Listener Uncle Michael (see comment above) is the nephew of the gentleman who brought Dave Brubeck to Oberlin.
howdy jeffs et al
Uncle Michael:
Quit spamming the G(TDR)Mail, Doug.
Uncle Michael:
My Uncle Jim, addressing the issue on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of this concert:
According to Doug's email re this show this morning, we are STEAMING.
Doug S.:
As the article Uncle Michael links to says, based on the success of the Brubeck concert, students at Oberlin started the "Oberlin College Jazz Club" to promote more such concerts at the school. One teenage townie from Oberlin, a fellow named John Seavers, became an ardent member of the club and participated in helping influence Oberlin's stodgy music conservatory to add jazz to its coverage. Twenty-seven years later, I'm a DJ on Oberlin's radio station WOBC and an older African-American gentleman becomes a regular caller during my shows. We talk endless about jazz and his richly detailed experiences seeing all the greats live. This fellow had left Oberlin in the mid-fifties for a career in the military and had only recently retired and moved back to Oberlin from Germany. It turned out that this man was John Seavers. At the time, WOBC had a strict students-only policy, but I was part of a group of young turks at the station trying to make it more representative of the surrounding community and, after several years' effort, John Seavers was given a jazz show on the station. Later he was named the station's jazz director and was himself a long-time beloved figure at the station.
@Jeff G
I blame the typo (gulp) on the Gmail outage.
Uncle Michael:
Jeff, perhaps of greater interest to D:O, as I've shared with Doug, previously...Jim produced "Space is the Place" and founded the Other Minds festival in San Francisco with Charles Amirkhanian. Among other pursuits these days, nearing 80, Jim fills the baritone sax chair for the Junius Courtney band.
And the degrees of separation that span 59 years and two people between Doug and myself is remarkable.
@Uncle Michael: astounding. My view on this kind of thing is generally, "And these people walk among us!"
Brian in UK:
Evening crotchet of Jeffs.
@Doug. Studs Turkel would have liked that story.
Sad to hear of Ed Cassidy's demise last Thursday. A jazz drummer in a rock world made Spirit a better band.
Uncle Michael:
Needless to say, it's been a blessing to have my boho Uncle Jim to walk amongst, amid the rest of my light, seeded rye bread background.
I will enjoy the next set in my to you all soon.
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Listener comments!
listener james from westwood:
Doug S.:
Uncle Michael:
Doug S.:
Uncle Michael:
Uncle Michael:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Uncle Michael:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
I blame the typo (gulp) on the Gmail outage.
Uncle Michael:
And the degrees of separation that span 59 years and two people between Doug and myself is remarkable.
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
Brian in UK:
@Doug. Studs Turkel would have liked that story.
Sad to hear of Ed Cassidy's demise last Thursday. A jazz drummer in a rock world made Spirit a better band.
Uncle Michael:
I will enjoy the next set in my to you all soon.
Jeff G:
listener james from westwood:
Uncle Michael:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
listener james from westwood:
many thanks for the fine show, jeff & jeff!
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Uncle Michael:
Jeff G: