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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, December 8, 2007 Favoriting
Transpacific Sound Paradise live from Barbes in Park Slope, Brooklyn

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Our eighth action-packed remote presenting a slice of the vibrant musical life of Barbes,
the friendly nightspot at 376 9th St (at 6th Ave) in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

Julian Kytasty (R.) and Michael Andrec photographed by Trent Wolbe.


See Trent Wolbe’s photos of the show:


Featuring live performances by (in order of appearance):

Julian Kytasty and Michael Andrec, champions of the many-stringed traditional Ukrainian bandura – plus special guests – in a special Brooklyn taste of Julian’s Bandura Downtown series.

The Bulgarian vocal stylings of Black Sea Hotel, Ltd. special two-voice unit

Les Chauds Lapins, who revisit French popular song from the first half of the last century – with a particular affection for Charles Trenet and the banjo-ukelele

Colombian guitarist Sebastian Cruz’s new Latin-rooted genre-busting jazz / improv ensemble Cheap Landscape Quartet


Thanks to our superstar crew: Engineers Bil Bowen and Gil Shuster, PA's Trent Wolbe (also staff photographer), Katie Gentile and Bethany Ryker; and Liz French on the board at FMU. Thanks as always to Olivier Conan of Barbes. And best wishes to Irene Trudel, our tech guru who usually co-hosts the TSP Barbes remotes. Irene made these remotes possible to begin with, and had planned to join us as usual. But she could not participate due to a sudden family emergency.

This Week's Playlist:

Julian Kytasty and Friends:
Live at Barbes

Black Sea Hotel Ltd. Two-Voice Unit: Ibish Aga (Pomak song from the Velingrad region) Favoriting
Live at Barbes

Black Sea Hotel Ltd. Two-Voice Unit: Mori shto si glava (Pomak song from the Velingrad region) Favoriting
Live at Barbes

Black Sea Hotel Ltd. Two-Voice Unit: Tsar Murat Mara Dumashe (Pomak song from the Velingrad region) Favoriting
Live at Barbes.
Interesting songwords note: Tsar Murat Mara dumashe relates to the marriage of Mara Brankovic to Ottoman Sultan Murad II in the mid 15th century. She came from a well connected Serbian political family and was a significant diplomat for the Ottoman empire, especially during their long war with Venice. Tsar Murat says to Mara Mara you beautiful Bulgarian girl. Let's go - and make you a turk. To sit on a high balcony and wear yellow gold In other versions in Macedonia, the song goes on to say: I will make an offering for you At Sultan Selim Cami (mosque) in Edirne At Istanbul’s Holy Wisdom (Orthodox cathedral that became a mosque)) Damned be you, Selim’s Cami, Damned be you, Holy Wisdom, I only want the True Faith for myself Our beautiful Faith, Every Sunday is the Great Day. (Contributed by Corinna Snyder of Black Sea Hotel Ltd.)

Black Sea Hotel Ltd. Two-Voice Unit: Aber mi Doide ot Soluna Grada (From Vardar Macedonia) Favoriting
Live at Barbes

Black Sea Hotel Ltd. Two-Voice Unit: Vercheraj Agno (From Vardar Macedonia) Favoriting
Live at Barbes

Black Sea Hotel Ltd. Two-Voice Unit: Sluntse Gree (From Shopluk) Favoriting
Live at Barbes

Black Sea Hotel Ltd. Two-Voice Unit: Spava Mi Se (From Shopluk) Favoriting
Live at Barbes

Julian Kytasty: Interview Favoriting

Les Chauds Lapins:
Live at Barbes

Les Chauds Lapins: Interview Favoriting

Sebastian Cruz Cheap Landscape Quartet: Graffiti Favoriting
Live at Barbes

Sebastian Cruz Cheap Landscape Quartet: Tantas flores y no hay jardin Favoriting
Live at Barbes

Sebastian Cruz Cheap Landscape Quartet: Cheap Landscape Favoriting
Live at Barbes

Sebastian Cruz Cheap Landscape Quartet: Cometa de Plumas Favoriting
Live at Barbes

Sebastian Cruz Cheap Landscape Quartet: Puya minimal Favoriting
Live at Barbes

Sebastian Cruz Cheap Landscape Quartet: Mi equinita Favoriting
Live at Barbes

Sebastian Cruz Cheap Landscape Quartet: Caranga Favoriting
Live at Barbes

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