  7"  Netherlands (German Pic sleeve) 
0:04:36 (Pop-up)
Galahad  Rocket Summer   Favoriting Bell  1973  7"  UK (German pic sleeve) 
0:08:34 (Pop-up)
Rubettes  I Can Do It   Favoriting State  1975  7"  UK (French pic sleeve) 
0:11:31 (Pop-up)
First Class  Beach Baby   Favoriting UK  1974    UK 
0:16:03 (Pop-up)
Apple Pie and Custard  Doctor Fantastic   Favoriting Phillips  1975    Italy 
0:20:04 (Pop-up)
Alice Cooper  Lundy Tune   Favoriting Warner Bros.  1972    US 
0:23:21 (Pop-up)
Bohanna  Jamaica   Favoriting Discophon  1970  7"  US (Spanish pic sleeve) 
0:26:10 (Pop-up)
T. Rex  Baby Strange   Favoriting Ariola  1972    Germany 
0:28:17 (Pop-up)
Jimmy Jukebox  Motor Boat   Favoriting Sonet  1975  7"  UK (Swedish pic sleeve) 
0:31:13 (Pop-up)
Tracey Dean  Boy On The Ball   Favoriting Decca  1974  7"  Germany 
0:38:02 (Pop-up)
Toggle  Tiger Woman   Favoriting Decca  1974  7"  France 
0:40:39 (Pop-up)
Screemer  Interplanetary Twist   Favoriting Bell  1976    UK 
0:44:29 (Pop-up)
Catapult  Let Your Hair Hang Down   Favoriting EMI  1974  7"  Netherlands 
0:48:29 (Pop-up)
The Running Jumping Standing Still Band  Aye-O   Favoriting Liberty  1969  7"  UK (German pic sleeve) 
0:51:09 (Pop-up)
Dizzy Man’s Band  Dizzy On the Rocks   Favoriting EMI  1974  7"  Netherlands 
0:53:25 (Pop-up)
Kenny and the Car Parks  Top Speed   Favoriting Sonet  1980  7"  UK (Dutch pic sleeve) 
0:56:44 (Pop-up)
Twinkle Ripley  Caroline   Favoriting Bradley’s Records  1974  7"  UK 
0:59:54 (Pop-up)
Bobby Dazzler  Easy Loving Lady   Favoriting Bellaphon  1978    Germany 
1:03:17 (Pop-up)
Bumbles  Beep Beep   Favoriting purple Records  1972  7"  UK 
1:06:21 (Pop-up)
Buzz  Motorway Madness   Favoriting Polydor  1976    UK 
1:09:26 (Pop-up)
Astrologer  Bang Bang Orangatang   Favoriting Lollipop Records  2023    US 
1:13:02 (Pop-up)
The Panics  Superwoman   Favoriting Carrere  1972    France 
1:15:28 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno  King’s Lead Hat   Favoriting Polydor  1978  7"  UK 
1:21:17 (Pop-up)
Jet  Nothing To Do With Us   Favoriting CBS  1975    UK 
1:25:08 (Pop-up)
Hammered Satin  Avalanche   Favoriting Unreleased  2020    US 
1:29:37 (Pop-up)
Fogg  Dancin’ To The Music   Favoriting Warner Bros  1975  7"  UK (German pic sleeve) 
1:30:51 (Pop-up)
Fancy Space People  Candy   Favoriting Unreleased  2007    US 
1:36:17 (Pop-up)
Children  Billy Boy   Favoriting RCA  19749  7"  Denmark 
1:40:12 (Pop-up)
Johnny Dick  The Warrior   Favoriting Albert Productions  1975    Australia 
1:41:51 (Pop-up)
Promises  Tiger   Favoriting CBS  1977  7"  UK (Dutch pic sleeve)u 
1:45:40 (Pop-up)
Celebrity Skin  S.O.S.   Favoriting Triple X  1990    US 
1:48:53 (Pop-up)
Tide Turners  Bolly Boo   Favoriting Bellaphon  1971    Germany 
1:52:55 (Pop-up)
Black Fire  come on and do it   Favoriting RCA  1975  7"  Netherlands (German Pic sleeve) 
1:57:25 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
Krys O.:


Hey chat
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Debbie Davenport:

Hi everyone!
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Bri The Beatnik:

Yay! I almost thought you guys left us! 😭
Avatar 3:01pm
Bri The Beatnik:

I hear Ella mae morse, not Wired up
Avatar 3:02pm
Bri The Beatnik:

Ok yay! We’re on!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:02pm

Hello, Wired Ones,
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Bri The Beatnik:

Heya Sem!
Avatar 3:02pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:01
Me too Bri. Now here we got the song.
I'm a Wired Up fan for life! I'll never leave
Cheree July:

Don was looking for the Wired Up theme.
Avatar 3:02pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @3:02
I love this show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:02
Hey, Bri!
Avatar 3:03pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:02
Avatar 3:03pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @3:03
Cheree July:

Thanks for the 💗 Bri!🥰
Avatar 3:07pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Cheree July @3:05
Of course! 💗 :)

I'm always happy to tune in and hear some songs that aren't my stale playlist that I've been blasting all week
Avatar 3:08pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kittimu @3:07
Same here! Also this song reminds me of Painter man!
Cheree July:

Agreed Kittimu!
Avatar 3:09pm
Bri The Beatnik:

“White Kinky men?” -Dad
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Debbie Davenport:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:09
🤣 OMG I will always hear it that way now.
Avatar 3:10pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @3:10
Lol! 😂😂
Cheree July:

That's a Dad joke even Don couldn't come up with😆🤣
Avatar 3:11pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Cheree July @3:11
Haha! 😂
Avatar 3:12pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Hi there.
Cheree July:

This Galahad song would be a perfect roller rink jam.
Avatar 3:13pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Cheree July @3:13
Heck yeah!

If they played glam at my roller rink I'd sure go a lot more.
Avatar 3:13pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @3:12
Hey Kitten!
Avatar 3:14pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kittimu @3:13

I hate when they play modern music at roller rinks. It feels morally wrong. Put on some disco for gods sake.

you guys get me?
Avatar 3:16pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Kittimu @3:13
They used to play glam and disco at my roller rink. But in the 70's. I thought it was exciting to request stuff too. Flashlight, Frankenstein and Various things by sweet were my typical requests.
Avatar 3:16pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kittimu @3:14
I feel! We went to a “80s roller rink night” turns out we were the only ones dressed 80s and there was only one 80s song played: Afrika Bombatta

I don't think I've ever been to a roller rink where they played glam actually. What a depressing life i lead.

Bri, that sounds *painful*. What music DID they play?!
Avatar 3:17pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kittimu @3:17
Mostly 2015 pop, it was 8 years ago
Avatar 3:18pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:17
That’s when I STOPPED listening to pop, I know I’m young but I realized the older the better!
Avatar 3:18pm
Debbie Davenport:

Do they have live djs right where you can skate up to the dj for requesting? Or does the cleck at the skate rental just play what they are told to play by the company?
Avatar 3:18pm
Bri The Beatnik:

The only time I heard Glam in public was when I went to a punk night at a bowling alley

Yeah that's back when I still listened to pop too. I kinda slowed down my radio listening after that and then in 2020 i basically only listened to david bowie for the whole year and that reset my whole taste
Avatar 3:19pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @3:18
Probably by the company, I can’t remember requesting anything

....punk night at a bowling alley? I've never heard of such a thing
Avatar 3:20pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kittimu @3:19
What a reset though! And yeah, there’s this cool bowling alley that has themed nights every night!
Avatar 3:20pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:19
That's too bad. It was an exciting taste of what was to come for children. like an example of what a club or live band show would be. That is how I looked at it in Elementary school anyway.

Heya Don and crew. I git this 4 CD comp when Evan Funk Davies interviewed John Carter last year sometime.
Avatar 3:21pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @3:20
Exactly! Mom talks of her glory days of skating in the 70s

Yeah i think in early 2020, on david bowie's deathday, one of the classic rock stations was playing Suffragette City and I'd never heard it before and I was like "oh this is really good actually". And I still think it's really good.
Avatar 3:22pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kittimu @3:21
My dad loves David Bowie and put Ziggy stardust on my mp3 player when I was younger. I thought it was very ahead of its time. New sounding even

I don't think the roller rink I was going to lets you skate up to the dj to request a song either. Like the booth is by the rink, and you could mayyyybe yell a request, but it's kind of hard to see them.
Avatar 3:26pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Kittimu @3:22
We used to race right over to ours when we were 10-12 and the table the dj's used was waist level to us. we didn't even have to leave the oval skate part. and we could lean over and say, would you play Frankenstein again. I thought it was so cool that he would do that. I know I mentioned it before. but what a thrill. to be conversing with a 20 something dj! I want that kind of safe ish fun for all tweens.
Avatar 3:26pm
Debbie Davenport:

Thank you Sacramento Skate World" or whatever chain that was.

Yeah at the rink I went to, you have to look up to see the dj, and there's a black box all around them. So that'd be a pain.
Avatar 3:28pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Kittimu @3:27
Well at least there was a live dj. I'm glad about that.

That WAS a chain the 70s. I remember going there with my girlfriend.
Avatar 3:28pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Carmichael @3:28
What a great date!
Cheree July:

There was a chain of roller rinks?
Avatar 3:29pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Cheree July @3:29
a few
Avatar 3:30pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Cheree July @3:29
Yes, Skate world’s still around as far as I believe

Regional chain. And that Bohanna was Joey Levine, speaking of chains HA HA
Avatar 3:33pm
Debbie Davenport:

I also rollerskated in Michigan. I think it was the same chain. That one was more sketchy. no djs around that I saw but good music. Peter Frampton was big and I was into him even though I wanted Andy Gibb too. The 20 somethings came on to the children there and skated with us. Didn't dj and talk about bands. I wound up with a 20 something boy friend that had the dj play a lot of Peter Frampton all night while he sang the songs in my ear. He looked like him too. haha oh my god. I wish I didn't burn most of his letters. He sent me a lot of devil stuff in the mail and it scared me.
Avatar 3:33pm
Bri The Beatnik:

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Bri The Beatnik:

Recent discovery for me that I ADORE!!!
Cheree July:

Laying it on a little thick, Charmichael.
Avatar 3:34pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Song: "Motor Boat" by "Jimmy Jukebox"
Someday i will find this record. With sleeve!!!
Avatar 3:34pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @3:33
I’m from Michigan so that’s how I know skate world. You may have skated with my mom! 😂😂

Bri, how long you been listening to wired up for? Don't think I've seen you in the comments before today
Avatar 3:35pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:34
haha! Maybe if she was there the week or two I was there. I was normally in California.
Avatar 3:35pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @3:35
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kittimu @3:34
I’ve been listening since winter of 2020, but I’m not always in the chats
Avatar 3:36pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey, I'm confused. Who is DJing this show? Anyway, hello from Japan!

As is my wont.
Avatar 3:36pm
Bri The Beatnik:

Hey Mike!
Avatar 3:36pm
Mike Rogers:

Hi Bri san!

Don Bolles from The Joims is DJ'ing
Avatar 3:37pm
Mike Rogers:

...And the Bridudes and Bridudetttes!

Heya Mike. Long time no rock!

You're in Japan? When I was in Japan I think I missed a couple shows of this cause timezones, what time is it for you
Avatar 3:38pm
Mike Rogers:

Hi Carmichael san!
Avatar 3:38pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:34
But my ex boyfriend was a regular. She may of known him. Rob. I think it's the same Rob who married my cousin Wendy. He was a drummer. His address was Ohio but he came to that rink in Michigan.
Avatar 3:38pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @3:38
I’ll see maybe she knows him

i wont stand for this jobriath slander :(
Avatar 3:39pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Kittimu @3:37
Hi Kittimu san,
It is now 4:39 am Sunday!
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @3:38
Mom says she can’t remember, it’s been 43 years lol
Avatar 3:41pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:39
🤣 I know how she feels. I wish I would of saved his letters. He wanted me to send him photos for an album they were putting out. I was such a stupid little kid I didn't understand what he meant and i just took photos of myself walking around and stuff.

Ooh, 4 AM. yeah, that's why I missed every show while I was on vacation. Jet lag's bad enough without an utterly deranged sleep cycle.
Cheree July:

Kittimu, you might've heard me say in the background, "Hey! I grew up in PA, the state where Jobriath is from!"
Avatar 3:42pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Kittimu @3:41
I woke up at 2:30 am! I'm used to it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:42pm

J went out driving for first time in ten years!
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @3:41
OH HAHA!! Lol!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:42pm

Loving that song.
Avatar 3:42pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Mike Rogers @3:42
We have sleep schedules like that. Even on his days off my husband wakes up between 2 and 4
Avatar 3:43pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Song: "Tiger Woman" by "Toggle"
Misheard this as tiger Woolworths! 😂
Avatar 3:43pm
Mike Rogers:

He will be blessed with a long life!
Avatar 3:44pm
Bri The Beatnik:

Been up since 6:30!
Avatar 3:44pm
Debbie Davenport:

Tiger Woolworths. Where the white kinky man is.
Avatar 3:44pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Debbie Davenport @3:42
You will be blesse wiht a coffee or tea.
Avatar 3:45pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @3:44
Avatar 3:45pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Mike Rogers @3:44
Avatar 3:47pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Song: "Interplanetary Twist" by "Screemer"
Not so far away!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:48pm

hey y'all i've been tuned in but getting ready to go out.
Thank you for the exit music!

take care
Cheree July:

I just said to myself, two years, Bri!🫨😳
Avatar 3:48pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Cheree July @3:48
I know, crayz

Man, i don't feel like I'm living in the future
Cheree July:

Fer reals.
Avatar 3:49pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kittimu @3:48
Me neither haha!

Although maybe that's a strange thing to say in an online chatroom seeing as I'm talking to people from all over, in the comments of a radio show no less

fuck it just get a buzz and DANCE
Avatar 3:50pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kittimu @3:50
Lol it’s ok
Avatar 3:51pm
Mike Rogers:

I know there are more Japanese listening, but they are half asleep.
Avatar 3:52pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ @3:50
Me too!!
Avatar 3:53pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ @3:50

Cheree July:

Half Japanese, as in the Noise Rock band?
Avatar 3:54pm
Bri The Beatnik:

This show is pure happiness! When I was going through my breakdown 3 years ago, this was the only show that made me extremely happy!
Avatar 3:55pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Cheree July @3:54
Haha, read it that way too
Avatar 3:55pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Cheree July @3:54
I'm half Japanese! Are they really half?
Cheree July:

Awww, glad we helped, Bri.
Avatar 3:56pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Cheree July @3:56
Of course! 💗
Avatar 3:56pm
Debbie Davenport:

I saw a Dizzy Mans Band record where they were all naked! 8 man butts on one sleeve!!!
Avatar 3:56pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks everyone. Thanks Bri san!
Avatar 3:56pm
Bri The Beatnik:

I’ve totally recovered since
Cheree July:

Not sure, Mike.
Avatar 3:56pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Mike Rogers @3:56
Of course!
Avatar 3:57pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @3:56

yeah dude this radio shows turned me onto mass 45's i now own and i know how to shake it
Avatar 3:58pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ @3:58
Cheree July:

You guys are missing the visual of Don dancing😆🤣
Avatar 3:59pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Cheree July @3:59
Darn!!! I loved that during the covid lockdown. Watching him move his hips and sing along.

been addicted to collecting records since i was wee little

this worlds a bummer w/out dope jams and a head change
Cheree July:

I guess that's how Don made $800 a FB DJ set?😄😆
Avatar 4:01pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ @4:00
Same here. I used to take them to birthday parties for the other kids too. We didn't have vcrs and disney movies. just records.
Avatar 4:01pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ @4:00
I miss collected records but I’m broke rn!
Avatar 4:02pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @4:01
That’s Better tho!

some uh these records go for dirt cheap man
Avatar 4:03pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ @4:02
Always hunting in those dollar bins for gems!

then theres the ones you gotta drop a dime on
Avatar 4:04pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Cheree July @4:01
😮 I was going to ask you again if he has the same mailing asddress since moving. If he's making shit tons of money he doesn't need me to send him records. It's almost silly of me. I just wanted him to feel appreciated and not feel bad since Noah stopped djing. He seemed concerned at first that he didn't have enough records.
Avatar 4:04pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ @4:03
Thrift stores are the best!

true i found so many killer records @ goodwill for $1 each
Avatar 4:06pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ @4:05
Awesome! I found some for about 25c at Salval

Cheree July:

Yes, Debbie, he's still in Huntington Park, but he moved into a bigger studio in his building. I'll have to get his updated address. He's not making shit tons of money yet though, but I'm helping him to try & do so.
Avatar 4:11pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Cheree July @4:07
I'm glad he has your help. And I'm glad he found ways to get a huge variety happening with his programming even when he doesn't have a particular song. Linking to youtube or whatever.
Twice at the post office they insisted we should use an apartment number. But Don just said that ther are only a few people and it always just goes to one address. So I'll treat it like before. Mailing him something in september in sync with the WFMU donation time.

Buzz motorway madness is spendy idn'it
Avatar 4:12pm
Debbie Davenport:

It still seems like a weird thing to do. But I don't care. I want him to feel the love from his radio fans. He inspires us.
Avatar 4:13pm
Kitten Sparkles:

I wanna do morHope y'all don;t mind hearing Bang Bang Orangutab. Asreologer tour starts monday night in Phoenix!
Avatar 4:14pm
Bri The Beatnik:

Handclaps! Turn up!!
Avatar 4:14pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @4:13
I've been listening at home a lot. I love it.
Avatar 4:16pm
Bri The Beatnik:

I’ve been inspired to start a glam punk/garage/bubblegum new wave/Powerpop band!
Cheree July:

The Astrologer song from our viral music video!
Avatar 4:17pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:16
Avatar 4:17pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @4:17
Thank you! I for sure will!
Avatar 4:18pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:17
Avatar 4:18pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @4:18

I really want to start a glam band someday too but it's dang near impossible to find anyone my age with my music taste in my state. Ugh.
Avatar 4:18pm
Debbie Davenport:

I love it when inspired people do their thing.

unless you keep hookin up w/ FLAKES
Avatar 4:19pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Kittimu @4:18
In the whole state?! Yikes. I didn't know how good I had it growing up in California. Oregon is surprisingly hip too.
Avatar 4:20pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kittimu @4:18
Same here! My friend is the only one in my band and he’s more into Green day and stuff like that. I’m not lol
Avatar 4:21pm
Bri The Beatnik:

Once so get the money, I’m gonna buy myself a pair of purple platform shoes and a boa to match

I'm in colorado right now which is bad enough but soon enough I'm moving to Wyoming and.... yeah, people joke that state doesn't exist for a reason. life is a game and I'm losing
Avatar 4:21pm
Debbie Davenport:

Oh cool. I didn't know that about the R J S S Band
Avatar 4:22pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kittimu @4:21
Oof, yeah, I don’t know much about Colorado’s taste

Me neither tbh. Yeah I mean there's that glam revival band the Velveteers here but they sound way too grunge for my taste.
Avatar 4:23pm

↳ Kittimu @4:21
could be worse, you could be marooned in florida like me...
Avatar 4:23pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Kittimu @4:21
YOu know i'm meeting more and more people from Wyoming. They are moving into Oregon. No wonder! I've only been through there once on a family trip. Guns and fireworks for sale EVERYWHERE!
Avatar 4:23pm
Bri The Beatnik:

Spotfiy’s Dj said I have the same taste as Akron Ohio. I was excited, until they played Akron rap which I know nothing about. I was thinking more like DEVO!

theres MASS flaky "musicians" in seattle
Avatar 4:24pm
Bri The Beatnik:

Before he was ambient, He was GLAMBIENT!

Florida? You know Roxx Revolt and the Velvets? They're a real good band.

Bri, I never ever trust Spotify's recommendations. They keep showing me "slacker rock". Ew.
Avatar 4:25pm
Bri The Beatnik:

Thank god I didn’t move to Seattle. I wanted to
Move there and start a whole grunge revival when I was in 8th grade and that was my taste lol! Haven’t gone back to it since
Avatar 4:26pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Might rock an unreleased Hammered Satin track...

yeah dude fuck seattle
Avatar 4:26pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kittimu @4:25
I don’t mind Pavement and stuff, but it depends what kind of slacker rock. Haven’t listened to much since 2021

stick w/ the oldschool roots holmes
Avatar 4:27pm
Bri The Beatnik:

I think the way to hack Spotify’s algorithms is to add a bunch of songs to your liked songs. Besides the time they think my taste is the same with the town, they’re pretty on point, playing Power pop and 60s psych
Avatar 4:27pm

↳ Kittimu @4:25
I'm metaphorically emerging from being cloistered, so, I'm only aware of bands I've bumped into this summer (or ones from gainesville, and ones I knew pre-pandemic)
Avatar 4:28pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Might do an unreleased Hammered Satin tracj. abd maaaybe a Fabcy Space People thing - we may be playing soon!

Oh. I never use the "liked songs". I just make a big playlist. I guess I'll try that. Thanks.

i have an lp by Jet
Cheree July:

northguineahills, doesn't Florida have biblical leporesy right now?😱😵
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↳ Kittimu @4:21
there is at least one woofmoo regular from wy, if I remember their tag, I'll let you know...
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kittimu @4:28
Of course! And you can even like whole playlists on the computer app. I have over 170,000 songs liked

death - leprosy is a sick album but thats death metal
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Bri The Beatnik:

The only new bands I knew were my ex’s. But I haven’t kept up since the breakup

I have a couple of my friends' playlists liked so I don't lose them. But that's about all
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Bri The Beatnik:

I tried to get his band played on WFMU once. That’s actually how I found out about WFMU, cos my high school creative writing teacher told his brother about them being potentially played on here
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Debbie Davenport:

I love this Hammered Satin song. I want it. It's showed up in my dreams before.

Oh I'm always listening to current glam bands. I haven't gone scraping instagram for new bands in months, though, I should really start looking again
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Kittimu @4:31
Cool! I haven’t paid much attention to the new glam wave, mostly stuck in the 70s. But when I do hear it, it’s cool!
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↳ Cheree July @4:28
literal and politically metaphorical leprosy exists in florida...

biblical leprosy, was an assortment of symptoms that left skin white and flaky, so it could have been caused by many maladies. The 'modern' leprosy essentially extinct, but, it does arise occasionally, just like yersinia pestis (bubonic plague)..
Cheree July:

Debbie, that was Avalanche by Hammered Satin. It's on Bandcamp & YouTube.

i got 2 Fogg 45's this being one of em
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ northguineahills @4:33
That sucks
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↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:34
i'd rather deal w/ literal leprosy...(en serio, there's cure for that)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ northguineahills @4:35
True, political leprosy, especially in Florida is really bad
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Debbie Davenport:

↳ Cheree July @4:33
Oh I know. I've been listening to it for a few years now. I don't like the invisible formats. It doesn't feel like I have possession of it. It could just disappear. I have tabbed files of physical things. Vinyl and occasionally cds is what i do.

'MO vinyl

Yeah I always get my fave albums on CD in case, i don't know, some freak website outage
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Bri The Beatnik:

I’m more of a comp gal than albums
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↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:35
i aim to escape before the nation needs to amputate...
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↳ Song: "Candy" by "Fancy Space People"
new to me, digdug!
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ northguineahills @4:39
Good! I wanna move to Canada myself

they give MASS foodstamps in canada
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ @4:40
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Debbie Davenport:

Our Fearless Leader is the best one!!!

i got that Children 45
Avatar 4:42pm
Bri The Beatnik:

I used to work at a dollar store that had a book that said how to
Move to Canada. Shoud’be bought it’
Cheree July:

Thank you, Debbie!🫡
Avatar 4:44pm

↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:39
w/ my former partner, mexico was in play, but that ship has sailed...

got that Johnny Dick song on a couple comp lps
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ northguineahills @4:44
I’m sorry to hear that
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↳ Song: "Billy Boy" by "Children"
broadcasting from the future again, i knew guys weren't temporally-bound!

good music and a head change for life ese
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↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:45
sometimes you have to find yourself in a nadir to realize you need to scale the peak...

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↳ Song: "The Warrior" by "Johnny Dick"
where are all of our ozzie bogan friends?
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ northguineahills @4:46
I agree! Of course!
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ northguineahills @4:47
Where are my Lucille Bogan friends?!
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Kitten Sparkles:

Bogans! Yrs!

pills weed killer vinyl musical chops and a strict vegan diet
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↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:48
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Kitten Sparkles:

I actually kbow about that. Been to Oz a few times. There's even a line in an Ariel Pink song about Bogans.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ northguineahills @4:49
Lol! I haven’t met anyone who knows who she is lol
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no wonder i moved inside from the outdoor patio at this cafe, it's 100F/38C outside...(still didn't really break a sweat). Enjoy a chill bear, kombucha, and homemade lavender/blueberry poptart...
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Debbie Davenport:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:51
I have the Shave 'Em Dry song. But that's all I know about Lucille Bogan.
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↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:51
I don't have any of her stuff on vinyl, but i do have on her on a few comps (my musical interests and collection encompass all genres [not top 40 ])
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↳ Song: "S.O.S." by "Celebrity Skin"
soipoib cover, bravo...
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ northguineahills @4:53
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @4:52
Shave em dry is a classic!
Cheree July:

This Tide Turners song is der stoopidest song ever.🙄

doesnt totally suck but i'm not buyin' it
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Debbie Davenport:

I like it. But then I grew up with goofy bubblegum and novelty music. I like goofy songs other people don't like sometimes
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @4:58
I love Tiny Tim!

Thanks Don!
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Debbie Davenport:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:58
Me too. Been listening to him literally my whole life
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Debbie Davenport @4:59
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Debbie Davenport:

Thanks Don! Thanks Cheree! thanks for the great company chatroom friends.

Tiny does the best Stairway to Heaven cover.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Carmichael @4:59
Heck yeah he does!
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↳ Debbie Davenport @4:58
i enjoy 'novelty' music on it's own terms. I dislike the term, as some of it has actual music/lyrical merit w/o being boxed into what 'serious music critics' would bandy as the throwaway desciptor, 'novelty'.
Cheree July:

Thank you for glistening & over 200 people in the chat #glittergang🙌🤘👏👏👏
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↳ Carmichael @4:59
carmichael, i better see some tiki torches later!

keep records spinnin and that head change GOIN
Avatar 5:02pm

thanks KS and NN! next time!
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Debbie Davenport:

↳ northguineahills @5:01
Good point. I got used to that since I was a single digit age. Don't remember exactly when. But all mustic to many of us was pop or rock or novelty. then variations of it. I think there are so many genres and subgenres now it does feel more dismissive.

early Status Quo is killer
Avatar 5:04pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ @5:03

like the early-mid 70s shit
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