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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, March 28, 2009 Favoriting
Lucia Pulido + Esau Mwamwaya

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First, recent Fader mag cover boy Esau Mwamwaya, from Malawi (until recently) by way of London, stops by to toast along with a few of his own tracks and favorite tracks from Malawi and beyond. On the new mixtape "The Very Best" (offered as a free download c/o Green Owl, the New York environment-friendly label), Esau mixes traditional Malawian music and other styles with contemporary beats, in collaboration with UK-based European DJ duo Johan Karlberg and Etienne Tron a/k/a Radioclit (who discovered him running a furniture shop on their street) and some very heavy friends.

Later in the show: a visit with Lucia Pulido, a gifted and charismatic Colombian-born singer known for her brilliant interpretations of Colombian traditional vocal styles. She got her start singing "Nueva Cancion" with partner Ivan Benavides (later of Bloque, who has also worked with Carlos Vives, Sidestepper etc.) - but really found her traditional voice when she moved away from Colombia, to New York in 1994.

(From: Lucia is currently working on several projects with musicians in New York and in different countries in Latin America. Some of these are: an experimental project based on Latin American traditional songs with Argentinean guitarist Fernando Tarrés (two cds from this collaboration, Songbooks 1 and 2 are released; Songbook 3 will be released in 2009); a project “América Contemporánea - um Outro Centro” with Brazilian pianist Benjamim Taubkin and several musicians from different countries in Latin America; the classic repertoire of Latin American songs of broken love performed with musicians based in New York; New York cellist Erik Friedlander’s “Colombiana” project; and the performance of experimental arrangements of Colombian traditional music, as well as newly composed songs written for her, with her ensemble in New York.

Lucia's latest CD is "Waning Moon" (Adventure Music) and the NY release party is at Joe's Pub, 425 Lafayette St. in NYC on Tuesday March 31 at 7:30pm. She'll also be at Barbes in Park Slope, Brooklyn on Monday April 13.

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Peter Tosh: I Am What I Am Favoriting / Equal Rights / Sony

Peter Tosh: Get Up Stand Up Favoriting / Equal Rights / Sony

Esau Mwamwaya: Two Songs Favoriting / The Very Best Mixtape
Live Vocals

Brenda Fassie:

Buraka Som Sistema:


Magic System:
Featuring Khaled

Bob Marley: Iron Lion Zion Favoriting / Natural Mystic

Esau Mwamwaya: Dinosaur Favoriting / The Very Best Mixtape
Live vocals

Vampire Weekend / Esau Mwamwaya: Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa Remix Favoriting
Live Vocals

Akoa: Freedom Favoriting / Freedom

Emeline Michel: Ava Favoriting / Reine de Couer

Aterciopelados: Dia Paranormal Favoriting / Rio / Nacional

Aterciopelados: Gratis Favoriting / Rio / Nacional

Occidental Brothers Dance Band International: Circle Circle Circle Favoriting / Odo Sanbra / *

Bela Fleck: Kinetsa Favoriting / Throw Down Your Heart / Rounder / *
With D'Gary

Bela Fleck: Dunia Haina Wema, Thumb Fun Favoriting / Throw Down Your Heart / Rounder / *
With Anania Ngoliga

Lucia Pulido: Cantos de Vaqueria Favoriting / Lucia Pulido / Intuition

Lucia Pulido: En Una Tiniebla Oscura Favoriting / Lucia Pulido / Intuition

Lucia Pulido: El Rey del Río Favoriting / Waning Moon / Adventure Music / *

Lucia Pulido: Las Cuatro Palomas Favoriting / Waning Moon / Adventure Music / *


Lucia Pulido: Canoa Rancha Favoriting / Waning Moon / Adventure Music / *

Lucía Pulido, Fernando Tarrés y La Raza: Bagualas Favoriting / Songbook 1 / BAU

Lucía Pulido, Fernando Tarrés y La Raza: Dona Ubenza Favoriting / Songbook 2 / BAU

Lucia Pulido: Soplaviento Favoriting / Waning Moon / Adventure Music / *

David Krakauer & So Called: B Flat a la Socalled Favoriting / Bubbemeises: Lies My Gramma Told Me / Label Bleu

Joe Bataan: Subway Joe Favoriting / King of Latin Soul / Vampisoul / *

Listener comments!

  6:11pm Ike:

Ah, it's the crazy microphone again! Bryce sounded awesome on that mic last night after 11, but I'm not sure it works so well for Esau. It's an interesting effect, though.
  6:37pm sirapniffej:

wasn't the mia sample from the clash's very own "go straight to hell boy"? great continuity though...
  6:40pm Your DJ:

Right you are! (I think...)
  7:01pm Ike:

That's an infinite improvement over Vampire Weekend's version.
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