Favoriting Solid Gold Hell with Sue P.: Playlist from April 19, 2014 Favoriting

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Favoriting April 19, 2014: Fill-in for Martha | Cat Forum

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Scientists  Solid Gold Hell   Favoriting Blood Red River: 1982-84  Sympathy for the Record Industry           
Axemen  Carmen On Ice   Favoriting Derry Legend  Luxury Products      orig. 1987  *   0:03:36 (Pop-up)
Bassholes  Melody for an Unchained Girl   Favoriting 98° In The Shade  In the Red  1993  7"      0:06:08 (Pop-up)
The Who  The Good's Gone (full version)   Favoriting My Generation (Deluxe Edition)  MCA          0:08:33 (Pop-up)
Cuts  Anne Always   Favoriting Cuts  Birdman  2004        0:12:49 (Pop-up)
Ragged Bags  Lid Comes Off Hell   Favoriting demo  unreleased  1983?        0:16:41 (Pop-up)
Sewers  General Gore   Favoriting Hoisted  Homeless    Vinyl    *   0:19:27 (Pop-up)
La Misma  Identifika Oxintimento   Favoriting La Misma  Toxic State    7"    *   0:21:20 (Pop-up)
Obnox  Who Needs You?   Favoriting Louder Space  12XU    Vinyl  on the wrong speed. Sorry, Bim!  *   0:24:43 (Pop-up)
Hot Lunch  Uprooted   Favoriting   Tym    7"    *   0:26:19 (Pop-up)
Death  Free   Favoriting III  Drag City        *   0:36:06 (Pop-up)
Farm  Jungle Song   Favoriting Farm  Normal Records      orig. 1971  *   0:38:01 (Pop-up)
Mount Carmel  Gold   Favoriting Get Pure  Alive!        *   0:45:42 (Pop-up)
Thin Lizzy  Look What the Wind Blew In   Favoriting Thin Lizzy  Decca  1971        0:48:37 (Pop-up)
Lecherous Gaze  New Distortion   Favoriting Zeta Reticuli Blues  Tee Pee        *   0:52:01 (Pop-up)
Gonga  Mount Gonga   Favoriting Concrescence  Tonehenge        *   0:55:53 (Pop-up)
Sun Dial  Slow Motion (vocal version)   Favoriting Other Way Out (Deluxe Edition)  Shrunken Head  2010    1993    1:03:40 (Pop-up)
Hototogisu  untitled   Favoriting Floating Japanese oof! Gardens of the 21st Century  Rural Electrification Program  2002        1:09:37 (Pop-up)
Gezan  Kyoushin   Favoriting Katsute Uta Toiwaretasore  Important        *   1:18:54 (Pop-up)
Saint Vitus  Plague of Man   Favoriting C.O.D.  Hellhound        *   1:33:08 (Pop-up)
Jucifer  Soldiers of White Light   Favoriting split w/ Show of Bedlam  Choking Hazard Records        *   1:40:41 (Pop-up)
OvO  A Dream Within a Dream   Favoriting Abisso  Supernatural Cat        *   1:44:54 (Pop-up)
Vasaeleth  Paradise Reconsecrated   Favoriting All Uproarious Darkness  Profound Lore        *   1:51:09 (Pop-up)
T.O.M.B.  Maz ov tha Damd   Favoriting Pennhurst Xesse  Crucial Blast        *   1:54:46 (Pop-up)
Enbilulugugal  Retarded Goat   Favoriting Noizemongers For Goatserpent 2CD  Crucial Blast        *   1:58:31 (Pop-up)
Rusted Shut  Addiction   Favoriting Dead  Load  2009        2:03:25 (Pop-up)
No Balls  As If I Wanted to Know   Favoriting I'm So Happy I Can Die  Drid Machine    Cassette    *   2:07:48 (Pop-up)
Skullflower  Slaves   Favoriting Kino III: Xaman  Shock / Dirter      orig. 1990  *   2:10:25 (Pop-up)
Balcanes  Plataforma   Favoriting   Discos Humeantes    7"    *   2:21:54 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:01am

pseu morphing into sue p. with not a letter lost.
r i s k y:

Alright! Hey Sue P! This is the perfect record store day warm up. All ears
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08am
! I X Key !:

Avatar 12:20am

yehhhh solid gold hell. I tuned in just in time.

YES! Thank you. I SO don't want to be one of those women who dresses too young then turns around and has that jarring oldface. But sometimes I think I am. Or will be. And my friends can't be trusted to tell me if I've crossed that line. Because they are, too.
Avatar 12:25am

i think women look better without make-up

And I totally I.D. with the trying to dress for work at my new job so I don't stand out. But somehow I misfire more than occasionally. I draw the line at makeup though. Except concealer. And eyebrow dye is awesome.
Avatar 12:30am

ahhh whereissshee?

Sue P, hello from no. Va . for some reason
Avatar 12:41am

The good's gone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Crud...dozed off & missed most of the hand-off dialog.
Avatar 12:50am

anyone have recommendations on cat litter? the blue fresh steps box smells like vile chemicals and I need a better solution.
Avatar 12:54am

Tidy Cats Scoop. Clumps really well, pleasant odor.
Avatar 12:57am

@fleep.. hmm I shall give that a shot next. A friend sent over a link to product called "World's Best Cat Litter" .. I'm suspicious
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57am

I think your choice is between vile chemical smell and vile cat piss smell
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59am

Pine litter is more natural-like...
Avatar 1:00am

Only got this cat like 3 weeks ago.. still learning.. So.. cat piss smell is now my life...
Avatar 1:01am

The Tidy Cat has baking soda, that neutralizes the piss smell, we never smell cat pee. The solid matter, if buried sufficiently, is also masked, but our prima donna like to show off her work, for some reason.

@bobdoesthings: All the hippie cat owners I know love the “World’s Best Cat Litter”. Made from a corn base which I hear is good for asthmatic cats. Yeah, I know these things. www.worldsbestcatlitter.com
Avatar 1:04am

@fleep. yeah... i think my little guy is the same way.. he doesnt seem to bury anything
Avatar 1:05am

baking soda is something I can get behind,, sodium bicarbonate!!
Avatar 1:08am

been meaning to watch that documentary on netflix
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Get in touch with this cat - www.youtube.com...

The thing about cats using the toilet. Since they are mainly nocturnal, what if they do their business at night & even flush the toilet. Kind of noisy.
Avatar 1:12am

oh man.. I wonder how long it would take to train my cat for that.. I keep the door closed because he likes to knock all my soap/toothpaste/brush off the counter and onto the floor..
Avatar 1:13am

baby steps... baby steps.
Avatar 1:38am

bobdoesthings, we use purina's breeze pellets & pee pads and science diet indoor food. the deuces smell for maybe five minutes and there is no cat pee smell in my two bedroom apartment
r i s k y:

Oh man, so goooood
Avatar 1:45am

@cory thanks man. I've written it down on a post-it note.. which means I shall lose it and completely forget, but thanks!!

@sue p - great set thusfar.. enjoying this hototogisu.. also committing to post it not which shall get lost in the clutter.
Avatar 1:45am

bob, my cat loves to slip on his harness and go for walks. now is the time to learn this behaviour

"Purina Breeze pellets" sound like some futuristic street drug from a Philip K. Dick novel
Avatar 1:46am

@p-90 ... I got a good hookup man, real pure breeze pellets, no doubt
Avatar 1:46am

a toy dog harness works for most cats.
Avatar 1:47am

@cory.. wait I am confused.. you keep your cat on one of those leash/harness things all day?
Avatar 1:49am

no just when we go out for walks
r i s k y:

Avatar 1:51am

@cory... this option has never been considered.. you... you.. take cats.. for walks!?!?!?
Avatar 1:53am


Cory: I'm a dog person and a cat person, had and known lots of cats, I feel like I'm pretty familiar with that species. But, while I've seen the occasional "leash cat" that's comfortable going for walks outside its home turf, but I've never had or personally known one. The cat literature (and you know how much of that is out there) rarely mentions leash cats, or how they are trained, what the pitfalls to watch out for are etc.
Do you walk your cat in a city, with noisy traffic, other animals around, etc?

Hmm: "Leash Cats' might not be a bad band name...
Avatar 1:58am

@P=90 Also wondering about the environment in which cats are walked.. I feel like here in the middle of brooklyn.. my cat would have far too much to take in
Avatar 1:58am

I live in a medium-sized midwestern town (15,000 or so humans). he is cool with redneck trucks, skateboarders, dogs on leashes and leads
Avatar 2:00am

it's all about letting them now that they are safe in there environment. lots of petting and encouraging words

Yeah, I'm thinking even the coolest cat is gonna get startled by sudden honking semi trucks, barking dogs, cab drivers having shouting matches in the street, etc.
Avatar 2:02am

P-90, you would be surprised by how quickly the kitty will adjust
Avatar 2:03am

the only things that freak-out The Doctor are joggers and the street-sweeping vehicle.

.......skateboards? When they go zooming by out of nowhere?
I figure it's a matter of conditioning them while they're still very young as you say, but still, when I see the occasional leash cat out on the town, I'm puzzled, it seems contrary to whatt I know about the feline temperament

wait........"The Doctor"?!
Avatar 2:08am

my cat is cool with combines/bobcats/snowplows rolling down the street
Avatar 2:08am

then again.. the strays in my neighborhood are the toughest cats ever.. just about getting comfortable to the environment I imagine.

Is that The Doctor in your avatar?
Avatar 2:09am

yes, The Doctor.
Avatar 2:09am

Avatar 2:13am

i.imgur.com... -this is now my internet viewing perspective now that I have a cat..

@ bobdoes: That's the thing, feral cats do fine in cities when they grow up in the gritty realities of street life. But the housecats I've known are usually not comfortable leaving their home turf, they get nervous and apprehensive, like furry little Woody Allens
Avatar 2:15am

i have pictures of him as a kitten wrapped up in my series 12 scarf
Avatar 2:15am

@p-90 hahaha .. funny image.. woody allen cat. I see a comic strip
r i s k y:

Fuck sleeping. My hot colombian girlfriend and I are taking a break.. This show is healing my
r i s k y:

Avatar 2:18am

The Doctor's best non-human friend is a Sheltie.
Avatar 2:18am

zefrank did a funny cat video.. personifying cat emotions -- www.youtube.com...
Avatar 2:22am

bobdoesthings, you will find out that your cat has musical preferences. The Doctor hates John Coltraine (this causes major problems). He is very cool with Strength Through Failure (this causes no problems). He is also a metal fan.
Avatar 2:23am

but he will not allow me to headbang

@ cory: oh right, you're the one with the FMU cat, trying to figure out how to hit the keyboard just so, to get to the playlist...

@ bobdoes: actually, I feel like we've been sketching notes for the lyrics of a Bowie-esque Glam-rock song. "Even the coolest cats can take a fright/when startled by the sight..."
The song's about a real cool city cat named The Doctor who's good to go inside or out, he's got an eye for the uptown girls, the "leash cats"....Everything in the song could be read as literally about cats or as metaphors for hipster life in the city...
Avatar 2:24am

oh pig fuck, way past my bedtime. toodles all.
Avatar 2:25am

@cory.. oh I know.. first night I got my cat I had Nico - Chelsea Girl album playing.. he really responded negatively to that one weirder experimental track on the first side.. not into dissonant tones I guess.. And forget about Albert Ayler

Yeah, i have noticed that most cats seem to be cool with Metal.
Also Prog rock, believe it or not. It makes their ears twitch, in a good way

@ bobdoes: I suggest trying him on the extended live version of "Sweet Jane", that always works
Avatar 2:30am

I think...if anything.. me giving him constant exposure to WFMU has been a beneficial thing for him.. I mean.. before living with me.. who knows what kind of trash he was in to...
Dr Greebler:

Sue it's so great to hear you back on wfmu! Please do a weekly set again - please please please!
Avatar 2:34am

@dr greebler - I'm with you buddy. I love me some SGH. still rolling through archives. This show should be apart of the weekly schedule! One of the bests.

I would guess that regular exposure to FMU would be beneficial to any large species of mammal. I've seen notably good effects with several girlfriends, another example
Avatar 2:36am
Sue P.:

Thanks for kind words, folks. We'll see where the summer sked lands me.

Me, i've been listening to FMU long enough to know that if I'm patient, I'll see SG Hell rotate back onto the schedule at some point

gotta have faith

also, like peter Pan says, thinking happy thoughts works wonders (also with a little Pixie Dust)
Avatar 2:39am

I want SGH every week! There is my vote.
r i s k y:

No Balls!! Thanks Sue! Damn, this is righteous, not too floore on the new Brainbombs 2lp though.

He whose name is Ken hears all our prayers
r i s k y:

Avatar 2:46am
Sue P.:

risky - just get the No Balls cassette and it'll be no hard feelings w/ the Brainbombs. Promise.
Avatar 2:48am

Anyone notice that the itunes 128k feed sounds better than the pop-up player? just did a back and forth a few times..

Does it? I use Pop-Up out of habit. Maybe I should make the switch
Avatar 2:50am

*For those internet listeners
Avatar 2:51am

@P-90 - seems to be so.. I am a bit intoxicated admittedly.. and I use pop-up because of the convenience.. but.. comparatively, better on the side of the stream to my itunes.
Avatar 2:53am

however the accu-playlist options in the pop-up make it a convenience issue.. it's so great to flip thru tracks on archives on the pop up.. as opposed to the streaming track on itunes..
Avatar 2:55am

then again.. never listened to archives on the other options.. more investigating shall be done.
Avatar 2:55am

GREAT SHOW SUE P! always enjoy your selections. gnarly.

sue p youre the best forever noise for life
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Take care, Sue. Hoppy Easter.

Come back Sue!
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