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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, November 20, 2004 Favoriting
Golem live plus mixed bag

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Golem gives new life to old Yiddish chestnuts. The band performs live in the studio starting approximately 30 minutes into the show. Engineered by Irene Trudel

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new, *** = special)

Mahala Rai Banda: Live at WOMEX Favoriting

Enzo Avitabile and Bottari: Dance With Me Favoriting / Save the World / Wrasse / *

KulturShock: TuttiFrutti Favoriting / Kultur-Diktatura / Koolarrow

Cinkusi: Pet Je Kumi Favoriting

Rachid Taha: Dima Favoriting / Rock the Casbah / Universal / *

Tinariwen: Chatma Favoriting / Amassakoul / World Village / *

Golem performs live: (Listen to this set: Pop-up)

Golem: Odessa Favoriting
Live in the studio

Golem: Grine Kuzine Favoriting
Live in the studio

Golem: Chiribim Favoriting
Live in the studio

Golem: Romanesh Favoriting
Live in the studio

Golem: Mito Favoriting
Live in the studio

Golem: Rumenye Favoriting
Live in the studio

Golem: Zlatopol Favoriting
Live in the studio

Golem: Bialystok Favoriting
Live in the studio

Golem: Bay Mir Bistu Sheyn Favoriting
Live in the studio

Ska Cubano: Yiri Yiri Bon Favoriting / Ska Cubano / Casino Sounds / *

Marcel Casellas: Cumbia de Plats Favoriting / L'Envelat Violeta / DiscMedi / *

Cornershop: Topknot Favoriting / Single / Wiija / *
With Bubbley Kaur

Waldjinah: Yen Ing Tawang Favoriting / Ratu Jawa / Rice Records UK / *

Cila Da Coco: Juntando Favoriting / Various Artists: Rough Guide to Brazilian Electronica / World Music Network

Enrique Morente: Ciudad Sin Sueno Favoriting / Omega
With Lagartija Nick

Afel Bocoum + Damon Albarn: Makelekele Favoriting / Mali Music / Astralwerks

Funk Como Le Gusta: Meu Guarda Chuva Favoriting / Various Artists: Rough Guide to Brazilian Electronica / World Music Network

Kristi Stassinopoulous: The Fates Favoriting / The Secret of the Rocks / Tinder

John Yalley N'In Kyffyz: Zapatta Favoriting / Various Artists: Midem Sampler 2003 / Conseil Francophone de la Chanson

Riccardo Tesi: Anita Favoriting / Banditaliana / Dunya

Erik Marchand et les Balkaniks: Gewier 2e Partie Favoriting / Pruna / Le Chant Du Monde / *

Mahendra Kapoor and Lata Mangeshkar: Gentleman Gentleman Favoriting / Gopi (Bollywood Soundtrack)

Gangbe Brass Band: Remember Fela Favoriting / Whendo / Contre-Jour / *

Samba Sunda: Team Risk Favoriting / The Sunda Music / Rice Records UK / *

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