If you all can keep checking the homepage and let me know when that pledge widget at the top of the page hits 100%, then I can finally activate the metamorphosis of the monkey into a DJ. If you catch my drift.
Good for you PLU! For not knowing WTF that is about~! It's like us not knowing who is in the Superbowl or playing in the World Series or something and it is ignorance worth applauding.
I offer a bounty to whoever brings me the complete music video of the 'Nah, man, school is for suckers'.
@-Ken: One hangover request from me... I know the heart situation for pledgers is a large process, but I decided to do Swag4Life and my tiny radio icon ain't showing up when I login. Yeah I'm not logged in now but still.
Also please play that song about working as a waitress at a cocktail bar. Maybe Hocus Pocus by Focus too.
We must conduct careful surveillance of collectors of smooth jazz records. We need to cultivate informants within this community and encourage them to step forward. If you see something, say something. We might have to round them all up and put them in internment camps.
@Jake, Chuck Mangione is acceptable. He's not one of the extremists. I believe we can coexist with Chuck peacefully. I don't know Bob James. I'll have to go to one of his places of worship and determine for myself if he needs to be surveilled.
Every time I hear that Focus track, I long for the "Art Rock Suite" from the "National Lampoon" 's album "Goodbye Pop"... which also has an excellent Bill Murray impression of a WBAI DJ pitching during their Marathon.
If you have to ask about Ms. Oyl you'll never know
Mark R.:
This Lene Lovich track was on this one cassette that played in and endless loop in this restaurant where I worked in college. Tom-Tom Club was also on that tape. Whenever Lynn bartended.
@JakeGould: the conceit of the humor of the very on and off relationship between Popeye and Olive Oyl was that Popeye was an ugly one-eyed dude and often didn't care one way or the other about her. it's all there in black and white (color on Sundays) if you care to read Thimble Theater.
@ChrisM: Now please explain to me what the fuck Alice the Goon was about. She freaks me out.
@JakeGould: she belonged to the Sea Hag and was her bodyguard against Wimpy's hamburger-stealing ways. one of my favorite story arcs is Wimpy sneaking on the Sea Hag's ship to steal her cow and winds up seducing her.
lyrical content:
lesbian harassment on the ladies loo at tram station "Bahnhof Zoo".
(Notorious place in Berlin, drug scene ... etc)
... by the way, larger parts of the German Punk scene hated Nina ghagen for not being a"the real thing" and the music for being not punk at all.
That 'BABY' just now and hearing Flipper last week makes me wonder, Ken, if you've ever played any of the entries to WMBR's "Sex Bomb" cover contest.
ʩʩ (:
Sun Ra, the most played artist in WFMU?! Great job, Mr Arthur! It would be great also to see a graph showing connections between artists and DJs. Or which DJ influences other.
Mark R.:
Yeah I thought Nina was all edgy and happening!
ʩʩ (:
People Like Us is at the same level as the Velvet Underground or the Rolling Stones in that graph. Interesting.
I am sick of still being the 99%!!! Let's get to 100% People...Please! I wanna see the the DJ turn...oh wait I mean the Other way around....YOU KNOW!!!
Mark R.:
Handed to you in a cafe like nuclear secrets during the Cold War. And every bit as dangerous!
I'll see what my minor WMBR contacts can do...all I can remember is a white rapper, and there's a mention online of a man screaming 'Sex Bomb!' over the sound of bedsprings for twenty minutes.
Try to think of It always being at 99% , even when the goal is met to adjust for inflation and unexpected things like whales gnawing on the transatlantic cable .Its a nice carrot on a string .
MD, you and Andy Brechtman should get together and tell stalking jokes for 40 minutes straight during the next marathon, that'll go over GREAT with the listeners
'Whale sounds are the _best_.' —almost Ron Fields.
Careful, S.M. Ken: Irwin might put the station over the top, but another 7SD like the Marathon first week's might pull it back under. (Did anyone, in fact, de-pledge during or after that?)
"Bertolt Brecht... suggested that a play should not cause the spectator to identify emotionally with the characters" Andy definitely achieves that in every episode of 7SD.
Cliff, I think the Alienation Effect of which you speak does not include the audience DETESTING one of the characters, which is what Andy achieves. Even in the Resistable Rise of Arturo Ui, the Hitler character is nowhere near as repellant as the BreckmanMan.
@Marcel M. : Well, I've read that 'Audience Alienation Principle' is a mistranslation (like 'the idiocy of rural life'), but if we ignore that, Andy might well be King of the Brechtians („der Brechtschekönig”? ...„Brechtschen[s]könig”?). I mean, alienate an FMU audience, that's champion, in a Darwin Award sort of way.
ʩʩ (:
I think 7SD audiences rather than loving to hate Andy, actually hate loving Andy.
That's a good point Ken, but I always just turn the show off when Andy starts getting really offensive....much of the time he's just apathetic to what's going on, and I keep listening for some odd reason.
(I mentioned on the 7SD comments once that I rarely make it through the entire hour, and somebody replied that they wanted to punch me in the face for saying that!)
sets like this are why this station is irreplaceable--great stuff
What I find compelling is trying to find the seam between Mr A. Breckman and 'Andy Breckman', the seam that was never visible for 'Andy Kaufman' or 'Frank Sinatra' but was part of the attraction of 'Marilyn Monroe', 'Cary Grant', or (in this case a zipper) 'Godzilla'.
I'd like to volunteer during the marathon someday, but now I'm afraid Ken might punch me in the face because I didn't microwave the burritos properly or something.
Omg this song is hysterical. I forgot about this record.
ʩʩ (:
This is one of my favourite songs of all time!
And I thought Ken and Andy's visit with the Schticky Borshtbelt Bear in week one was one of the highlights of the marathon. So I guess I'm a chronic outlier.
Cngratulations on a successful Funds Drive. I was looking forward to listening to some crap this morning but heard none. What Gives?
I figured the whole thing with the graphic novel was to set up week 1 7SD's bit with the bear, which was in turn so people could feign offense at it, thus setting up the Andy soaking in week 2. Grand plan, right?
ʩʩ (:
For all the psychoanalysts out there,
Funny we are talking about 7SD. Last night I dreamt about it.
I was during the recording of a show long time ago. I was friends with the producer so somehow they let me in to see behind the scenes. The show was going to be about a box match stunt. The background music was played live by an unknown musician at the time (which was Kurt Cobain). He looked nothing like him. He actually looked like a woman. The show was canceled because the box ring couldn't be deliver in the set. It was too expensive. Andy Breckman went home early in that episode.
Punk Tourist Holiday of London Coming soon!
We will jam a Safety pin in your face! Learn how to shoot drugs!
Guarenteed dose of Hep-C with every Holiday!
God Save The Queen MOM! We Really Mean it.... Man!!!!
It was probably September, Blinda. That month's name is always hard to recall, especially because it goes by the old numbering of 7th month.
Just coming in. I imagine Ken was talking about Vinyl. I've only got through the first 3 episodes so far. One of my fav scenes is that he just happens to walk backstage at MSG just as Peter Grant is having the bootleg conversation from Song Remins The Same