Favoriting Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White: Playlist from December 25, 2012 Favoriting

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Southern inspirational dada.

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Favoriting December 25, 2012: Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White

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Listener comments!

Honey U. Kettlewater:

Thought there would be no playlist tonight. Hi, anyone here!
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Happy Hearty Merry Merry!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Merry Christmas, too!
listener mark:

Is this WFMU or WMFU?
Honey U. Kettlewater:

It's WWTF.
Devin Gristlewater:

Merry Hearty Christmas Friends!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

MC, Devin! Hope you got some good sleep, sweetie! ;)
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Greetings, Senor Gristlewater! Hope you're well rested and full of good food. And drink!
Devin Gristlewater:

Oh my goodness yes. After something like 38 hours of not. Woke up at 2:00 today, it was my Christmas present to myself.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Excellent then. Dreams of sugar plum fairies?
Devin Gristlewater:

Not a lot of food so far, but I do have a cup of water! What is everyone eating and drinking?!
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

kat fixed a delicious turkey-bird, which goes well with german wine!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

We've [FINLAND!] finished our reprise of a noon hour Christmas dinner traditionale: turkey, stuffing, mashed pots, broccoli and pumpkin pie to finish.
Devin Gristlewater:

I remember having some worthwhile dreams but I foolishly have not kept a dream journal in quite some time. My head still feels a bit like I'm in sleeplessdreamworldland.
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

oops. Meant to say HONEY fixed a delicious turkey-bird. No reindeer, though.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Who's "kat" Philo? Are you two-timin' me buster?

And I had champagne with the meal.
Ken From Hyde Park:

Have a hearty, white Christmas.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hi, Ken f HP!

Who you callin' Buster, Honey?!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Dream journals can be most interesting. My ex was a Jungian scholar and religiously kept a journal. I did at one time for a short while.
Devin Gristlewater:

A friend of mine made a Gluten Free banana bread which they left at my place while I was away yesterday. It was a lovely and tasty present and I still have about half of it left. Drank some nice things yesterday.
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Dream journal..... used to have plans for keeping one.... then fell asleep.... and forgot to do it 'cause I'm so doggone sleepy. But it's a good idea!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Mmm, banana bread! Is everyone in NYC area doing the gluten-free dingus? Good friend in Manhattan (I've known for decades) was told to go G-F a couple of years ago.
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Now Honey's married to a Jungian loafer, who agnostically thinks he should keep a journal, while failing miserably.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Oh, Devin, wanted to tell you my faves from your past two Sunday (Monday) shows: From the 17th
Transkaakko Kulma
Luce Trio I Saw My Lady Weepe - Flow, My Tears
and From the 24th
Woodpecker Wooliams Hummingbird
How now Lau Nau! Silmat
Franziska Baumann Elegy

Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said. Great book!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hearty, you are a hoot and a half! Wish I could write fast enough to connect what I'm thinking about what you say before you're on past five topics.
Devin Gristlewater:

The one time I woke up last night, I had some kind of dream revelation that I wanted to record, but then I feel asleep again. I think *I thought* that I have been having a reoccurring dream, or dreams in a reoccurring location.

Never had much of a drive to go Jungian, but I used to suffer from severely bad dreams. Never knew why. But these days I feel like I'm missing out on the stories I'm sending myself every night.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Yes, I thought of the Ellison from the title, too, but I imagine both are referencing from something greater -- Shakespeare or the like.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Oh, Dick. Dick, yes, duh.
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Never had Deja Vu in dreams, though all the time in 'real' life. Now I just keep hoping for further adventures in sleep paralysis. Those can be doozies.
I X Key!:

Merry Christmas Hearty White!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hey, Key! You still feeling no pain? ;)
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Birdseed is freakin' expensive these days. Our tweeties are eating us out of house and home.
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Oh, wait, I did have repeat dreams as a toddler that I still recall. But I think it was just really seeing leprechauns in the middle of the night in our living room. Earliest conscious memory I can recall, age 3 or 4!
Devin Gristlewater:

I'm no dingus roll-caller but I do know a fair share of people in the area who are either gluten-free or know someone who is gluten-free. I personally have Crohn's Disease which apparently makes your body want to do the Gluten-Free Watusi.

And thanks! That Lau Nau album is lovely wonderful!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

I have a lot of dreams where I'm in a large home / building -- not always the same one, but always large -- and the dream becomes a very socially complex one of interactions with people. I'd say I have that ilk of dream more often than any other. I most like the adventure dreams though.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@Devin: Ooooh, so sorry to hear that. I've known of one other with Krohn's, when I was out in L.A., and it seemed especially wretched, with no real remedies. Hopefully they have improved on that by this time?
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Semi-interestingly I've only become aware of the finnish freak folk scene AFTER leaving the land of the Finns. I used to think the mystic swami music came only from New Zealand.
listener mark:

It's fun to give canned vegetables to small children for Christmas. They're so cute when they're confused.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@mark: And before they unwrap it, it feels so heavy and substantial, like something that must be really great.
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Latest National Geographic had some lovely crayon illustrations of scat. I did a double-take.

son of ivan ivan stang.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

I was forced to get a past-life reading by some co-workers. She told me I was formerly a Spanish sea captain/explorer; a French artist's model who lived with two artists in a happy "trois," and a 19th c. Native American female with a very very sad life [was there any other kind?]

Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Sub-SubGenius, thus? Fnord.
Devin Gristlewater:

Not certain if I've experienced Deja Vu in WAKING life, or in dreams. Certainly repeating ideas or conversations in both DREAMING AND WAKING but never that subtle similarity that makes people loudly proclaim "DEJA VU!".

Recently though, it feels as if I've become subconsciously conscious of my increasing awareness of certain parts of my dreams. Leading to some very confusing, nigh-recursive dream loops in which I dream I am experiencing sleep-paralysis when I really am not (something which I do sometimes experience). And now I think I've been dreaming that I'm having a reoccurring dream when that is not the case. BUT MAYBE IT IS?!! This is why I need a journal.

And yes my digestive tract is fairly operational, thanks to a remedy which is INTRAVENOUSLY INJECTED into my body every 8 weeks!

live? or memorex?
Devin Gristlewater:

Philo, were the Leprechauns into the finnish freak folk scene?

Think it through.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Ah, yes, lucid dreaming. I've never really had what I consider a nightmare. If things get too hairy, I simply "enter" in to change the scene a bit. I'll sometimes do that if something really illogical is occurring, too.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Are you the same RSTVMO on SoundCloud?
Devin Gristlewater:

Alright, have a lovely night for the rest of the night. Merry Christmas one and all!
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Devin, well they were dancing and prancing, so .... maybe. Lots of odd mythology in finland.

I learned to break out of sleep paralysis and now just hope it would happen more often even though it appears threatening sometimes. When you get past that, you can kind of start poking holes into the dream reality.

Night, Devin!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

G'night, Devin! Sweet dreams! :)

Hardy Fox on ReverbNation?
Devin Gristlewater:

WAIT! How do you "break out" of sleep paralysis? My brain is soup right now. Need more sleep.

Kokaine Karma
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

I'll see if I can write it up, and email you! Not sure if there's a universal solution.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Try some "Dream Water"?

G'night, Hearty [do you ever read these comment?]

this comments?
Avatar 8:05pm
Hearty White:

I do read them, but I have to have a little sip of something first so it's usually the next day! Today is an exception. Had a little Christmas rye! Bless all of you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate you a great deal. Have a Merry Christmas and a safe happy New Year, my friends!
I X Key!:

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