Favoriting Observations of Deviance with David Mittleman: Playlist from April 13, 2024 Favoriting

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Observations of Deviance is a vinyl focused, free form program that harkens back to early days of underground FM radio. Your host, David Mittleman, hunts down the most exotic, unusual and off-the-beaten-track music from around the world in a number of genres: Spiritual Jazz, Free Improvisation, Experimental Electronics, Ethnographic Oddities and World-Wide Psychedelic Funk. You are guaranteed to hear sounds you’ve never heard before.

Saturday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting April 13, 2024

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
Faust  Miss Fortune   Favoriting Faust  Polydor  1971    0:02:11 (Pop-up)
Upsetters  The Kingdom of Dub   Favoriting Public Jestering  Attack  1990    0:07:10 (Pop-up)
Aboriginal Music Society  Fan Dance Part 1   Favoriting Father Of Origin  Eremite  2011    0:09:16 (Pop-up)
The Means Of Production  Silver Pools   Favoriting The Means Of Production  Royal Potato Family  2024  https://themeansofproduction.bandcamp.com/album/the-means-of-production  0:25:35 (Pop-up)
Los Arko  Cumbia Bogotana   Favoriting Cumbia Cumbia Cumbia!!! Vol. 2  VampiSoul  2024  https://www.forcedexposure.com/Catalog/va-cumbia-cumbia-cumbia-vol-2-2lp/VAMPI.298LP.html  0:32:46 (Pop-up)
Pete Jolly  Springs   Favoriting Seasons  Light In The Attic  2024  https://lightintheattic.net/products/seasons  0:34:47 (Pop-up)
Dagar Brothers  Rāga Gaud Sārang (Chartāl)   Favoriting Berlin 1964 - Live  Black Truffle  2024  https://blacktruffle.bandcamp.com/album/berlin-1964-live  0:38:04 (Pop-up)
Popol Vuh  Dort Ist Der Weg   Favoriting Letzte Tage - Letzte Nächte  United Artists  1976    0:49:48 (Pop-up)
Lau Ro  Onde Eu Vou   Favoriting Cabana  Far Out Recordings  2024  https://lau-ro.bandcamp.com/album/cabana  0:54:17 (Pop-up)
The Brkn Record  Cut the Cheque (featuring Percee P & Great Okosun)   Favoriting The Architecture of Oppression Part 2  BBE Music  2024  https://thebrknrecord.bandcamp.com/album/the-architecture-of-oppression-part-2  1:02:40 (Pop-up)
Frankie Figueroa  Yo No Era Así   Favoriting Ansonia Records Presents - Salsa Con Estilo - Dance Floor Gems from the Vaults: 1950s-1980s  Ansonia  2024  https://ansoniarecords.bandcamp.com/album/ansonia-records-presents-salsa-con-estilo-dance-floor-gems-from-the-vaults-1950s-1980s  1:06:57 (Pop-up)
Stephen Malkmus And Friends  I'm So Green   Favoriting Can's Ege Bamyasi  Matador / Week-End  2013    1:09:38 (Pop-up)
Harmonia  Watusi   Favoriting Musik Von Harmonia  Brain  1974    1:12:43 (Pop-up)
Rich Ruth  No Muscle, No Memory   Favoriting Water Still Flows  Third Man  2024  https://richruth.bandcamp.com/album/water-still-flows  1:18:38 (Pop-up)
Ballake Sissoko & Derek Gripper  Daraka   Favoriting Ballake Sissoko & Derek Gripper  Matsuli Music  2024  https://matsulimusic.bandcamp.com/album/ballak-sissoko-derek-gripper  1:25:44 (Pop-up)
Brooklyn Sounds  Guaguanco de Puerto Rico   Favoriting Brooklyn Sounds  VampiSoul  2024  https://www.forcedexposure.com/Catalog/brooklyn-sounds-brooklyn-sounds-lp/VAMPI.297LP.html  1:33:01 (Pop-up)
Madlib  Interlude 2   Favoriting Madlib Medicine Show 13: Black Tape  Madlib Invazion  2012    1:36:39 (Pop-up)
Joe McPhee Quintet  Muntu   Favoriting Live At Vassar 1970  Corbett vs. Dempsey  2011    1:37:16 (Pop-up)
Caroline Davis & Wendy Eisenberg  Ultra Detached   Favoriting Accept When  Astral Spirits  2024  https://daviseisenberg.bandcamp.com/album/accept-when  1:52:57 (Pop-up)
Amon Düül II  Traveller   Favoriting Hijack  ATCO  1974    1:56:44 (Pop-up)
Mœbius  B 36   Favoriting Tonspuren  Sky  1983    2:04:05 (Pop-up)
Oren Ambarchi / Johan Berthling / Andreas Werliin  Tre   Favoriting Ghosted II  Drag City  2024  https://orenambarchi.bandcamp.com/album/ghosted-ii  2:08:24 (Pop-up)
Madlib  Victory   Favoriting Beat Konducta, Vol. 3-4: Beat Konducta In India  Stones Throw  2007    2:15:57 (Pop-up)
Dagar Brothers  Raga Malkauns   Favoriting Berlin 1964 - The Lost Studio Recording  Black Truffle  2024  https://blacktruffle.bandcamp.com/album/berlin-1964-the-lost-studio-recording-2  2:16:16 (Pop-up)
Mœbius & Plank  Feedback 66   Favoriting Rastakraut Pasta  Sky  1980    2:27:32 (Pop-up)
Carlos Pickling y Orquesta  Cumbia Morena   Favoriting Cumbia Morena / Cumbia en Dominante 7"  VampiSoul  2024  https://www.forcedexposure.com/Catalog/pickling-y-orquesta-carlos-cumbia-morena-7-/VAMPI.45103EP.html  2:35:38 (Pop-up)
Richard Teitelbaum  Asparagus (Original Soundtrack)   Favoriting Asparagus  Black Truffle  2024  https://blacktruffle.bandcamp.com/album/asparagus  2:38:23 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Faust \m/
Avatar 7:02pm

we are live !!!
Avatar 7:08pm

↳ Song: "The Kingdom of Dub" by "Upsetters"
"This record is smokin'!"
Avatar 7:09pm

↳ Observations @7:08
Avatar 7:10pm

↳ Song: "Fan Dance Part 1" by "Aboriginal Music Society"
Avatar 7:12pm

↳ Song: "Fan Dance Part 1" by "Aboriginal Music Society"
Ali Abuwi hand drums & percussion, flutes
Earl Cross trumpet, mellophone, piano
Gene Dinwiddie tenor & soprano saxophone, flute
Juma Sultan bass, hand drums & percussion, ahoudt, wooden flutes
Ralph Walsh electric guitar
Philip Wilson drum kit

recorded 11 September 1970, Intermedia Sound Studios, Boston MA
Avatar 7:23pm

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Avatar 7:34pm

↳ Song: "Cumbia Bogotana" by "Los Arko"
Avatar 7:36pm

↳ Song: "Springs" by "Pete Jolly"
Avatar 7:45pm

↳ Song: "Rāga Gaud Sārang (Chartāl)" by "Dagar Brothers"
"Following on from last year’s acclaimed Vrindavan 1982 by rudra veena master Z.M. Dagar, Black Truffle is thrilled to present a pair of archival releases from the Dagar Brothers, among the most revered 20th century exponents of the ancient North Indian dhrupad tradition. The vocal duo of Moinuddin and Aminuddin Dagar (sometimes referred to as the ‘senior’ Dagar Brothers to distinguish them from their younger siblings, Zahiruddin and Faiyazuddin Dagar), belonged to the nineteenth generation of a family of musicians in which dhrupad tradition has been kept alive through patrilinear transmission, each generation undergoing a rigorous education of many years’ duration that can include singing up to twelve hours each day."

Thank you for playing Dagar Brothers. I couldn't resist acquiring the CD+LP bundle.
Avatar 7:46pm

↳ Dean @7:45
🙏🙏 Stay tuned, I’m playing the other one later in the show.

Nice. And I see I missed out on the Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar 1982 LP release. Do you know Raga Records? They have a catalog replete with similar gems.
Avatar 7:49pm

↳ Dean @7:48
Not familiar, but will explore, thanks

They have an impressively slipshod website, but what a catalog. I'm a big fan of Nikhil Banerjee.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:53pm

Hi David and Observers!
Avatar 8:03pm

Greetings 👋
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:23pm

↳ Song: "No Muscle, No Memory" by "Rich Ruth"
This is cool!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:28pm

↳ Song: "Daraka" by "Ballake Sissoko & Derek Gripper"
Isn't that the South African label?

Matsuli Music is Chris Albertyne's gig.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:31pm

↳ Dean @8:31
That's what I thought.

Er, Albertyn.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:35pm

↳ Dean @8:32
I miss Chris' segments on Doug's show.
Avatar 8:36pm

↳ Song: "Guaguanco de Puerto Rico" by "Brooklyn Sounds"
"Brooklyn Sounds legendary 1971 debut album, full of heavy Nuyorican underground salsa dura propelled by raw trombones and in-your-face percussion, born of the barrio streets and the band's Caribbean heritage. Fully authorized by producer Bobby Marin"

I do, too.
Avatar 8:38pm

↳ Song: "Muntu" by "Joe McPhee Quintet"
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:42pm

OK, gotta run, thanks David!
Avatar 8:46pm

After my show, stay tuned for Mike Lupica's Hotwire Mandate -----> wfmu.org...
Avatar 9:39pm

↳ Song: "Asparagus (Original Soundtrack)" by "Richard Teit...
"Teitelbaum incorporated much of this material into his soundtrack for Suzan Pitt’s Asparagus, which receives its first official release here. Asparagus, famously paired with David Lynch’s Eraserhead for a two-year run of midnight screenings at New York’s Waverly Theatre, uses hand-drawn and stop animation to unfurl an oneiric succession of images, beginning with a sequence in which the female protagonist defecates two stalks of asparagus, which multiply and float out of the toilet bowl to form the letters of the title. Teitelbaum’s soundtrack interweaves delicate drifting tones from the ‘European Version’ with contributions from Steve Lacy and Steve Potts on saxophones, George Lewis on trombone and Takehisa Kosugi on violin. Edited closely to the film, even without images the soundtrack proposes a surreal journey through floating synth tones, squealing horns, propulsive arpeggios, distant chatter, and an old-timey waltz."

Great show! Really needed this today
Avatar 9:55pm

↳ wimpy @9:54
Thanks for hanging out & listening tonight!
Avatar 10:00pm

Good night, see you all next week!
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