This reggae song Dawn Penn's "No No No" was really popular in a remixed form in the '90s. Interesting to hear the stripped down (presumably) orig version.
Interesting, I like that Bowie album very much, a few other tunes rank higher for me. Haven't listened to Black Country Rock for a long time, or rather I am usually not paying attention after being all wrapped up in All the Madmen so this hearing is fresh to my ears. Musically I enjoyed it today and the Marc Bolan vocal riffs stood out to me.
I recently purchased Visconti's remix of The Man Who Sold The World, "The metrobolist" other than with a remaster you hear interesting differences and alternative perspectives on the songs.
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Listener comments!
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Krys O.:
Jan Turkenburg:
Mr Fab:
Jan Turkenburg:
Mr Fab:
Jan Turkenburg:
isn't showing the Wendy shows tracks.
Jan Turkenburg:
Mr Fab:
NotARealDoctor in Norfolk VA:
Krys O.:
Thanks, wendy and Jan!
Mr Fab:
NotARealDoctor in Norfolk VA:
Krys O.: