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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, December 4, 2010 Favoriting
Samuel Thomas of Asefa / Sephardic Music

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Zohara El Fassiya

Guest DJ Samuel Thomas introduces us to the wide world of Sephardic Jewish music. Thomas is a scholar of Sephardic traditions and leader of the group Asefa.

Samuel is involved with two events in the sixth annual NY Sephardic Music Festival (which coincides with Hanukkah, December 1-8, 2010): Asefa performs at the Edmond J. Safra Synagogue, 11 East 63rd St. on Sunday evening December 5; and Thomas moderates a Sephardic music seminar (with music by Vanessa Paloma and the d'Safi Takht Ensemble) at the Center for Jewish History, 15 W 16th St. on Monday evening December 6.

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Los Van Van: La Campana del Amor Favoriting / Edicion Especial / Egrem

Los Fulanos: El Pan y los Dientes Favoriting / Various Artists: Achilifunk / Love Monk

Kermit Ruffins and Rebirth Brass Band: What is New Orleans Favoriting / Throwback / Basin Street Records

Trombone Shorty: In the Sixth Favoriting / Backatown / Verve / *

Chico Mann: Mentirosos Favoriting / Analog Drift / Wax Poetics / *

Asefa: Aliz Favoriting / Largo / SRT

Asefa: Habibi Favoriting / Live at Zebulon / Unreleased

Samuel Thomas: Zohara Favoriting / Live on WFMU / Unreleased

Asefa: Djema El Fna Favoriting / Live at Makor / Unreleased

Haim Effendi: A La Una Nasse Lo Favoriting / A La Una Nasse Lo / Odeon

Vanessa Paloma: ¿Por Qué No Cantáis la Bella? Favoriting / Shirei Shevach - Songs of Praise - Alabanzas / Vanessa Paloma / *

Sarband: Morikos Favoriting / Sepharad - Songs Of The Spanish Jews / Harmonia Mundi

Ensemble Alegria: Alta, Alta es la Luna Favoriting / Chants Séfardes / Le Chant Du Monde

Zohara El Fassiya: Ayta Mulay Ibrahim Favoriting / Various Artists: Melodies Judeo Arabes / Blue Silver

Haim Louk: Yodu Lecha Rayonai Favoriting / Le Piout Marocain / Haim Louk

Lehakat Tzafon Maharav: Ohil Yom Favoriting / Piyyutim / Lehakat Tzafon Maharav

Rabbi David Bouzaglo: Yedid Nefesh Favoriting / Chants Hebreux de la Tradition des Juifs Morocains / Beth Hatefutsoth

Ezra Malakov: Yedid Nefesh Favoriting / The Ancient Central Asian Bukharian Jewish Melodies / World Bukharian Jewish Congress

Hakki Obadia: Atah El Kabir Favoriting / Iraqi Jewish Music / Global Village

Moshe Havusha: Dror Yiqra Favoriting / Moshe Havusha / Aderet Music

David Shiro: Mahrozet Favoriting / Piyyutim / Gaipaz

Salim Halali: Al Aine Ezzerga Favoriting / L'essentiel / Atoll Music

Asefa: Ki Eshmera Shabbat Favoriting / Asefa / SRT

Listener comments!

  6:05pm julian:

Well, good morning Rob! I got up early today!
Looking forward to a great show...
  6:46pm katie:

Hi sam. Sounds great.
  7:52pm A. in Essex Co.:

  7:59pm Archmo:

Is this by any chance a a sister festival of the Ashkenaz Festival in Toronto?
  8:15pm Your DJ:

Actually the NY Sephardic Festival isn't related to the Toronto Ashkenazi festival, no. Although it wouldn't be a bad idea for them to hook up - I know the producer of the NY Sephardic Festival has plans to mount a version in LA and is looking for other places too.
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