Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from June 19, 2012 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting June 19, 2012: Tony Coulter Presents Tape Hiss: French Underground Rock / PLEASE NOTE: "Tape Hiss" shows are not archived.

Artist Track Album Year
THE IN-THEME  Holger Hiller: Toyshopshoptoy   Favoriting    
WAPASSOU  Ludwig   Favoriting French radio session, c. 1979   
ANDRE VIAUD  Violine nuit   Favoriting Dans les Lointains (demo)  198? 
ANDRE VIAUD  Paysages velocipediques   Favoriting Dans les Lointains (demo)  198? 
ANDRE VIAUD  Neiges embrumees   Favoriting Dans les Lointains (demo)  198? 
ANDRE VIAUD  Nuit Antique   Favoriting Dans les Lointains (demo)  198? 
ANDRE VIAUD  Instant mauve   Favoriting Dans les Lointains (demo)  198? 
ANDRE VIAUD  Danse au coin du jour   Favoriting Dans les Lointains (demo)  198? 
ANDRE VIAUD  Les trois Venise   Favoriting Dans les Lointains (demo)  198? 
ANDRE VIAUD  Visage mecanique   Favoriting Dans les Lointains (demo)  198? 
PIERRE DEMOURON  Anglaiserie agacante   Favoriting Airs a Chanter Tout Bas (demo)  198? 
PIERRE DEMOURON  Air d’ecole   Favoriting Airs a Chanter Tout Bas (demo)  198? 
PIERRE DEMOURON  Autre Anglaiserie   Favoriting Airs a Chanter Tout Bas (demo)  198? 
PIERRE DEMOURON  Ritournelle alanguie   Favoriting Airs a Chanter Tout Bas (demo)  198? 
PIERRE DEMOURON  Italique nonchalante   Favoriting Airs a Chanter Tout Bas (demo)  198? 
PIERRE DEMOURON  Regard Penible   Favoriting Airs a Chanter Tout Bas (demo)  198? 
PIERRE DEMOURON  Guimauve d’Oxford Sixties   Favoriting Airs a Chanter Tout Bas (demo)  198? 
PIERRE DEMOURON  Happy Birthday Raoul   Favoriting Airs a Chanter Tout Bas (demo)  198? 
PIERRE DEMOURON  Elephant et castel   Favoriting Airs a Chanter Tout Bas (demo)  198? 
OCTAVO  La St Vincent tournante   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/29/91   
OCTAVO  Cours camarade, le vieux monde est derriere toi   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/29/91   
OCTAVO  Groningen   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/29/91   
OCTAVO  J'aime Dolla   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/29/91   
OCTAVO  Tout va bien lundi 18   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/29/91   
OCTAVO  Music Delit   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/29/91   
BRUNIFERD  J'ai dit non a la G.G.U.I.   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/29/91   
BRUNIFERD  La typesse   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/29/91   
BRUNIFERD  L'anglais Power decouvre les capillaires   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/29/91   
BRUNIFERD  Passe 30 ans, finies les sucreries   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/29/91   
BRUNIFERD  Un putch kitch   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/29/91   
ART MOULU  Un phantom bien elevee   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/28/91   
ART MOULU  ??   live in Meldola, Italy, 6/28/91   
ART MOULU  ??   live in Meldola, Italy, 6/28/91   
FERDINAND ET LES PHILOSOPHES  Toujours pareil   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/28/91   
FERDINAND ET LES PHILOSOPHES  Un joli coco   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/28/91   
FERDINAND ET LES PHILOSOPHES  Mistral   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/28/91   
FERDINAND ET LES PHILOSOPHES  Les belles images du temps passé   Favoriting live in Meldola, Italy, 6/28/91   
THE OUT-THEME  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting    

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Listener comments!

La Petomane:

Bonjour Tony,
looking forward to some hiss today.
Avatar 11:57am

Greetings, La P!
Avatar 11:59am

And hullo everybody else -- one minute to go...
holland oats:

oh dear
Le Petomane:

French version of Krautrock? I always thought there 1 or 2 essential differences between the two.
For one, Krautrock's jump off point was may be Piper at the Gates of Dawn. But was'nt France's Soft Machine' Third.
Secondly Krautrock had many superstars in their scene, Amon Duul 2, Ash Ra, Can, Popul Vuh, Faust, Tangerine Dream etc.
French underground rock lived in the shadow of Magma, the true giants of the scene.
Avatar 12:07pm

The sound man for this Wapassou has a little mishap shortly -- you can hear him cursing and the sound drops out for a bit.
holland oats:

lemme just bring the guitar down a bit... OH MERD!!!!
Avatar 12:10pm

@ Le Petomane: You're certainly right that krautrock is much better known than the French equivalent -- but it shouldn't be that way, as the French scene was just as impressive. Magma was just one of many flavors....
Van in DC:

Well, this ought to be an experience. Hi there Mr. tonyc.
Avatar 12:11pm

Hiya, Van!
Le Petomane:

so French Rock made less impact world wide than British/German prog?
Avatar 12:14pm

Much less -- though in the last 10 years or so it's gotten better known, I'd say.
Van in DC:

Wait. live on French radio? Tony did you record this on a cassette or something?
Avatar 12:16pm

@ Van: It is from a cassette, yes.
Avatar 12:18pm

In fact, everything heard today is from cassette and is unreleased.
Le Petomane:

suppose in the same way Tony, US prog is just as obscure as French's?
Avatar 12:22pm

Maybe even more obscure!
Le Petomane:

really loving this piece, has just about everything in it,
Le Petomane:

ah Clearlight Symphony came to my mind a minute ago. Must be those cosmic keyboard keys!
Le Petomane:

Avatar 12:36pm

Glad you liked it!
Van in DC:

Wow, like something straight out of "BladeRunner" :)
Le Petomane:

Blade Runner? More like The Day the Earth Stood still!
Avatar 12:41pm

Unfortunately, none of the tracks on this demo tape ever came out in any form -- as far as I know, anyhow.
Avatar 12:54pm

The track titles are handwritten in a somewhat scribbly script -- so I may be misreading some of them (like the one on now)

Some great French artistes Albert Marcoeur,Richard Pinhas/Heldon,ZNR,Jac Berrocal,L.S.T.P.O. etc....etc...
Avatar 12:58pm

Van in DC:

"In the Distant" is how Google Translate renders "Dans les Lointains" - is that correct...?
Doug S.:

Hey hey Tony!
I was working so intently on my show for 6pm that I forgot to turn you on. Thanks for turning me on!
listener james from westwood:

digging this show most heavily on a crazy day. afternoon and good tuesday, all! been running back and forth between computer and hot water heater (upstairs neighbor's unit is leaking into my unit, so have to be quick w the shop vac!).
Avatar 1:03pm

Hey there, Doug!

@ Van: More or less correct, yes -- maybe "In the Far Away Places" would be more colloquial.
Avatar 1:04pm

@ Listener James; ACK!!! My sympathies....
Avatar 1:06pm

None of these Demouron tracks have ever been released either....
listener james from westwood:

thanks. very little water got into my actual apt., but i did get a call while out this morning that there was leakage to the unit below me. they entered, vacuumed out the water in the basin surrounding my heater (the overflow basins are all linked via pipes), but it had refilled quite quickly about an hour ago. fun fun.
Avatar 1:12pm

When I lived in Brooklyn, my upstairs neighbor's heater was always dripping like crazy. There were big stains on that part of my wall -- plus some records and books got soaked until I wised up and moved everything out of that part of the room.
Doug S.:

Good luck, LJFW! Water, water neverywhere.
listener james from westwood:

yech, that's never fun to find out the hard way. i'm paranoid b/c a 2nd-story unit here had its water heater completely give way and flood 2 1st-story units. ceiling plaster collapse and everything, so 3 units total were waterlogged.
listener james from westwood:

doug, it sounds like the flow has dwindled, so your neverywhere has come to fruition, thankfully. i don't have to run around putting everything up high or in plastic as i did ahead of hurricane irene.
listener james from westwood:

(tho' i do still have the thumb drive of insurance photos of all my stuff just in case!)
Avatar 1:26pm

OCTAVO = Guigou Chenevier: drums, tenor sax, keyboards; Guy Sapin: guitar, bass, keyboards; Chris Chanet: baritone sax
Le Petomane:

And now for some of my favourite French records -
Ame Son - Catalyse,
Ange - Caricatures,
Phillipe Besombes - Libra, Clearlight - Forever Blowing Bubbles,
Ergo Sum - Mexico,
Serge Gainsbourg - Histoire De Melody Nelson,
Dashiell Hedayat - Obsolete, Magma - Udu Wudu, Malicorne - Alamanach, Pulsar - Strands of the Future,
Les Varations - Nador,
E.T.L. admirer:

Can anyone tell me about current works by Etron Fou members?
Avatar 1:43pm

@ Le Petomane: Great albums! Have 'em all, except for the Les Variations one.
Ricardo Montalban:

I've been listening from another dimension. Wonderfully hissy show, Tony!
Avatar 1:46pm

@ E.F.L. admirer: Not too up on the very latest, having sort of lost track around 6 or 7 years ago. They're all still cooking away, though.
Le Petomane:

Strange story Les Variations, started as Psychedelic, went on to in the early 70s to kind of Led Zep sound with Morrocan musical edges to the sound.

Then they disappeared until I discovered they had become religious and turned in Chassidic Sefardic rock band Raya Mehemna!

got to leave early tonight because its England V Ukraine in the Euros!
Old Blighty really needs my support, so I've dusted off the Union Jack, got out the old rattles, and

Avatar 1:47pm

@ Ricardo M: Thanks, senor! Glad the show didn't make you throw a hissy-fit.
le manuel de bruxelles:

Vive le Portland!
Avatar 1:50pm

Hey there, Manuel! Vive Bruxelles!
Avatar 1:52pm

BRUNIFERD = Ferdinand Richard: six-string bass, vocals; Bruno Meillier: alto & tenor sax, flute

Good morning, Tony & listeners.
Van in DC:

Hey Tony, is today's presentation a full 3 hrs?
Avatar 2:02pm

Yep, it is. Two more EFL offshoots to go.

I'll be watching England-Ukraine while listening to the last 15 minutes of Tony.
Le Petomane:

yeh game starts 2.45pm US time.
Avatar 2:04pm

@ northguineahills: That's the spirit! Should go together well....
Le Petomane:

actually France are playing also at the same time for anyone who wants to be feel Frank!
Van in DC:

Okay, thanks...greatly enjoying the show today, much more than I actually honestly thought I would, but need to take a short break :)
Avatar 2:09pm

Feeling over-hissed? Come back refreshed....
Avatar 2:11pm

On that subject, do you -- oh listeners -- find the sound quality of these "Tape Hiss" shows more or less OK? Or does it get wearing? There's only so much de-hiss-ification I can do to pretty up the sound.

This hiss is fine. It's overtly hissacle.
Avatar 2:14pm

And hiss-storical, I like to think.
Avatar 2:17pm

Anybody else? I really would like to know. The compression involved in streaming intensifies the hiss, unfortunately.
Avatar 2:19pm

ART MOULU = Jo Thirion: keyboards, vocals; Maurice Ott: vocals; Jean-Francois Welter: drums; Olivier Masson: saxes
le manuel de bruxelles:

hiss me and it feels like a kiss
Avatar 2:22pm

:) !

Digging the Art Moulu.
Avatar 2:25pm

They only have one release, which is also live in Italy, oddly -- but none of these tracks are on it.
Van in DC:

Okay all refreshed.

Hiss? What hiss? :)

Since I'm listening on POS computer speakers at a low volume, I really don't notice the difference. I'll have to check out the archives on my mega system back at the fortified NORAD bunker when I get home.
Ricardo Montalban:

I've never found the sound quality of the Hiss shows to be an hissue. They sound fine to me, but then I listen to it through some audio VST effects to offset the compression of internet audio. It's a bit hissy on headphones but it sounds less so on my monitors.
Doug Schulkind:

Two more radio programs coming up LIVE here on the stream:

6 - 7PM Give the Drummer Some
Tonight's show commemorates today being the 147th anniversary of Juneteenth, the date by which slaves in the state of Texas were freed—two and a half years AFTER the Emancipation Proclamation. (What assholes in Texas.)

7 - 9PM Kaminsky Kamoutsky with Jesse
Guest co-host tonight will be Ricardo De Lima, a Colombo-Venezuelan visual artist, hacker, DJ, & resident agitator at Spectacle in Boston. Live from Spectacle in Jamaica Plain, Mass, two hours of song-swapping and turntable leap-frogging.

Immediately following Tony and Tape Hiss here on the 24-hour Drummer Stream:

Chaichana Bunnchot
Begum Akhtar
David Lee
Allen Ginsberg
Dee Clark
Otis Clay
Champion Jack Dupree
Joe Williams
Brother Claude Ely
McCauley Spiritual Singers
Gerriston Brown Dots
Don Cherry
Charlie Rouse
Victor Irizarry y Su Orquesta
Trio Esperança
Martyn Wyndham
Joanna Newsom
Johnny Bond & the Red River Valley Boys
and more
and more
and eternally more...
Avatar 2:28pm

Art Moulu, by the way, means ground-up art. They originally called themselves Art Moulu Tres Fin: Finely Ground Art.
Van in DC:

@Carm - this isn't being archived I don't think...
Avatar 2:30pm

Thanks for the hiss reports, all. Glad the sound quality is OK -- may actually sound worse to me, since I'm just on a laptop with crappy built-in speakers. And, no, like all Tape Hiss shows, this is not being archived.
Van in DC:

Doug! GRRRRR...guess where I'm from? ;)

Van, I hear Texas is a nice place to be "from" ... :-)

No archives, eh? I'll just have to call in sick two weeks from today.
Doug Schulkind:

I didn't say everyone from Texas is an arsenpheffer! You are quite the opposite (that makes you a Phesenarfer!)
Doug S.:

Gotta go pick up the kiddenploofer from soccer camp. Great show, Tony.
Avatar 2:38pm

Thanks, Doug! Remember to put her down again....
Van in DC:

All's well, I was just kidding with you Doug. Catch you laters :)
Avatar 2:39pm

FERDINAND ET LES PHILOSOPHES = Ferdinand Richard: six-string bass, vocals; Alain Rocher: guitars; Dominique Lentin: drums

I guess we can guess where someone might have been in late june, 1991.
Avatar 2:42pm

Good guess, but no -- got these tapes from the nice Italian gents who organized this festival. I met 'em in Brooklyn!
Avatar 2:44pm

They are/were in a fine Italian band called Sisma.
Avatar 2:59pm

Will be running a few minutes over to get this last number in -- stick around if you can. Will be back next week with a regular freeform show. Thanks for listening, everybody!
listener james from westwood:

enjoyed the show today, tony. for the record, any low-fi on the recordings so far in this series has been no prob with me. i grew up in the analog era and wrassled with on-air fmu static in the pre-stream times. i've got a wide definition of normal!
Van in DC:

Thanks for the show Tony!
Avatar 3:01pm

Thanks, James & Van! See ya, everybody! Stay tuned to the stream...

Thanks Tony!
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