Favoriting Shake Some Action with Alex Kish: Playlist from December 6, 2023 Favoriting

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The wildest sounds that'll get you screamin' like a ravin' loony! Playing you the finest selection of songs from yesterday & today in Garage Rock, Power Pop, Rock and Roll, Punk, Psych Rock and Glam Rock from all over the world!

Wednesday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting December 6, 2023: Shake Some Action Show #87

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Images New Approx. start time
Bottled Violent  Bottled Violent   Favoriting Single    2023  Single 
*   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Shake Some Action Recap  #1   Favoriting        
  0:01:51 (Pop-up)
Snooper  Company Car   Favoriting Single    2023  Single 
*   0:03:23 (Pop-up)
Kuken  Run Away From Me   Favoriting III  Alien Snatch Records  2023  LP 
*   0:05:08 (Pop-up)
Angel Face  I Can't Go Back   Favoriting I Can't Go Bad 7"  Slovenly Recordings  2023  7" 
*   0:06:40 (Pop-up)
The Zeros  Don't Push Me Around   Favoriting Don't Push Me Around 7" (Reissue)  Forced Exposure / Munster Records  1977/2023  7" 
*   0:09:29 (Pop-up)
Cassie  Wouldn't You Like To Know   Favoriting Back In The Band    2023  LP 
*   0:12:03 (Pop-up)
Shake Some Action Recap  #2   Favoriting        
  0:16:40 (Pop-up)
The Why Oh Whys  Like You Used To   Favoriting Dead or Alive EP  Beluga Records  2023  EP 
*   0:18:35 (Pop-up)
Imperial Wax  Less I Need   Favoriting Single    2023  Single 
*   0:20:34 (Pop-up)
Eureka Failure  Catastrophe   Favoriting Definitely Not Rumours    2023  LP 
*   0:24:19 (Pop-up)
Arsene Obscene and the Loozers  Escape The Screen   Favoriting Raw Pops    2023  LP 
*   0:26:55 (Pop-up)
Loose Face  Alien Decay   Favoriting S/T EP    2023  EP 
*   0:28:45 (Pop-up)
Shake Some Action Recap  #3   Favoriting        
  0:31:33 (Pop-up)
THE IDIOT KIDS  Your Machine   Favoriting Chapels    2023  LP 
*   0:33:11 (Pop-up)
The Emergency Stairs  Walkin' Side By Side With You   Favoriting That's The Way Lyfe Is  Raving Pop Blast! Recordings  2023  EP 
*   0:37:20 (Pop-up)
Paranoias  Pest Control   Favoriting Chemical Sustain    2023  LP 
*   0:38:36 (Pop-up)
Ave Negra  Perikiki   Favoriting Sencillos & Rarezas    2023  Cassette 
*   0:40:26 (Pop-up)
Hey Alamo  Fight Night   Favoriting Deli Meats    2024  EP 
*   0:43:15 (Pop-up)
Shake Some Action Recap  #4   Favoriting        
  0:45:07 (Pop-up)
Bad Terms  Special Kind of Crazy   Favoriting S/T    2023  LP 
*   0:47:27 (Pop-up)
Mantis Watch  (I Wanna Fart) Where The Dinosaurs Are   Favoriting Single  NightGoose Records  2023  Single 
*   0:50:08 (Pop-up)
Minor Threat  In My Eyes (Out of Step Outtake)   Favoriting Out of Step Outtakes  Dischord Records  2023  7" 
*   0:51:41 (Pop-up)
Big Tears  Hurt You   Favoriting I Wanna Hurt Your Boyfriend    2023  EP 
*   0:54:29 (Pop-up)
Deceits  Mi Amor Mi Vampira   Favoriting If There's No Heaven    2023  LP 
*   0:56:20 (Pop-up)
Dartz  Earn The Thirst   Favoriting Dangerous Day To Be A Cold One    2024  LP 
*   0:59:37 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

G'day Alex & Action Seekers!
Avatar 🎸 7:01pm
DJ Alex Kish:

Sqealing out the gate with a band out of Indonesia called Bottled Violent!
Avatar 🎸 7:01pm
DJ Alex Kish:

↳ Scott_Oz @7:00
Mornin Scott! How are you mate?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

↳ Song: "Bottled Violent" by "Bottled Violent"
That's right, Alex... kick the door open with a ripper
Avatar 7:02pm

↳ Scott_Oz @7:00
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

↳ Scott_Oz @7:00
Hey Scott!🍻🛵
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm

↳ northguineahills @7:02
And NGH!
Avatar 🎸 7:04pm
DJ Alex Kish:

Feldy!! Whats up? Hey Northgienahills! Welcome to the show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

↳ DJ Alex Kish @7:01
A bit off today mate. Mum's 83rd Birthday was yesty, but she found she had Covid, so I couldn't see her, now just worried.
Avatar 7:04pm
Mr Fab:

hey Alex! Rock-tacular tune here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

↳ northguineahills @7:02
G'day mate! 🍻😎🤙💨🍺
Avatar 7:05pm

↳ Feldy @7:03
feldy! my man! que pasa! (I'm finally escaping florida, i start my job in nyc next month!)
Avatar 🎸 7:05pm
DJ Alex Kish:

↳ Mr Fab @7:04
Hey Mr Fab! Thank you!
Avatar 7:05pm
Mr Fab:

↳ northguineahills @7:05
Right on! Congrats to you, sir.
Avatar 7:06pm

↳ Mr Fab @7:05
muchas dankes, good sir!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm

↳ northguineahills @7:05
EXCELLENT news! I saw you posted an update but I haven't gotten to it yet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm

↳ Feldy @7:02
G'day Feldy! 🍻😎🤙💨🍺
Avatar 7:09pm

↳ Feldy @7:07
ironing out the deets w/ my boss tomorrow (as it's a temp stopgap job until my security clearance goes through for my real job begins. this one is city, not hybrid fed/state/fed like the job i'm still waiting for, same office, different auspices.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm

↳ northguineahills @7:05
Great news mate! Give everyone in the NY FMU Family a hug for me!
Avatar 🎸 7:11pm
DJ Alex Kish:

↳ Song: "Don't Push Me Around" by "The Zeros"
Super fans who wanna save money go get this 7" reissue along w 2 other 7"s by The Zeros on Forced Exposure (USA) or Munster in Spain!
Avatar 🎸 7:11pm
DJ Alex Kish:

↳ Song: "Don't Push Me Around" by "The Zeros"
OG 7" of this song goes for like $300
Avatar 7:13pm

↳ Scott_Oz @7:10
will do so! 🫂
Avatar 7:13pm

↳ Song: "Wouldn't You Like To Know" by "Cassie"
new to me and digdug!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:15pm

Late in, hey Alex and crew
Avatar 7:17pm

↳ Aitch @7:15
aitch, always sandwiched b/tn, "gee!" and "eye"😉
Avatar 🎸 7:17pm
DJ Alex Kish:

↳ Aitch @7:15
Hey Aitch! Welcome!
Avatar 7:20pm

hi all! Why are we congratulating Alex? I mean, other than for being a great guy?
Avatar 7:20pm

oh Scott, I feel for you. The COVIDS are back, and I understand your worry. Much love.
Avatar 🎸 7:21pm
DJ Alex Kish:

↳ laurapanic @7:20
I dont know I just did another show like usual! lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24pm

↳ laurapanic @7:20
Thanks Laura!🌻& just like a Woman of her era, she was blaming herself for getting it & 'ruining' her Birthday for everyone else. I hope I convinced her otherwise!
Avatar 7:26pm
Mr Fab:

↳ laurapanic @7:20
we're congrats-ing northguineahills, for finally being able to get the hell out of Florida and get a real job in New York.
Avatar 7:27pm

↳ Mr Fab @7:26
ohhh, yes! thanks team.
Avatar 7:27pm

↳ Scott_Oz @7:24
oh mum
Avatar 7:28pm

Avatar 7:29pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Don't Push Me Around" by "The Zeros"
Fun-To-Know Fact: The Zeros feat. Robert Lopez, who would find much more fame as El Vez, the Mexican Elvis.
Avatar 7:30pm

ack, i'll need to get boostered once in nyc. not b/c i'm susceptible, but because i've been shown multiple times to be an asymptomatic carrier of covid.
Avatar 7:31pm

↳ Mr Fab @7:29
very familiar w/ El Vez! que chido!
Avatar 7:41pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ northguineahills @7:05
Congrats! Sorry late to the party
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41pm

↳ northguineahills @7:30
I'm yet to get Rona to my knowledge!?
Avatar 7:43pm
Bri The Beatnik:

Congrats on getting out of Florida and getting a new job not getting Covid obviously
Avatar 🎸 7:44pm
DJ Alex Kish:

Hey Bri made it in the room today! Been a bit!
Avatar 7:44pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ Alex Kish @7:44
It has been! I’ve been busy with college
Avatar 7:48pm

↳ Scott_Oz @7:41
after i got an abdominal infection when i was hospitalized 2+ years ago, my immune systems went into overdrive and started to attack my body (psoriasis), i haven't even had a sniffle since, and the shelter is a petri dish of infectious diseases (everyone else gets sick but me).

Avatar 7:49pm

thanks for cleaning out the cobwebs, alex, me noggin needed the noise flush!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

Thanks Alex for a fucken rip snorter of a show mate!
Avatar 7:49pm

↳ Bri The Beatnik @7:43
Bri! so happy to see you. it's been a while!! 😀
Avatar 🎸 7:50pm
DJ Alex Kish:

↳ Scott_Oz @7:49
you're welcome Scott! Happy you're happy w my choices this week!
Avatar 7:50pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ northguineahills @7:49
It has been! Happy to see you too! :D
Avatar 7:51pm

↳ Song: "(I Wanna Fart) Where The Dinosaurs Are" by "Manti...
not just the song title, but a very j mascis/lou barlow vibe here...
Avatar 7:52pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Song: "In My Eyes (Out of Step Outtake)" by "Minor Threat"
Here we go, MINOR THREAT!!
Avatar 7:53pm

↳ Song: "In My Eyes (Out of Step Outtake)" by "Minor Threat"
ian mackaye!? ian mackaye!!!
Avatar 🎸 7:53pm
DJ Alex Kish:

↳ Song: "In My Eyes (Out of Step Outtake)" by "Minor Threat"
this outtake kills too almost as hard as the original/final album version
Avatar 7:54pm

↳ Song: "In My Eyes (Out of Step Outtake)" by "Minor Threat"
non-released? reissue?
Avatar 7:54pm
Mr Fab:

↳ DJ Alex Kish @7:53
Yeah, doesn't sound like an inferior reject at all.
Avatar 7:54pm

↳ DJ Alex Kish @7:53
i only got to see ian w/ fugazi in 2000 when i was a wee nip....
Avatar 🎸 7:55pm
DJ Alex Kish:

↳ northguineahills @7:54
@northguineahlls its a 7" on Dischord up for sale now
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:55pm

↳ Song: "Hurt You" by "Big Tears"
Avatar 7:56pm

↳ DJ Alex Kish @7:55
hadn't heard it before!
Avatar 🎸 7:57pm
DJ Alex Kish:

ive been in the same bar as Ian and I think saw him perform as Evens but i was too afraid to talk to him.
Avatar 7:58pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Mi Amor Mi Vampira" by "Deceits"
ooh, very Christina Death
Avatar 🎸 7:58pm
DJ Alex Kish:

Since I'm (still) straight edge it was hard for me to go up to Ian and thank him for my lifestyle choice
Avatar 7:58pm
Mr Fab:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

↳ northguineahills @7:48
I think my squalid slacker punk digs do my immune system a workout.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

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