Favoriting Big Planet Noise with Bob Irwin and Gina Bacon: Playlist from June 25, 2018 Favoriting

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Gina Bacon's avatar View Gina Bacon's profile Favoriting

The core of Big Planet Noise was formed when Bob Irwin was just 5 years old. The day he picked up his first 45, the whole thing set to spinning – and records and music have been pretty much all he’s thought about ever since. Avocation eventually became vocation, leading to Sundazed Music and Modern Harmonic, all drawing inspiration from Bob’s legendary collection. But, what good is having so many records if no-one else can hear them with you?

Big Planet Noise is Bob’s way of inviting everyone over to hang out in the music room while he and co-host Gina Bacon flip through the stacks and play great records. And – the BPN chat room is where the action is… they yak about what’s on the turntable, tell stories, backstories, and share what was had for dinner, friends ’n family style. Gina keeps the celestial orbit steady-as-it-goes; making sure the stylus stays in the groove, the stacks don’t teeter and the drinks don’t spill all over the console. NB: Gina can also be heard on Saturday afternoons as the host of Someday Matinee (also on WFMU's Give The Drummer Radio stream), a show filled with live musical performances and artist interviews, direct from Music City.

There’s a reason it’s called Big Planet Noise… the show covers a lot of musical ground; familiar, forgotten, unheralded, unheard… The sonic menu is ever-changing; you’ll hear oddball teens, psychedelic wizards, mod lads, sitar savants, space-cadets, groovy soundtracks, and maybe even some bossa nova, when it feels right.

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Favoriting June 25, 2018: Big Planet Noise! Show #103

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Format Approx. start time
Sandy Nelson  Drums A Go-Go   Favoriting Drums A Go-Go  Imperial  LP  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Byrds  So You Want To Be A Rock ’n' Roll Star   Favoriting   Columbia  45  0:02:30 (Pop-up)
Things To Come  Sweetgina   Favoriting   Starfire  45  0:04:31 (Pop-up)
The Breakers  Don’t Send Me No Flowers (I Ain’t Dead Yet)   Favoriting   Amy  45  0:07:23 (Pop-up)
The Animals  Monterey   Favoriting   MGM  45  0:09:27 (Pop-up)
Iron Butterfly  Soul Experience   Favoriting   Atco  45  0:13:44 (Pop-up)
The Crystal Rain  You and Me   Favoriting   Dynamic Sound  45  0:16:41 (Pop-up)
The Bonniwell Music Machine  Affirmative No   Favoriting The Bonniwell Music Machine  Warner Bros  LP  0:20:04 (Pop-up)
  Big Planet Chat!         0:22:08 (Pop-up)
Cliff Richard & the Shadows  I’m The Lonely One   Favoriting   Parlophone UK  45  0:26:08 (Pop-up)
The Yardbirds  I’m Not Talking   Favoriting   Epic  45  0:28:35 (Pop-up)
The Rolling Stones  Ride On Baby   Favoriting Flowers  London  LP  0:30:52 (Pop-up)
The Easybeats  Do You Have A Soul   Favoriting Friday On My Mind  United Artists  LP  0:33:41 (Pop-up)
The Rattles  Come On and Sing   Favoriting   Fontana UK  45  0:36:32 (Pop-up)
The Shakers  For You For Me   Favoriting Break It All  Audio Fidelity  LP  0:38:35 (Pop-up)
Wayne Fontana  Star of Eastern Street   Favoriting Wayne Fontana  MGM  LP  0:40:37 (Pop-up)
Brian Auger  Tiger   Favoriting   Columbia UK  45  0:42:32 (Pop-up)
  Big Planet Chat!         0:45:02 (Pop-up)
The Curios  Chicken Back Pt.1   Favoriting   Curio  45  0:48:29 (Pop-up)
Les Brown  Swingin’ & Surfin’   Favoriting   GNP Crescendo  45  0:50:52 (Pop-up)
Rufus Thomas  Mashed Potatoes   Favoriting Walking The Dog  Stax  LP  0:52:55 (Pop-up)
Garnell Cooper & the Kinfolks  Green Monkey   Favoriting   Jubilee  45  0:55:03 (Pop-up)
Marvin Gaye  When I Had Your Love   Favoriting   Tamla  45  0:57:15 (Pop-up)
The Lateers  Dance Party   Favoriting   World Artists  45  0:59:38 (Pop-up)
King Curtis  Do The Monkey   Favoriting   Capitol  45  1:01:22 (Pop-up)
The Emperors  My Baby Likes To Boogaloo   Favoriting   Mala  45  1:03:54 (Pop-up)
Margie Hendrix  On The Right Track   Favoriting   Mercury  45  1:06:48 (Pop-up)
  Big Planet Chat!         1:08:46 (Pop-up)
The Id  The Rake   Favoriting The Inner Sounds of the Id  RCA Victor  LP  1:12:20 (Pop-up)
The Love Exchange  Flying High   Favoriting The Love Exchange  Tower   LP  1:15:46 (Pop-up)
Spirit  Sweet Stella Baby   Favoriting   Ode  45  1:17:01 (Pop-up)
Buffalo Springfield  Everydays   Favoriting   Atco  45  1:19:50 (Pop-up)
Jefferson Airplane  It’s No Secret   Favoriting   RCA Victor  45  1:22:33 (Pop-up)
The Paul Butterfield Blues Band  Get Out of My Life Woman   Favoriting East-West  Elektra  LP  1:25:01 (Pop-up)
Big Brother & the Holding Co.  Blindman   Favoriting Big Brother & the Holding Co.  Mainstream  LP  1:28:13 (Pop-up)
Kak  Everything’s Changing   Favoriting Kak   Epic  LP  1:30:08 (Pop-up)
  Big Planet Chat!         1:34:12 (Pop-up)
Cal Tjader  Cuchy Frito Man   Favoriting   Verve  45  1:37:10 (Pop-up)
The Box Tops  You Keep Tightening Up On Me   Favoriting   Bell   45  1:40:03 (Pop-up)
The Outsiders  Lost In My World   Favoriting   Capitol  45  1:42:25 (Pop-up)
The Association  Everything That Touches You   Favoriting   Warner Bros  45  1:44:55 (Pop-up)
The Millennium  To Claudia On Thursday   Favoriting   Columbia  45  1:48:09 (Pop-up)
Sagittarius  Hotel Indiscreet   Favoriting   Columbia  45  1:51:08 (Pop-up)
Claudine Longet  Small Talk   Favoriting   A&M  45  1:53:30 (Pop-up)
The Dave Pike Set  Mathar   Favoriting   MPS  45  1:55:35 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
Gina Bacon:

Happy Monday, everyone!!
Avatar 8:01pm
Sonny Rickles:

Happy Monday y'all!
Avatar 8:01pm

Howdy! Here we are!
Avatar 8:01pm

Hi Sonny!
Avatar 8:03pm
Sean B.:

Greetings! Byrds for everyone!.
Andy R:

Hey, All! Got you blasting while I get laundry finished!
Avatar 8:03pm

Hey hey Sean!!!
Avatar 8:03pm

Andy! We're your laundry soundtrack!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm
Gina Bacon:

Sean! Andy! Sonny! Hey and welcome!
Avatar 8:07pm
Sean B.:

Been waiting for this show all week. Hey there, that Stones Pic you got there is the best!. That's gotta be from late 66? 67?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08pm
Gina Bacon:

Thanks, Sean!
Avatar 8:08pm
Mailman Tom:

That photo of Brian and the band is new to me too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08pm
Gina Bacon:

Hey Mailman Tom!
Avatar 8:09pm

Thanks, Sean! Yeah - it's cool one. '66 I think.
Avatar 8:09pm

Hey Mailman Tom!

Good Evening Buckaroos ! Finally got aboard the pony and ready for a great ride tonite down to Monterey! Yeehaw!
Avatar 8:10pm

Snayle! Hi Hi Hi Hi!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10pm
Gina Bacon:

Snayle!! (:
Avatar 8:11pm
Sean B.:

Hey Tom. Love any Stones pic that has Brian looking at Mick like "get the he'll outta my way!" with that grin like "you ain't me man!" Lol. So classic.
Avatar 8:11pm

Avatar 8:12pm

I LOVE that Vox teardrop....
Avatar 8:14pm
Mailman Tom:

The movie, Monterey Pop, is better than the Woodstock movie, IMO. I have the DVD set which includes the outtakes. In it, you can spot some of the performers in the audience when they're not on stage!
  🪐 8:15pm

Hello guys!
Avatar 8:15pm

I agree, Tom. Although I've come to like Woodstock more than I used to.
Avatar 8:16pm

Hey Paul!!!!! Glad you're here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16pm
Gina Bacon:

Hey, Eargasm!

The comment box locked up and hung up on me... :( Howdy Sir Bob and Lady Gina !! Love this Butterfly tune....
Avatar 8:17pm
Sean B.:

Beautiful guitar. I had in my possession a 1965 Vox Royal Guardsman Amp. With 2 Bulldog 12s , the stand & the whole 9 yards. I sold it for 700 after 5 years in 1990. Yes. ..I'm an idiot. Lol. Oh well.
  🪐 8:18pm

Great record by the Crystal Rain!
Avatar 8:18pm
Mailman Tom:

They used In-a Gadda-da-Vida to good effect in the movie, Manhunter. It preceded the more famous movie, Silence of the Lambs.
Avatar 8:19pm

We've all done that, Sean. I had two Voxes way back when no one cared. Sold them under peer pressure from the band I was in. Later, Andy Babuik of the Chest. Kings got me a '65 Mark VI teardrop, British made. Still have it.
Avatar 8:22pm

Yeah - Eargasm - Love the Crystal Rain 45! Sounds like Iron Butterfly - obviously!
  🪐 8:24pm

Many times you've said its a short walk from the Music Machine to the Iron Butterfly!
Avatar 8:25pm
Sean B.:

Nice. A friend of mine gave me a 65' Magnatone 441 bass amp which serves as my amp now. It's great to have musician friends like that man!.
Avatar 8:26pm

Eargasm - it sure is! You like Music Machine, you HAVE to like the Butterfly!
Avatar 8:27pm
Mailman Tom:

Did Cliff Richard & the Shadows ever tour the USA?
Avatar 8:27pm

Sean B - those are the bestest friends ever!
Avatar 8:28pm

Jeez, Mailman Tom - great question. Not that I ever ever heard of.... Anyone?

I did see Cliff at the Savoy in NYC - early '80s.... he was slick and pretty cool ...
Avatar 8:29pm
Mailman Tom:

Hank Marvin was one hell of a guitar player!
Avatar 8:30pm

No one, no one, no one, sounded like Jeff Beck, esp on THIS track
  🪐 8:30pm

Yes he was!
Avatar 8:30pm

Cliff was pretty slick in the 80s!
Avatar 8:30pm

Hank Marvin was/is amazing. Flat out.
Avatar 8:31pm
Sonny Rickles:

ah, there they are!
Avatar 8:31pm

Yep - there they are!!!!!

ah, nice to hear some Easybeats that's not Friday on my mind!
Avatar 8:35pm
Sean B.:

I can't complain...but sometimes I still do. Saw Jeff Beck once in 91 or 92 open up for Santana. He flipped me. No pick...barely any effects. His slide playing at one point sounded like a female opera singer. Simply stunning.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35pm
Matt Clarke:

Good evening!! Glad I stumbled in as one of my favorite Easys song is on!
  🪐 8:36pm

Jeff beck makes it look way to easy
Avatar 8:36pm

Hey Matt!!! Welcome!
Avatar 8:37pm
Mailman Tom:

Were the Rattles from NYC?
Avatar 8:37pm

Listen to that scrubby guitar!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38pm
Gina Bacon:

Hey Matt!
Avatar 8:38pm

Germany, Mailman Tom!
Avatar 8:39pm
Sean B.:

Hey Matt!. I don't know where Debbie finds all of you. But it's been more than a blessing to me!.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39pm
Matt Clarke:

Yes Los Shakers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39pm
Matt Clarke:

Hey Sean B!
Avatar 8:40pm

I've really come to love them. I blew them off for so long.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm
Matt Clarke:

They are one of the top beat bands in my ears
Avatar 8:41pm
Mailman Tom:

Thanks for the info, Bob!
Avatar 8:44pm

A guy that never gets his due.

Avatar 8:44pm

Played a show in upstate NY a few years ago. All of a dozen folks showed.

wow. that's tragic. so sad! ... and that Trinity..with Julie Driscoll...amen.
  🪐 8:48pm

Love the Los Shakers lp's! The Uraguyan Beatles!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48pm
Matt Clarke:

We are lucky to have you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Matt Clarke:

@Eargasm: Agreed! Top band! Melodies are totally up there with the great ones

and just wanted to say thanks, Godspeed & RIP to George Cameron. Any Left Banke tonite ?
Avatar 8:49pm

Thanks, Matt! Appreciated!
Avatar 8:50pm
Sean B.:

Avatar 8:50pm

Not tonight, but boy - that one hurts, Snayle. We worked with both George and Tom on our reissues.
Avatar 8:52pm

Do I lose everyone on the soulish sets? How everyone feel about those????

Yeah so sad...Seemed like a wonderful guy... Man, you sure worked with so many greats ! Wow. Hugs and Hearts to all... :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52pm
Matt Clarke:

This is awesome
Avatar 8:52pm

How DOES everyone feel about those?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm
Matt Clarke:

Bring on the RnB! I've been on a doo wop and Lavern Baker kick the past couple of weeks
Avatar 8:54pm

Avatar 8:55pm
Sonny Rickles:

Love the Soul, Bob! Especially great Stax trax like this!
Avatar 8:55pm
Mailman Tom:

To tell the truth, I could do without the soul senders on this show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55pm
Matt Clarke:

I am listening while attempting to alphabetize my 45s. God help me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56pm
Matt Clarke:

More Rufus and Carla!
Avatar 8:57pm
Sean B.:

Bo was king. I have completely immersed myself in early 60's soul at and for a long time in my life. When I realized that it was a never ending well...so much great stuff. It really never ends. Nor does it get old.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm
Matt Clarke:

The well is deep that's for sure
Avatar 9:00pm

So deep.

and when your party falls 'cause ain't nobody groovin',
a little bit o'soul and it really starts movin'...yeah
... :D
Avatar 9:01pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01pm
Matt Clarke:

Marvin and the Andantes <3
Avatar 9:01pm
Sean B.:

Carla Thomas is the bomb. I'm so happy to be here and able to discuss such. An honor. Love you all
  🪐 9:01pm

When anyone could rewrite a song with new lyrics and not have to worry about an army of lawyers knocking at the door
Avatar 9:02pm

That's the truth.
Avatar 9:03pm
Sonny Rickles:

I'm trying to do the Monkey while sippin on my Jack and Coke. Aint easy!
Avatar 9:03pm

You can do it, Sonny!
  🪐 9:06pm

Did you get my phone text about the Curios, hahah!
Avatar 9:06pm
Sean B.:

Killing it with this Soul set. Damn.
  🪐 9:06pm

Great soul set.
Avatar 9:07pm

Amazing, Eargasm.
Avatar 9:07pm

Thanks, Sean!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09pm
Matt Clarke:

Whatta screamer!
  🪐 9:14pm

I love the fact this was also released as a single from the The Id's album. Someone thought this had big hit potential at RCA!
Avatar 9:15pm

I think they were just trying to get some of their money back from the master purchase.
Avatar 9:15pm

But - I do love that album.
  🪐 9:17pm

Fabulous album.
  🪐 9:18pm

Probably still looking to recoup their money!
Avatar 9:19pm

I'm sure. For that time, they paid an astounding amount of money for the record. For that time.
Avatar 9:23pm
Sean B.:

"Hey that's Spirit". Nice. It's great that the only two guitar players Jimi ever plugged in interviews were Randy California and Billy Gibbons. Go figure. To be alive and be able to pick that mind for a while.
Avatar 9:24pm

Yeah. Jimi took Randy right under his wing. Randy told me some amazing stories about that time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25pm
Matt Clarke:

The best Airplane
Avatar 9:25pm

best Airplane.
  🪐 9:25pm

Agreed, Matt. I never get tired of that record.
Avatar 9:26pm
Mailman Tom:

Butterfield was incredible. Got to see his band twice during '69-'70.
Avatar 9:27pm

i KNEW you were gonna say that, Mailman Tom! You saw all the greats, man.
Avatar 9:29pm
Mailman Tom:

I saw Big Brother and the Holding Company at the Fillmore East back in the summer of '68. Thanks for rekindling the memories!

Love the first BB&HC album... this tune in particular.. oh Mailman Tom - you surely did see all the COOL bands ! Wow!
Avatar 9:30pm
Sean B.:

Bloomfield could be so lazy of a sounding guitar player. That's what his trademark is to me sometimes. Like he was just saying "I can play like this and you can't, so I'm not going out of my way to be a perfectionist". Love Mike so much.
Avatar 9:31pm

me too. so much. effortless.

Where do you find all these cool Epic Bands ? What's that Kak story?
Avatar 9:32pm
Mailman Tom:

I have the Kak CD. They were one of last true psychedelic bands from SF.
Avatar 9:32pm

Such a shame he was so very chased by demons.
Avatar 9:33pm

Snayle - this one magnificent LP from '68. Bay area.

Way cool !! Contact high indeed !!! Groovy Man !
Jay S.:

The last charting single by The Box Tops
Andy R:

Still here and commenting with big delays. Love me some Cal Tjader!
Avatar 9:43pm

Hey Jay! Yes - and a great one, I think!
Avatar 9:44pm

Ha! Glad you're still here, Andy! And thanks for the thumbs-up on Cal! I love his stuff so much. It's sometimes to get a decent segue into it or out of it, but.... ah... who cares?!?!!!!!!

Time won't let me part deaux
Avatar 9:44pm

sure is!
Jay S.:

Gotta love when bands blatantly rip off their own big hit
Avatar 9:44pm
Sean B.:

His playing on Dylan's Desolation Row is the only perfect complement to Bob's surreal and prophetic lyrics and beautifully rough vocal delivery.. Can't ever imagine the finished product better than that , thanks to Mike.
Avatar 9:46pm

I agree 100% Sean.
Avatar 9:46pm
Mailman Tom:

I saw Mike Bloomfield at the Matrix in SF back in the summer of '73. We were in the front row!

is this an alternate version ? sounds different tonite or am i losing it?
Avatar 9:47pm

Single version, Snayle. Unique to the single. The LP is way different. This was the hit!
Avatar 9:47pm
Sean B.:

Now I hate you Tom. Lol.

Ah, whew. I love the LP version... this one, just sounds so ... not sure I ever noticed difference on my 6 Transistor General.
Avatar 9:49pm
Mailman Tom:

Bloomfield opened for John Cipollina and his band, Copperhead. A magical nite!
Jay S.:

Another should-have-been no. 1 hit
Avatar 9:50pm

In a perfect world.
Andy R:

That Millennium album is so amazing.
Avatar 9:52pm
Sean B.:

Fantastic show Bob & Gina. Always my pleasure. Thanx!.
  🪐 9:52pm

Killer show!
Avatar 9:53pm

Very appreciated, Sean. Thank you for listening!
Avatar 9:53pm

Thank you, Paul!!!!
Avatar 9:53pm
Sean B.:

  🪐 9:54pm

That last set was deadly perfect.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54pm
Gina Bacon:

Thanks, y'all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm
Gina Bacon:

Wow...high praise! Thank you! (:

i can't believe how fast time flies here on the Big Planet! So sad that 2 hours have flown so quicly! Time flies when you r havin' fun indeed... Thanks Bob & Gina ! Another rockin' Monday in the books. G'nite ALL !!! See ya on the internet same bat time, same bat channel next week ! <3
Avatar 9:56pm

Thank you so much everyone! Hope to see you back here next week! Love to everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm
Gina Bacon:

Thanks for hanging, everyone...see you next week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm
Gina Bacon:

Thank you, Snayle! xoxo
Avatar 9:57pm

Love you, Snayle!

oxoxxo Yous guys Rock ! oxxooxx
Andy R:

Even when I don't make it to the chat, or hear the show live, I always go and check it on the archives. It's always a good time!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm
Gina Bacon:

Thanks, Andy! xo
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