Eight Miles High
"Eight Miles High" by "The Byrds"
Dave Clark Five
Catch Us If You Can
"Catch Us If You Can" by "Dave Clark Five"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
"Hey there all you cool cats and groovy gals, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the Rock and Soul Stream on WFMU. It's a chilly night here in the Big Apple, with clouds covering the sky and a temperature of 43 degrees. But don't let that dampen your spirits, because we've got some hot tunes coming your way to warm you up. And hey, don't forget to bundle up out there, with a humidity of 44 percent, it's feeling a bit damp and chilly. But don't worry, we'll keep you moving and grooving all night long. Stay tuned for more rockin' and soulful jams, right here on WFMU."
Bye Bye Bye
"Bye Bye Bye" by "Tiki's"
Love Is The Song We Sing (San Francisco Nuggets 1965-1970
Los Salvajes
El Don Juan
"El Don Juan" by "Los Salvajes"
Music behind DJ:
The Beach Boys
Little Saint Nick
"Little Saint Nick" by "The Beach Boys"
Back announcing the set
The Zombies
Kenny Everette Show Jingle Medley: Time of the Season/A Rose for Emily
"Kenny Everette Show Jingle Medley: Time of the Se...
The Sharmettes
My Dream
"My Dream" by "The Sharmettes"
The Music Shoppe
Are You Really My Girl
"Are You Really My Girl" by "The Music Shoppe"
Wendy Rene
Bar B-Q
"Bar B-Q" by "Wendy Rene"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
"Hey there all you cool cats and kittens, it's the bunny here on the Rock and Soul Stream, bringing you the grooviest tunes from the 60s. But before we get into the music, let's take a look at the weather. It's a cloudy night here in the Big Apple, with a temperature of 43 degrees and a humidity of 48 percent. So make sure to grab your jackets and umbrellas if you're heading out, but don't let that stop you from having a good time. Now let's get back to the music, because that's what really matters, right? Keep it locked here on WFMU, the home of rock and soul. Peace out, my friends."
Best Things
Chicks Are for Kids
"Chicks Are for Kids" by "Best Things"
The Brogues
Don't Shoot Me Down
"Don't Shoot Me Down" by "The Brogues"
Music behind DJ:
The Bunny
"slavesloop" by "The Bunny"
Back announcing the set
You Always Hurt Me
"You Always Hurt Me" by "Impressions"
Little Girl / You Always Hurt Me
The Ducks
"The Ducks" by "Larks"
The Ducks/Heaven Only Knows
Liverpool Five
She's Mine
"She's Mine" by "Liverpool Five"
Walking in the Queen's Garden
"Walking in the Queen's Garden" by "Them"
Later On
"Later On" by "Dynamics"
Six Feet Under
Six Feet Under Theme
"Six Feet Under Theme" by "Six Feet Under"
Music behind DJ:
the Electric Flag, an American Music Band
Peter's Trip
"Peter's Trip" by "the Electric Flag, an American ...
Back announcing the set
I Want the Rain
"I Want the Rain" by "Executioners"
The Tornadoes
Hymn for Teenagers
"Hymn for Teenagers" by "The Tornadoes"
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Rock'n'Soul Bunny: