Favoriting If You Lose Your Horse with Sam Segal: Playlist from June 11, 2018 Favoriting

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Wednesday 10pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting June 11, 2018: Where There's Horse, There's Time to Sit and Think About It

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Will Powers  Adventures in Success   Favoriting Dancing for Mental Health  Island  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Mtume  Hips   Favoriting Juicy Fruit  Epic  0:04:01 (Pop-up)
Dynasty  I've Just Begun to Love You   Favoriting Adventures in the Land of Music  SOLAR  0:10:19 (Pop-up)
Wganda Kenya  Shakalaodé   Favoriting Diablos Del Ritmo 1960-1985: The Colombian Melting Pot (Afrobeat, Puya, Cumbiamba, Terapia, Mapalé, Caribbean Funk)  Analog Africa  0:25:44 (Pop-up)
Asnake Gebreyes  Anjete Aychilelegne   Favoriting Ahadu  Buda  0:32:03 (Pop-up)
Jonah Dan  Inter-Planetary   Favoriting Intergalactic Dub Rock  Abba Christos Tafari  0:37:05 (Pop-up)
Michal Turtle  Feel The Pain   Favoriting Return To Jeka  Music From Memory ‎  0:40:15 (Pop-up)
Lukan I  NO TEK 9 (ft. Early One & I-Jahar)   Favoriting Single  Duppy Gun  0:45:55 (Pop-up)
Delegation  Oh Honey   Favoriting The Promise of Love  Shadybrook  0:50:45 (Pop-up)
Heatwave  Mind Blowing Decisions   Favoriting Central Heating  GTO  0:53:28 (Pop-up)
Domenico Lancellotti  The Good is a Big God   Favoriting The Good is a Big God  Luaka Bop  0:57:40 (Pop-up)
David Sanchez  Puerto San Juan   Favoriting Melaza  Columbia  1:00:41 (Pop-up)
Bawrut  Ciquita (Ransome Note Edit)   Favoriting Ciquita / 1-2-3-4  Ransom Note  1:18:30 (Pop-up)
Pender Street Steppers  Blackboard   Favoriting Pender Street Steppers  Mood Hut  1:24:57 (Pop-up)
Metrist  Auld Flaurist   Favoriting Patina Echoes  Timedance  1:29:17 (Pop-up)
M.E.S.H.  Coercer   Favoriting Hesaitix  PAN  1:34:04 (Pop-up)
DJ Lilocox  Vozes Ricas   Favoriting Paz & Amor  Principe  1:39:57 (Pop-up)
Peder Mannerfelt  Shining Beacons of Light   Favoriting The Screws That Hold the World Together  Lazy Tapes  1:46:02 (Pop-up)
Eartheater  Inkling   Favoriting IRISIRI  PAN  1:48:51 (Pop-up)
serpentwithfeet  seedless   Favoriting soil  Secretly Canadian  1:50:49 (Pop-up)
Swamp Dogg  I'll Pretend   Favoriting Love, Loss, and Auto-Tune  Joyful Noise  1:53:53 (Pop-up)
John Coltrane  Impressions   Favoriting Recorded in Baden-Baden, November, 24, 1961  Condition West  2:09:26 (Pop-up)
Jason Stein's Locksmith Isidore  Eckart Park   Favoriting After Caroline  Northern Spy  2:13:18 (Pop-up)
Anthony Braxton  Scrapple From the Apple   Favoriting Charlie Parker Project 1993  hatART  2:19:50 (Pop-up)
Noah Creshevsky  Jacob's Ladder   Favoriting Reanimator  Orange Milk  2:24:48 (Pop-up)
Actress x London Contemporary Orchestra  Chasing Numbers   Favoriting LAGEOS  Ninja Tune  2:32:30 (Pop-up)
Peggy Lee  A Strange Visit   Favoriting Echo Painting  Songlines  2:36:56 (Pop-up)
Jason Kolàr  Erratic Texting Behavior   Favoriting Modified Perspective  STROOM 〰  2:40:31 (Pop-up)
Emily A. Sprague  Dock   Favoriting Water Memory  Self-Released  2:44:39 (Pop-up)
uon  J   Favoriting Untited  West Mineral Ltd.  2:47:40 (Pop-up)
James Ferraro  Gulf Gutters   Favoriting Four Pieces For Mirai EP  Self-Released  2:53:54 (Pop-up)
Mance Lipscomb  Alabama Bound   Favoriting Trouble in Mind (American Folk Song Traditionalist)  Reprise  2:57:05 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23pm
Doug in JC:

We're here for you Sam!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26pm
Sam Segal:

Bless you for checking in, @DougJC! All Dougs are honored in these parts.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:29pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31pm
Sam Segal:

Howdy, @Chresti! Thanks for stopping by.
Avatar 9:33pm

Hello, can stay briefly..."Hello, but I must be going.." [Groucho?]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34pm
Doug in JC:

Happy to be here, Sam.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34pm
Sam Segal:

Sounds like a Groucho-ism to me, @TDK. Thanks for dropping in, if only for a moment.
Avatar 9:36pm

more than a moment at least.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:40pm

Today at work, I saw a lizard catch a flying insect!
Avatar 9:43pm

The photograph --where?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
Sam Segal:

The Documerica Series, where I get most of my show photos. Details here: www.flickr.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
Sam Segal:

@Chresti, do you work in the playlist photo?

Lanai?! I was thinking California, Texas...
Avatar 9:50pm

*looks at the pic* (making a nopales salad right now).
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:51pm

Sam, Yes! except the water part
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52pm
Sam Segal:

Welcome and hi hello, @Dean and @NGH!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:52pm

I'm in the check-in booth just a couple feet from the cacti
Avatar 9:52pm

it was introduced to Lanai (Heck, in sandy areas in FL, I can find nopales). Crap, I forgot the english word for it, "prickly pear?" Language is fleeting w/ me.
Avatar 9:54pm

(sad thing is English is my first language and I've taken multiple botany courses in my youth).
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:54pm

Coelanth, if you can hear me, there's the answer to your biting insect problem!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05pm
Sam Segal:

Coelcanth must be watching Trump and Kim Jong Un, which by the way matches up perfectly to my show tonight. I've got it synced like Dark Side of the Moon and Wizard of Oz.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:13pm

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:15pm

I can't watch- I hope the good witch and the munchkins show up
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:16pm

ha ha

I'm encouraged by the KJU/DT meet-up. I have no political affiliation, so the outcome serves no partisan purpose for me. But I think strong opponents of Trump are missing out on good information about how US politics proceed. We shall see.
still b/p:

Fly-ing mon-keys! Fly-ing mon-keys!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20pm
Sam Segal:

I am with you, Dean. Anyone rooting against this going well just because they hate Trump needs a reality check.
Avatar 10:21pm

I desperately needed some acid (this will tide me over for the time being).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22pm
Sam Segal:

Got that 303 for ya, @NGH.
Avatar 10:23pm

I'm expecting a disaster, but every once a while DJT is a stopped clock, and does something beneficial for us. (Hoping for the latter).

Re: acid, I have zero interest in marijuana, but I would love to drop acid and, more so, I would love to ingest morphine and other opiates. Recently, my kid was in the ER and they gave him morphine to attempt to quell the pain. It didn't work right away, and in fact he felt totally freaked out. Later it got better. But now I resent my kid for getting morphine!
still b/p:

I certainly don’t root for a bad outcome in the slightest, but Trump can’t be relied on for suitable depth or a focus beyond his own ego and narrowsightedness for me to anticipate encouraging outcomes or objective characterizations of it all by the administration. Does all that sound like the Charlie Brown teacher noise?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:27pm

I wouldn't mind if a giant lizard showed up
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27pm
Sam Segal:

Yeah, lighten up @SBP! Our demented game show host president might just pull this one outta the bag, you just gotta believe!

@ngh: I don't think the stopped clock figure is right. Yeah, he is superficially a moronic dick, completely--if ironically--gauche, but I am of the opinion that most (all?) POTUS have been moronic dicks. Don't get me wrong: DT was not the right man for the job. Still, he has the job, and if he pardons criminals for negligible violations, dispenses with federal laws against marijuana use, and fucks up the free trade regime, that's not a bad thing.

And now I'm done with politics for the evening.
Avatar 10:32pm

MJ dulls the edge of pain. Acid can keep you distracted from pain but if you're a novice, you might focus on said pain, so it's a double edge sword in said environents.

I don't even take tylenol, ibuprofen, or aspirin. I really don't like how opiates effect my body. That said, when my knee got infected after one of surgeries, I'm glad I had some (and only did so for two days until I could endure the pain). Addictive substances are scary.
Avatar 10:33pm

Metrist, new to me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35pm
Sam Segal:

Same here, @NGH. Just found him on this Patina Echoes compilation, which is a label comp for the great Timedance label out of the U.K.

(Whisper: I have this hypothesis that marijuana is...mere placebo.)
Avatar 10:39pm

I was skeptical about mj for it's medicinal qualities. But, i take medication for my GI tract problems which sometimes leaves me nauseous (I rarely take unless it's an emergency). I tried mj after years of not partaking, and it made a huge difference. But just one pull, no more, I don't like to be intoxicated anymore unless it's a special occasion.
Avatar 10:41pm

already have some slugs and roaches drowned in my beer traps.

(expecting Barney * beeeelllccch* to show up any minute).
still b/p:

At an annual street festival the other day a vendor had CBD water and other such products on the tables. New to me. And likely to remain untasted/ untested.
Avatar 10:48pm

Good evening Sam and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49pm
Sam Segal:

Welcome, @Mayuko! Thanks for stopping by!

When "nice" is dismissive, you know everybody's a critic.
Avatar 11:02pm

nice up the dance!

vozes ricas is "rich voices." so good to hear principe on this show !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:07pm

hey Sam and horse people
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08pm
Sam Segal:

Thanks for the confirmation, @sandy! Great to encounter another Principe fan. Everything they do is so so great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10pm
Sam Segal:

@Coel! Welcome!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23pm

Sam please tell me what you played during your mic break. sounded kind of like down by the river.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25pm
Sam Segal:

It was this: www.youtube.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28pm
Sam Segal:

And while I'm throwing out links...incredible, impressionistic review of this Creshevsky record right here: www.tinymixtapes.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:35pm

Thanks. i followed that site to bandcamp, which is much less antagonistic to my computer, and the first track, strategic defense initiative, goes back a few years. i remember hearing it on fmu - could even be decades ago, and recording it onto cassette.
Avatar 11:38pm

Gotta run to sleep, thanks Sam!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39pm
Sam Segal:

Thanks for hanging out, @NGH!
Avatar 12:01am

Thanks Sam!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01am

Thanks Sam! take care
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