Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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October 24, 2008 Favoriting
Porky Pig and Phil Ochs in Africa
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo Wax 1990)


La La (Means I Love You)
(Listen: Pop-up)
(Philly Groove 1968)
The Esquires  Get On Up   Favoriting 7"
(Bunky 1967)
Mel and Tim  Backfield in Motion   Favoriting 7"
(Bamboo 1969)
Milt Grayson & the Mystery Guests  Right On! Right On! Right On!   Favoriting


(Peak )
The Soul Survivors  Expressway to Your Heart   Favoriting 7
(Crimson 1967)
The Temptations  Sorry Is a Sorry Word   Favoriting 7"
(Gordy 1967)

Talkover Music:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting 7"
(Jax mid-1960s)


Give Ireland Back to
the Irish

(Listen: Pop-up)
(Apple 1972)
RIngo Starr  Early 1970   Favoriting 7"
(Apple 1971)

John Lennon/
Plastic Ono Band
Power to the People   Favoriting 7"
(Apple 1970)
The Beatles  You Know My Name (Look Up My Number)   Favoriting 7"
(Apple 1970)
George Harrison  Apple Scruffs   Favoriting 7"
(Apple 1970)

Talkover Music:
The Majestics 
Coming On   Favoriting 7"
(Funky 45 1969)

Leslie Isiah Gaines & the Voice of
the People 

The Lord Don't Know Anything 'Bout
Unemployment (He's Working Overtime)
(Listen: Pop-up)
(Justice Unlimited 1983)
Rev. Ike
Eddie Taylor 
Healing & Blessing Prayer
Amen   Favoriting
Rev. Ike Prays For You
(Rev. Ike 1970)
Tammy Faye Bakker  The Ballad of Jim & Tammy   Favoriting


(Sutra 1987)

Talkover Music:
The Winstons 
Amen, Brother   Favoriting 7"
(Metromedia 1969)

Bobbie Gentry 

Mississippi Delta
(Listen: Pop-up)
(Starline 1967)
Johnny Paycheck  Slide Off Your Satin Sheets   Favoriting 7"
(Memory Lane 1977)
Skeeter Davis  The End of the World   Favoriting 7"
(RCA 1963)

War Pigs   Favoriting 7"
(1/4 York 1991)
Johnny Dowd  Mother Love   Favoriting 7"
(Sub Pop 2001)

Talkover Music:
The Soul Providers 
Let the Music Take Your Mind   Favoriting 7"
(Desco )

E. Power Biggs 

Maple Leaf Rag
(Listen: Pop-up)
(Columbia 1973)
Mike Oldfield  Tubular Bells   Favoriting 7"
(Virgin 1973)
James R. Lawson  America the Beautiful   Favoriting

Patriotic Tunes

(Blake Productions )
Wendy Mae Chambers  Star Spangled Banner   Favoriting 7"
(ArtMusic 1983)
Land of the Loops  Multi-Family Garage Sale   Favoriting 7"
(Up 1995)

Talkover Music:
Timmy Thomas 
Funky Me   Favoriting 7"
(Glades 1972)


The Death Queen
(Listen: Pop-up)
Cooper-Moore Cedar Box
(50 Miles of Elbow Room 2004)

Emancipation   Favoriting Cooper-Moore Cedar Box
(50 Miles of Elbow Room 2004)
Cooper-Moore  Crow Shit on the Window   Favoriting Cooper-Moore Cedar Box
(50 Miles of Elbow Room 2004)
Cooper-Moore  Solo From Bordeaux   Favoriting Cooper-Moore Cedar Box
(50 Miles of Elbow Room 2004)

Talkover Music:
Specks Williams 
Speck's Blues   Favoriting 7"
(Jax )

Arthur Doyle 

Mama Love Papa Love
(Listen: Pop-up)
(Audible Hiss 1996)
Miguel Algarin / Edwin Torres / Sean G. Meehan  She / Equinnical Kiss   Favoriting


(Trust 1997)
Luther Thomas & Dizzazz  Nervous Breakdown   Favoriting 7"
(Moers Music 1981)
E.U.  Da Butt   Favoriting 7"
(EMI 1987)

Talkover Music:
Hindal Butts & the Specialists 
Get Loose   Favoriting 7"
(D-wreckEd-hiT 1970s)


A Tu Vera
(Listen: Pop-up)
(Caytronics 1977)

Demuestrame Que Tu Sabes   Favoriting 7"
(Fania 1975)
Celia y Johhny  Tres Dias de Carnaval   Favoriting 7"
(Vaya 1976)
Los Super Lamas  La Tal Por Cual   Favoriting 7"
(Fontana 1987)

Talkover Music:
The Soul Providers 
Let The Music Take Your Mind   Favoriting 7"
(Desco 1997)

Phil Ochs w/the Pan African Ngembo Rumba Band 

(Listen: Pop-up)
(Sparkle 1973)
Hugh Masekela  Puffin' on Down the Track   Favoriting 7"
(UNI 1968)
Mel Blanc  Porky Pig in Africa   Favoriting

Porky Pig in Africa

(Capitol 1947)
Pili Pili  I Nan Djole   Favoriting 7"
(Jaro 1990)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  9:05am HotRod:

This whole webswitch business can get a little tricky sometimes. My apologies for cutting your intro music off for a couple of seconds...once again. See you at the fair!!! ;)
  9:09am Matt:

Gotta love the Delfonics. Good morning Doug!
  9:10am Hatch:

God, I love this song.
  9:13am Brian Sanders:

If the other programmes this week on FMU are anything to go by; todays should be a wonderment! PS When is the record fair going on the road, like London. Ho Ho
  9:14am Paul Sherratt:

Phew !!! I thought for one minute that you'd changed your clocks already .. when does that happen ?
  9:19am God:

You are welcome Hatch
  9:21am Jesus:

Hey dad can I borrow the car tonight to go to the record fair?
  9:23am Terry Allen:

Gimme a ride to heaven, boy. ( I want to talk to my dad )
  9:23am The big guy in da sky:

Just do that Star Trek thing and beam y'self over there
  9:23am Beach Boy:

God only knows if the car won't get ticketed outside on 18th Street or, should you get hungry, if cheese is priced affordably in Chelsea
  9:25am GP:

Morning all....Request the Record Fair in Texas, stat.....
W E L L...I'm waiting.......
  9:30am Bad Ronald:

Thanks for the McCartney tune - I was hoping someone would play it this week and now Ringo - STELLAR!
  9:38am Bad Ronald:

Gonna represent Mr. Harrison?
  9:39am Doug:

B. Ronald,
But of COURSE!
  9:40am Ringo the Wanker:

Peace and love, buy my albums and kiss off. No more, I've too much to do. . .go to blazes, give me money, Peace and love. No I'm not gonna sign. . .
  9:40am Bad Ronald:

Ah yes perfect!
  9:57am Beelzebub:

I love Jim and Tammy!
  9:57am Jessica Hahn:

I was hoping to hear this Tammy Faye song.....not really, but this is hilarious.
  9:59am Sam Kinnison:

Woaaah Jessica how's it going? Ya miss me?
  10:09am fishmonkeystew:

I used to have a neighbor named Skeeter. He was a short, wily haired craggy looking dude who drove a VW beetle.
  10:09am PKNY:

Aw lord yeah!
  10:10am Paul Sherratt:

That particular Paycheck doesn't feature on the Country Music Foundation collection .. Don't Monkey With Another Monkey's Monkey does, however.
  10:10am GP:

We used to have an old country show DJ that would sign off with that Skeeter tune every night. It was just like having her sing you to sleep.
  10:11am rob:

i love this version of war pigs. haven't been able to find it since i first heard it years ago. thanks singles week...l
  10:11am Doug:

No, the flipside is "Take This Job and Shove It"!!
  10:13am Cecile:

See, Black Sabbath ARE great songwriters.
  10:13am Bad Ronald:

Got "Colorado Kool-Aid" handy?
  10:15am Paul Sherratt:

Thanks Doug.

Country Music.
Is that the US' greatest gift to an ungrateful world ?

( Answers own question - No, it's Johnny Dowd ! )
  10:17am fishmonkeystew:

Hi Doug. Excellent show as always. Got any Hazil Adkins?
  10:19am GP:

This Johnny Dowd sounds like a David Lynch soundtrack
  10:24am Cecile:

E Power Biggs - WTF? No words...

You have any Snakefinger or MX-80 singles floating around?
  10:26am Cecile:

Mike Oldfield.
I love the part of the album with the Neanderthal men at the end. He had a loopy sense of humor.
  10:27am Regan MacNeil:

Your mother cooks socks in hell!!!
  10:28am Brian Sanders:

Ah Vivian Stanshall. It's like The Intro & the Outro five years later & with more drugs
  10:29am Bad Ronald:

Yeah any Bonzos laying around?
  10:29am kent:

  10:29am Paul Sherratt:

Brian, hats off to Viv Stanshall.Even if you don't wear one.
  10:30am Bob:

I always thought it was very prescient of Stanshall to parody his work with Oldfield several years in advance.
  10:31am Cecile:

SInging Dogs. We need some singing dogs around now.
  10:41am Cecile:

I saw Cooper-Moore give a performance about eight years ago.
He played a straw like a soprano sax.
He also said he wrote one of the manuals for the Head Start program that is still used today.
  10:49am monica:

hey doug,
fantastic show today!! all the thrill of those pops and clicks with no lapse in the variety and exquisite taste we've come to expect from the drummer.
  10:51am GP:

This Emancipation tract is luscious caramel coated goodness.
  10:58am Doug:

Thanks Monica,
I was kind of hoping there would be MORE pops and clicks. Many of these 45s haven't been played in twenty years or more. I thought they'd be in much worse condish. Darn!
  11:02am GP:

Doug, went online shopping for the Cooper-Moore boxed set..
Y I K E S..$200 and up....I need another job.
  11:03am Andrew in Toronto:

Definitely digging the show today. The Tammy Faye track was beautifully absurd and strangely poignant, the Freakwater Sabbath cover was an out-of-tune revelation and the Land of the Loops track just made me smile.

  11:03am dc pat:

Aaah, dang. Missed You Know My Name... Grew up listening to that B-side. Man, I'm late.
  11:13am Cecile:

Luther THomas on 45?
  11:15am Doug:

Yup, looky here:
  11:16am Paul Sherratt:

Cecile - Germany 1981 ..
  11:17am C:

  11:20am C:

Go-go's alive and well. Just saw Sugar Bear and EU a few weeks ago and they're as good as ever. Sugar Bear is one of the great frontmen of our time.
  11:21am g:


G'morning. Just saw your excellent recent post on the blog. Just for clarity, was that a gentle ribbing or a scathing indictment? Either way, see you at the fair!
  11:24am WinstonSmith:

I have been a GoGo fan since I found my first Trouble Funk promo 12" (E Flat Boogie, Pump It Up) on The DETT or JAMTU label back in 1980. The scene is alive and well in DC and the surrounding areas. You definitely have me dripping with intrigue over your Art Garfunkel comment though. What gives?
  11:28am ?:

shout out to the record fair volunteer herd!
  11:31am HotRod:

Salsa ALWAYS cheers me up!!!
  11:31am Brian Sanders:

Give the sister some
  11:33am dc pat:

Yeah, I don't think anyone in DC knows go-go is dead. Wassup Doug?
  11:34am foreign_listener_k:

Go-go was also killed by crack - no DC venue could afford the security to deal with the shootings that go-go clubs experienced.

Sad - go-go was a good way to ignore the Reagan error.
  11:38am C:

If anyone's interested, there's a relatively new go-go band called Mambo Sauce that's a pretty great mix of rock and classic go-go. I guess they're sort of doing what EU tried to do in the 80's, but using 90s-00s rock as a base instead of 80's. Also, Familiar Faces are an incredible live band.

Don't be scared off by the violence hype, as long as you're there to have a good time, there won't be any problems.
  11:41am annie:

phil ochs's sister has a great radio show out of rpi in troy
  11:43am north guinea hills:

i somehow forgot this existed and i just read phil ochs' biography....
  11:43am Doug:

Sonny Ochs, many years ago, was a DJ on this here very WFMU. Love to all Ochses and the people who love them.

  11:45am annie:

hope you have a chance to catch her show sometime.
  11:46am annie:

is she in archives here?
  11:47am Sean Daily:

Whoa! Porky Pig kinda sounds like Bugs Bunny! And that crane kinda sounds like Marvin the Martian! How crazy is that!
  11:47am Brian Sanders:

I believe Phil seriously damaged his vocal chords following an attack whilst in Africa. This must have added to his depression
  11:58am north guinea hills:

phil had many many problems that caused his depression...sad.....
  11:58am foreign_listener_k:

Violence hype? - maybe I should have been more clear that I was referring to the late 1980s/early 1990s, though the Reagan error should have been a clue. Back when two murders a day was the DC average.

The last time I saw Chuck Brown, it was a DC family affair, so to speak - lots of kids romping around the tent.
  10:35pm el Thatchmo:

That Arthur Doyle is copying Joey Matingo! And 10 years down the road!
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