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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, January 12, 2013 Favoriting
Golden Festival FMA Hits of 2012 + APAP, Globalfest, More 2012 Faves

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Tonight we revisit the Balkan bacchanal of the year, Golden Festival 2012 - in advance of our live broadcast from night 2 of Golden Festival 2013 next Saturday (Jan 19).

We'll hear songs by many of the bands that played last year's festival but were not featured on our 2012 Golden Festival live broadcast. And if you like the music, you can download more songs played at last year's fesival by the artists you'll hear tonight from WFMU's creative commons free download site Free Music Archive - just search for "Golden Fest 2012".

PLUS - more preview tracks by artists playing this weekend at APAP conference showcases (to see who's playing where, see the handy Unoffical Guide to World Music @ APAP, - including the biggest world music event of the winter season, the prestigious annual globalFEST world music showcase festival at Webster Hall in the East Village on Sunday January 13.

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

M.A.K.U Sound System: Atentos Favoriting / Makumbala (0:00:00 Pop-up)

Maga Bo: E da Nossa Cor Favoriting / Quilombo Do Futuro (0:07:18 Pop-up)

Arnaldo Antunes / Edgard Scandurra / Toumani Diabate: Cara Favoriting / A Curva da Cintura (0:09:59 Pop-up)

Titina: Menininha d'Salamansa Favoriting / Portrait / Network Medien / * (0:13:24 Pop-up)

Empresarios: Sentimiento Latino Favoriting / El Sonido Magico (0:17:42 Pop-up)

Super Guachin: Se Pixelo el Vinito Favoriting / Piratas y Fichines (0:20:47 Pop-up)

Chicha Libre: El Carnicero de Chicago Favoriting / Canibalismo / Barbes (0:24:21 Pop-up)

Dende: Pneu Baixo Favoriting / Back to Bahia (0:28:08 Pop-up)
(Flat tire)

Oliver Mtukudzi: Chiringa Favoriting / Sarawoga (0:30:37 Pop-up)

Debo Band: Not Just a Song Favoriting / Debo Band / Sub Pop (0:42:42 Pop-up)

Choban Elektrik: Moj Xhemile (featuring Eva Salina Primack) Favoriting / Choban Elektrik (The Electric Shepherds) (0:48:07 Pop-up)

Slaveya Women's Vocal Ensemble: Ergen Deda Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (0:56:44 Pop-up)
Slaveya – from the Bulgarian for nightingale – is a women’s vocal ensemble in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area specializing in East European a cappella folk music. Slaveya's repertoire reflects village life: the harvest, war heroes, matchmaking, love and flirtation, birth and death, and are traditionally sung at work or while participating in community festivities and seasonal celebrations. Slaveya is inspired by the vocal heritage of the Balkans, Caucasus Georgia, and neighboring regions. In addition to folk songs, Slaveya interprets sacred vocal music from the Orthodox traditions of the Balkans and Georgia.

Black Sea Hotel: Ja Izlezni Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (0:59:34 Pop-up)
BIO: Black Sea Hotel is a quartet formed in Brooklyn in the spring of 2007. Corinna, Joy, Sarah and Willa had been singing and performing Balkan music for some time. Inspired by each others’ distinct voices, they challenged themselves to form a quartet. In the process, they generated new shapes for many songs, aligning with tradition and taking new steps. They transformed songs typically sung by larger choirs and rearranged them for 4 voices. Solo or two-voiced village songs were rethought to accommodate the new dimensions of a quartet. With this orientation, Black Sea Hotel began writing their own arrangements of traditional melodies. With deep reverence to other arranging styles in the canon, they’ve found new ways to use melody, harmony and rhythm to tell ancient stories. Black Sea Hotel shares their music all over New York City in venues ranging from the Bulgarian Embassy to rock clubs. Their debut album contains the four songs featured on this page, and can be bought on CDBaby:

Brazda: Shopska Suite Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:01:31 Pop-up)
Brazda is a New York-based Balkan band that plays fresh arrangements of traditional repertoire from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, and beyond. Genre: Eastern European/ Balkan Members: Shelley Thomas- vocals, Willa Roberts- vocals, Connell Thompson- clarinet, Jordan Shapiro- accordion, Francesco Marcocci- bass, Ivajlo Kuchev- tapan, Rami El Asser- doumbek, Oksana Rosenblum- daf

Niva: Taya Vecher Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:04:56 Pop-up)
Macedonian village music Bridget Robbins-kaval; Corinna Snyder-tambura, vocals; Emily Geller-tupan; Kristina Vaskys-tambura, vocals

Rakiya: Siki Siki Baba Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:10:24 Pop-up)
Rakiya is a Boston-based electric band playing mostly Rom (Gypsy) songs and dance tunes.

Vlada Tomova's Balkan Tales: Leno Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:14:25 Pop-up)
Led by Vlada Tomova, called "a Bulgarian vocal sorceress", Balkan Tales weaves traditional songs from Bulgaria, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East into a contemporary acoustic sound, while emphasizing the connection between traditions. Kyle Sanna (ac. guitar), Uri Sharlin (accordion), Mike Savino (bass), Mathias Kunzli (percussion), Rich Stein (percussion) with guests on oud, nay, violin, trumpet, and dance.

Raya Brass Band: Riff Cloud Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:20:00 Pop-up)
Raya Brass Band does it on the dance floor, mashing up the music of Eastern Europe with American dance grooves. Featuring odd meters, unusual scales and a fine helping of gorgeous Balkan and Romany (Gypsy) melodies played on reeds, trumpet, accordion, tuba and drums, Brooklyn favorites Raya Brass Band brings you the best in Eastern European wedding music.

Electric Goat Trio a/k/a Paradox Trio: Excerpt 2 Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:24:24 Pop-up)
The Electric Goat Trio bring their traditional Balkan bagpipe and dance music to the Rainbow Stage at Brooklyn's Golden Festival 2012. Matt Darriau - gaida Brad Shepik - guitar Seido Salifoski - Balkan percussion Ivan Goff - uilleann pipes

Echidna: "T'ithela k'c s'agapousa" Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:31:14 Pop-up)
Heather Cole - violin Emily Geller - doumbek Kristina Vaskys - guitar,vocals

Rosen Sisters: Ruchenitsa Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:35:42 Pop-up)
The Rosen Sisters (Ariana and Amberly both on violin) joined by Bill Cope accompanying on Bulgarian Tambura. Their set is a mixture of international folk dances. A Ruchenitsa is a Bulgarian line dance in 7/8 rhythm.

Isra-Alien: Reach Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:38:43 Pop-up)
BIO: Isra-Alien is a band with innovative compositions and imaginative arrangements - deeply rooted in Israel's diverse musical traditions. The result is a unique fusing of a myriad of influences (Greek, Balkan, Eastern-European, and Jewish/Klezmer), with daring improvisations and inventive textures, showcasing both guitarists’ musical worlds. Gilad Ben Zvi, and Oren Neiman are both Israeli guitar players who moved to New York in 2001 and made it their musical home. They met originally during their mandatory service in the Israeli army, and have been close friends and musical collaborators ever since. In April 2009, Isra-Alien recorded their debut album "Isra-Alien".

Turku: Mastoom Mastoom (Persian) Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:41:02 Pop-up)
Farzad Farhangi: violin Ted Monnich: saz Daveed Korup: drums Carla Monnich: percussion Behyar Behipour: bass "300 Year Old Rock & Roll from the Seat of Civilization"

Judith Cohen: Hija Mia te vo Dar (Sephardic Song in Ladino) Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:44:21 Pop-up)
Performing live at the Golden Festival with her daughter, Tamar Ilana (also lead vocalist of Ventanas), Demetrios Petsalakis (oud; Ventanas) and Geoffrey Clarfield (oud, hand percussion).

Ventanas: Frog Song Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:47:19 Pop-up)
From Toronto: Tamar Ilana - vocals hand percussion Mark Marczyk - violin vocals Dennis Duffin - flamenco guitar Demetrios Petsalakis - outi Jaash Singh - dumbek cajon

Loretta Kelley: Gro Fossekåsi, telespringar" Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:53:34 Pop-up)
Loretta Kelley brings her traditional Norwegian dance music to the Rainbow Room at Brooklyn's Golden Festival 2012. Kelley's springars (Norwegian dance) and other dances are accompanied by a Hardingfele (a Norwegian string instrument, similar to a violin). Listen and get into the Norwegian groove. - themarcelrudin

NY Spelmanslag: Dimminsjons Pols Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:55:14 Pop-up)

Supruli Ensemble: Chongurs Simebi Gavubi (I Put Strings on My Chonguri) Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (1:57:36 Pop-up)
The song is credited to 20th century Gurian song master Dimitri Patarava, and the text is a very popular poem by 19th century Georgian poet Akaki Tsereteli. Carl learned this from song master Karlo Urushadze in the village of Likhauri, Guria province.

Tenores de Aterúe: Ballu Dillu Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (2:01:14 Pop-up)
From the repertoire of Tenores di Bitti. As the first Sardinian song we learned, this will always hold special meaning for us.

Yale Women's Slavic Chorus and Alumni: Prekhvrukna Ptichka Favoriting / Golden Festival 2012 in WFMU's Free Music Archive (2:05:00 Pop-up)
From -- The Yale Slavic Chorus is a performing group of women from a variety of cultural and academic backgrounds who share a common interest in Slavic music. Most of the Chorus, before coming to Yale, has had very little experience with Slavic Music, and most members do not speak any of the languages they sing in. Although primarily an undergraduate group, the Chorus also includes other members of the Yale community and has always been dedicated to maintaining musical vigor, excitement, and fellowship with each other and our audience (check us out on the Bullblog Top 100!).

Rabih Abou-Khalil: Banker's Banquet Favoriting / Hungry People / World Village / * (2:11:55 Pop-up)

Klezmatics: Moroccan Game Favoriting / Live at Town Hall (2:17:13 Pop-up)

David Krakauer Trio: Bogota Bulgar Favoriting / Klezmer Madness / Tzadik / 1995 (2:22:29 Pop-up)

The Four Bags: O.K. Aki Favoriting / Offshore (2:26:07 Pop-up)

Le Vent du Nord: Suite de Virginie Favoriting / Maudite Moisson! (2:27:46 Pop-up)

Oscar Penas: From Now On (Excerpt) Favoriting / From Now On / BJU (2:32:18 Pop-up)
BJU = Brooklyn Jazz Underground

Leni Stern: The Cat Stole the Moon Favoriting / Sabani (2:34:05 Pop-up)

Lo'Jo: Vientiane Favoriting / Cinema el Mundo / World Village (2:36:25 Pop-up)

Rufus Cappadocia: Element Favoriting / Songs for Cello (2:50:24 Pop-up)
Music bed for concert listings

Black Masala: Bhangra V Favoriting / Live at the Kennedy Center, December 21, 2012 (2:50:56 Pop-up)

Black Mahal: Mangos Favoriting / Music + Love + Dancing (2:54:18 Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  6:11pm jeff in puna hawaii:

Aloha Rob - I'll be listening all day today from home here in the jungle ;)
  6:12pm jeff in puna hawaii:

You have a growing fan base here in puna
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm Your DJ:

Thanks Jeff - Puna rocks!
  6:19pm Detroit Mac:

Howdy Rob: Any thoughts about the Marathon Give Away yet? I would be happy to contribute art (CD cover again or T-Shirt or Whatever!). Give me an eMail reply when you can and Thanks for playing swell music!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm Your DJ:

Thanks very much Detroit Mac - haven't thought much about it yet but I'll be in touch soon!
  6:24pm Marmalade kitty:

Evening Rob!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm Your DJ:

Good evening Marmalade Kitty and everyone! Very mild and foggy in the NY metro area this evening...
  7:08pm green mountain man mark:

Thanks, Rob! As always a great and interesting show so far this Saturday evening.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18pm Your DJ:

Thanks Mark!
  7:27pm Barba Yiorgi:

Vlada Tomova is ROCKING! You have been playing some great stuff tonite. Made driving down Flatbush Ave bearable.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm Your DJ:

Thanks Baba Yiorgi!
  7:31pm Barba Yiorgi:

BTW totally diff vibe than Golden memories, but I was floored by Super Guachin: "Se Pixelo el Vinito"... that was the 8-bit synth-y sounding latin thing, right?... WTF!?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm Your DJ:

Barba Yiorgi, yes re: Super Guachin - I'll hook you up the music soon...
  8:12pm Marmalade kitty:

Ballu Dillu!! Awesome
  8:20pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Hyde Park, NY, represent! Another fine show this evening.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21pm Your DJ:

Thanks Ken! ¡Viva Hyde Park!
  8:24pm maestroso:

Have this blasting through my house now whilst cooking supper...great show Rob!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27pm Your DJ:

Thanks Maestroso, simmer on!
  8:34pm bill k:

Great show tonight!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34pm Your DJ:

Thanks Bill K!
  8:59pm Detroit Mac:

Hey, it isn't often enough that I am around for the wrap of the show, but it was a good one and I'm glad I stayed (Even tho it means I am working
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