Favoriting Merrily We Roll Along with MHLee: Playlist from January 3, 2025 Favoriting

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Merrily We Roll Along is a mish-mash of high energy lunacy, reverence, and irreverence for forgotten pop stars, love for Saturday morning cartoons, and exploration of the side of Bandcamp where I seem to be the only one purchasing. Bringing to you the odd and the upbeat from a growing collection of pre-rock novelties, classic and neo-Vaudeville, jug bands, polka, klezmer, and more at the convenient hour of 8-9 AM EST, Merrily We Roll Along starts the day off with a little light-hearted musical tomfoolery cut with an occasional comedy sketch. It's organic, free-range, cheese with the occasional onion thrown in.

Friday 8 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting January 3, 2025: Show Postponed Due to Technical Issues

Artist Track Year Comments Images
MHLee  Merrily We Roll Along Theme   Favoriting      
Captain Allenswift  Official Popeye TV Album (Side 2)   Favoriting 1957  Duz You Like Popeye > Yankee Doodle > Blow the Man Down 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:58am

I like spinach.

Hi there, Happy New Year!
Avatar 8:00am
Mr Fab:

Good morning, Rollers! I’m running MH’s show for him today. 4:59am here. Pretty sleepy, but I haven’t had me spinach.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01am

Hi folks, checking in from out of town. Been a busy 2 weeks
Listener Robert:

Popeye in English sounds Swedish too. Or something like that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07am

I had side 2 first apparently
Avatar 8:07am
Mr Fab:

Loves me some Fleischer Brothers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08am

↳ Listener Robert @8:06
That was considered to be an issue on the robbins williams album
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08am

I have no idea what's coming in?
Avatar 8:09am
Mr Fab:

Oh crap, MH, the file you sent me was only 5 1/2 minutes long. I’ll have to see if I can download it again?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09am

That's very odd let me check on my end
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12am

Oh crap. It doesn't seem any longer over here. I can't actually access the file because a winter storm has completely knocked off my power at home
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14am

We'll chuck this up to technical issues.
Avatar 8:15am
Mr Fab:

I just downloaded it again, and yep, five minutes 45 seconds. I’m so sorry, sir.
Avatar 8:16am
Mr Fab:

A winter storm has knocked out your power?! Well, sounds like you have bigger problems than running a radio show. Stay warm!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17am

↳ Mr Fab @8:16
I'm not at home so I just get texts from the powr company about it
Avatar 8:17am
Mr Fab:

The file you sent me says it’s 60.9 MB. I probably just glanced at that and thought it said 60 minutes. I’m sorry, I should’ve double checked to make sure.
Avatar 8:18am
Mr Fab:

↳ MHLee @8:17
OK, so we don’t have to send the sled dogs out for you. Good to know.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19am

↳ Mr Fab @8:17
It's on my end. I had it set up to pre-record when I was leaving for graduation. I came back and uploaded the file before immediately leaving.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21am

My backup is down due to the storm.
Avatar 8:22am
Mr Fab:

I blame Bluto.

But OK, hope to hear this show in the future. Catch you all later!
Listener Robert:

What kid didn't love Bluto? That's why all the Popeye dolls were used as punching bags.
Listener Robert:

Aw, who'm I kidding? We loved seeing BOTH of them get punched to bits.
Listener Robert:

And if you could give Wimpy a couple of black eyes, so much the better. Olive Oyl we'd just like bent into a pretzel.
Listener Robert:

Today just about any Kaz character would substitute for the above.
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