Favoriting Daniel Blumin: Playlist from June 26, 2015 Favoriting

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The run-around drill sergeant of love meets the freeform radio nurse in an international popularity crisis. Twang, dub, noise, rockers, aliens, drum machines, foreigners, imported goods, songs, rumbles, hollers, blips and squiggles, along with an occasional musical number.

Monday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting June 26, 2015: 5-4=2

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Joe Meek & The Blue Men  I Hear a New World   Favoriting Joe Meek Presents: 304 Holloway Road  Sequel  1996      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Foehn  To The Forgotten Forest Deep In Space   Favoriting Hidden Cinema Soundtrack  Fat Cat  2000      0:02:32 (Pop-up)
Tuba Mirum  The Last Crusade   Favoriting V/A: Space is the Place  Psych-o-Path  2004      0:05:52 (Pop-up)
Kaffe Matthews  Call Me   Favoriting V/A: Musica a Metronom 2  Metronom  2000      0:07:49 (Pop-up)
Charles Cohen  Cold War II   Favoriting Brother I Prove You Wrong  Morphine  2015      0:19:29 (Pop-up)
Raglani  Fog of Interruption (excerpt)   Favoriting Real Colors of the Physical World  Editions Mego  2012      0:27:56 (Pop-up)
Ekoplekz  Tantrikz   Favoriting Four Track Mind  Planet Mu  2014  LP    0:42:39 (Pop-up)
Will Parsons / Peter Lewis  Pete's Beet   Favoriting V/A: Iowa Ear Music  Corn Pride!  1976  LP  + Anton's Chickenyard + Basschurn  0:50:57 (Pop-up)
Julius  Music in the Air   Favoriting V/A: SoundViews Volume One: Sources  What Next? Recordings/Soundviews  1990  Cassette    0:54:57 (Pop-up)
Mike Cooper & Cyril Lefebvre  Apa apa a   Favoriting Aveklei Uptowns Hawaiians (10")  Chabada  1987  10"    0:58:05 (Pop-up)
Braaxtaal  Schele Schoft   Favoriting Speechlos  Kontrans  1997      1:14:17 (Pop-up)
Lou Harrison  Canticle #3   Favoriting Drums Along the Pacific  New Albion  2003      1:16:49 (Pop-up)
Charlatan  Hyperprism   Favoriting V/A No Lotion  Opal Tapes  2013      1:31:25 (Pop-up)
Rrose  Ammonia   Favoriting Eating The Other  Eaux  2014  12"  + baby  1:36:48 (Pop-up)
PBK & Zanstones  Ground Ghosts   Favoriting Mantis Fog Desert  Monochrome Vision  2011      1:46:02 (Pop-up)
Walter Wegmüller  Die Hohepriesterin   Favoriting Tarot  Spalax  2000    '73  1:53:55 (Pop-up)
White Winged Moth  Kayo   Favoriting Ribbon Arcade  Formacentric  1998      2:08:41 (Pop-up)
Anthony Milton  River of Stars   Favoriting There Are Other Possibilities  End Of The Alphabet Records  2014  Cassette    2:21:26 (Pop-up)
Graham Coxon  Cruel Mother   Favoriting V/A: Shirley Inspired  Earth  2015  LP    2:27:06 (Pop-up)
Mary Lattimore  Untitled   Favoriting Split w/ Cody Yantis  FET Press & Desire Path Recordings  2014  7"    2:33:29 (Pop-up)
Karl Berger & Edward Blackwell  Just Play   Favoriting Just Play  Emanem  2000    '79  2:39:05 (Pop-up)
Amara Toure  N'ga Digne M'be   Favoriting Singles Collection 1973-1976  Analog Africa  2015      2:47:32 (Pop-up)
Tindersticks  Travelling Light   Favoriting Travelling Light EP  This Way Up  1995      2:54:53 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:03pm

So strange, so real, so first. Greetings, Daniel Blumin.

As usual fine vibes, Mr. B
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:06pm
Jack Mello:

Luv Foehn. And hello our this glorious rainbow of a day.
Avatar 9:08pm

good evenin folks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13pm
Daniel Blumin:

Hallo, everybody! Hallo, Fleep! Zhef! Papa Steve! Indeed, Jack. All hail the Supremes!
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:14pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

USA winning in soccer tonight. This music is winning me over.
Avatar 9:18pm

The only way it could get better would be if Mike Huckabee's head would reach peak outrage and asplode.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm

greetings Daniel and Blumen commenters
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21pm
Daniel Blumin:

Ken! Is the show the sdtrk to the game? Hallo, coelacanth!

Konnicihiwa, Brumin-San.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32pm
Daniel Blumin:

p-90, welcome onboard! I hope you are oscillating comfortably!

I'm oscillating my ever-lovin' butt off, thanks for asking!
Cool set! I don't think I've heard any of these before, but they're all great...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40pm
Daniel Blumin:

Thanks, p-90! Glad you're digging! Perchance it's contagious and we can get a whole bunch of oscillating listeners at once!
Avatar 9:41pm

im in a rocking, er, oscillating chair
Avatar 9:47pm

I'm pickin' up good vibrations.
Avatar 9:55pm
Philthy woman:

perfect packing music
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm
Daniel Blumin:

Where you headed, Philthy?
Avatar 9:57pm
Philthy woman:

a basment in the sky
Avatar 9:58pm
Philthy woman:

Naw it's a basement where I can see sky or at least sunlight creeps in, for some reason that previous phrasing was appealing though innacurate
Avatar 10:02pm

Those are called 'garden level.'

What a great first set.
Avatar 10:03pm
Philthy woman:

wow, fatigue is making me spell like Im still in grade school, well that's cool who cares where the double letters go and such stuff
Avatar 10:06pm
Philthy woman:

true that Fleep, sometimes they are but this one is pretty subterranian it's just that the architect created double story spaces on the exterior walls which creates light cannons and worms eye views if you look up to the 1st floor windows.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09pm
Chop Scott:

I enjoy our Friday time together--Cheers!

hello folks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...sounds like a recombinant DNA mix of Blixa Bargeld & Ken Nordine...
Avatar 10:17pm

Dancing to this one is kinda Sprocket-y, but it works.
Avatar 10:17pm
Philthy woman:

I can totally oscillate to this

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21pm
Daniel Blumin:

Philthy, congratulations on the new views! Thanks, fleep!!! Cheers onto you Sir Chop!!! Hullo, cheri! Greetz, Rev! Welcome Jake! fleep, as long as you're dancing, all is good!

greetings Daniel, good show tonight!
Avatar 10:26pm

So glad you got a 3 hour slot, Daniel. Although I think you had a perfect slot between Gaylord and Dave, the extra hour is worth it.
Avatar 10:31pm
Philthy woman:

this is more of a slow leaning than oscillating one for me. Lovin it all Daniel B
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32pm
Daniel Blumin:

Ryab, thanks fer the kind words. I very much enjoyed Sunday sandwiched between those two fancy fellows (and now I get to listen to 'em!)! But the call of the three hours was too tempting to pass up!
Avatar 10:32pm
Philthy woman:

Ditto Ryab
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33pm
Daniel Blumin:

Philthy, thanks!!! Lean and oscillate - that's a new style custom made for the clubs...
Avatar 10:38pm
Philthy woman:

haha, clubbin it homestyle
Avatar 10:41pm

Daniel did i hear some female vocals over the Rrose track? was that the previous track you played?
Avatar 10:43pm

ooooh i see now, it was a baby... ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43pm

i'm oscillating between going to the grocery store or eating a VERY simple meal. i'll have to buy food eventually,i guess.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44pm

baby sounded like she had a dentist's hands in her mouth.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48pm
Daniel Blumin:

Yes, that baby was a smidgeon "off" speedwise for maximum ammonia effect, coelacanth.

@coelacanth: I decided that after having a nice sandwich for lunch that for dinner I would just have a HUGE plate of french fries. Best dietary decision I have made this week.
Avatar 10:51pm

thats outstanding Jake. i often make a huge pile of sweet potato fries with assorted spicy sauces for dinner.
Avatar 10:59pm
Philthy woman:

Ha- french fries and cole slaw was brunch here today. What's the very simple meal Coelacanth?
Avatar 11:01pm
Philthy woman:

Sometimes the most delicious and creative meals have come out of trying to make something edible with whatever is in the house cause of being broke or not feeling like steppin out
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02pm

oh,now i kind of wish for french fries! but i've made my decision.

@steve: Mine weren’t fancy. Just basically a sack of fries from a local Chinese restaurant in Brooklyn since in NYC you can just get all your deep fried needs handled at storefront Chinese places. Also, I was lazy and didn’t want to go to the “Five Guys” 10 blocks away.

time to check out now, thanx Daniel and night all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05pm

P. woman, i thought i only had some angelhair pasta,a little onion,(no garlic),& some olive oil...it turns out i've got some ramen,ginger,wakame,snap peas,a few carrots and some chick peas.
it's going to be good!

I like! Thank you D. Blumin!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:07pm

(& toasted sesame oil,fresh sage)

hope you all have a wonderful week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:11pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:14pm
Daniel Blumin:

coelacanth, happy cooking, you lucky devil! See ya, cheri! CMFL! Happy Friday to thee!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:18pm

'm just waiting for it to cool...i may well get some fries tomorrow though!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:18pm

'show's been brilliant,by the way!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21pm
Daniel Blumin:

coelacanth, thank youuuu!!!

@coelacanth: The nice thing about fries is even if they are artisanal and cost more, they taste better and are worth it. GO FOR THE FRIES!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28pm

Jake, i think it's unavoidable now. i'll probably dream about them!

If I could open up a chain of food carts, they would only serve french fries, spring rolls and baked knishes.
Avatar 11:33pm

sounds good to me Jake. on a similar note i'm looking forward to eating lots of popcorn at Monty Hall tomorrow evening.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36pm

if you do it Jake i hope you send one upstate a bit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:42pm

i'm not sure i've EVER had a good knish. i have little to compare to,as i've never had a homemade one.
a store i ran sold packaged knishes of many fillings,and i liked them; but i'm sure they wouldn't compare to a freshly made one.

@coelacanth: Given the way NYC politics—which include food and beverage licensing goes—it might be wise for me to start that venture upstate and let it become viral.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44pm


@coelacanth: Yeah, the older I get the more I realize how odd my dietary childhood was. I grew up in a neighborhood in Brooklyn filled with secular Jews and pretty much was surrounded by baked knishes which are TONS better than those fried pieces of junk they sell nowadays. It was as much a part of my diet as pizza. But as an adult, nobody in Brooklyn really makes knishes anymore. And I don’t want to make special trips to the one or two places that still bake them well. If you had packages ones with different fillings, that’s still better than those Gabilas fried pieces of crap.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50pm

sorry to hear that. you must miss them.
...these were decent. - kasha; potato; potato/broccoli; apple- some other good ones. then there were various mixtures with tofu,which i didn't get into.

@coelacanth: Yeah, I miss them… But also my body has like 15 years of eating that on a regular basis to deal with. I think the lack of them is the reason I like binging on fries every now and then. Damned potatoes.

FWIW, the tofu ones are disgusting. It’s just potatoes with chicken broth as a filling. Granted, some vegetarians will wince at chicken broth but seriously… It’s broth…
Avatar 11:57pm

great show Daniel, see ya next week

Great show as well! Thanks for tolerating potato talk on the comments.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm

Jake,yeah,i don't eat chicken; but i'm not dogmatic about my diet. now & then i crave ne clam chowder and there's a place here that makes it amazing (as well as being the place i would go for fried food)...i'd bet it has either chicken or pig in it. i don't want to know!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am

wow,that snuck up. Thanks Daniel!
Avatar 12:00am
Philthy woman:

Thanks for making the packing experience more otherworldly and enjoyable DB!

@coelacanth: If something “vegan” tastes better than it should… Assured there is animal fat of some sort in the mix.
Avatar 12:02am
Philthy woman:

@ Coelacanth- that sounds sooo good! Enjoy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:25am
Daniel Blumin:

Phanks, Steve, Jake, coelacanth, Philthy w. and all the listeners, lurkers and archivers! A round of applause fer Justice Kennedy and a great week to everyone!
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