Favoriting Play Vertigo with Mayuko: Playlist from November 24, 2018 Favoriting

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I play music that is old and that is new. Some of it is digital while some is analog. It is from many different countries; sometimes it is loud and at other times it is quiet.

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Favoriting November 24, 2018: The Ears Went Traveling

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
Izabela Dłużyk  Young great tits and approaching rain   Favoriting Soundscapes of summer  LOM  2016  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
AGF  Falling - 室生犀星 Muro Saisei (1889-1962)   Favoriting A Deep Mysterious Tone  AGF Producktion  2015  0:01:53 (Pop-up)
Anne Leilehua Lanzilotti  Leap Year   Favoriting Wanderweg  Self-released  2017  0:04:56 (Pop-up)
Satoshi Sonoda 園田佐登志  Noise Rose   Favoriting 耳抜き / mimi-nuki ~ Secondary Works of Satoshi Sonoda,1982-1989  P.S.F.   2012  0:12:08 (Pop-up)
Richard Beresis  Wall Printer   Favoriting China 5  Self-released  2016  0:15:25 (Pop-up)
Beijing Sound Unit  After Dinner   Favoriting China - The Sonic Avant-Garde  Post-Concrete  2003  0:16:37 (Pop-up)
Juanjo Palacios  Deshielo en Riolapiedra, San Martín del Rey Aurelio   Favoriting   Mapa Sonoru  2018  0:18:12 (Pop-up)
Steve Roden  When Stars Become Words   Favoriting When Stars Become Words  Self-released   2018  0:20:21 (Pop-up)
Bill Fontana  Installation Version, 1981   Favoriting Landscape Sculpture With Foghorns  KQED-FM  1982  0:30:35 (Pop-up)
Lieven Martens  Culatra Island   Favoriting Songs of Gold, Incandescent  Edicoes CN  2018  1:14:28 (Pop-up)
Andrew Pekler  Theme From Tristes Tropiques / Avian Modulations / Life In The Canopy   Favoriting Tristes Tropiques  Faitiche  2016  1:18:39 (Pop-up)
Artificial Memory Trace  Macro And Micro Bats   Favoriting Ultrealith  Gruenrekorder  2012  1:29:11 (Pop-up)
Tod Dockstader & David Lee Myers  Horsefly   Favoriting Pond  ReR Megacorp  2004  1:38:42 (Pop-up)
Geir Jenssen  Palung: A Yak Caravan Is Coming   Favoriting Cho Oyu 8201m: Field Recordings From Tibet  Ash International  2006  1:44:37 (Pop-up)
Amephone  On This Time Without Reason   Favoriting Retrospective  360°  1998  1:49:32 (Pop-up)
Harae Nagoshi  3B-lp1107   Favoriting Lp01-l  630  2018  2:00:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 11:37am
Jack Tourette:

Auricularia auricula-judae is commonly known as Judas's ear .Jelly Mushroom ear. Edible?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

Good afternoon Mayuko and listenerds
Avatar 12:04pm

Hi, Jack! I didn't know these "ears" belong to the specific person. Not sure if I want to eat them!
Avatar 12:07pm

Hola, my radio family fred!!

My ears are happy to be eating Play Vertigo today!

Good morning! Young great tits are birds. I had to look that up.
Avatar 12:08pm

Hi P-90! Glad to have your ears join the tour!

Hi Mayuko! Tuning in from Iqaluit, Nunavut
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm
listener james from westwood:

How do, Mayuko, listeners, and fungal log-ears alike!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm
listener james from westwood:

Context would be critical for reading the name of that first track on the FMU air signal! ;D
Avatar 12:14pm

@rw haha! we have tit-mouse here in NYC (maybe live in California too?) which I thought was funny. Why did they have to name birds that?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18pm
Doug Schulkind:

Good day, Mayuko!
Avatar 12:19pm

@Ivan Hi Ivan, thanks for tuning in! I don't know where that is but those name sounds like a COLD PLACE!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hello, Mayuko and decomposers.
@Ivan - I see you have 5 hours 46 minutes of daylight today. www.timeanddate.com...

According to a quick search on the internet tit means small. I don't know if we have them around here.
Avatar 12:21pm

Welcome on board, james! And Doug!!! Hope you all had wonderful Thanksgiving.

Yep shibareru yo. It’s the northernmost territory of Canada. The capital Iqaluit is just south of the arctic circle.

♡ When Stars Become Words
Avatar 12:24pm

@Ken wow, less than 6 hours daylight!!! Not sure if I can handle that.
(& thanks for tuning in!)

And please be careful searching for young great tits on the internet. Hey! I know Steve Roden! He lives in a circular house with a musty bomb shelter.
Avatar 12:26pm
Joe B:

Hello Mayuko and ears! Morning, rw!
Avatar 12:26pm

@rw Ha! those tit-mice are indeed very small so I guess that makes sense. and they're cute. kind of glad they're not boob-mice.
Avatar 12:28pm

@Ivan しばれる!!!!I guess the Northern Japan expression is very appropriate there! Must be beautiful there though?
Avatar 12:28pm

Hey rbrt! Glad to have you here!

Hey Joe B! Did you have a good Thanksgiving?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm

This Steve Rosen track is pretty great


@ken From 8:30 to 2:15 I’m trying to enjoy the sun while it lasts on my day off of work
Avatar 12:32pm
Joe B:

@rw Yes, in a cabin on a mountainside near Mt. Baldy no less! You?
Avatar 12:36pm

@rw a BOMB SHELTER??? To record something in there, or just to... be prepared?

Love the Bill Fontana! Reminds me of home...
Avatar 12:37pm

Hey Joe B! Glad to have your ears here!!

Joe, Your friends' place. That sounds cool. And yes. Very nice. I made three pies and gained three pounds.
Avatar 12:38pm

@Df Thank you for bringing your ears here! You must be from a very nice place.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40pm
listener james from westwood:

Re: this Fontana—Feel like I've got a window onto a busy port, or maybe I'm in a lighthouse!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40pm

KTL once did an outdoors show with artificial fog and alphorns. Sadly, I missed it even though it was right across the street from work: I was at another show

San Francisco, which is where these foghorns were

Mayuko, I don't think he's been in the thing for a while. It's a musty leftover from the cold war. Small. I don't know how if I could stand being in there for more than a day or two.
Avatar 12:42pm

@Df oh yeah! I just learned about this music and saw that in the article! Says the recording mic was set in Alcatraz too. Hope THAT's not where you from!
Avatar 12:43pm

@james Or your ears went traveling to a bay!

No, lol, not Alcatraz. The foghorns were great to fall asleep to. Love your show, as always.

Hi Mayu, listening in Japan! 3am here...
Avatar 12:48pm

@rw Sounds like it could come in handy only when Steve wants to torture a friend of his.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48pm
Doug Schulkind:

@Listener Ivan
How did you come to learn of WFMU and the Drummer Stream in Iqaluit?!
Avatar 12:50pm

Hey, mzmzzz! Are you jet-lagged?? How's the weather there?
Avatar 12:52pm

@Df ah! they must have been! I used to hear Long Island Rail Road horns in my previous apartment and I always loved it hearing them at night. So I think I can imagine how that feels.
& Thank you for listening and kind words!

it's kind of awesome that we're all listening to foghorns and enjoying it lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:01pm

@rbrt: "we're all listening to foghorns and enjoying it" would have made a nice random quote for the old homepage
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:13pm

Hello and good afternoon, Mayuko. Greets to Play Vertigo devotees across the time zones.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:16pm

@Sem: I was thinking of you earlier today as I'm reading a collection of short stories by Alistair MacLeod called "Island". I guess you're familiar with the places he wrote about
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17pm
Webhamster Henry:

Hi Mayuko! This sounds warm and natural!
Avatar 1:17pm

@rbrt I agree! I think that's one of the awesomest things!!!
Avatar 1:20pm

Hi Sem! Happy to have your ears here!!!

Hi Henry! I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving day!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm

Hi, fred. Well, almost certainly, Cape Breton being really not that big a place. Hope the stories are bringing you some pleasure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:23pm
listener james from westwood:

I like the bleeps and bloops on this one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm

@Sem: So far so good, and thanks for recommending this writer to me

Didn't know the last Friday here JPN was holiday mixed up all the plans and schedule....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:25pm

My ears tell me they are delighted w/ all of these sounds you are filling them with, or, with which you are filling them.

Copy editor, please.

That foghorn piece was nice. Everything's been nice but that foghorn's sticking. I hadn't known of it either.
Avatar 1:25pm

@james it's such a fun track! I want to find more stuff with manipulated field recordings like this, not only straight-forward field recordings.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:26pm

Sem is right: where's Ike?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:28pm
Webhamster Henry:

The band my band plays with, Andes Manta, does a credible imitation of the rainforest. After Play Vertigo, of course, zip in about 17 minutes of the first track on this page to hear it:

oh these are interestinnggggg, sounds like natural but then it's not
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31pm

@Mayuko: have you heard Brokenhearted Dragonflies, a field recording-based record put out by Sublime Frequencies years ago? It sounds more processed than it is
Avatar 1:31pm

@Sem @fred I think we have several copy editors on WFMU listener community but Ike is the grammar police.

Mmmmmmm, good bats
Avatar 1:35pm

@rw oh I'm glad I played it then! I really liked it too but I had been hesitating until right before I started my show, just because it was very long. Though the track needs that length!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:35pm
Dave in Vermont:

Good day all, been listening and very much enjoying most of the way along and just now joining in comments.
Mayuko, I thought I heard your name mentioned on a show this morning as being FMU's new music director. Did I hear that correctly?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:35pm

There is a place for tough editing love, provided no truncheons are employed, Mayuko ;-D
Avatar 1:37pm

@Henry That sounds fun! I'll check that out, thank you!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:40pm

greetings Mayuko & others
Avatar 1:42pm

Hi Dave in Vermont! Thank you for listening!!!
Radio Ravioli Olivia is our new music director! I am looking forward to checking out the future new bin at the WFMU mothership music library.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:44pm

Olivia! I loved her show when I could listen to it, so this is good news for me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:44pm
Webhamster Henry:

If you haven't heard Olivia's how (Thursday afternoons) it sometimes veers into the Mayuko zone.
Avatar 1:46pm

Hi coelacanth∅! Happy to have you here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:47pm
Dave in Vermont:

Thursdays couldn't be better..Trouble>Olivia>Fabio>Adriene but then how do you decide between the GTDR live shows...good problems.

Nice! I think Olivia will be great music director!

Hey coelacanth, you missed some bird talk earlier.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:52pm
Dave in Vermont:

ooh wait..is this the first Saturday with the new show on after this?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:53pm

Going back to the brain being a part of hearing, I'm very aware of that, because my left ear doesn't work (or maybe it's been traveling for a few decades). So I reconstruct a lot, sometimes comically wrong. And when it does hear better because of an infection, I can't understand much, everything sounds distorted
Avatar 1:54pm

@Dave not yet, as far as I know.

I don't know how interested anybody may be but this show and the comments made me think of this sculpture: https://www.weho.org/community/arts-and-culture/visual-arts/urban-art-program/steve-roden-with-an-ear-to-the-earth I think it was the ear mushrooms that triggered my memory of it.
Avatar 1:59pm

@fred That does sound like a unique hearing experience. I think it's really fascinating how our brain dictates/adjusts/put bias/sort our hearing perception of the world and not the ears. Maybe none of us will ever get to hear things 100% AS IS.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:00pm

it's always subjective, just as what you see is.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm

@Mayuko: it kinda turns everything into a noise show. Which sounds good at first but gets old quick

fred that's kind of fascinating that your ear does better when it's infected. And that your brain has compensated like that!
Avatar 2:02pm

@rw oh it looks so cool! I wanna try that in real. I love what he does, would love to learn more about his work!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:03pm

when i was little i didn't want eye glasses, so i passed eye exams by strategy. then when i was about 12 i wanted to look different, so i let myself fail the eye exam. then when i was getting a driver license i didn't want to be required to have them, so i fooled the eye examiners again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm
Michael 98145:

thank you for the voyage ♫

Thank you Mayuko! Always a pleasure. Have a great weekend everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:05pm

@rw: it's only because fluid fills my middle ear and stands in for my missing eardrum
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:05pm
Webhamster Henry:

Here's Dr. Pauline Oliveros on Hearing and Listening:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:06pm
Webhamster Henry:

She would have loved these tree-ears! She died two years ago today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:06pm
Doug Schulkind:

@Dave in Vermont
The new Saturday show is not quite ready...

Ear yoga!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm

Thanks Mayuko!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm

Delightful aural pleasure, Mayuko! See you next time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm

Thanks Mayuko. i hear that this will be an archive to be checked out.

lol I tried to google this Harae because I loved it and I got all these Purification Ritual results


thanks Mayuko! really loved the show today!
Avatar 2:13pm
Joe B:

Thanks for the ear journey Mayuko! Have a great week everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13pm
listener james from westwood:

Always a wonderful journey, Mayuko!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13pm
paul b:

I read a Nikoli Gogol short story once about a nose that left its person’s face and set off on its own. So I can easily accept that ears could as well
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:14pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

See you next time, Mayuko.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:14pm
Rich in Washington:

Thanks, Mayuko!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:14pm
Doug Schulkind:

What a glorious afternoon with Play Vertigo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:16pm
paul b:

I read a Nikoli Gogol short story once about a nose that left its person’s face and set off on its own. So I can easily accept that ears could as well
Avatar 2:17pm

Thank you so much everyone for comments & listening!!! Hope to see you next week!

(and @paul b - I seem to remember that nose story being quite funny and pretty weird!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm

i really like this episode, Mayuko!
and about what you said about talking with someone in a crowded restaurant i've had trouble understanding the person i'm trying to listen to in that situation for as long as i remember and i wonder if it's because at some point long ago i decided all sounds were worth listening to so i am always dividing my attention. i guess it may offend someone but i'm not trying to do it!
hearing tests suggest my hearing to be comparable to the average person less than 1/2 my age, so it's not that.
anyway i thought you might find this interesting.
i read that it was common for Robert Johnson to be at a busy party, talking with people, while somewhere in the background a little radio was playing some song he'd never heard before, and you'd never notice any lack of attention to the conversation; but then the next day he could play the whole song that played. maybe i need to make a deal with a devil to acquire such ability!
anyway take care and Thank you.
Avatar 11:36am

Thanks for listening & comment coelacanth. Your ears & brain are open to the world! Also explains why you're a fmu listener! :) I heard people do go crazy when they start finding more meanings in all the sounds than their brain can handle though - so be careful!
That is a very interesting episode re Robert Johnson, sounds like when there's music his brain would just tuned to it automatically or something. Thanks for sharing this story!
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