Do you think you'll be at the station at all during pledge period? I finally got my butt down to the magic factory for some marathon mailings, and wondered if any of the local GTDR folks might be over the Hudson for that stretch.
Oh, it was waaay too long since my last volunteer stints—this time last year in fact! Glad conditions permitted a return and hope to get over there for at least one phone shift.
Excellent! Also hoping I can make it to the record fair this time. So many folks seemed to dig the new locale. Still scratching my head over why the Armory stopped offering its space for such events.
Don't think I haven't flirted with AirBnB'ing it from Sat to Sun to avoid two legs of travel. I think Mike Lupica took a room in a SRO-type hotel in Manhattan for the rec fair weekends early on.
@Tranewreck: EARLY! West Coast early. You and me both on that Nock/Ehrlich. Just discovered the record this week. Via:
I think you would really groove on B's string 4s. Been listening to them for -- gulp -- 40 years! I am particularly drawn to #s 4 & 5. Along w/charting a path towards future classical modernism, etc., their evocation of Eastern European folk idioms is profound. Deep, moving stuff. Go for it...
Thanks for the link. Except for your show Marty doesn't get a lot of 'FMU play, which surprises me.
You're not alone, Jeff, had not met the Breadwoman either.
But Sunday morning is archive catch-up time for me (usually other Jeff from the Avant Ghetto). What am i gonna do now that you're here throwing down stuff like this Grossman?!
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Listener comments!
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
Also: bless you, @ljfw!
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
@Toby: I don't know; I've never Bartoked (much).
Jeff Golick:
Glad to hear the Nock- Ehrlich piece.
Jeff Golick:
great show jeff - love the new time slot
Jeff Golick:
@Tranewreck: it might help me that Marty's a local Brooklyn cat.
@davefromtoronto: Woo! Love that you're here.
@Gary: There you be. You know this album?
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Jeff Golick:
Santos L. Halper:
But Sunday morning is archive catch-up time for me (usually other Jeff from the Avant Ghetto). What am i gonna do now that you're here throwing down stuff like this Grossman?!
Jeff Golick:
@glenn: jazzbos, fine; jazzbros, not so much. Hiya!
Santos L. Halper:
1. Get more ears
2. Hit it and quit it
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick: