Favoriting Blurred and Obscured with Jonathan Herweg: Playlist from March 23, 2014 Favoriting

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An underground journey through the history of psychedelic rock, modern music, shimmering noise, free jazz, punk, funk, children's records played at the wrong speed, tape cut-up, static, the composition of decomposition, and subversive spoken word.

Sunday 10pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting March 23, 2014: Getting The Band Back Together

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Artist Track Album Label Format Comments Approx. start time
??  Absolutley Real   Henry Lee Lucas Confesses  N/a      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
??  Adult Entertainment   N/A  N/a      0:03:26 (Pop-up)
n/a  Transmission Begins   Favoriting The Prisoner File #1  Silva Screen  CD    0:03:39 (Pop-up)
Jerry Fielding  Hallway/Left Ear/Card Game Bust   Favoriting N/A  N/a    Dialogue and Music From the Movie "The Outfit"  0:05:20 (Pop-up)
Pink Fairies  Do It   Favoriting Never Never Land  Tapestry Records      0:06:32 (Pop-up)
Anthroprophh  Anthrophmorphism   Favoriting Crystalized  Crystalized  CD    0:08:06 (Pop-up)
N/A  What's The Point?   Favoriting N/A  N/a      0:13:54 (Pop-up)
Easily Suede  Young Glove   Favoriting Reliefs  No Lable  MP3    0:16:07 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Gas 1   Favoriting

Nah Und Fern 




0:23:20 (Pop-up)
The Wedding Present  Shatner   Favoriting The BBC Sessions  Dutch East India Trading  CD    0:24:11 (Pop-up)
N/a  I Quit The Band   Favoriting N/A  N/a      0:25:35 (Pop-up)
Mudhoney  Suck You Dry   Favoriting Piece of Cake  Reprise  CD    0:28:03 (Pop-up)
The Attack  Feel Like Flying   Favoriting Five Day Week Straw People  Saga Fid  CD    0:29:58 (Pop-up)
Solex  Nood-Holland   Favoriting Solex Ahoy! The Sound Map of the Netherlands  Series Aphonos  CD    0:32:18 (Pop-up)
Pinch And Shakelton  Selfish Greedy Life   Favoriting Pinch  Honest Jon's Records  CD    0:36:55 (Pop-up)
Swell Maps  Real Shocks   Favoriting Perfect Unpop - Peel Show Hits and Long Lost Lo-Fi Favorites Vol 1  Cherry Red      0:42:39 (Pop-up)
FeedTime  Fun Fun Fun   Favoriting Cooper S  Megadisc      0:43:38 (Pop-up)
Ras G  Dealin Wif Urflings   Favoriting Hit and Run Presents 777  Hit And Run  LP    0:56:06 (Pop-up)
The Stooges  Dirt   Favoriting Fun House  Columbia  CD    0:58:11 (Pop-up)
N/a  To Stay In The Band Or Quit And Leave Town   Favoriting N/A  N/a      1:01:15 (Pop-up)
Charlemagne Palestine  Prelude   Favoriting Ten Years Alive On The Infinite Plain  Issue Project Room Edtions      1:02:40 (Pop-up)
N/A  I Took The Drug   Favoriting N/A  N/a    Joe Frank Exceprt  1:03:01 (Pop-up)
Jimmy Page  Damask   Favoriting Lucifer Rising  Dynamite Studio  CD    1:04:26 (Pop-up)
Orphan Fairytale  Abracadabra   Favoriting My Favorite Fairytale  Agguire Records  LP    1:06:51 (Pop-up)
Clay Rendering  Vengence   Favoriting Natures Confusion  Hospital Productions      1:32:03 (Pop-up)
Trin Tran  No Thanks Ok   Favoriting Dark Radar  God?  LP    1:36:24 (Pop-up)
Black To Comm  Jonathan   Favoriting Alphabet 1968  Type  LP    1:38:11 (Pop-up)
Af Ursin  Tonntujen Jouluyo   Favoriting Hauskaa Joulua! 7"  Meeuw Musak  7"    1:47:32 (Pop-up)
Phonophobia  Rien/Rsus   Favoriting 1979-1983  very Good      1:48:06 (Pop-up)
Bardo Pond  The Land Of Only   Favoriting Shone Like A Ton  Three Lobed      1:56:59 (Pop-up)
Bardo Pond  Tarahumara   Favoriting Shone Like A Ton  Three Lobed  LP    1:57:56 (Pop-up)
Milford Graves  Tono   Favoriting Babi  No Label  LP    2:01:54 (Pop-up)
Roscoe John Lavaconne And Dalius Naujo  Ripples   Favoriting Get out  Ifar      2:05:56 (Pop-up)
Maan  Side A   Favoriting Khomeini 99  No Lable  Cassette    2:13:27 (Pop-up)
Gary War  Alone At The Box   Favoriting Purple Pilgrims  Upset! The Rhythm  Vinyl    2:33:27 (Pop-up)
Meaner Pencil  Lisa's Knife   Favoriting Senza Amanti  Blue Dragon Moon      2:43:41 (Pop-up)
Alvin Lucier  I'm Sitting In A Room   Favoriting I'm Sitting In A Room  N/a  MP3    2:45:17 (Pop-up)
Victor Alzina  La Tristeza Pepetua   Favoriting Ifar Musique Concrete Vinyl Compilation  Ifar   MP3    2:47:36 (Pop-up)
Vera Gray/Desmond Biscoe  Electronic Sound Picures   Favoriting Moving Percussion and Sound Pictures  His Master's Voice  LP    2:52:03 (Pop-up)
Ghedelia Tazartes  II A Loupe' Son Looping, Cette Lope   Favoriting Voyage à L'Ombre  Hinterzimmer  CD    2:53:56 (Pop-up)
eMMplekz  Muted Sunday Winding   Favoriting IZOD Days  Mordant Music      2:55:35 (Pop-up)
The Stooges  Down on the Street   Favoriting Fun House  Columbia  CD    2:55:57 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Ahoy, Captain Herweg!
Avatar 3:11am

Ahoy Matey!

good morning jonny!
Avatar 3:18am

Hey Wendy thanks for checking in on the playlist.

recently watching Easy Rider ... again. features Karen Black as well.

Play some of the Shatner/Ben Folds stuff!

slappin the cgi together. all style little substance.<new movies> you got the power mr herweg! yeah!
Avatar 3:29am
Simon P:

mornin Jon, sounds stoogey
Avatar 3:33am
Simon P:

we're still on warp time here in UK
Avatar 3:34am

Howdy......Simon , you must be an early riser.
Avatar 3:36am
Simon P:

too late for the Fairies though
Avatar 3:41am

Morning DJ Johnathan Herwig, milling around the milieu.
Avatar 3:42am

Getting the band back together.....for the penguin.

pretend to enjoy thee future respect for green day...its gonna happen...
Avatar 3:57am

God Help Us.

true old school stuff only seems to get respect way after its over. vanguardism.
Avatar 4:01am
Simon P:

Gimme danger

hi, Jherweg. thanks for the beautiful song.

I'm enjoying the last 3 tracks played. Is it all Orphan Fairytale?
Avatar 4:21am

Yeah they all sort of meld together so I just let that side of the record Roll.
outer space:

I vote for quitting the band and staying in town

it has a water like quality. soothin' grooves.

Is this a vinly-only release?
Avatar 4:30am

you can read proust!
outer space:

Never say never

those who do not. the act ov not doing.
Avatar 4:35am
Simon P:

Slavery till coffin..ha ha!! the feelgood slogan of the day
Avatar 4:35am

Yeah but do I want to read Proust?
outer space:

As long as we have WFMU, we're okay. Not doing or not. Slaves or not, Proust or not.

just because you can doesn't mean you should.
outer space:

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Proust
Avatar 4:42am

i don't know. i will say you want to read it, but i flippy flopped between translations and i'm in my second stall, in the fugitive

cultural excesses are a distraction ov <from> truth. scratch that itch.
Avatar 4:44am

stall like i stalled
Avatar 🎙 Swag For Life Member 4:46am
Marcel M:

Proust... oh boy. Read it. Take breaks in between each volume and read other stuff. You will get through it. And you will realize its the greatest work of art ever. Its worth it.
Avatar 4:47am

that sounds, neil s right. like just hearing that something is funny, and then telling someone else you heard it was funny. try not to have conversations like that way. not talking to anybody here but, na meen
Avatar 4:49am

or not talking about anybody here nameen

re: winter. it's been the worst here in toronto. -25 was common. winter bluez to the max.
Avatar 4:54am

just painting my flat Jonathan this music is just right for it :)
Avatar 4:55am

We had flood after Floods here in the UK never seem to stop raining
Avatar 4:56am

the newest swann's way is fun all by itself. and then it's fun to have both the old modern library ones after that, if not preferable, toss up for me but as i said stuck amid fugitive
Avatar 4:58am

oh man there is an error up that, it's well noone cares
this is nice. i hav3e
Avatar 🎙 Swag For Life Member 4:59am
Marcel M:

I just don't dig how different people translate each volume in the new ones.
Avatar 4:59am
Nfrae from Oregon:

Bardo Pond and critical thinking. Woo!
Steve from Glasgow:

Morning Jon sorry bit late slept in
Avatar 5:00am

Hey Steve!!
Avatar 5:04am

Science will never answer the fundamental mysteries of the universe. Science only creates more questions. People despise uncertainty so they create myths that claim to have the answers.
Avatar 5:05am

yeah i found sometimes convenient the ability to pick up the alternative version. is this still this show, being a dj is great
Avatar 5:10am
Simon P:

there's also a fear of finding the answers
outer space:

@Whooda - I laughed when I read Stephen Hawking had placed a bet that the inflation theory of the Big Bang would win out over the cyclic version. Why can't both versions be right?
Avatar 5:12am
Simon P:

nice slab of freeform, Jon
Avatar 5:15am

Thanks,,,,,This show is a little all over the place.....I usually try to make it more cohesive.
Avatar 5:16am

@Simon We choose the answers that give us peace of mind.

@outer space Didn't Hawking lose that bet? Last week it was claimed that gravitational waves have been proven and I think that suggests proof of inflation? I'm not sure I have to check what 'cyclic' is. The popular flavor now is multiple universes which would allow for both theory's to be right (somewhere.)
outer space:

Hawking won because he predicted there would be proof of inflation. That's cool about multiple universes. http://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/mar/18/stephen-hawking-gravitational-wave-bet-big-bang
Avatar 5:25am
Simon P:

more inflation stuff
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:26am
Guido from Cologne:

Good morning everyone.
Really enjoy the show.
Avatar 5:27am

Thanks Guido!
outer space:

I keep thinking of the gravitational waves as ripples in a big universal orgasm.
Avatar 5:28am

Yes, the discovery of 'gravitational waves' does support the expansion theory: "These results are not only a smoking gun for inflation, they also tell us when inflation took place and how powerful the process was,” Harvard theorist Avi Loeb said."
Avatar 5:29am
Simon P:

@outer space
Big Bang!
Avatar 5:30am

haha I guess maybe our universe is somewhere at the base of God's scrotum. @Simon, 'Big Bang' indeed. lol
outer space:

@Simon P - Exactly!
Avatar 5:33am

@outer space this is the Hawking bet I was thinking of: Stephen Hawking loses $100 bet on Higgs boson-like 'God particle'
outer space:

@Wooda - He's a gambling maniac. ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36am
Guido from Cologne:

"Truth" is an idea from classic Greek Philosophy adapted by Christian culture.

Modern science though having it's roots in Christian culture, does not seek for Truth anymore, but for usable models of description. Thus "Truth" is an inherent logigal condition inherent in such models.
Steve from Glasgow:

It's sunny outside... A great radio show what more do I need ?
Avatar 5:36am

@outer space I'm glad to see he 'breaks even' haha
Avatar 5:40am

@Guido I guess science has substituted the word 'truth' for 'evidence'. Evidence of empirical truth.
Avatar 5:41am
Simon P:

Sausages and Inflation theory only on Blurred and Obscured
Steve from Glasgow:

Yeah I remember I had some real interesting stuff to say once ..... Can't remember what it was
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:41am
Guido from Cologne:

Human psyche is not build for the complexity of the world/knowledge/human-relations. The defunct of old "Truth" supplied cult/mysticism/religion hasn't found a sufficient replacement. So this is where those "believers" with their very "truth" come from.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43am
Guido from Cologne:

Evidence can exist only temporarily or context-bound. Danger is it is treaten as "truth", which even happens in the modern sience world.
Avatar 5:46am

@Guido Yes we seem forever doomed to defending our own personal flawed versions of 'truth' with war and destruction.

Thanks for the nice show DJ Johnathan Herwig and as you are tired again this week I presume you got more gigs this week. Cool beans.
Avatar 5:46am

Avatar 5:47am

i mean ALVIN!!!!!!!!
Avatar 5:51am

i took a jazz rock and the avant garde elective i think thats why i mess them up. i feel bad about it, the mess up.
outer space:

It's easy to get those Sonic Arts Union dudes mixed up.
Avatar 5:53am

outer space you are always there i mean that as a compllment
Avatar 5:54am

One truth that isn't disputed in the entire world is that women are bat shit crazy. Am I right !?!
outer space:

@M0i0miah: :-)
outer space:

Some humans are bat shit crazy...you can't really generalize by all women or all men.
Avatar 5:58am

@outer space I suppose your're right because men go bat shit crazy for the tang.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58am
Guido from Cologne:

You mean male female are not compatible?
the very biological nature is cruel!
Avatar 5:59am

existence is merely a combination of interests and sentiment.
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