What the hell was in the water at Puget Sound that turned out such leather-lung singers like Gail Harris, Gerry Roslie, and Kent Morrill — even a book-slinging, slide-rule-carrying egghead like Rockin' Robin Roberts had major-league pipes!
A few years ago, I was having a (serious) discussion about music with Andy Breckman, and he asked me to name a perfect song. I replied, "Will You Love Me Tomorrow," and he exclaimed that was the exact song he was thinking of.
@pacific standard simon @Marcel M: I didn't think folks would believe me, so I felt I should add the parenthetical word. Andy is very thoughtful and knowledgeable about music, despite his on-air persona. Unless it's post-Seventies music. That part is real.
WYLMT is a master's class in Getting Crap Past the Censors, ca. 1960. I really believe Shirley's anguish and concern that if she sleeps with this guy, will he bother to stick around for breakfast, let alone commit to her.
Oh hey, this is so reminding me of the Blues Brothers. Just discovered which bar used to be the Belushi/Ackroyd bar where the Blues Brothers were basically born.
@pacific standard simon: Did your wife have equal difficulty in mastering the alphabet? Because Gerry (RIP) seems to have innocently put a lot of pressure on the pool li'l gal!
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Listener comments!
Mailman Tom:
Gaylord Fields:
Uncle Michael:
Philthy woman:
Uncle Michael:
listener james from westwood:
freddie blasie:
edith massey:
Gaylord Fields:
rascal yammers:
Hackensack Slim:
Good one, Matt. And good show as always.
Matt F:
Gaylord Fields:
One wealthy courtesan:
Matt F:
Gaylord Fields:
Gaylord Fields:
Hackensack Slim:
Gaylord Fields:
all gowns:
rascal yammers:
Listener Jumpy:
Matt F:
Listener Jumpy:
pacific standard simon:
pacific standard simon:
pacific standard simon:
pacific standard simon:
Matt F:
pacific standard simon:
pacific standard simon:
Marcel M:
Gaylord Fields:
Sean B.:
pacific standard simon:
Marcel M:
Marcel M:
pacific standard simon:
pacific standard simon:
Gaylord Fields:
Uncle Michael:
pacific standard simon:
Hackensack Slim:
Gaylord Fields:
pacific standard simon:
Uncle Michael:
pacific standard simon:
Marcel M:
Gaylord Fields:
pacific standard simon:
pacific standard simon:
Uncle Michael:
I'm singing along with Sherrif
Gaylord Fields:
pacific standard simon:
Gaylord Fields:
pacific standard simon:
Uncle Michael:
Uncle Michael:
pacific standard simon:
Uncle Michael:
Thanks, Matt. Great stuff.
pacific standard simon:
pacific standard simon:
pacific standard simon:
Superstar Billy Graham:
Sean B.:
pacific standard simon:
Wunnerful stuff. I'll listen to the first 1hr45min later.
Listener Jumpy:
good night!:
Carole King / Gerry Goffin was music