Favoriting The Orange Boutique with Orange Peel: Playlist from February 5, 2024 Favoriting

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Monday 8 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting February 5, 2024

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Artist Track Album Year Comments Images Approx. start time

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0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Left Banke  She May Call You Up Tonight   Favoriting         0:00:44 (Pop-up)
Anna Hillburg  Holdin' On   Favoriting Tired Girls     
0:02:57 (Pop-up)
The Bee Gees  Let There Be Love (alternate mono mix)   Favoriting         0:06:47 (Pop-up)
The Beatles  The Fool On the Hill (demo)   Favoriting         0:14:03 (Pop-up)
Bonzo Dog Band  Quiet Talks And Summer Walks   Favoriting   1969   
0:16:49 (Pop-up)
Montage  Grand Pianist   Favoriting   2003   
0:20:50 (Pop-up)
The Zombies  Brief Candles (mono LP)   Favoriting   1968   
0:23:14 (Pop-up)
The Alan Price Set  To Romona (mono LP)   Favoriting         0:26:33 (Pop-up)
Judee Sill  The Kiss   Favoriting         0:29:37 (Pop-up)
The Beach Boys  Only With You   Favoriting         0:34:08 (Pop-up)
Harry Nilsson  Living Without You   Favoriting         0:37:03 (Pop-up)
Procol Harum  Understandably Blue   Favoriting         0:39:42 (Pop-up)
Dusty Springfield  I've Been Wrong Before (mono LP)   Favoriting         0:43:10 (Pop-up)
Mike Levy  I Need To Tell You   Favoriting         0:45:30 (Pop-up)
John Lennon  Isolation   Favoriting         0:48:07 (Pop-up)
Buffalo Springfield  Four Days Gone (demo)   Favoriting         0:50:57 (Pop-up)
The Kinks  Sitting In My Hotel   Favoriting          

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Listener comments!

Avatar 8:00pm

Hullo again OP.
Avatar 8:01pm
Orange Peel:

Hullo, Lady Erica
Avatar 🍊 8:02pm

Hello, Sir Peel and Erica. Looking forward to a third great episode!
Avatar 8:02pm
Orange Peel:

Hullo, Lady Jen
Avatar 8:03pm
Orange Peel:

↳ uptownjen @8:02
I hope you like this one.
Avatar 8:03pm

Hi again OP! Erica, jen! SO this hour is the boutique?
Avatar 8:04pm
Orange Peel:

↳ WLSClark @8:03
Well, it is my bespoke selection of quality material. Only the finest selection.
Avatar 🍊 8:06pm

↳ Orange Peel @8:03
I do!
Avatar 🍊 8:06pm

↳ WLSClark @8:03
Hiya, Clark!
Avatar 8:06pm

↳ WLSClark @8:03
Sure is.
Avatar 8:10pm
Orange Peel:

Who requested this?
Avatar 8:10pm

↳ Orange Peel @8:04
Finest is good! Or maybe...better than good?
Avatar 8:11pm
Orange Peel:

↳ WLSClark @8:10
Only sensational
Avatar 8:12pm

↳ Orange Peel @8:10
Well, I think you misunderstood. I asked for a girl at the window, not the song. haha
Avatar 8:14pm
Orange Peel:

↳ WLSClark @8:12
Oh, I see...!
Avatar 8:14pm

The Fool on the Hill.
Avatar 8:20pm

↳ Orange Peel @8:14
But always concentrated.
Avatar 8:21pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Song: "Grand Pianist" by "Montage"
Isn't it grand?
Avatar 8:22pm

↳ Orange Peel @8:21
Indeed grand
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:25pm
Beantown Doug:

↳ Song: "Brief Candles (mono LP)" by "The Zombies"
Thank you for playing "Brief Candles" Orange Peel!
Avatar 8:25pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Beantown Doug @8:25
It is my great pleasure to be the purveyor of this particular track tonight, my esteemed listener.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29pm
Gaylord Fields:

↳ Song: "The Kiss" by "Judee Sill"
It's selections like these that will finally get you that Gong you scoffed at 60 years ago, being a CND member in good standing!
Avatar 8:30pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Gaylord Fields @8:29
Sir Gaylord - I've been asking after you, everywhere it seems.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31pm
Beantown Doug:

↳ Song: "The Kiss" by "Judee Sill"
Reminds me of dearly departed Margo Guryan.
Avatar 8:32pm

Judy Sill's work deserves more recognition.
Avatar 8:32pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Song: "The Kiss" by "Judee Sill"
As beautiful a melody as Surf's Up
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33pm
Gaylord Fields:

If I haven't been getting your messages, I had to let my Girl Friday go, as she was stealing my Tony Rivers 45s and selling them to buy Ichiro baseball cards. What a weirdo.
Avatar 8:34pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Gaylord Fields @8:33
It seems that even The Castaways couldn't track you.
Avatar 8:35pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Gaylord Fields @8:33
They intimated you might be a "Liar, Liar"
Avatar 8:35pm
Orange Peel:

I protested in your good honour.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36pm
Beantown Doug:

↳ Song: "Only With You" by "The Beach Boys"
RIP Melinda Wilson.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36pm
Gaylord Fields:

↳ Orange Peel @8:35
I do not take those four days of world peace we had as a result for granted.
Avatar 8:37pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Gaylord Fields @8:36
You can leave here for 4 days in space, but...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38pm
Beantown Doug:

↳ Song: "Living Without You" by "Harry Nilsson"
Milk and morning paper deliveries.
Avatar 8:39pm
Orange Peel:

Sir Randy
Avatar 8:40pm
Orange Peel:

I like to keep my mic breaks brief
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm
Gaylord Fields:

↳ Orange Peel @8:37
…what goes up might not come down, contrary to Sir Isaac Newton (but not Sir Richard Branson, if you read the fine print).
Avatar 8:41pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Gaylord Fields @8:40
Sir Walter Raleigh said: Give me a man who whistles while he works. He that doth not as other men do, but endeavoureth that which ought to be done, shall thereby rather incur peril than preservation; for whoso laboureth to be sincerely perfect and good shall necessarily perish, living among men that are generally evil.
Avatar 8:41pm

↳ Gaylord Fields @8:40
You two need to quit fighting. THIS is a boutique, y'know!
Avatar 🍊 8:41pm

Some beautiful, melancholy sounds in this set, Sir Peel.
Avatar 8:42pm
Orange Peel:

↳ uptownjen @8:41
Thank you, Lady Jen - left to my own devices, I am more than just a hit machine.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
Gaylord Fields:

↳ WLSClark @8:41
I'm not fighting. I'm just distracting OP while the Hells Angels loot the place.
Avatar 8:43pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Gaylord Fields @8:42
As long as I get part of the take.
Avatar 8:44pm

↳ Orange Peel @8:43
Well, I am sure you are happy after winning that Grammy last night for the "Best I.E. show!"
Avatar 8:45pm
Orange Peel:

For whosoever commands the sea commands the trade; whosoever commands the trade of the world commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself. Our passions are most like to floods and streams; The shallow murmur, but the deep are dumb.

Aw...thanks OP!
Avatar 8:47pm

↳ Orange Peel @8:45
Now you got me thinking. I HATE THAT!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47pm
Gaylord Fields:

↳ Orange Peel @8:43
They promised to let me keep a few molars if I help them. And your offer surprises me none, as I have met your accountant during a charity DJ gig at his current residence in Brixton as a guest of the Crown.
Avatar 8:48pm
Orange Peel:

With the King in peril, all bets are off Sir Gaylord.
Avatar 8:48pm

↳ Song: "Isolation" by "John Lennon"
I LOVE this LP!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Gaylord Fields:

↳ Orange Peel @8:48
Alas, poor Chas. Is there a GoFundMe for his treatment?
Avatar 8:50pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Song: "Isolation" by "John Lennon"
Am I Crazy?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm
Gaylord Fields:

↳ Orange Peel @8:50
Crazy like a fox that is also crazy.
Avatar 8:51pm

I just found out of the King's diagnosis. Here's to a speedy recovery.
Avatar 8:52pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Gaylord Fields @8:50
A fox is apparently a wolf that sends flowers - or so I am told.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm
Gaylord Fields:

↳ Orange Peel @8:52
You just described the Peel family crest: a fox holding a bouquet
Avatar 8:54pm
Orange Peel:

A moment of silence for you all is my bouquet
Avatar 8:54pm
DA the DJ:

Thanks everyone!
Avatar 8:54pm

Have a great week, all! Thanks OP and gaylord for the stories.
Avatar 8:55pm
Orange Peel:

Goodnight my friends - take your time and rest well.

Good night, friends. Until next week, take care. XO
Avatar 8:55pm

Such a mellow show tonight. Thanks OP another Boutique hour
Avatar 8:56pm
Orange Peel:

Ladies & Sirs, my esteemed thanks
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