Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from September 25, 2014 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting September 25, 2014: The Dusty Show - People's Climate March

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Clay Pigeon              0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Fanatics  Strange Way   Favoriting The Fanatics  X Static  1982  EP  This song was written by an old friend, Dwain Morris, who passed away in Sept. of 2014. His band, The Fanatics, were popular in the Tampa Bay area at that time and I played many gigs with other bands, sharing the stage with Dwain, Kirk, Art, and Ricky of The Fanatics. Those were fun times. We were all pretty young and inspired and shared a lot of community and energy. Dwain was a talented guy, funny, sometimes dark, creative, driven, and compelling on stage. I'm sad that he's gone. I hope his spirit finds peace wherever it has flown. Always remember. Here's a link to an article which describes one of their last gigs together, http://www.tampabay.com/news/humaninterest/local-favorite-the-fanatics-to-open-for-the-fixx-at-largo-cultural-center/1193908   
  This episode of The Dusty Show consists entirely of audio footage gathered at The People's Climate March which took place on Sunday, September 21st, 2014 in NYC. It was an incredible March which drew 3-4K people to the city.

A note: I have been using my digital recorder the past couple of shows to mixed results. Long time listeners know that I have ordinarily employed cassette-based technology to do Dusty Shows and the digital sound is pretty new to these parts. On one level, I dislike it. Too clean. Too sterile. And as yet I have been unable to figure out how to attain the volume levels I desire. My own speaking voice is kind of quiet and weak left to its own power, and digitally I find my voice buried in the mix as it were. For this episode I employed the "Auto Levels" feature of the recorder and was unhappy with the result. I find it to sound distorted and uneven. Honestly, it's getting harder to find the model of analog microcassette recorder I like, and if Radio Shack™ goes belly-up, it'll be gone for good outside of ebay. So, I'll press on and see what I can do in this digital medium. It can only get better. And as for mixing on a laptop, it has its advantages and creative opportunities. My turntable and cassette deck are acting up, too, with some unpinpointable (as yet) buzzing sounds related to ground issues. I'll get it, but in the meantime, it's been tough doing the hyper-edited pre-recorded shows I like where I really get to edit the s--t out of things. Just letting you know where it stands for the one or two people out there who could possibly care about such things. I actually expected more of a digital backlash than you've given me, which leads me to think you don't care one way or the other, and that's fine, too. Anyway ... keep listening. I'll keep trying things and once in a while something will stick. All this said, thanks for your kind response to the 9-11 show and the show after that in whcih I played more music. I'm always tweaking the formula trying to arrive at something pallatable. 15 years later I'm not quite there yet, but the journey is the fun part. Thanks for listening. I do appreciate it. Drop me a line anytime with your thoughts . Always remember ... CP

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:05pm
Clay Pigeon:

Avatar 6:06pm
V Priceless:

It's Nature's Way of telling you...it's The Dusty Show! Heya, Clay!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm

hey clay! vp

Hi Clay and listeners!
Avatar 6:14pm

Give the climate back to the people! Occupy climate!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm

love that first chicago record, clay!
Avatar 6:17pm

Hi Clay! Hi everyone!
Avatar 6:18pm
V Priceless:

hey common! My interweb connection is very touchy today - I think the Kamikaze Fun Machine knocked the wind out of it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

yea, vp. that was grand!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

whatever happened to zero population growth? nothing will change as long as we keep reproducing exponentially
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm
Matt from Springfield:


Hey Clay and all Pigeonnaires! Street activism again, on the Dusty Show! :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm

the planet will heal and survive just fine. we'll die first.
Avatar 6:21pm

Dale, the Mormons and the Pope want more people, thus more tithing. The politics of peopling. Thus more platypuses.
Gee Lampa:

Wonder how many of those chanters are clutching a triple shot, extra foam grande macchiato.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

gotta smelt metal to make plates. and then wash them. and risk alzheimers from eating off them. compost your paper goods. or better yet, lets invent edible dishware.
Avatar 6:23pm
V Priceless:

The Platypus was Paul, no?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Matt from Springfield:

@dale: Chocolate spoons, got it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm

i could eat everything in a tortilla
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm
Matt from Springfield:

@VP: "Well here's another clue for you all / The Walrus was Paul" - Platypus not mentioned, in any canon sense.
Avatar 6:24pm
Jude in Brooklyn:

Hi Clay -- great show!!! Thanks for covering the march. :)
Avatar 6:25pm
V Priceless:

@ Matt - haha!
Gee Lampa:

Little Nicola was up on her walrus-detection skills.
Gee Lampa:

If anyone thinks Warren has a better shot than Hillary, they need to have their bean examined.
Avatar 6:27pm

i love Bernie Sanders. i really hope to see a lot of him during the next election.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm
Matt from Springfield:

Bernie Sanders gets elected in Vermont just fine - a big part of his strategy is meeting with people personally, and there's substantially more people outside VT than in to meet and "convert". Plus the classic Green Mountain Vermonter attitude benefits his style.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm

most of the pics i saw on fb made the marchers look like halloween paraders. don't know how much it furthered the cause.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm
Matt from Springfield:

@dale: Not talking about the climate will further doom it. As long as it gets people talking (and thinking) about the future of world climate, it's partly successful.
Gee Lampa:

Avatar 6:29pm

It sounds like a Dead concert or a Brazilian football match.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm
Matt from Springfield:

Auto2ned Egyptian music - they use a lot of it in that part of the world, though it carries in Arabic/African music better than Western music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm
Matt from Springfield:

Grab a drum, man! We're flying on clouds here!!
Avatar 6:31pm

Ask them to name some birds
Avatar 6:32pm

Dale - three hundred thousand people show up. mainstream news outlets cover it like a halloween parade. do you really think hundreds of thousands of people in the NYC area concerned about climate change were like the fraction of wacky performance artist types that make CNN?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm
Matt from Springfield:

NO PLANET "B"! Save the one we got!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm

Ack! I hate that, the planet will be fine. Its humans we have to worry about.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm

steve - was it a fraction? just throwing it out there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm

save the planet = the same kind of arrogance that's gotten us into the mess we're in -- save the humans = we're hosed unless we do something
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm
Matt from Springfield:

Brooklyn, where de tree grows.
Avatar 6:35pm

Mainstream media regularly makes this movement out to be a bunch of freaks and junkies with false information and no brains.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm
Matt from Springfield:

"Catskills 2047 (Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway, AND Miami)"
Avatar 6:38pm

From all I've heard, Zeta Reticuli 1 & 2 are very inhabitable. So we have options.
Avatar 6:39pm

@common: I share your tortilla enthusiasm.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm
chad from oregon:

Clay - the URL for ThisCouldHappen.com doesn't come up. Would you mind sharing how it looks on her card (or later on Facebook). Thanks man! Another great show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm
Matt from Springfield:

Oooh, how many Light-Years away Carm? You start packing the oxygen, I'll start packing water vapor. Let's see if we can get rocket fuel somewhere..

Hi MISTER (not Master!) northguineahills! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm

ngh: no plate! no utensils.
Avatar 6:41pm

konichiwa, Matt from Springfield-san!
Avatar 6:43pm

$6 margaritas SAVE THE EARTH $6 margaritas
Avatar 6:43pm

Jesus, someone's been listening to too much Mark Russell.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm

a six dollar margarita at maryanne's in the village has saved me many a time.
Avatar 6:44pm

@Matt: Just 39.5 light years. A walk in the park.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Carm: Splendid! Warp speed away!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Matt from Springfield:

Record-scratch "bleep", Clay? I like that choice of sound!
Avatar 6:46pm

i gotta take this into the other room for dinner... great show Clay! glad to see you covering this event.
Avatar 6:46pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm
cosmic matrix:

sounds great clay! thanks for hittin' the streets again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm
Matt from Springfield:

The Middle-Earth, betwixt Digital, and Analogue---
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm
Matt from Springfield:

I should run for a position on the Obamacratic Party county committee...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
Matt from Springfield:

A tape-rewind for the "bleep" you mean? That works well! :)
Avatar 6:50pm

Tape is for wrapping presents
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm
Matt from Springfield:

And you certainly wouldn't pass gas, with a match on your ass! ;)
Avatar 6:52pm

Is this guy playing a drum while he's talking? Or is it the asshole standing next to him?
Avatar 6:53pm

Hey HO!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm

my wife is fighting the change.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm
Matt from Springfield:

Appalachian State Univ in Boone, NC! Kind of the NC equivalent of my alma, Radford Univ. And they are great on the environment--they do have a *really* good recycling program! :)
Avatar 6:55pm

The Dusty Show and Miracle Nutrition - WFMU turning Ad Nauseam into Ad Infinitum with sublime grace
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

they do matt. i used to live in nc in greensboro. i played a show with my band there and was really surprised by a lot of what i saw.
Avatar 6:56pm

BS degree in recycling from hillbilly state
V Priceless:

Great show Clay! Thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

quite different from the rest of n.c.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Matt from Springfield:

Awesome common! Glad they're keeping it up.

Yeehaw, Beavo!
Avatar 6:57pm

The kids just want to play video games
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

i'm a hillbilly. thanks clay!
Avatar 6:58pm

Thanks for a little peek at Sunday. I was too busy w/ the whole marriage/visa thing this weekend, good to hear the sounds! Thanks Clay! I'm a hillbilly too! (born in WV)
Avatar 6:59pm

Me too, I live in the N GA hills 35 mi south of the NC border.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

me too, ngh! sorry clay.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Matt from Springfield:

RIP DeWayne Morris, ARed...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

damn, fanatics are quite good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

misex, or plastic bertrand good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Matt from Springfield:

Thanks Clay, for an always inspiring show!
Have a good evening, everyone! Always Remember, the climate--because it will sure remember you!
Avatar 7:02pm

better than a stingray around you
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