Favoriting Miniature Minotaurs with Kurt Gottschalk: Playlist from May 8, 2015 Favoriting

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"I fancy him at the court of Minos, anxious to know what sort of unmentionable monster the Minotaur may be, whether he is as frightful as all that or perhaps charming?" - Albert Camus (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting May 8, 2015: How Good it Is
~~ Animation by Vincent Priceless

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Johnny Nash  How Good it Is   Favoriting   Epic  1972  45    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Henry Threadgill Zooid  In for a penny, in for a pound (opening)   Favoriting In for a Penny, In for a Pound  Pi Recordings  2015  CD    0:02:36 (Pop-up)
Henry Threadgill Zooid  Ceroepic (for drums and percussion)   Favoriting In for a Penny, In for a Pound  Pi Recordings  2015  CD    0:07:04 (Pop-up)
Jack DeJohnette  Leave Don't Go Away   Favoriting Made in Chicago  ECM Records  2015  CD  Composed by Henry Threadgill  0:26:42 (Pop-up)
David Murray & Jack DeJohnette  The Dice   Favoriting In Our Style  DIW  1986  CD  Composed by Lawrence D. "Butch" Morris  0:36:56 (Pop-up)
Lawrence D. "Butch" Morris  Possible Universe... part five   Favoriting Possible Universe: Conduction 192 - Sant'Anna Arresi - August 29th 2010  Nu Bop Records  2014  CD    0:45:07 (Pop-up)
David Murray Trio  The Hill   Favoriting The Hill  Black Saint  1988  CD    0:53:34 (Pop-up)
The New Songs  The Hill   Favoriting A nest at the junction of paths  Umlaut Records  2011  CD    1:12:31 (Pop-up)
Iva Bittová  Farewell   Favoriting Entwine / Proplétám  Pavian Records  2014  CD  Composed by Chris Cutler  1:21:39 (Pop-up)
Joni Mitchell  California   Favoriting Blue  Rhino  2007  CD  Originally released in 1971  1:30:31 (Pop-up)
Joni Mitchell & the Band  Coyote   Favoriting The Last Waltz  Rhino  2002  CD  Originally released in 1978  1:34:16 (Pop-up)
Peter Herbert  Blue Motel Room   Favoriting Joni  Col Legno  2011  CD  Composed by Joni Mitchell  1:39:52 (Pop-up)
Fünf  The name's name   Favoriting Fünf  Ambiances Magnetiques  2014  CD    1:45:09 (Pop-up)
Fünf  Girl in the Vague   Favoriting Fünf  Ambiances Magnetiques  2014  CD    1:47:43 (Pop-up)
Hal Clark  Rouge Permanent   Favoriting Electro-Acoustic Works 1974-1975  Prisma Records  2013  CD  Recorded in 1975  1:52:24 (Pop-up)
L'art pour l'art  Transición for piano, percussion and tape   Favoriting Chamber Works  CPO  1999  CD  Composed by Mauricio Kagel in 1958-59  2:08:14 (Pop-up)
The Residents  Two Clown Paintings   Favoriting Arkansas  Cryptic Corporation  2009  CD    2:22:45 (Pop-up)
Funkadelic  The Naz   Favoriting first ya gotta SHAKE THE GATE  The C Kunspyruhzy  2014  CD  Written by Lord Buckley  2:24:37 (Pop-up)
Funkadelic  Comin' Round the Mountain   Favoriting Hardcore Jollies  Charly  1993  CD  Originally released in 1976  2:30:29 (Pop-up)
M. Ashraf  Too Bhi Piala Chum   Favoriting Dekha Jaye Ga  Finders Keepers  2009  CD  Title song from the 1960 film  2:35:57 (Pop-up)
Prince  Nothing Compares 2 U   Favoriting Peach CD single  Paisley Park / Warner Bros.  1993  CD    2:42:16 (Pop-up)
Object Collection  Fuck You, Man (radio edit)   Favoriting No Song  Khalija   2014  Cassette    2:47:04 (Pop-up)
Robert Goulet  Those Were the Days   Favoriting Both Sides Now  Columbia  1969  LP    2:53:28 (Pop-up)
Petula Clark  The Show is Over   Favoriting Beautiful Sounds: The Petula Clark Songbook  Castle  2000  CD    2:58:44 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:03pm
Mary Wing:

Ha ha haaaaah, Bones does not like vinyl vandalism.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm

nice again, vp! hey kurt!
Avatar 3:03pm
V Priceless:

Sonny boy! Boy, it's sunny! Hey Kurt and gang!
Avatar 3:04pm
Mark Helsten:

Hello all. How good it is.
Avatar 3:05pm
Mary Wing:

"Dammit, Jim, that's 180g vinyl you're bending!!"
Avatar 3:07pm
Mark Helsten:

2015 Threadgill! Nice!
Avatar 3:07pm
V Priceless:

ha - nice one, Mary Wing! The good doctor is a vinyl junkie, truth be told!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:07pm

Hello Kurt, nice post record fair GIF there
Avatar 3:07pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

Hi everyone! Happy Friday.
Avatar 3:17pm

who's the guitarist?
Avatar 3:18pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

liberty ellman
Avatar 3:18pm

nice graphic this week
Avatar 3:18pm

man or woman?
Avatar 3:18pm
Mark Helsten:

Excellent stuff. And brand new! May 2015! Thanks Kurt, this made my week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:20pm

@cecile: why do you care?
Avatar 3:20pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

liberty is male, he's great. been playing with zooid for a long time. and the new record is fantastic too. doube cd.
Avatar 3:21pm

he has a great sound. Thought it was marc ducret or Raymond boni there for a minute.
Avatar 3:21pm

you've just got to love threadgill!
Avatar 3:22pm

@fred, because I'm a woman and there are not a whole hell of a lot of women in jazz.
Avatar 3:22pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

there's way, way more than there used to be, though.
Avatar 3:23pm

oh, you know it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24pm

@cecile: there are, there's just not getting their proper dues
Avatar 3:25pm

not so many women working in the free stuff I like, fred.
Avatar 3:26pm

anyway, I'm probably going to buy and ownload this record, woman or not.
Avatar 3:27pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

it's pretty commonplace to see mixed-gender out jazz bands in nyc anymore.
Avatar 3:27pm

that's really cool! I'm happy to hear that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:28pm
Mike East:

I was told by the son of the minotaur that the beast could be slain by driving a spike into the base of his skull. He handed me a small wooden mallet, too light to get the job done in one blow, and a slightly dull phillips head screwdriver. I hid in the shadows awaiting my opportunity to strike, and searched desperately for a heavier hammer to no avail. In the end I was to frightened to act. And then I woke up.
Avatar 3:29pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

ok, meast, i googled that and got this back: the you to of in and it my me your that is we for all on this with be can but so no ... out time see one there as not was ve have never life he down do got get by she at if ... us into an only die man could right still oh mind again them think heart too am ..... wooden kickin pro smells jimmy dancin base village covering eats camera ...
Avatar 3:30pm

sounds like horse e-books on twitter.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31pm

@Cecile: I apologize for the grammar mishap, this gets me so mad. A friend gets so much crap working in free jazz. She gets to a gig and the sound guy is like "Put the stuff over there, I'll deal with the serious sound with your boyfriend when he gets here". She's been at it for like 20 years, and it still happens
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31pm
Mike East:

nice. looks like a cutup. Mine was just a dream I had last night. That minotaur was like 10 dream feet tall...definitely not miniature. I was askeered.
Avatar 3:32pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

that's an amazing dream.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33pm

nice mike east!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33pm
Mike East:

I booked Henry Threadgill in our studios coming up in a few weeks.

@KG - yeah, it was intense.
Avatar 3:34pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

thread's recording again? will you whisper deets to me?
Avatar 3:34pm

fred that sucks. I'm trying to build my art career, and want to support as many artists as I can, especially women. You know, support the community.

Mike, you are going to have to give us details! I saw him in the 80s and it was one of the best shows ever.
Lord Algae:

The maintenance interns must STILL be cleaning up Monty Hall after that great movie last night. Fantastic job, Kurt!
Avatar 3:37pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

haha, it was odoriffic!
Avatar 3:38pm

what movie was it?
Avatar 3:39pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

Object Collection did a live dub of the Steven Segal movie "Under Siege" with odor-rama and a disco ball.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:39pm
Mike East:

dunno about recording, we are just rehearsals. I know he needs 2 pianos and has a cello, bass, a couple saxes, and a tuba player that needs a bass amp. Nice fellow on the phone. I'll let you know if I get to listen to anything....its a night rehearsal so I may be gone already, but johnk77 may be here (another commenter in these here parts).

Threadgill was a visiting prof at Berkeley a few years back, maybe a decade or more. He conducted a performance of students that was great in the same way college or community theater is great. Speaking of female jazz artists, Berkeley has Myra Melford. But then academia is so distinct from the local scenes.
Avatar 3:40pm

I actually watch that damn thing every time it comes on TV. Saw it in the theater, too. Only fun movie Segall ever made.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:41pm

@Cecile: That's great, but never ever assume women can't be assholes too. If women are people, they can be assholes. Support those who are worth your time
Avatar 3:42pm

Oh, fred, I totally know that from my upbringing, and first-hand experience! I'm going to support everyone I can whom I like, but if it's a super-talented female artist that I dig, it's a plus.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:42pm

that is a great segall flick. wish i coulda been there!
Avatar 3:42pm

plus I have four sisters. I know from women being assholes.
Avatar 3:44pm

believe me, this solidarity is fairly new thing for me.

I listentoyourshowarchivesonrepeat
Avatar 3:45pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

thanks, m!!
Avatar 3:46pm

I hope you're going in this vein all day, Kurt. Really digging it.
Avatar 3:48pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

oh cecile, how likely do you think that is?
Avatar 3:48pm
Mark Helsten:

Yes. Great curating thus far. Keep up the good work.
Avatar 3:48pm
V Priceless:

my sis plays guitar and sings with the the Peter Duchin Orchestra...also a Berklee grad. She pretty much covers every style of popular music, as you can imagine.
Avatar 3:49pm

How likely what is Kurt?
Avatar 3:49pm

that is so cool VP!
Avatar 3:49pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

that i'd stay in one vein.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:50pm

@Cecile: I know, but still, great artists are just ignored because they're female. At this point, what's to do? I don't know, I'll err on the side of supporting female artists who are not worth it, but that's demeaning those who are
Avatar 3:51pm

yeah, it's a bit of a pipe dream.
Avatar 3:52pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

haha, cecile, well i hope you'll stick around. the veins won't switch too quickly. otherwise you get all bloody.
Avatar 3:52pm

I'd say take it by a case by case basis, fred.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55pm

@cecile: I will, I don't know any other way.
Still, the added barriers to female artists don't sit well with me. I really care about that, but I don't know what to do about it
Avatar 3:57pm

Just support them. Go up to them and tell them how glad you are they came to town. Buy their artwork and CDs. See their movies. Pledge to their kickstarters.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:00pm
Andrew Waterloo:

I support my favourite female artists the same way I support my favourite male artists.
Avatar 4:01pm

Yup! That's the way to do it. I'm just seeking out more women in experimental and avant fields of late. Looking for role models.
Avatar 4:02pm

At some point you get tired trying to go it alone. I learned that. I try to pick up lessons from artists and musicians wherever I can. But having some female peers/role models is nice
Avatar 4:04pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

cecile, i did a story for a canadian magazine last year about younger female jazz musicians - particularly mary halvorson, kris davis and ingrid laubrock - who don't feel the gender disparity exists anymore except on the part of promoters who want to do "women in jazz" festivals.
Avatar 4:06pm
Mister Dobalina:

You have a calming voice, as if you worked on NPR radio!
Avatar 4:07pm

That's really interesting. Do you think it's because they are also working with younger musicians themselves, the audience has changed, or maybe the particular scene they are in is really open-minded?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:08pm

@Cecile: I'm like the feminist shrill at this point, so I don't want to overdo it. Being male also means I have to be extra careful about that

is it because D'Arcy, Jimmy, and James are no longer in the band?
Avatar 4:08pm

I remember reading somewhere that the gender gap in classical music closed a great deal once most orchestras started doing blind auditions.

Hello, Sheeple.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09pm
Andrew Waterloo:

I know that Canadian jazz and avant garde festivals I attend tend to have a lot of female performers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09pm

i've pretty much always played in bands with women throughout my musical journey.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm

Bleet, bleeeeet, JakeG.

I read that Hillary Clinton sang for a short time with Anita Kerr. This must be urban myth.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13pm
Andrew Waterloo:

Mish Way (White Lung) had this to say on the topic (read the extended part) whitelung.tumblr.com...

Here's SF Chronicle on the gender gap in orchestras et al.: http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Gender-gap-Tech-could-take-a-cue-from-orchestras-5633277.php

r i s k y:

Kurt, we about it!
r i s k y:

Let's get some estrogen pumping maaan!

Throw it away Jake. Don't recycle. New ones from China are cheep. Sam's Club has them. They have 99 cent wieners on Fridays.
Avatar 4:15pm

Good for Mish. I do think a lot of staying sane is not putting up with crap and having support from your friends.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm

@cecile: Supporting them for their music has nothing to do with their being female. That's the point
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm

Jake, this is a known issue with Interwebs™ 2015. Please restart the internet and try your comment again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
Andrew Waterloo:

Are there a lot of female conductors in classical?

Chris, I just threw it out the window and then bought a new keyboard. So I’ll stick a paperclip in it the next time.
Avatar 4:18pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

there are not a lot, no, but there is one, andrew, your countrywoman barbara hannigan is tearing up the road!
Avatar 4:19pm

I know, fred. And even with my newfound solidarity, I'm not going to buy a Tori Amos record any time soon.
Avatar 4:19pm

Personal taste is the big decider.

@Andrew: Not to my knowledge. (And if you read the SF Chron piece, ain't Zubin Mehta a piece of work?) But Berkeley--the city, not the university--has a highly acclaimed female conductor, Joana Carneiro.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22pm

@Cecile: I didn't meant that (Supporting them for their music has nothing to do with their being female. That's the point) as questioning what you said, but as a statement of my own opinion. I suck at this
Avatar 4:22pm

I get it, fred.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:23pm
Andrew Waterloo:

@Dean, I was wondering because Guelph has a female conductor, and I figure knowing 2 symphonies isn't a good frame of reference.
Avatar 4:24pm

I can be a little bit contentious for no reason sometimes. It's all good.
Avatar 4:26pm

This is interesting, the Iva Bittova. I see it's a Chris Cutler piece.

I suspect (meaning I have no firm basis for knowing) the discrepancy in conducting and musical direction is similar to that in composing. Not a whole lot of female composers who make their livings at it. I believe Carneiro is trying to feature more compositions by women. Glancing at some upcoming shows, I see pieces by Saariaho and Gubaidulina, which only superficially makes my point.
Avatar 4:28pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

yeah, she's fantastic. funny that i had a whole set of female performers lined up for the second hour prior to all the conversation on the playlist today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28pm

@Cecile: Be yourself and say what you think. I'll learn from it, the mess is part of the learning. It improves it. Pointless contention is part of it
Avatar 4:29pm

you are completely right! hahahaha
Avatar 4:30pm
still b/p:

I like that -- there's PC, and then there's PC.
Avatar 4:30pm

my husband and I have arguments where we agree on 99% of a subject, but split hairs on the fine details. We call it "loudly agreeing".
Avatar 4:30pm

hahahahah, Kurt!
Avatar 4:32pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

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V Priceless:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33pm

<3 miniature minotaurs!
Avatar 4:34pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

awwww, ranjit
Avatar 4:35pm
still b/p:

Joni's awake, not awake..her friend is calling the shots, and why...the current story scramble seems unfortunate.
Avatar 4:37pm

What she's suffering from is believed to be a psychiatric rather than physical condition, but it sounds like it's miserable nonetheless. Morgellon's syndrome

Morgellons. So bizarre. I've come to appreciate the Jaco/Pat Metheny Joni stuff more.
Avatar 4:38pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

i agree, b/p. it's also a shame that we're used to having such immediate information that we think it's our business. what we hear when should be up to those closest to her, not tmz (who got it wrong anyway).
Avatar 4:38pm

'Coyote' is one of my fave Joni tunes.
Avatar 4:38pm

Exactly, Kurt.
Avatar 4:39pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

and it sounds so hot with the band playing it.
Avatar 4:40pm

You seen this film? The Band is playing behind her. The song comes to its end but Joni is still in the song, dancing, like it's hard for her to get out it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:40pm

Sorry Kurt, but you can't play her and that card at the same time.
Avatar 4:42pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

tdk, yes!

fred, no?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm

hey Kurt, is it ok to promote a friend's gig on your playlist?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm

(it's thematically appropriate, I promise)
Avatar 4:44pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

go for it, ranjit
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44pm

Yay! Amy X Neuburg - who did this amazing cover of California - undercoverpresents.bandcamp.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45pm

- is playing in Park Slope next thursday theoldstonehouse.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45pm

You're the DJ, you're right
Avatar 4:45pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

amy's great! i never knew about that cover.
Avatar 4:48pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

fred, i don't have to be "right." her people have put out that she's hospitalized and asked her fans to keep her int their thoughts. i am a big fan of hers and i am keeping her in my thoughts by playing her on the radio. i think it's lamentable, however, that there is always such a rush to information, especially about the personal affairs of a very private person. two different issues. obviously she's not well, but we do not "deserve to know" until it is deemed that we know how she is.
Avatar 4:50pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

not trying to debate with you either, just trying to say how i see it.
Avatar 4:59pm
V Priceless:

Yeah! Put THAT in your giant sippy cup, Harvey Levin!

In other news, are there any people here who are on Twitter and want to help me point out a typo to a famous comedic actor on Twitter? He only has 2 tweets and is beloved. We should all work together to get him to fix this issue.
Avatar 5:02pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

thanks for backing me up, pops
Avatar 5:03pm
V Priceless:

any time, kiddo! ; )
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:03pm

@Kurt: that's so besides what I said I don't know where to begin. My reference to your being the DJ had nothing to do with that, at all. It was irrational on my part, and I'll take full blame for it. I can only apologize, and try to understand why I lapsed this way. That's not a way out, but that is stalling. I might figure it out, until then I'll shut up

Johnny Nash 45 at 33 reminds me that Sly & Robbie are playing a tiny venue in Oakland next weekend!

@fred: You should respect boundaries. That is it. Someone wants to honor someone, that’s it.

Well, well, Wolfgang Mitterer is on that Herbert record.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09pm

hey...by the by...beeeeeeeersies!!!
Avatar 5:10pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

no worries, fred. sorry if i took your words the wrong way.
Avatar 5:11pm
V Priceless:

what's on tap, comm?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:12pm

yuengling premium! per usual.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:14pm

@JakeGould: Could you tell me where I erred? I want to know. I think I fucked up, but I can only own up to it if I fully understand it
Avatar 5:14pm

@fred, it's cool.
Avatar 5:15pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

fred, i think jake meant people should respect boundaries. it wasn't aimed at you.
Avatar 5:16pm
V Priceless:

nice! Been on a Blue Moon First Peach Ale binge here...they're not making it anymore - grab it while ya can!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17pm

@cecile: It was definitely aimed at me. Meaning that I failed there. I need to know how it happened, to make sure it doesn't happen again
Avatar 5:18pm

@fred, I would disregard that comment. It was piling on top of what Kurt said. Kurt is cool with you, leave it at that.
Avatar 5:20pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

we're all good. everybody cool in the minotaur lair.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22pm
Sem Chumbo:

So right, KG, let's sing a chorus of "Why Can't We Be Friends", and let it go that that.:-D
Avatar 5:22pm

hug it out, bro!
Avatar 5:22pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

that song sucks and you're stupid for suggesting it.
Avatar 5:25pm

truce over in 3, 2, 1...
Avatar 5:26pm
V Priceless:

haha Kurt!

yeah, fred - lots of times, the subtleties of intent get lost in translation amidst this virtual realm - you are cool, and I think I speak 'en masse' when I say we are cool with you being cool! I hope that last line didn't confuse you as much as it did me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:27pm
Marcel M:

Hi Kurt and friends.
Avatar 5:27pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

i gotta bring up the spirits here in this place.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:28pm

Avatar 5:28pm

I gotta get this album
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:28pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Buckladelic ! ...I'm like an FMU Newbie of late - just wanna tell everybody how great they are & how much I appreciate the program...
Avatar 5:29pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

cecile, it is so solid. three discs, dead solid.
Avatar 5:29pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

thanks, revs
Avatar 5:29pm

good ta hear. the world needs the funk
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:30pm

No confusion that Funkadelic can't cure
Avatar 5:31pm

you are 1000% correct, sir!

Dang, I step out to buy a Mom's Day card and I miss the Kagel and Residents. Pianist Alexandre Tharaud has a nice disk of Kagel piano pieces.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:32pm

feels like friday now!
Avatar 5:35pm
V Priceless:

This is pretty funny - heard it on Irwin's show a while back:
Avatar 5:41pm

adios, all!
Avatar 5:41pm
V Priceless:

where's my lampshade?
Avatar 5:43pm
V Priceless:

see ya, Cecile - safe travels!
Avatar 5:44pm
Mary Wing:

Marcel M:

Bue Cecile!
Marcel M:

Or bye
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50pm

Do we need to have him dead before we acknowledge his greatness?
Avatar 5:52pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

Avatar 5:53pm
V Priceless:

this sounds like a brawl at the Black Lodge
Avatar 5:53pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

this is who did the live dub to 'under seige' last night
Marcel M:

@V Priceless: I was just thinking something similar
Avatar 5:55pm
V Priceless:

Yes! Sorry I missed it!
Avatar 5:57pm
V Priceless:

Chose and Loose??
Avatar 5:58pm
Mary Wing:

Chose and lose?
Avatar 5:58pm
V Priceless:

haha..I am useless
Avatar 5:59pm
still b/p:

Hearing Bob sing this: great.
Spending the whole evening or many evenings in a tavern with Bob: not sure.
Avatar 5:59pm
V Priceless:

Thanx KG!

OTOH, Goulet rhymes with poulet.
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