Favoriting Beneath The Underground with John Pietaro and Laurie Towers: Playlist from January 17, 2024 Favoriting

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Renegade Arts of Downtown NY: John Reed to Lou Reed and Post-Punk to Punk Jazz…

Wednesday 10pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting January 17, 2024: In the Downtown Tundra

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Theoretical Girls  Glazened Eyes   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Benny Goodman Orchestra  Sing Sing Sing   Favoriting 0:04:20 (Pop-up)
John Lurie  She’s Not a Nurse   Favoriting 0:15:49 (Pop-up)
The Pop Group  Communicate   Favoriting 0:17:07 (Pop-up)
Jill Kroesen  Fay Shism Bluesv   Favoriting 0:22:07 (Pop-up)
Live reading by John Pietaro: Frank O’Hara  Lana Turner Has Collapsed   Favoriting 0:24:45 (Pop-up)
Last Exit  Enemy Within   Favoriting 0:25:25 (Pop-up)
Weather Report  Punk Jazz   Favoriting 0:33:31 (Pop-up)
Raymond Scott  Nursery Rhyme   Favoriting 0:33:52 (Pop-up)
Tom Waits  Step Right Up   Favoriting 0:35:58 (Pop-up)
Gene Krupa  Drum Boogie   Favoriting 0:41:32 (Pop-up)
Gene Krupa  How High The Moon   Favoriting 1:08:23 (Pop-up)
fIREHOSE  Brave Captain   Favoriting 1:10:51 (Pop-up)
Minutemen  Viet Nam   Favoriting 1:14:19 (Pop-up)
Kramer  I Want Candy   Favoriting 1:15:44 (Pop-up)
Kramer  Kicks   Favoriting 1:20:17 (Pop-up)
Blondie  Rip Her to Shreds   Favoriting 1:24:53 (Pop-up)
Tuff Darts  Slash (live)   Favoriting 1:27:59 (Pop-up)
Blondie  X Offender   Favoriting 1:32:13 (Pop-up)
Silver Apples  A Pox on You   Favoriting 1:34:33 (Pop-up)
Richard Hell & The Voidoids  Downtown at Dawn   Favoriting 1:39:33 (Pop-up)
Marc Ribot/Ceramic Dog  Party Intellectuals   Favoriting 1:45:29 (Pop-up)
The Velvet Underground  Who Loves The Sun   Favoriting 1:51:22 (Pop-up)
The Velvet Underground  Sweet Jane   Favoriting 1:53:55 (Pop-up)
The Velvet Underground  Rock & Roll   Favoriting 1:59:34 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🌃 9:56pm

weiner weiner cheecken deener! I stink I am ze furst von en ze rum! Happy WEDNESDAY to my Underground Fams!
Avatar 🌃 10:02pm

↳ Song: "Glazened Eyes" by "Theoretical Girls"
california "greenery" will glazen your eyes!
Avatar 🌃 10:06pm

↳ Song: "Sing Sing Sing" by "Benny Goodman Orchestra"
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:06pm
Beneath the Underground:

Howdy, subterranean peeps…hoping you’re all well n swinging!
Hi Leo. Wearing your chef’s hat I see!
Jill Kroesen:

I’m here! Not cooking. I’m on vacation. Hi Leo, John and Laurie and everyone!! ❤️❤️❤️
Avatar 🌃 10:08pm

↳ Jill Kroesen @10:07
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:08pm
Beneath the Underground:

Yesterday was the anniversary of Benny Goodman’s 1938 concert at Carnegie Hall. A freezing evening on W 57th. And tonight is one of the coldest in a loooong time.
Check out the genius of Gene Krupa !
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:09pm
Beneath the Underground:

Hey Jill ….vacation sounds like a wonderful idea. Where are you??
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:10pm
Beneath the Underground:

Harry James’ immortal trumpet solo
Avatar 🌃 10:11pm

On Wednesdays, we have a longer day for my After School Program as the kids have early dismissal on Wednesdays. So I make a heartier snack for them - today using a crock pot, left over hot dog buns, shredded chicken drumsticks, jack/cheddar cheese, milk and two cans of cream of chicken soup I made Mr. Leo's fake ass Chicken Pot pie :)
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:11pm
Beneath the Underground:

Wow. You are some kinda advocate, Leo
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:14pm
Beneath the Underground:

Jess Stacey’s impressionist piano solo😍
Jill Kroesen:

I’m in Desert Hot Springs, CA My old hotel with mineral water. 1/2 hour from home. I can see Leo better from here.
Avatar 🌃 10:22pm

↳ Beneath the Underground @10:11
way more fun to cook for people (of any age) than for meself. WAVING TO JILL - oooh Hot springs sound so good!
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:28pm
Beneath the Underground:

Jill, be careful not to stalk Leo
Avatar 10:31pm
Mr Fab:

Hey yo, cellar-dwellers!

Fun-To-Know Fact: “sing sing sing“ was written by lounge legend Louis Prima.
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:34pm
Beneath the Underground:

Hi Fab. Yes, Prima, serious trumpeter/comic vocalist from New Orleans before NY then Taho. He composed the basic tune, but not the interpolated piece, “Christopher Columbus”. Goodman threaded them into this bit of brilliance.
Avatar 10:35pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Beneath the Underground @10:08
Today is also the 30th (!?!) anniversary of the Northridge Earthquake. REALLY does not seem like it was that long ago. Leo and Jill, were you in SoCal then?
Avatar 🌃 10:37pm

Yes I was here for that one, for the '87 Legg Lake one (which was a mile from where I lived) and the Sylmar in the 70's
Avatar 10:40pm
Mr Fab:

An earthquake OG like me!
Avatar 🌃 10:41pm

↳ Mr Fab @10:40
Avatar 10:42pm
Mr Fab:

By the way, all you desert folk, here at Sheena’s we have a new DJ from the grungy side of Palm Springs with a new show “Forbidden Zone.” Debuted last week. Episode #2 tomorrow.
Avatar 🌃 10:43pm

↳ Mr Fab @10:42
Avatar 🌃 10:45pm

that was a Damn Set! Wooo Hoooo
Avatar 🌃 10:48pm

Sing Sing Sing was the Punk of it's time
Avatar 🌃 10:55pm

Seinfeld - Comedy Central
Avatar 10:57pm
Mr Fab:

Not a prob - listeners come here to WFMU to get away from
the mass-media okey-doke.
Avatar 🌃 11:05pm

Someone's got jokes tonight
Avatar 11:13pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Brave Captain" by "fIREHOSE"
Yeeeaaah, LA’s own fIREHOSE!

Not NYC, but I’m def not complaining.
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:16pm
Beneath the Underground:

Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:19pm
Beneath the Underground:

Hey people, Che k out Kramer’s “Brill Building” 1 and 2
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:22pm
Beneath the Underground:

This Kramer was in Shockabilly, then ran Noise NY Studio. He still has Shimmy Disc Records. Can’t recommend that label enough for serious subterranean sounds
Avatar 11:24pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Kicks" by "Kramer"
Yeah, this is cool! Like if Tom Waits covered Paul Revere & the Raiders.
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:26pm
Beneath the Underground:

You’ll love these two albums by Kramer, Mr Fab. It’s the music of his formative years that remains immortal
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:37pm
Beneath the Underground:

Silver Apples: talk about downtown underground!
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:39pm
Beneath the Underground:

Just saw Fab’s post about the Northridge earthquake. Wow.
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:44pm
Beneath the Underground:

↳ Mr Fab @10:42
Forbidden Zone…Planet of the Apes
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:46pm
Beneath the Underground:

Happy belated birthday, Marc Ribot! 🎉
Avatar 🌃 11:47pm

↳ Beneath the Underground @11:39
earthquakes are not my favorite
Avatar 11:47pm
Mr Fab:

↳ LeoIRodriguez @11:47
Although they DO happen beneath the underground!
Avatar 11:49pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Beneath the Underground @11:37
The members of the band Suicide used to rave about the Silver apples, but they said no one knew about them.
Avatar 12:00am
Mr Fab:

Mike Watt here on Sheena’s:
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 12:00am
Beneath the Underground:

Mike on Sheena??
Avatar 🌃 12:01am

Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 12:01am
Beneath the Underground:

Fab: another raver about Silver Apples is Penny Arcade
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 12:01am
Beneath the Underground:

Take It! ✊️
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 12:02am
Beneath the Underground:

Avatar 12:04am
Thomas E:

Awesome John and Laurie. No one tops your playlists!
Avatar 12:11am
Thomas E:

Saw John S Hall last night in BK and now I see Kramer here. You guys are amazing!
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