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The program formerly known as Dinner at Andy's, The Fuzzy Glove Hour, Whores, and The Happiness Hut. Ken and Andy, also known as The Enema Boys, further lower WFMU's already abysmal standards on a weekly basis. Stunt radio which subjects the radio audience to concepts and topics which mature adults should not have to endure. Find the fatal flaw. (Visit homepage.)
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August 31, 2011: Tonight's Programme: The Seven Second Delay Insurance Company
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Ken and Andy |
Seven Second Delay
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Listener comments!
Ken's Basement Albums:
Matt from Springfield:
Aaron in Minneapolis:
Danne D:
Jewish Humour:
Aaron in Minneapolis:
Matt from Springfield:
How's your basement and/or minivan doing?
Aaron in Minneapolis:
GEICO Lizard:
Danne D:
Matt from Springfield:
Aaron in Minneapolis:
Ken's Drowned Basement Albums:
Passaic River:
Listener Dave from Seattle:
drunken monkey:
Dan and Joel:
Listener Dave from Seattle:
drunken monkey:
Listener Dave from Seattle:
Listener Dave from Seattle:
Ken's Volcano Vaporizer:
Mike East:
Aaron in Minneapolis:
Matt from Springfield:
Aaron in Minneapolis:
drunken monkey:
Aaron in Minneapolis:
Evan from Emeryville:
Matt from Springfield:
Danne D:
Matt from Springfield:
Mary from North Carolina:
Hey Evan - I am from Emeryville! Tho I'm listening to the stream in Sydney right now. It is 8:30am
Listener Dave from Seattle:
Matt from Springfield:
Aaron in Minneapolis:
Matt from Springfield:
Danne D:
drunken monkey:
Matt from Springfield:
Dan and Joel:
greg in portland:
Ken: "Da spare."
Aaron in Minneapolis:
Matt from Springfield:
Wait, actually, is ANYONE listening to this right now?
Listener Dave from Seattle:
Matt from Springfield:
But, I think he would do that anyway...
Aaron in Minneapolis:
Danne D:
Example of tone (this is back in the day when nobody had heard of Fantasy Football - I had listed it as a hobby) AIG Person: "Oh, you play football?" - Actuaries aren't exactly noted for being aggressive - that was what AIG was looking for though. Worked for them for a long time (they'd get paid off on things like being the first company in Poland after communism fell, long before anyone else for example). That said, it isn't totally surprising what happened.
I happen to agree with the "too big to fail" assessment of AIG, btw. It's a huge reinsurer (reinsurers basically insure insurance companies - it's a means of spreading risk on big policies)
Right-Wing Think Tank:
Danne D:
As a total coincidence, 19 years ago today was the first day of my first job after college (the aforementioned actuarial job).
Matt from Springfield:
Danne D:
Matt from Springfield:
Aaron in Minneapolis:
Dan and Joel:
Listener Dave from Seattle:
Danne D:
Matt from Springfield:
Aaron in Minneapolis:
Aaron in Minneapolis: