Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 07 November 2012 Favoriting | Station Manager Ken's Post-Sandy State of the Station

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Station Manager Ken  Post Hurricane Sandy State of the Station.   Favoriting

Listener comments!

  11:33am fⓞfⓞ:

*commuting to the new playlist comment section*
  11:41am Caryn:

Yay, found the new playlist!
  11:41am Van in DC:

What? This isn't the right place?
  11:41am Dave B:

Me too....
  11:41am Dan B From Upstate:

Avatar 11:42am Vicki:

  11:42am fⓞfⓞ:

*arriving around the same time as the other commenters*
  11:44am northguineahills:

+arriving w/ fⓞfⓞ and others
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am Liz B.:

Sorry for the playlist glitch, turns out our system doesn't like shows starting on the half hour.
  11:44am fⓞfⓞ:

I got sandy-stranded on my way to the new playlist but I'm glad to be here.
  11:44am Ken From Hyde Park:

Zats...just sent Ken an e-mail that it was pointing to the previous playlist.
  11:45am Vivian:

Ken, is there any way to schedule the record fair during June/July 2013?
  11:45am Carmichael:

  11:46am Carmichael:

Force Majeure, unfortunately. They have a contract out.
  11:48am Robert:

Vivian, there was a year or two in which they had both spring & fall record fair. But there was also at least one year in which they didn't hold any fair. So it avgd. out.
  11:48am Carmichael:

However, check your Limitation of Remedies and Damages section. You may get some relief there, or at least some room to move.
  11:49am northguineahills:

What about shows that start 1 minute after the hour?
  11:49am Ken From Hyde Park:

If we can have half-Christmas June 25, why not half a record fair in the next few months?
  11:50am Robert:

Ken, please explain the voltage transients that occur when power switches on -- back EMFs from equipment at various locations -- and how hard that is on your electronics.
Avatar 11:50am Vicki:

having a spring marathon can impact on the ability to organise other things in the same period
  11:50am fⓞfⓞ:

yes, I knew fofo would be easier for Ken to pronounce. :)
  11:52am Robert:

Ken, explain how when the power lines get cut off discretely at different times, there were opp'ties for MULTIPLE surges.
  11:53am conrad:

maybe ken will appear as himself in treme season 9.
  11:53am Carmichael:

Ken, don't look at this situation as an obstacle. This is an opportunity to excel. Go forward. Move ahead. Try to detect it. It's not too late.
  11:54am Robert:

I guess you have, sort-of, already said these things. It's your judgment as to whether the audience snoozes when tech details come up.
  11:55am Bz:

Do you have any boiler stories you can share?
  11:56am Carmichael:

Ken, how many $ does it take to move the pledge bar 1%?
  11:56am mrmucho:

Is your first floor still vacant? If so, could you turn it into a temporary record store and sell the stock you accumulated for the record fair? Could also accept drop-offs.
  11:56am dåvid:

is your boiler okay, ken?
  11:57am okapi:

:) hola!
Avatar 11:57am Vicki:

hi Okapi
  11:58am fⓞfⓞ:

It would depend on the target amount. If it is $1000, 1% would be $10.
  11:58am conrad:

carmichael - 150 dollars on this page; 2500 on the homepage.
  11:59am fⓞfⓞ:

okapi!!!!!!!!!!!! Why I never heard of you when I was living in Rome!
  12:00pm Robert:

mrmucho, does the record fair work like that? I was under the impression that most of the records aren't donated but rather that they get a commission of indepedent sales.
  12:01pm Sierra:

I am going to pledge now.
  12:01pm tim from champaign:

Ken, can listener's help out in other ways on top of pledging?
  12:01pm cklequ:

He.... That's my sewage system!
  12:02pm Robert:

Ken, thanks for actually making ME sound good, putting add'l words into my question to make me seem more thoughtful! Folks, my question was a clumsy appeal to tech talk, and Ken softened the blow artfully.
  12:02pm Caryn:

@Robert: most of the money comes from ticket sales and a commission from dealer sales, but WFMU of course has its' own sales as well. A minority source of funds, but it would be better than nothing, I suppose is what mrmucho is saying.
  12:03pm fⓞfⓞ:

Yes, good question tim! I'd also like to know. I was thinking in something like an Amazon Turk kind of thing that would give us the opportunity to work for the station.
  12:03pm ?:

Ken, most UPS manufacturers have surge protection insurance. In other words, if fried equipment is due to the UPS malfunction,
you may be able to submit a claim to them.
  12:04pm Owen in IN:

Argh, stuck in a meeting and missed the first half. Are we going to have this archived?
  12:04pm efd:

Blackout was 20003, believe it or not.
Avatar 12:04pm Vicki:

  12:05pm Vivian:

I apologize if you covered this beforehand, but is there a grant you can apply for?
  12:05pm dcp@:

same here Owen...
Avatar 12:06pm Vicki:

yes, grant applied for
  12:06pm Owen in IN:

Also - if I want to up my monthly pledge, do you have the facilities for that right now, or is it just easier to put in a new monthly pledge?
  12:07pm Cheri Pi:

Bless you Ken, I could listen to Diamond Dave warming up for the rest of my long life,
  12:08pm efd:

er, 2003. There might be another one in 20003, though!
  12:09pm BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

One of the things I heard on the news was that since Sandy was technically NOT a hurricane when it hit NJ/NY that there was a higher likelihood that insurance would cover most of the damage because it wouldn't be damage that required hurricane insurance for coverage.
  12:10pm Caryn:

@efd: if there is, you will be hailed as a Nostradamus-type seer.
  12:11pm Caryn:

Maybe if Ken lets Christie hug him some more, Christie will hand out some emergency funding to the station?
  12:12pm MM:

Dear Ken, I heard that the aligators from the NYC sewer system made it over to Hoboken. Is this true?
  12:13pm Robert:

Foreplay on 7SD tonight will consist of Andy's suggesting crooked schemes to make money.
  12:13pm okapi:

hello vicki!
fⓞfⓞ:because I decided to take a pause in Italy for a while...
  12:13pm Fin:

I just hope your masturbatorium survived the flooding, Ken.
  12:13pm Grant in Canada:

Doubled down on my pledge up front - thanks for this update Ken - WFMU will prevail!
  12:14pm Robert:

Yes, Caryn, it's the circle of politics -- counter-current flows of $ & hugs.
  12:14pm dcp@:

Do you actually employ a lawyer to help out with all this insurance shit?
  12:14pm Patrick:

Ps your welcome about Ohio
  12:15pm kham:

Are there other crazy fundraising schemes waiting in the wings to rollout? Things other than helium that you've always hoped to try?
  12:16pm Ricardo Montalban:

Condolences on losing your record collection. I've had that happen and it's heartbreaking.
  12:16pm Caryn:

@Robert: politics - the art of kissing babies and hugging station managers
  12:16pm fⓞfⓞ (:


If I had known you were there while I was in the City I'd have built you an altar bigger than the Altare della Patria.
  12:16pm dåvid:

everyone just pledge the nut you set aside to spend at the record fair.
  12:16pm Patrick:

Ken is there anything that the listeners can do to help lobby or persuade PBS to give FMU a grant?
  12:19pm Caryn:

@Patrick: Good idea! Especially now that Mittens won't be gunning for Big Bird, and PBS is relatively safe, they could be approached.
  12:19pm Alex:

Would it be better to pledge my usual amount now instead of waiting for the next fundraiser? I only have like a certain amount of money, so is it better for you to get earlier if it means you won't get it later?
  12:19pm conrad:

isnt a payment in full better than a swag for life pledge right now, since you need the money immediately?
  12:19pm mike noble in dc:

Ken, forgive me if you already addressed this: how do you feel about people giving WFMU donations as holiday gifts?
  12:20pm ifny:

Would it be helpful if we wrote letters of support to City Hall, the Pavilion etc. to cut WFMU some slack/give you funding?
Avatar 12:22pm Vicki:

Ken's boiler is in his basement, btw
  12:23pm Michael in Baltimore:

Hey kids double down for FMU. I am sure your landlord will understand. Dr. Bootygrabber needs a new boiler!
  12:23pm fⓞfⓞ (:


Do it now if you can and I'll pray for you to win the lotto in the near future and give you the best wishes for you, your family and loved ones.
  12:24pm M:

Would love to see other freeform stations throughout the US ban together and help raise funds for FMU
  12:24pm fⓞfⓞ (:

I think Dr. Bootygrabber is a boiler himself.
  12:25pm DJKG:

i assume andy is giving the station$4?
  12:25pm still b/p:

Could some of the station's favorite musical sons & daughters & elders be entreated to do a few independent or joint benefits soon while the storm memory's fresh?
  12:26pm Jay:

Thanks so much for your hard work as always Ken!
  12:29pm Hay:

how much of your personal fortune as well as Breckman's go to the station ? Just wondering
  12:32pm Van in DC:

Ken, what is your favorite mythical creature?
  12:33pm Robert:

Hay, I'm sure that in Ken's case that tab is minuscule compared to the opp'ty cost of his not taking a much higher paying job.
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