Favoriting Scott Williams: Playlist from May 6, 2010 Favoriting

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" I can't tell when you're telling me the truth."
- I'm not.
"How do I know anything you've told me is..."
- You don't.

Monday 3:01 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting May 6, 2010: Oh man, oh god, oh man...

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Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
The Ex  How Can One Sell The Air   Favoriting Too Many Cowboys     
I'm just watching tv now  we've got tv in the studio now, oh boy   Favoriting oh no, oh man    0:02:51 (Pop-up)
Temple of Bon Matin  Earth Calling / Born to Go   Favoriting V/a, Assassins of Silence / Hundred-Watt Violence  trib: Hawkwind  0:07:19 (Pop-up)
Martin Rev  Jomo   Favoriting S/t, 1980    0:12:52 (Pop-up)
Russian scientists find hell under Siberia!        0:17:46 (Pop-up)
Bonzo Dog Band  Sofa Head   Favoriting Peel Session, 7/29/69    0:18:06 (Pop-up)
Black Helicopter  Invasion of Prussia   Favoriting Don't Fuck with the Apocalypse    0:24:10 (Pop-up)
Jeffrey Lee Pierce  Sensitivity   Favoriting Wildweed    0:28:39 (Pop-up)
Alex Chilton  Can't Seem To Make You Mine   Favoriting Top 30  amazing Ken Katkin tribute radio show here and here  0:37:52 (Pop-up)
Karen Cooper Complex  Flip-Kilter   Favoriting Shinjuku Birdwalk    0:40:41 (Pop-up)
Hank Thompson  A Broken Heart and A Glass of Beer   Favoriting A Six Pack To Go    0:42:43 (Pop-up)
The Doozer  Decisive Mind   Favoriting Great Explorers    0:44:58 (Pop-up)
Red Crayola  War Sucks   Favoriting Parable of Arable Land    0:48:21 (Pop-up)
Alexander "Skip" Spence  War In Peace   Favoriting Oar    0:52:35 (Pop-up)
Bethany Dinsick  Bottle Tree   Favoriting Bottle Tree    0:56:21 (Pop-up)
Fondation  Locquirec   Favoriting Metamorphoses    1:00:53 (Pop-up)
Failed suicide attempt story        1:06:46 (Pop-up)
Mamuthones  In the Wood   Favoriting Sator  ex-Jennifer Gentle  1:12:24 (Pop-up)
Gary Numan  Observer   Favoriting The Pleasure Principle  god, I hope he lets us b'cast his set at Primavera Sound!!!  1:27:40 (Pop-up)
Celfi Cam  Bi bop robert   Favoriting V/a, Triskedekaphilia: sesiynau "heno bydd yr adar yn canu" sessions    1:30:28 (Pop-up)
Datblygu  Ein   Favoriting Libertino    1:35:38 (Pop-up)
Ape Has Killed Ape  Ursus' Helmet   Favoriting Mattricide    1:37:22 (Pop-up)
Prince  Do It All Night   Favoriting Dirty Mind    1:42:34 (Pop-up)
Gal Costa  Milho Verde   Favoriting India  watch it here, and hold tight...  1:45:18 (Pop-up)
C Section 8  Dislodge and Float   Favoriting Urban Music    1:49:29 (Pop-up)
Liquidarlo Celuloide  Novata sepultada sexualmente por hormigas   Favoriting Pradera Tóxica    1:53:05 (Pop-up)
Mama Dada 1919  Kulewala   Favoriting   songs Tony Coulter taught us  1:56:05 (Pop-up)
Vocokesh  tr 2   Favoriting Still Standing In The Same Garden EP    1:58:21 (Pop-up)
Kluster and Friends  ASA, Side A (exc)   Favoriting 1969-1973 6xLP Box  Conrad Schnitzler, pre Moebius and Rodelius  2:00:48 (Pop-up)
IDM Theftable  exc   Favoriting Split LP w/ Cave Bears    2:13:53 (Pop-up)
German Oak  1945   Favoriting S/t, 1972    2:17:10 (Pop-up)
Bellows  Half-Life   Favoriting S/t, 2008    2:28:39 (Pop-up)
w/ Eric Dolphy  God Bless the Child   Favoriting Status    2:32:42 (Pop-up)
w/ Fondation  Cathedrale   Favoriting Metamorphoses    2:34:52 (Pop-up)
King Crimson  Red   Favoriting Red    2:41:00 (Pop-up)
Residual Echoes  Lorelei   Favoriting Phoenician Flu and Ancient Ocean    2:47:26 (Pop-up)
The Third Wave  Eleanor Rigby   Favoriting Here and Now    2:52:21 (Pop-up)
Xiao He  Doing It Homely Bouncily   Favoriting The Performance of Identity    2:55:53 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


scott vs. goblins vs. merrywether = knockout punch 1st round

the first 25 seconds of this show have been 25 of the greatest seconds of my life.
north guinea hills:

i enjoy bebbett4senate's comment.

Yo Bennett! Thanks for saying -- oh, hey, you too BSI!
dc pat:

I'm with BSI. And then followed up with old style Ex, way to go Scott.

scott I'm going to be vacuuming for the next few minutes - it drowns out the radio so if you need to say something disparaging against me/my family, NOW IS THE TIME

wow, Hell sounds kind of mellow.
north guinea hills:

I had a friend who believed the recording of Siberian Hell was real. (this was 1998). He was on his way to being born again.

Wouldn't everyone agree that "Hell Under Siberia" would be a good name for a band?

I'm going with The Phantom Gassers of Mattoon
dc pat:

whoa, canNOT believe I missed Russian scientists finding hell under Siberia! Damn food! Eating is such an annoying inconvenience...
Marshall Stacks:

Siberia to Kalmykia, the Russians are always on the metaphysical tip:

under the desk, looking for hell:

Hey dc pat this guy hasnt eaten for 70 years: http://tinyurl.com/2552cgm
Hs been fed mana from the gods through the top of his head. Indian military wants to weponize that shit. Which I find hilarious.
dc pat:

utd,lfh: yeah, I read about that guy. They're still monitoring him?

This is one of my fave tunes but I do prefer the Seeds version. Sky Saxon is such a nut.
dc pat:

that article is funny as hell -- the Indian military is studying that guys so they can learn how to save soldier's lives...so they can kill more people..
Dumpster ted:

Hi scott, Tuned in late! Whats happening?
..Have you any Marc Riley and the creepers??

dcp isn't it like the Spacemen 3 album title "Taking Drugs to make Music to Take Drugs To?"
dc pat:

yep, but more like "Taking drugs to make music to take drugs to so the military can kill more people"

Really Red did a hell of a version of War Sucks
Duke of Earl Grey:

Cable TV?!? In your studio?!? Holy crap. I guess Pseu *really* wanted to be able to watch "Ghost Whisperer," eh? Made for a fun Scott-o-matic noise mix of home shopping inanities there for a minute, though.
Duke of Earl Grey:

Ah, sounds like that's where Clay Pigeon got his "naoooh!" sample.
dc pat:

eh, this is the kind of tune by Prince that makes me not like Prince. It's so freakin sterile...like Steely Dan or something. Where's the out of control guitar??

Oh dear, oh no dc pat! It's so sparse and declaratory, this whole album is so great (and short). A million miles from Steely Dan

perhaps so, but APE HAS KILLED APE is the new fave band name of the hour.

thanks for the Gal Costa link! lotsa Brazilians here in Somerville, MA
Dead Corporate Eyes:

I dunno, C Section 8 is pretty good too!
dc pat:

ok, just not a fan I guess.. but just what is Gal Costa doing to the bongo player in that video??!
Mike Fun:

IDM theftable is one of the best noise acts from Maine. Glad to see him getting played!
Mike Fun:

and I just saw Cave Bears at 119 Gallery on Saturday. Good times.
Bad Ronald:

Wow, haven't heard "Red" in quite some time. Thanks!!!
Dale from North Dakota:

LOVE the King Crimson! Never can hear enough of the Wetton/Fripp/Bruford era!
Marshall Stacks:

I'm lovjng this set, Scott. Actually, I'm loving the whole show, but "Red" compelled me to post.
Marshall Stacks:

"Loving." Why didn't my spell-checker hip-check that?
Chris from DC:

Red. Oh man, oh god, oh man.
Dead Corporate Eyes:

maybe it's just me, but I've heard Red like four times in the pat month....local prog DJs spoilin' it for me I guess.
Dale from North Dakota:

Count yer blessings. The only "Red" on the radio around here is Red Sovine, Red Foley, and the Red Headed Stranger, lol

Great show again, Scott!
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