Frank O'Toole's playlist
February 24, 2014 ![]()
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Add or read commentsFXO/FMU 2014/ #1 webcast (Live) Week one of the 2014 WFMU Marathon with co-host PGB
Listener comments!
♥ 6:09am :
Hiya, Frank, and good morning.![]()
♥ 6:11am :
Good morning Frank!
Guten TZAG everybody!
Near spring atmotphere over here.
Sunny weather why am I working?![]()
6:11am : train thanks![]()
6:13am : beachfront Ocean Beach![]()
6:13am : warm![]()
♥ 6:16am :
Hello all!![]()
6:16am : the belt![]()
6:17am : wrap around ce soir?![]()
6:18am : hello to alla yez, here in Jersey City. Keep the comments flying...![]()
6:18am : possoble tangle around that neck Noxzzema?![]()
6:19am : Love your tie. Pops![]()
6:19am : Love that tree![]()
6:20am : see that tree Dad? Take a good look.![]()
6:21am : ouch![]()
6:22am : Peter Green![]()
6:22am : merci![]()
♥ 6:26am :
Pronounciation of Köln was near perfect!
6:26am : Trish is here with me.![]()
♥ 6:26am :
Guten TZAG Peoples !
...don't earn much, & wanna spread it around, but a bit for you for sure Frank ! Thx Always for your Style & the A.M. Assists !![]()
6:28am : Book that![]()
6:29am : for a rainy day![]()
6:29am : say hey![]()
6:30am : Mister William Mays![]()
♥ 6:30am :
Hey, all! Finally got time to put my fingers on the keyboard.![]()
♥ 6:32am :
We're gonna give away this Booker T CD when the song ends! Pledge now to get in the running to win it, folks!![]()
♥ 6:33am :
...weedgets say Below Freezing again here this week...oh well - maybe the crazy snow & ice & slush will give us a break - & it's lighter when I get outta Werk; Spring shall come someday - this I do believe...![]()
6:35am : Hi Frank - Good Morning![]()
6:36am : you too but I do not know your name![]()
6:37am : I can guess![]()
6:38am : the sidekicks name is![]()
6:38am : sylvano?![]()
6:40am : or Terry![]()
♥ 6:40am :
Ha! PGB, here. I like to think that FXO and I are a part of the crowd of TLA DJs at FMU. (MAC, TKF, others)![]()
6:43am : new what?![]()
6:44am : jamais![]()
6:45am : marvin![]()
♥ 6:47am :
Enjoying the enriched content in this mornings' show, Frank. I now have something to talk about with the goldfinches showing up at the feeders.
Tunes also A+:)![]()
6:50am : you will make so mucj $$$$ just off this song alone![]()
6:51am : thank you
♥ 6:51am :
...Hullo also PGB (enjoyed discussing the 'McGurk Effect' before!), Sem, Guido, Caryn, & Well Met RSB...![]()
6:53am : you are already fantastic and so is the other guy![]()
6:53am : that was a smart mashup frank. hello marathonians btw !![]()
6:57am : wow![]()
♥ 6:58am :
Glad I opted for your premium, fxo. That last thing was fab.![]()
6:59am : levonsnos mecs![]()
6:59am : quicksilver![]()
7:00am : soldat san![]()
7:01am : solid![]()
7:01am : ok![]()
7:03am : love the bass7:03am : Merry Marathon, FX O'T, Mme. bibi, RevRabt & ext!![]()
7:04am : I can only wear Oxblood![]()
7:05am : excellent![]()
7:06am : heavy H's![]()
7:06am : Horse7:06am : Albert Einstein famously described Richard Feynman as "the only genuine genius I have ever met"![]()
7:07am : wow Flies Thanks Frank![]()
7:09am : Mr. O'Toole7:10am : OH YEAH, frank, we're here![]()
7:10am : or is it Doctor?![]()
7:11am : I believe I will call you
doc o'toole![]()
7:12am : signed, joe buck![]()
7:12am : and Rico my friend![]()
7:13am : miami![]()
7:15am : pgb![]()
7:16am : peanut good butter![]()
♥ 7:16am :
Hi P-90 ! Merry Marathon Mayhem to thou as well !...maybe I'm mouthing Matt from Springfield memes - must emanate from the 'M''s !...Money makes the Music memorable & emancipated - my Minions ! Make sure my & your Monday Mornings are *never* coming down (please) !![]()
♥ 7:16am :
The Neil Young CD (Americana) is the prize to win right now.![]()
7:16am : slam that![]()
7:17am : hurrray7:17am : RIP Chip Damiani, drummer for the Remains. He played like a teenager! "Don't Look Back"!![]()
♥ 7:17am :
Peanut Great Butter!![]()
7:18am : jam sandwich![]()
7:18am : Jif![]()
7:19am : Oh Annette I love you so much![]()
♥ 7:19am :
Forever Remains.![]()
7:20am : I truely do. sorry Peter Pan![]()
7:22am : l'a,eriica molassses spread![]()
♥ 7:27am :
Jeeze, sang this a lot as a kid. Neil, too, I guess. Pure Canadiana.![]()
♥ 7:27am :
Another way we use your money: the new performance space on the first floor here in Jersey City. You pledge, and we deliver! We could open only to guests last year. With your help, we're getting ready to comply with all of the laws so that it can be open to the public. Look for great live shows there coming soon.7:29am : LES!!!![]()
7:30am : automatic7:30am : LES!!!![]()
♥ 7:30am :
Les is more.7:31am : ...and: Mary![]()
7:31am : suweet![]()
♥ 7:32am :
Frank, where did you find this?![]()
7:33am : where did younfind thisn motherfucdker![]()
7:33am : cuz wow![]()
7:34am : Trish and I Love it.7:37am : Oh, that wasn't one of yours, Frank? (LP+Mary)
Who did you say, I missed it?![]()
♥ 7:39am :
I.J. Paleface did the Les & Mary surgery.![]()
7:39am : duke m![]()
7:40am : hitntjenbron duke![]()
♥ 7:40am :
Brother John Rydgren is more than groovy. Pledge $15 or more now to get in the running to win it!![]()
7:40am : bron7:41am : @FXO & PGB: thanks!![]()
♥ 7:41am :
I've been Paster-ized, and healed! Double fab.![]()
♥ 7:41am :
In mud up to my…neck!![]()
7:42am : tokyo duke bud cigs eugene o'neill long days journeyninto0 then night![]()
♥ 7:42am :
Greetings from the Old Continent! Not sure how u r doing there but overhere: Spring is coming! Mash it, Frank!![]()
7:43am : punk![]()
7:44am : sorry I am sometines I amn tyy-- excoertsd![]()
7:46am : I love women so much. Tje Testesrwere sometimes freaks me outnasnthisn 53 year old man![]()
7:46am : eating the farina mush![]()
7:46am : oh I travel friends![]()
7:47am : all over this fucker![]()
7:48am : this motjerfuicker rock sognend Pierre M. Baer![]()
7:49am : Richy Loves You All![]()
7:49am : C'est moi Richy your paperboy![]()
7:51am : C'est moi Richy your paperboy![]()
7:52am : Wisconsin State Journal![]()
7:53am : 2 years runion cold etc wow chacun joursngarcons hurray![]()
7:54am : mildew![]()
♥ 7:56am :
Hi FXO and PGB!
Take your meds, problem commenter!![]()
7:57am : vladimar nabokov loves delores park![]()
♥ 7:57am :
Morning, Ike!![]()
7:58am : sweet![]()
♥ 7:58am :
G'morning FXO and PGB!![]()
♥ 7:58am :
Two CDs up for winning right now. Your chances are crazy good. Drawing in three minutes!![]()
♥ 7:59am :
@maestroso Welcome! Slinging data packets your way!![]()
7:59am : Trish ;oves this poetry![]()
8:00am : sit up tiite lownbo![]()
8:01am : look in that back mirrror ca va![]()
8:03am : good godda,m ot ,- tjanks for the quicksilver Frank![]()
8:04am : total trance![]()
8:05am : rip it up Frank![]()
8:05am : Fly your freak flag![]()
♥ 8:05am :
MOO !![]()
♥ 8:07am :
66% of the show is over. We've hit only 50%. At least the cow is mooing! Let's make the doggie wag his tail...![]()
8:08am : we all loved Jaclie Brennan and her sweat![]()
8:08am : welll well there was a sell![]()
8:09am : a well![]()
♥ 8:11am :
gmorn everyone! happy monday.![]()
8:13am : RSB will soon reach the 1000 comments per hour. isnt that worth a premium pledge folks ?![]()
♥ 8:16am :
I'll have the archive of this show to listen to while I wait for my Frank premium, and goldfinch T, to arrive. Win-win-win.![]()
♥ 8:19am :
Our CD premiums arrive in your mailbox with a 5" by 5" album cover. It's nice, and Frank's cover will flatten out into a nice spread. But it won't fit into an old-style jewel box. So I'll be creating a special PDF cover that you can download, print, and cut out. It'll fit a jewel box and make Frank's Found Sound Around stand proud in your collection. Pledge away!![]()
8:27am : Morning all,
The sun is shining is Brooklyn this am-![]()
♥ 8:39am :
Are those kazoos?![]()
♥ 8:42am :
Ah, back listening after taking a break for my commute home. Now it's Marathon listening and spit-roasted chicken time!![]()
♥ 8:46am :
Hope I win!![]()
♥ 8:47am :
We try to make the marathon a party! (Kinda like a rent party!) Thanks for your support!![]()
8:49am : Always a party Monday with FXO.![]()
♥ 8:51am : This is a horrid hour to be awake! But at least Frank & PGB are here :)![]()
♥ 8:52am :
We can make the sound louder or softer (or horrid!). We control your Web audio!![]()
♥ 8:53am :
@Julie: this is what comes next after a dark night of the soul. Different, huh?![]()
♥ 8:53am :
Just minutes left to go. (Please get us past 69% of our goal!)![]()
♥ 8:55am :
Hello fxo & PGB
Beach Boy time eh.![]()
♥ 8:56am :
A minute left!![]()
♥ 8:56am :
See ya next week, Frank!![]()
♥ 8:57am :
YLT does Beach Boys. I'm happy I won this record just a few hours ago.![]()
♥ 8:58am : Gooooooooooooooooal! Good job, gentlemen! And thanks everyone for supporting WFMU and our beloved Frank :)![]()
♥ 8:58am :
Thanks, F & P, great show!![]()
♥ 8:58am :
WOOOF !9:02am : Thanks, everyone, for the pledges! We'll keep making great radio for you and you and you.
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