Favoriting The Orange Peel Hour with Orange Peel: Playlist from March 3, 2025 Favoriting

Orange Peel's avatar View Orange Peel's profile Favoriting

From the UK in a big way comes classic DJ, Orange Peel. A transplant from the North of England, stuck in suburban California since the 1960's. He spins scintillating sunshine sixties psych, pop & beat.

Monday 5 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting March 3, 2025

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Artist Track Year Comments Images Approx. start time

Music behind DJ:



Starting soon 


0:00:00 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Herman's Hermits  I'm Henry The VIII, I Am   Favoriting       0:01:11 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Kippington Lodge  Rumours   Favoriting       0:02:59 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The Who  Dogs (mono)   Favoriting       0:05:13 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Quentin E. Klopjaeger  Weather Man   Favoriting       0:09:38 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Peter Sarstedt  I Am A Cathedral   Favoriting       0:12:18 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The Proclamation  Tea And Sympathy (Don't You Worry)   Favoriting       0:15:03 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The Rolling Stones  Mother's Little Helper   Favoriting       0:18:46 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Johnny Young  Craise Finton Kirk (Royal Academy Of Arts)   Favoriting       0:21:29 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Marquis Of Kensington  Changing Of The Guard   Favoriting 2000   
0:23:53 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The New Vaudeville Band  Winchester Cathedral   Favoriting       0:27:32 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Bruno  The English Girl   Favoriting       0:29:54 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Peter & Gordon  The Magic Story Of The Park Keeper And His Fairy Godmother (stereo)   Favoriting       0:32:28 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The Kinks  Village Green (mono mix)   Favoriting 1968   
0:35:17 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Tin Tin  Only Ladies Play Croquet (mono)   Favoriting       0:37:24 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The Searchers  Pussy Willow Dragon   Favoriting       0:39:42 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Trevor Billmuss  Ground Song   Favoriting       0:42:29 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The Herd  Our Fairy Tale   Favoriting       0:46:02 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The Mirage  Chicago Cottage (UK mono 45)   Favoriting       0:48:35 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The Young Idea  In Bond Street   Favoriting       0:51:25 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The Morgan-James  The Dreamer   Favoriting        
The Bee Gees  Morning Of My Life   Favoriting        

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Listener comments!

Avatar 4:58pm
Orange Peel:

My begging bowl is at the ready!
Avatar 🎸 4:58pm

OP, I will be peeling off some green backs next week, as my monthly deposit is not in yet. (Seriously)
Hi jen, Erica!!
Avatar 5:00pm
Orange Peel:

Welcome, Sir Clark!
Avatar 🎸 5:00pm

Hello, DJOP! Hello, Everyone!
Avatar 🎸 5:00pm

↳ WLSClark @4:58
Hiya, Clark!
Avatar 🎸 5:01pm

Greetings, Sir Peel and Woof.
Avatar 5:01pm

I'm Enery the 8th I am.
Avatar 5:01pm

It's marathon time again. Hi guys!
Avatar 🎸 5:01pm

↳ Erica @5:01
‘Iya, Erica.
Avatar 🎸 5:01pm

↳ Erica @5:01
You're not fooling anyone--not even in 2nd verse!
Avatar 🎸 5:02pm

Hi Woof!
Avatar 5:02pm
Orange Peel:

Thank you, my esteemed chatters.
Avatar 5:02pm
Orange Peel:

Ladies and Sirs - one and all
Avatar 5:02pm

↳ WLSClark @5:01
"I've been eating since 6 am." - Homer Simpson
Avatar 🎸 5:03pm

↳ Erica @5:02
Avatar 🎸 5:05pm

Avatar 5:06pm
Orange Peel:

I can't afford beer!
Avatar 5:07pm

↳ Orange Peel @5:06
What about lager?
Avatar 5:07pm

Or tea? Tea sounds nice. ☕
Avatar 🎸 5:08pm

↳ Erica @5:07
Notice how OP has decided to talk to us more when he wants money?
Avatar 5:09pm

↳ WLSClark @5:08
That and when Andrew returns.
Avatar 5:12pm
Orange Peel:

↳ WLSClark @5:08
Well, I was only told recently that I was supposed to be here. Is that true?
Avatar 5:12pm
Orange Peel:

And if anyone knows how much money is involved, please fill me in.
Avatar 5:14pm

↳ Orange Peel @5:12
Well it IS marathon time.
Avatar 5:16pm
Orange Peel:

I want to thank my esteemed donaters: Sirs Doug, Christopher, Steven & Jose + Ladies Randi & Jen. I will speak in tribute to you next week, if I am still alive.
Avatar 5:18pm
Orange Peel:

It's no joke - I beg to differ!
Avatar 5:18pm
Orange Peel:

Am I Crazy?!
Avatar 5:18pm
Dr. Nathaniel Ward:

Hello, This is Pete's new profile!
Avatar 🎸 5:19pm

↳ Orange Peel @5:18
Andrew's little helper!
Avatar 5:20pm

What a drag it is getting old
Avatar 5:20pm

heya orange peel and friends! i've never actually seen you in the comments before! and i'm nadia as in nadia and pete.
Avatar 🎸 5:21pm

↳ Erica @5:20
Well it is NOW that Hitler 2.0 is ruining life.
Avatar 5:21pm

↳ Dr. Nathaniel Ward @5:18
nathaniel ward is the man who invented terrariums
Avatar 🎸 5:21pm

↳ Song: "Craise Finton Kirk (Royal Academy Of Arts)" by "J...
This song is SOOO PERFECT!
Avatar 🎸 5:22pm

↳ Song: "Craise Finton Kirk (Royal Academy Of Arts)" by "J...
Very, very nice!
Avatar 5:22pm
Orange Peel:

Thank you "hectic" - I feel seen
Avatar 🎸 5:22pm

↳ WLSClark @5:21
Avatar 5:22pm

↳ WLSClark @5:21
He is an evil orange man, unlike Sir Peel.
Avatar 5:22pm

↳ Song: "Craise Finton Kirk (Royal Academy Of Arts)" by "J...
Very very nice.
Avatar 5:22pm
Orange Peel:

As I mentioned at the start of the show, I had a very long nap - several months perhaps - still reacclimatizing to reality
Avatar 5:23pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Erica @5:22
Avatar 5:23pm

↳ Orange Peel @5:22
i see...orange
Avatar 5:23pm
Orange Peel:

↳ hectic @5:23
Avatar 🎸 5:24pm

↳ Erica @5:22
At least OP's people are still on the up and up! (Right, OP?)

Aloha popsters, and Sir Peel!
Avatar 5:25pm

↳ Orange Peel @5:22
Avatar 5:26pm
Orange Peel:

↳ hectic @5:25
yes - a lot of that!
Avatar 5:26pm
Orange Peel:

Welcome, Sir Dennis!
Avatar 5:28pm

↳ Song: "Winchester Cathedral" by "The New Vaudeville Band"
My dad liked this song.
Avatar 5:28pm
Dr. Nathaniel Ward:

We have this record.

Sir Peel, I consider this recording beneath your dignity
Avatar 5:29pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Dr. Nathaniel Ward @5:28
It should be in every collection!

Despite its beating out Good Vibrations for Record of the Year in 1966. Blechhhh
Avatar 🎸 5:30pm

HEY, DENNIS!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, recently, I believe? Hope you return to the airwaves SOON!
Avatar 5:30pm
Dr. Nathaniel Ward:

↳ Orange Peel @5:29
Avatar 5:30pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Dennis @5:28
They said play hits, and I only aim to please when there are prying eyes.
Avatar 🎸 5:31pm

↳ Orange Peel @5:30
You couldn't choose Scaffold?

Gee WLSClark, I haven’t been on the air in years - but thank you! (Alas, my birthday is in June… but again, thank you.)
Avatar 5:33pm

happy birthday to EVERYONE!
Avatar 5:34pm
Orange Peel:

↳ hectic @5:33
Why, thank you!

Oh…. I realize now that you think I’m the Diken man of Denny’s Den. No, I’m a Kelley… former LuxuriaMusic DJ
Avatar 5:34pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Dennis @5:32
I haven't been on the air in years either!
Avatar 5:35pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Dennis @5:34
Both drummers - a great name for drummers

Indeed, Sir Peel
Avatar 5:37pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Dennis @5:36
Avatar 5:37pm
Dr. Nathaniel Ward:

↳ Song: "The Magic Story Of The Park Keeper And His Fairy ...
That song truly was magical!
Avatar 5:40pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Dr. Nathaniel Ward @5:37
I would have to agree, Doctor
Avatar 🎸 5:41pm

↳ Dennis @5:34
Oh sorry, all this time I thought.....haha!
Avatar 5:41pm

↳ Dr. Nathaniel Ward @5:37
dr ward speaks the truth
Avatar 🎸 5:42pm

OP, I wish there was an artificial information version of you!
Avatar 5:42pm

happy Monday, fans of the peel.
Avatar 5:43pm
Orange Peel:

↳ WLSClark @5:42
There are a variety of imitators - I call them thieves!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:43pm
Steeley Chris:

Good evening, Sir Peel and all!
Avatar 5:43pm
Orange Peel:

↳ dad @5:42
Sir Dad, Orange you glad?!
Avatar 5:43pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Steeley Chris @5:43
Sir Steeley Chris - thank you for your contribution to my humble radio offering
Avatar 5:45pm
Orange Peel:

Sir Neil from the UK - thank you!
Avatar 5:46pm

↳ Song: "Ground Song" by "Trevor Billmuss"
OK that was my new favorite song
Avatar 5:47pm

↳ Orange Peel @5:43
right down to my navel, Orange
Avatar 5:47pm

↳ Song: "Our Fairy Tale" by "The Herd"
This song's grown on me
Avatar 🎸 5:47pm

↳ Song: "Our Fairy Tale" by "The Herd"
Frampton comes alive!
Avatar 5:48pm
Orange Peel:

↳ hectic @5:46
Thank you, my esteemed listener
Avatar 🎸 5:48pm

↳ dad @5:42
HI DAD! Got all those green backs for Teeth man?
Avatar 5:48pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Erica @5:47
Grown is better than groan
Avatar 🎸 5:48pm

↳ Song: "Chicago Cottage (UK mono 45)" by "The Mirage"
Love this great little 45.
Avatar 5:49pm
Orange Peel:

↳ WLSClark @5:48
It's just a Mirage
Avatar 🎸 5:49pm

↳ Song: "Chicago Cottage (UK mono 45)" by "The Mirage"
With the current world being what it is, I wish I were back in my Chicago Cottage. Better yet, maybe I should think outside the US borders.
Avatar 🎸 5:50pm

↳ uptownjen @5:49
Op can put you up, Im sure. He has a nice cottage in Lancaster.
Avatar 5:51pm

gotta figure out a way to pledge as a teenager with a pile of crumpled 20 dollar bills and no bank account
Avatar 5:51pm
Orange Peel:

Don't I sound great? I mean, if I must ask.
Avatar 🎸 5:52pm

↳ WLSClark @5:50
Very, very nice.
Avatar 5:53pm
Orange Peel:

Hoping I can wake up to open the boutique later...any road...the Big Boss is coming up in 5 or so minutes. He'll know what to do..
Avatar 5:54pm
DA the DJ:

Thanks everyone!
Avatar 5:54pm

↳ WLSClark @5:48
going for that sweet bumper sticker
Avatar 5:54pm
Dr. Nathaniel Ward:

Who is the big boss?
Avatar 5:54pm
Orange Peel:

Thank you, friends - one and all and now adieu
Avatar 5:54pm

↳ uptownjen @5:52
Very very nice.
Avatar 5:54pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Dr. Nathaniel Ward @5:54
Stay tuned to this very station for Come To The Sunshine!
Avatar 🎸 5:56pm

OP, you crack me up, in fact you crack YOU up too!
Avatar 5:57pm

Yeah OP never stop being yourself. Thanks for the show.
Avatar 5:57pm
Dr. Nathaniel Ward:

Bye, Friends!
See you next Monday!
Avatar 5:58pm
Orange Peel:

Thank you, Lady Erica! Sir Clark and other people that I am too tired to personally acknowledge...
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