Took off jacket, sat down with glass of ice and diet coke, signed in and waiting for something to happen. Good Morning y'all. Should I check my email inbox or just dive into some work, get involved and space off email for a few hours?
barenaked ladies is not "good" but their cover of phil collins' in the air tonight is
fΘfΦ (:
Let's start by sorting out the inbox issue. Open it. Select all emails. Flagged all emails all as Spam. Done. You won't have to worry again about checking your inbox!
Hi everybody! Yes, an amazing Get for the show this morning - thank you to Joe Belock for helping me land an interview with the one and only DON FELDER this morning at 11!!
Morning Mr Head Kahuna, Had a most wonderful if brief conversation with a Rivi Friedman this week. Says she knows you, recognized my shirt. "Hey! That's my cousin's station.
@dale it's like their mouths are a half second behind everything else
fΘfΦ (:
I'm pretty sure Ken is talking about Don Felder, the Director of Motor Carrier Operations at A.R.C. Transit, Inc. because this is the right Felder most people here want to hear about, right? RIGHT?!?!!
The OCS? Perhaps they've come out finally as a group of closet Slavic language scholars and named themselves for OCS -- the Old Church Slavonic language.
oh yeah im flyin high on that nice wing mix up... but selling drugs to Juilliard kids is actually a great idea... but sweet song... thekenschlampen time soon
You would be the first person to play Hubert on WFMU in the Internet era.
Also, the lyrics are great. "The young people get old, the old people die". It's a total anti-nostalgia song.
Why is the drunk episode of 7 sec delay not archived?
I don't know if you saw this Krampus tidbit, but it combined two of my favorite things - Krampus and Conchita talking about it:
"If they’ve been good, Austrian children wake up on 6 December to find that St Nicholas has left them chocolates and nuts in their shoes. If you’ve been naughty, you won’t get any presents … and you’ll get attacked by Krampus. He’s a devil-type creature with horns, black fur and a belt with big bells, so you can hear him coming. Yes, it’s terrifying.
Kids go crazy for the Krampus tradition and dress up as little monsters – they have beautiful masks, handmade from wood. Our village in Austria puts on a special play in which the creature tells an old beggar to repent his sins; when he refuses, he’s beaten up by lots of Krampuses at once. One year, my parents hired someone in the village to dress up as Krampus for a surprise visit to our home – and they regretted it for ever. I went to the door and this huge creature was standing there. I think I passed out.
i saw mariah at an l.a. restaurant having an early dinner with two gal pals. mariah was on her cell phone the whole time and the giant black bodygaurd ate two tables over alone.
it's survival of the fittest. if you don't bully how will you know who is strong (someone to ally with) and who is weak (a puny specimen who should be killed)?
very very large red buttons pale mornings and silver shoes
I have to agree with you on excessive PC-ism, and I do believe people can handle clumsy slights better than they are, but as a woman, I can't even go there. I'm perfectly capable to telling people to fuck off, and have, but why, if I am in a supposedly civilized society, should I have to? Why should I be called a frigid bitch when someone I don't know starts giving me a back massage and I ask him politely to please stop?
I reported his ass. SF conventions, where it happened, started really stressing consent about 15 years ago. Incidents like this and for other women made that happen.
Florence Foster Jenkins is the reason this radio station is in my life. One day in 12th grade while procrastinating my college applications I discovered her wiki page and it went Florence wiki page->outsider music wiki page->irwin's outsider music book->wfmu
Yes. And this I cannot abide. But people are lumping in real complaints with people who have not been raised to understand conflict, dissent or respectful exhibitions of disagreement.
@queems it is. I joke as a defense mechanism and I know I shouldnt
@NotARealDoctor: see it!!! Meryl Streep is amazing as Florence, Hugh Grant is amazing as her husband, and (weirdly) the guy who plays the little jewish bowl cut dude on Big Bang Theory is amazing as Cosme McMoon! it's incredibly sweet
Fair enough, but I hope there's an actual policy and mechanism, as
0.) harassment is a real thing that happens, and WFMU is not immune by to its happening there, and
1.) being decent aside, monetary damages are real things too.
Not employing much gives some protection against the latter, but not full, and reputation matters too.
the bowl cut dude has done some great work. I can't wait til that show ends so I can see him and Kumal Nayyar outside the confines of the sitcom.
I don't want to objectify, but Kumar Nayyar outside of that show might be one of the most purely gorgeous people on Earth.
I don’t have a single PC bone in my body and am definitely an unremorseful triggerer but that alarm sketch was a bit off, wasn’t it? Too soon. Maybe I tuned in at the wrong moment?
@Planet Tyler: so cute!!! definitely worth a watch
@Cecile: I dislike his Big Bang character enough that when I saw him in Florence Foster Jenkins I was alarmed by how good he was, and then I was like, please let that show end so this guy can do more stuff like this.
seriously though, ive been groped at work. no fine line! I think a lot of guys have been sexually assaulted too, they just walk it off
Simon Helberg is his name. He played a great bit part in Dr. Horrible. He actually has skills outside of acting - production, karate, music. I think he can have a great career. Well-rounded guy.
@Morgan, the question is, are men walking it off because that's the best way to deal with it, or are they walking it off because of increased social pressure to not complain.
I've been groped numerous times w/o consent from guys and girls (and two girls went beyond anything remotely acceptable), but as a guy, I was able to make my displeasure verbally and visibally noticeable that they would never attempt to such w/ me again.
guy kept grinding his groinal area into my butt watching the halloween parade. i didn't get his name to sue. i never went to watch the parade again. oh, the 80s.
Now, if I were a person going to the local gay bar during on "Tank" night during the shower contest, I would have a different level of acceptable behavior. Or a sex club. But still, there has to be consent.
Thanks Cecile!
Having been harassed in many ways for many years in varying degrees, I've come to believe that most girls and women everywhere in every era share that condition. It's great that we're all empowered to talk about it now but I also think there's a craven and disingenuous media witch hunt on high profile men right now. It occurs to me that this has been a great opportunity to dump very expensive talent for less seasoned & therefore less expensive new hires.
(Wow, shouldn't have had two espressos!)
Ken, you do you, but I wasn't a fan of the alarm bit.
By the way, I need you, Ken & Andy, please, please, please. Do 769 bad shows in a row to recover my losses from exchanging all my Bitcoin fortune for Seven Second Delay Bad Show Insurance policies.
man, I gotta watch that eagles doc; from wikipedia: 'Felder recalls Frey telling him during "Best of My Love," "I'm gonna kick your ass when we get off the stage."'
You shouldn't have to, but generally in our society those who love hurting other people have recourse to burglar's logic of the 'They didn't buy an adequate lock, so I'm blameless.' sort, taking forms ranging from a simple 'Toughen up.' to 'If I stab at you, it's not my fault you're not a martial arts master.'.
To a point. I'm really glad Danny Masterson and Kevin Spacey lost their jobs, though. And when Katie Couric said 5 YEARS AGO on NATIONAL TV that Matt Lauer's worst habit was pinching her ass all the time, that stunned me. If I were his boss, he would have been fired. Or at least been severely disciplined. Like NFL make your wallet hurt discipline. Or a male managing editor at Broadly was leaking story tips to Milo to take and run with.
And James Toback is the absolute worst. Spy magazine ran an article in 1989 where over 30 people complained and the last sentence was "Parents, keep your children away from James Toback."
The Eagles Doc is amazing. Thanks for the comments from those who find the alarm in bad taste. I have been molested myself, and I have had to fire people for harassment so I reserve the right to joke about it as long as I am not blaming or ridiculing victims, which I am not.
i LOVE the alarm. this is the forum for laughing at stuff because if you didn't it would be an unbearable country right now. which it is, but that's beside the point.
Question for Mr. Felder: What became of Captain Sternn after his run-in with Hannover Fiste in the big courtroom scene? Also, does he feel that Journey deserved a place on the H.M. soundtrack?
There's a show NHK do to promote tourism called "Journeys in Japan" that often reminds me of "Fishing with John", sometimes it's still for a minute, and the narrator's voice is similar. I watch it on a local, public, station, but I believe that there are at least some episodes available on-line.
(I heard of "Fishing with John" on an early episode of "Only a Game".)
KFHP, the original Heavy Metal story tells the story. We like the one in the movie, except for the ending.
It's ok to poke fun at whatever political situation you want, but this particular attempt is just not funny. It's punching down, and it's poorly thought out, and just incredibly lazy and obvious. Two thumbs down.
It was the first time I'd gone to a show by myself in DT Minneapolis. I didn't go to a show alone for 5 years. Then Borbetomagus came to town for an early show. I worked out a plan where I used public transit and cabs to get there and it worked. I did this for years if I couldn't get a ride. Then I had more friends.
oh no, what should i do? i just found a scrap piece of tape on the floor (kids were playing with it last night), and it looks like the shape of thefemale lower private part, including the c******s. should i call the PC police? are my kids harassing me! WTF SHOULD I DO????
All that being said, I'm concerned that those groups and tendencies more likely to clean house—as opposed to who have more of a problem or worsen it—will end-up looking worse and losing power, as per a penitent Franken leaving the Senate as a triumphant and Moore is seated. The people I prefer will strain at gnats while those I don't swallow camels.
Funny that tape had talk of decapitations, as I was about to add: 'The world seems divided between people who cheerfully lop-off heads and those apologise for breathing.'. Plate o' shrimp heads.
you were had notarealdoctor. was the seller's ebay rating legit?
fΘfΦ (:
But first, let's hear a primer of Hallyday because I have never ever heard about the guy.
Simon and I are just coming into the playlist after watching "NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD" while having his afternoon fruit.. Wee 6 year olds ...cannot live with them ..
Cannot live without them...
Please do not call BCW/ACS
Serious - I want to find the listener who wrote about the obscure river walk -Raritan to ..or something???
Now someone come here and tell me this song ('Love Will Tear Us Apart') was also written by Jacques Brel and had his original lyrics savaged ints English.
but i always like the cover better... was thinking this morning on the ride in how bruce's "blinded by the light" was actually the cover, since whats-his-face made it a huge hit long before I ever heard bruce do it....
Thanks, BrownynB. And probably the Dancing Queen original lyric features the story of a seventy yeald old brothel madam with no legs and a pimp that hits her.
Well I discovered a fetish I didn't know I had.
I want to see girls compiling the linux kernel and tinker with make menuconfig. This is unironically sexy.
fΘfΦ (:
Wait a minute, steveo...People can vote more than two times?! If so that would explain the "success" of the starred Heavy Metal song in here! So basically is just Matt Warwick starring it multiple times!
Actually, since Don Felder is just a shell persona created by Don Henley as an elaborate Tax Dodge, and he gets royalties each time it is played, Don Henley has enlisted an army of Russian trollbots to create multiple accounts on WFMU to star the song over and over again to ensure that it gets played and debated constantly, therefore ensuring a steady stream of income that will be funneled to Henley through an elaborate series off off-shore shell corporations that Henley will then use so he can continue to feed his addiction to collecting tanks.
Leőn Smet:
I should ask my BDSM informant about 'sudo' usage rates in his community—'Sure, I could just set the permissions reasonably, but it feels so good typing it.'.
Last call ..looking for the info(3-4 weeks ago) about the obscure river walk (under the bridge and along the hwy) from LISTENER??? hearty urban walkers are we - please do tell...thanks Morphe
i know we all love jesus christ superstar, and indeed it's andrew lloyd webber's best work, but do we ever play OTHER andrew lloyd webber soundtracks in OTHER other languages? where is CATS in croatian???