Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from April 3, 2012 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting April 3, 2012: Lemon Fire

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
THE IN-THEME          0:00:00 (Pop-up)
ELSE TEICHER  What an Idea Is / Dying Pachycephalosaurid on I-75   Favoriting Whored  Beta-Lactam Ring  2010  0:01:05 (Pop-up)
DDAA  Jet Over Kashima Airport Include the Hit Miss Vandann   Favoriting Jet Over Kashima Airport Include the Hit Miss Vandann  Illusion Production  2012  0:08:31 (Pop-up)
BENE GESSERIT  Enfant des Rues   Favoriting A High, Happy, Perverse and Cynical Cry of Joy  RE: EE Tapes  1984  0:32:31 (Pop-up)
PETER GORDON  Foreign Waters   Favoriting V.A.: Just Another Asshole #5  RE: Atavistic  1981  0:35:58 (Pop-up)
THE ASSOCIATES  Kitchen Person   Favoriting Fourth Drawer Down  RE: V2  1981  0:36:45 (Pop-up)
FELLINI  Rosas   Favoriting 3 Lugares Diferentes  Baratos Afins  1987  0:41:40 (Pop-up)
ANDY BLINX / DON HUNERBERG  Red Ants   Favoriting V.A.: Just Another Asshole #5  RE: Atavistic  1981  0:45:17 (Pop-up)
PERE UBU  Turpentine   Favoriting Worlds in Collision  Fontana  1991  0:46:06 (Pop-up)
BOREDOMS  Heebo   Favoriting Pop Tatari  Warner Bros.  1992  0:48:48 (Pop-up)
SCOTT MARSHALL  Theme from the Video "(un)Intended Nature"   Favoriting Music from "Men's Stories" and Other Songs  Paniculture  2000  0:52:09 (Pop-up)
BENE GESSERIT  Sahid Bahey (1985)   Favoriting A High, Happy, Perverse and Cynical Cry of Joy [bonus track]  RE: EE Tapes  1984  0:59:06 (Pop-up)
DERDIYOKLAR IKILISI  Sofor Gardas   Favoriting Disko Folk  RE: Guerssen  1980  1:02:03 (Pop-up)
JOHANNES WELSCH  Fire   Favoriting Sound Creation  Deep Listening  2012  1:05:40 (Pop-up)
AHMAD ZAHIR  Awship Shuder Aye Dil   Favoriting Vol. 2  Guerssen  2012  1:09:32 (Pop-up)
CASSIOTONE FOR THE PAINFULLY ALONE  Cassiotone for the Painfully Alone Joins the Foreign Legion   Favoriting Answering Machine Music  Tomlab  2000  1:17:32 (Pop-up)
AIRBUS  I'm About to Lose My Mind   Favoriting Test Flight  Guerssen  197?  1:20:07 (Pop-up)
CHRIS NELSON  Dinner Time   Favoriting V.A.: Just Another Asshole #5  Re: Atavistic  1981  1:22:33 (Pop-up)
AIRBUS  Every Day Is Like Saturday   Favoriting Test Flight  Guerssen  197?  1:27:34 (Pop-up)
BEE GEES  Lemons Never Forget   Favoriting Horizontal  Atco  1968  1:31:42 (Pop-up)
OCTOPUS  Laugh at the Poor Man (1969)   Favoriting Restless Night [bonus track]  RE: Guerssen  1971  1:34:46 (Pop-up)
BEE GEES  The Earnest of Being George   Favoriting Horizontal  Atco  1968  1:37:58 (Pop-up)
MINUTEMEN  Black Sheep   Favoriting Joy (7" EP)  New Alliance  1981  1:40:45 (Pop-up)
BOREDOMS  Which Dooyoo Like?   Favoriting Pop Tatari  Warner Bros.  1992  1:41:50 (Pop-up)
SANDRA SEYMOUR  Dogs   Favoriting V.A.: Just Another Asshole #5  Re: Atavistic  1981  1:43:55 (Pop-up)
PAUL BRETT'S SAGE  Take Me Back and I Will Love You   Favoriting Schizophrenia  Dawn  1972  1:44:41 (Pop-up)
BOREDOMS  Nice B-O-R-E Guy & Boyoyo Touch   Favoriting Pop Tatari  Warner Bros.  1992  1:48:53 (Pop-up)
CRESSIDA  To Play Your Little Game   Favoriting Cressida  Vertigo  1970  1:53:21 (Pop-up)
FRUUPP  Sheba's Song   Favoriting Modern Masquerades  Dawn  1975  1:56:37 (Pop-up)
LARRY SIMON  Eggs Benedictus   Favoriting V.A.: Just Another Asshole #5  Re: Atavistic  1981  2:05:05 (Pop-up)
GRAVY TRAIN  The New One   Favoriting Gravy Train  Vertigo  1970  2:05:50 (Pop-up)
MONUMENT  Give Me Life   Favoriting The First Monument  RE: Guerssen  1971  2:11:03 (Pop-up)
GRACIOUS  Introduction   Favoriting Gracious  Vertigo  1970  2:14:53 (Pop-up)
CRESSIDA  One of a Group   Favoriting Cressida  Vertigo  1970  2:20:47 (Pop-up)
MONUMENT  Dog Man   Favoriting The First Monument  RE: Guerssen  1971  2:27:23 (Pop-up)
SAMURAI  Face in the Mirror   Favoriting Samurai  RE: Progressive Line  1971  2:30:44 (Pop-up)
FREEDOMS CHILDREN  Aileen   Favoriting Astra  RE: Shadoks  1970  2:37:19 (Pop-up)
KINKZOID  Devil on My Couch   Favoriting Further Unpleasantries  Mook  2008  2:39:21 (Pop-up)
GLENDA HYDLER / SUSAN FISHER  It's Hot Love   Favoriting V.A.: Just Another Asshole #5  Re: Atavistic  1981  2:43:09 (Pop-up)
OCTOPUS  Tide   Favoriting Restless Night  RE: Guerssen  1971  2:43:56 (Pop-up)
F. J. McMAHON  Sister Brother   Favoriting Spirit of the Golden Juice  Re: Rev-Ola  1969  2:49:31 (Pop-up)
FRIENDS  Once in a Winter Town   Favoriting Fragile  RE: Lion  1972  2:53:32 (Pop-up)
FRIENDS  You Need Friends   Favoriting Fragile  Re: Lion  1972  2:59:24 (Pop-up)
CURD DUCA  Hypno Traffic [PLUS]   Favoriting       3:02:19 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Wendy del Formaggio:

Ooh! I like being the first one in the theatre. I get first choice of where to sit.
Avatar 11:57am

Hey Wendy! Did you bring the cheese snacks?
Wendy del Formaggio:

I did, tonyc! Take some and pass the plate around.
Van in DC:

Just beaming in from the mothership. Hi Tony!
listener james from westwood:

good tuesday all, and welcome back, tony!
Avatar 12:02pm

Else Teicher = Thom Jones = DDDJJJ666, who filled in for me last week (thanks, Thom!).
Avatar 12:02pm

Heya, Van and Listener James!!
Brain in KU:

Hello Tony & folks. What's the difference between Gorgozola & Dolcelatte?
Avatar 12:06pm

Hey there, Brian the Brain...
Ricardo Montalban:

DDDJJJ666 did a great job substituting. Some of the other kids told him you let them come and go as they please and that you didn't leave us a homework.
listener james from westwood:

enjoyed the deutsche detour last week.
listener james from westwood:

@brain: the difference is i know how to make a good gorgonzola/sun-dried tomato pasta sauce w/ the gorg. little bit of white wine, maybe some garlic. it's good over beef tortellini. not for the day before a cholesterol test, now.
Avatar 12:10pm

Glad you both enjoyed the fill-in! I'm sure Thom will be back on Give the Drummer Radio at some point....
Wendy del Formaggio:

Brian, Gorgonzola is a cheese which can be found in a few forms. One is Dolcelatte, or "sweet milk". That's the softer one that most people know. "Mountain" or "Aged" Gorg is more crumbly and piquant.
Avatar 12:16pm

Wendy: Saw you quoted in the press (OK: facebook), claiming that monkeys enjoy cheese too.
listener james from westwood:

it was def. the aged gorg in my particular recipe then.
i attended a company holiday party that had a whole stilton. i don't think i got more than 20 feet away from it at any point during that event. :)
Avatar 12:21pm

Coming up later in the show: the Bee Gees, the Minutemen, and lots of U.K. prog.
Ricotta Montalban:

Will there be songs about cheese?
Doug S.:

I am digging this show by TTTCCC111!!!
Avatar 12:24pm

Ricotta Montalban: Yes: I'll be playing the Minutemen's classic song "Black Sheep Cheese."
Avatar 12:25pm

Thanks, DDD-DougDoug!!!
fromage rock:

no camembert electrique?
listener james from jarlsberg:

lol@ ricotta montalban. let us now all adopt cheese-related tags!

ok, this is working for me..., what's DDAA?
Avatar 12:29pm

Fromage Rock: No Gong today, no -- but there will be cheesy prog.
listener james from jarlsberg:

(jarlsberg was as close as i could get to bergen in norway and still be cheese-ulent!)
Ricotta Montalban:

a hommage du frommage?
Avatar 12:34pm

Northguineahills: DDAA are a great French band, formed in the late '70s. I did a blogpost on them a while back: blog.wfmu.org...
Josh Carr:

These tunes are exactly what I need right now. Thx.

Thanks tonyc!
Avatar 12:41pm

You're mos' welcome, Josh and Northguineahills!
Avatar 12:42pm

Many thanks to listener Iker for this great Fellini track!
Brain in KU:

Now what would an Alfred Jarry cheese taste like?
Brain in KU:

Pataphysics Blue.
Ricotta Montalban:

I llked this UBU album. It took me a while to warm to newer UBU, but I liked this one.
Brain in KU:

Tony, any trips planned to Europe in the foreseeable?
Avatar 12:50pm

Most people seem to think it's the worst Ubu album -- but there are some good tracks on it for sure.
Ricotta Montalban:

I purged a lot of LPs in the mid/late 90s and that was one of them. I find myself missing it even though I wasn't overwhelmed by it at the time. But I feel that way about lots of lost records.
Ricotta Montalban:

Yet I still have Pop Tatari.
Avatar 12:53pm

Brain: Unfortunately not. My trip to Belgium last year will have to do it for a bit.
Dan from Asiago:

Say Cheese, Tony!
Brain in KU:

Belgium is bigger on chocs & beer than cheese anyway. Now France.................or UK.

Long Viva Pa Ubu!
Avatar 12:59pm

Hey there, Dan & Mirrorman!! A tip of the cheese-wedge hat to both of you....
listener james from jarlsberg:

an alfred jarry cheese would taste like "merdre!"
Avatar 1:05pm

In case you're wondering, this Derdiyoklar Ikilisi is Turkish. They were buskers, and originally sold this album on the street as a cassette.
Van in DC:

Now how oh HOW did you know I was wondering about that Tony? :)
Bleu Dervish:

Since we all already saying cheese, how 'bout a group photo.

Oops, I missed part of the show. Looks like an especially good one, too.
Avatar 1:11pm

And Ahamd Zahir is from Afghanistan. (Figured I'd tell you BEFORE you started wondering, Van.)
Avatar 1:11pm

Gratings -- I mean greetings -- Ike!
Van in DC:

ha ha :)
listener james from jarlsberg:

the tony coulter radio chartsweep/rough guide of turkey would be a hell of an audio document. or afghanistan for that matter.
Van in DC:

As for cheese, I had bleu cheese salad dressing on my salad for lunch...but the best part of lunch was the yummy pineapple, peach, cantaloupe, strawberry, orange fruits that I loaded up on from our cafeteria.
Avatar 1:16pm

Cheese and a shake to you, Bleu Dervish!
Avatar 1:18pm

Listener James: I was planning to play Turkish stuff during my Greek special of a while back if I ran out of material. My Afghan special would last all of 5 minutes.
listener james from jarlsberg:

heh, would be one of the smaller sets in an overall mideast sonic tour!
listener james from jarlsberg:

i can't keep bleu cheese dressing in the house. i just go thru it too quickly. buffalo wings are a bleu cheese delivery system for me.
Van in DC:

I hear that listener james from...jarlsberg? Too many wings for me the past year, which is why I'm trying to be good now (except for the beer part ha ha)...gotta be able to squeeze back into my suit here soon for a concert :)
Avatar 1:30pm

Methinks this Airbus song sounds rather Kinks-y in parts, no?
Van in DC:

The Bee Chees!

Kinks-esque, yes. And the first airbus song started off just like the VU's "Rock'n'Roll.' I started singing over it
"Jenny says when she was just five years old..." before I realized it was a differrent tune.

Oh, and my mom's maiden name is Muenster: FACT!
Avatar 1:34pm

Van: Ha ho hee!

Hola, Conrad Muenster!
listener james from jarlsberg:

^^^ van wins.
Ricotta Montalban:

Clever hippies electro-quoting Bizet...
Avatar 1:41pm

Frankly, I would have been more impressed if Bizet had quoted Octopus.
Ricotta Montalban:

Clever SoCal Punks quoting Marx
Ricotta Montalban:

I need to dig up that Boredoms album again. It's survived so many musical purges, even though I haven't listened to it in years.
Avatar 1:54pm

I love their albums from the '90s. It always amazes me they're on a major label (Warners).
Ricotta Montalban:

I think that was a weird era for music. The majors were signing up any band that they thought were 'alternative'. No doubt it was due to more commercially viable 'alternative' artists name checking them.
Avatar 1:56pm

This here is the U.K. prog set, by the way....
Avatar 1:57pm

Ricotta M: Guess a similar thing happened in the '60s, when people like Captain Beefheart got signed.
Ricotta Montalban:

I remember here in the NW, there was a retail store chain called Waves that was seemingly just to sell 'alternative' music. Before long they became liquidation centers for all the major label stuff that the big retail stores couldn't move when the 'grunge/alternative' bubble popped.
chairman of the board:

Chocolate synthesizer.
Doug S.:

Give the Drummer Radio: Unpasteurized and proud of it!
Avatar 1:59pm

Chairman: Yes! My favorite Boredoms album....
Ricotta Montalban:

I think it happens anytime there's a perceived revolution in music. Punk, Alternative, etc. Look at all the stuff gobbled up on Sire in the wake of punk and new wave.
Ricotta Montalban:

I don't think record labels are in the position to take any chances on anything remotely weird anymore.
listener james from jarlsberg:

that's why the free music archive's such a treasure.
Avatar 2:04pm

Ricotta M: Guess not, now that they're down to their last billion dollars.
Ricotta Montalban:

Wow! This track is epic! And I don't mean that in the ironic, hipster sense.
Ricotta Montalban:

@Listener James: Indeed it is! I've found so much amazing music there! FMA Rulez!
Avatar 2:16pm

Kudos due to Jason Sigal for the FMA's excellence.
Ricotta Montalban:

I also dig their featured playlists, etc.

Just started listening at the beginning of this set of proggy goodness. Awesome! Where do you find this stuff?
Avatar 2:21pm

Greetings, Maestroso! These particular proggers are easier to track down than many. There are multiple reissues of most of their albums out there, as Vertigo was/is a high-profile label in the world of prog.

Thanks tonyc, I'll definitely have to look this.

...look FOR this...
Gentlemen of colour:

Arthur Brown Rules.
Avatar 2:32pm

Yes he does -- even via proxies.
Avatar 2:33pm

Samurai = The Web (same group, w/ a new name)
Avatar 2:37pm

Freedoms Children were from South Africa.
Avatar 2:39pm

And KinkZoid are post-Blitzoids. My latest blogpost features a bunch of KinkZoid tracks: blog.wfmu.org...
Avatar 2:55pm

The next show -- in 2 weeks -- will be the vinyl-I-picked-up-in-the-last-month-or-so show. There's a big pile of it lying around here, I'm glad/sad to say....
Van in DC:

Oh wow, didn't realize the time was so late. Thanks Tony!
listener james from jarlsberg:

dug the heck out of the program, tony, and looking forward to the vinylfest!
Ricotta Montalban:

Thanks for a mah-velous show today, Tony!
Avatar 2:58pm

You're welcome, Van! And thanks much, Listener James & Ricotta M!

One last track coming up....
Avatar 3:00pm

Thanks for listening everybody!! Hope you enjoyed your cheese treats. See ya in two weeks!
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