Favoriting Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White: Playlist from August 7, 2012 Favoriting

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Southern inspirational dada.

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Favoriting August 7, 2012: Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Hearty White    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Hearty White    0:27:38 (Pop-up)
Stanley Brothers  Sweetest Love   Favoriting 0:35:14 (Pop-up)
Hearty White    0:37:36 (Pop-up)
Dillard Chandler  Meeting is Over   Favoriting 0:51:27 (Pop-up)
Hearty White    0:54:12 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Danne D:

This show has grown on me. Kinda like a fungus :)

welcome to another week Hearty! Love your show :-)
Honey Water:

Like barnacles. Hi, Danne!
Devin Kettlecorn:

Trepannation Nutrition with Hearty White.
Danne D:

Like Dollywood with a Disaster :)
Honey Water:

Hey, Darue and Devin, too. A lot of D's tonight.
Devin Kettlecorn:

Hi Honey Water, Danne D, darue, all the people both visible and invisible!
Mike East:

I was describing this show to a friend last night and he has apparently caught some of it before. I told him to stick with it...it pays off. Evening everyone
Honey Water:

And hello, Hearty, too -- another H at least. Wish he'd return to playing a track or two of music so maybe he could write on the comments list a bit.
Philo Gristle:

Wearing my wrappings. Thus visible. Hello hearty gang!
Honey Water:

Hey, Mike! Did you see OUATITW? We saw Jiro Dreams of Sushi and Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. A fishy weekend for us.
Devin Kettlecorn:

Ooooh. How was Jiro?
Honey Water:

Say, Devin, didn't you say you were from Kentucky?
Mike East:

I started it, but got distracted with chores. What about Beasts of the Southern Wild...did you see it?
Philo Gristle:

Jiro was tasty like Kroger sushi. Salmon fishing smelled some.
Mike East:

i didn't know that sushi film was out yet. Its definitely on my list.
Devin Kettlecorn:

@HW: Did I?! I may have... but it would have been a fib. I am in New Jersey at the moment. Caught in a blast of air conditioning.
Honey Water:

Nope, no mammals, just fish. Philo's description pretty much goes for me, too. A shame because to be Blunt [shhh, don't say anything to Philo], I'm a little in love with Ewan M. :)
Philo Gristle:

Interesting with Jiro was the semi-overwhelming use of post-Koyaanisqatsi Philip Glass music. Good show, not great.
Honey Water:

Devin, I mean EVER from Kentucky? Thought I saw you say that last week or whenever. Maybe Hearty said it.
Mike East:

the trailer for Jiro made me hungry.
Danne D:

Hearty is right on with the valet parking :)

Paul was stoned
Danne D:

Hi Devin :)
Honey Water:

Mike, I don't know it if is yet. It isn't at our library or Redbox I know. We lucked out in getting a voucher from Amazon for streaming an Instant Video. It was free in the end.
Philo Gristle:

@Honey Allright with me, since that means you might tolerate watching the whole motorcycle adventure show Ewan did with Charley Boorman, right?
Philo Gristle:

@Danne Hearty is right on.
Devin Kettlecorn:

@PG: Wha-hah? Oh... For a moment I thought you were saying that they recycled the Koyaanisqatsi score. Don't want to repeat last week's confusion.

@HW: Hmm it's possible. I have relatives in Kentucky. Maybe I was talking about them?

@Mike East: I don't even eat fish and it made me hungry! But everything makes me hungry lately. Especially this show.
Honey Water:

@Philo: Hoisted by my own petard! :) Nah, I'm fine with seeing it anyway. Love travelogues to wonderful places, like Michael Palin's.

The finest stream of conscious performance with any relevance to my own life. Just amazing.
Thanks, Hearty- I'm getting old too. Every funeral prepares us for our own, so pay attention and go to as many as you can. I think you can learn something from real people, less from TV/internet.
Honey Water:

@Devin: Well, then that's good enough to ask the following: Mr. Kettlecorn, are you a Kentucky Kernel?
Philo Gristle:

@DK They kinda do, periodically, without the flashy visuals. Jiro fixes sushi and looks stern, while Glass plays on in the background.
Devin Kettlecorn:

Ogden Whitney reference!
Philo Gristle:

Ogden Whitney reminds me of Dick Briefer.
Devin Kettlecorn:

"In Love with Hyperbole"

@HW: I have never contemplated this before. But I'd like to be. Is it too late to start?

@PG: Hurnk. That don't sound very subtle. Which was what I was hoping for. Subtlety. Or Nuance. Or Fish. Being sliced. Without overbearing music.
Which is too bad since I do quite like Philip Glass from time to time.
Honey Water:

The question I have for anyone who sees Jiro is this: Where are the women?? The sons' mother -- Jiro's wife -- is never mentioned nor shown. The sons' wives, presuming they have them, are never mentioned or discussed. That felt strange to me.
Devin Kettlecorn:

I do believe we did establish that my Kettlecorn cousin calls me a mean anagram of my name.
Danne D:

This is a great episode. Alas I have to catch the rest on archive :( But I hope you all have a good night :)

Bless your Granny, man. I know the kind of support they give a kid, including your dream of dentistry, which your parents probably laughed at!
Is depression not helpful sometimes?
Honey Water:

DK, I think one has to have contacts and money -- or involved in an act of heroism -- to be dubbed a Kentucky Colonel. Just enjoyed the Kettlecorn pun. :)
Devin Kettlecorn:

@HG: What?? Seriously? That is nonsense. Wow. This movie is sounding less and less interesting.
Mike East:

g'nite Danne. Gonna catch the Best show tonite?
Philo Gristle:

If I can lower your expectations still some more, you're bound to come out of the experience positively surprised. Like many films of to-day, it's a fine well crafted piece, you'll enjoy while it's on. But it doesn't knock you over with a zen-zap to the frontal lobes.
Honey Water:

@DK: HG? It's HW. I do not take my husband's last name, thank you. ;)
Devin Kettlecorn:

Oh my goodness. My head really is a mess this week. Many apologies. I spent most of last week packing my apartment into boxes without eating or sleeping much. I am still recovering. {:=o
Honey Water:

@dpcd: I'm a firm believer that depression has a role and suppressing it with drugs is serving nothing.
Philo Gristle:

If anything I'd like to take Honey's last name since mine is such a drag.
Honey Water:

Yes, Hearty, I'm also a firm believer that celebrity sucks. Go, amateurs! But I do wish more folks listened to my soundclouds and made helpful comments.
Devin K. Gristlewater:

In repentance, I have adopted both of yours.
Honey Water:

Ha!! With the powers not invested in me, I hereby make you an honorary Kentucky Kernel!!
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

I'd like to be from Vanuatu myself.
Devin K. Gristlewater:

HooRay! Kentucky Kernels!
Honey Water:

It's Mars for me, all the way.
Honey Kettlewater:

Now you are guaranteed to have no "failures" when popping your corn.
Devin K. Gristlewater:

You know what they say, Philo, "Yumi, Yumi, Yumi!"
Honey Kettlewater:

Hearty's a Ken doll!
Devin K. Gristlewater:

I put my popcorn in a paper bag, and put that in a microwave. Works almost every time.
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

I feel like W. C. Fields. Dizzy. With Love in My Tummy.
Honey Kettlewater:

Hearty White -- Honey Water. Hm, we could exchange monogrammed towels.

@ HW - Good! I have met so many people in this world with more reason to be depressed than me. The med industry is after me and my kids for the $ they can extract from our dwindling insurance. A good therapist would tell you to face it, to deal with it, and set a date to end therapy. right? Who ever does that?
No drug therapy can end until you are out of money...
Otis Criblecoblis:

Don't like these stereo grams. I like mine mono.
Devin K. Gristlewater:

A new friend!
Honey Kettlewater:

@dpcd: I dread the day, though I imagine it will come without a choice, but I've never taken any prescription meds and hope to keep it that way forever. I try to adjust diet, try different herbs and supplements. So far I'm ahead of the hospital.
Professor Eustace P. McGargle:

An old friend, friends. Too damn old. I need a drink.
Honey Mae West:

Mmm, Otis, come up and see me sometime.
Devin K. Gristlewater:

I used to know someone named "rarebit"-- Heck I still know them, but they're called something else now.
Otis Criblecoblis:

Honey Mae, now don't give a sucker an even break.
Honey Mae West:

But only if you leave McGargle behind.
Professor Eustace P. McGargle:

I think the gargle is necessary, my dear. Had a few too many.
Honey Water:

@dcpd: It's not only the pros who try to mask deep emotion with meds. Well-meaning friends and family often tell a grieving, depressed person to snap out of it, plow yourself into work, etc. People who do not experience the full grieving process (longer for some than others) are doomed to keep it with them to hurt and haunt them forever.
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Rarebit! I miss all those great names.... believe mine was inspired by Buttons Gwinnet.
Philo Gristle:

Rarebit Stu?

Dear Hearty White. Love the show. Gotta know do you do it as stream if consciousness? No script? No net? Outline perhaps? Any way you do it just don't stop.
Honey Water:

Hearty, thanks for another fine hour of SOC improv -- and same goes to you comments folks!

Have a good night with sweet dreams!

A blessing, from this show, thanks! Serious thought delivered in a kind and gentle way. Exactly opposite the usual talk radio crap we are fed daily, surely part of the violent problems now confronting us all... and thanks to the Philly cab driver where I live.

Damn auto spell. Stream OF consciousness.
Philo Gristle:

@Chris Hints of overlap with this playlist sometimes...
Philo Gristle:

Thanks Hearty and Heart thanks to odd fellow listeners!

And drive a cab, I forgot to say.
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