Favoriting Double-Dip Recess with Roger: Playlist from March 16, 2019 Favoriting

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Music for kids like you!

On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Saturday 9 - 11am (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room

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Upcoming events:

Sat. Mar 15th, 9am - 11am: Roger and his Co-Host Alan 6

Favoriting March 16, 2019: 2019 WFMU MARATHON WEEK 2, with co-host NATE K.!!!

Listen to this show: Pop-up listen Pop-up player!

Give us your pledge dollars to keep us in the pink! Call 1-800-989-9368 or pledge online at wfmu.org/pledge.

For $50 or more we will grant you a SUPER POWER!

For $75 or more we will send you our DJ premium, WE ALL READ, YOU ALL LISTEN--a treasury of kid lit read by WFMU DJ's! Here's what it looks like.

For $100 or more we will tell you a new Dad Joke from the Dad Joke Vault!

Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
Blake Rules and Netherfriends  Makin' New Friends   Favoriting     0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Michael Shelley  That Time the Monkey Escaped from the Zoo   Favoriting We All Read, You All Listen: Double-Dip Recess's 2019 WFMU marathon premium!    0:03:07 (Pop-up)
The Lovin' Spoonful  Money   Favoriting     0:07:04 (Pop-up)
The Pointer Sisters  Pinball Number Count   Favoriting This Record Belongs to ____ (V/A)  WIN THIS!!! Get in the running for any pledge of 20 bucks or more.  0:18:24 (Pop-up)
Herry and the Two-Headed Monster  Two Heads are Better Than One   Favoriting     0:20:36 (Pop-up)
Phil Harris and Bruce Reitherman (The Jungle Book)  The Bare Necessities   Favoriting     0:22:22 (Pop-up)
Dana and the Petit Punks  Chicken Chicken   Favoriting What Do You Want to Be? CD and booklet  WIN THIS!!!! CALL NOW!!!!  0:34:49 (Pop-up)
Mike Phirman  Chicken Monkey Duck   Favoriting     0:36:02 (Pop-up)
Gaylord Fields  The Tortoise and the Hare by James Thurber   Favoriting We All Read, You All Listen: Double-Dip Recess's 2019 WFMU marathon premium!  $75 or more gets you this!!!  0:37:30 (Pop-up)
Jessie Baylin  Strawberry Wind   Favoriting Strawberry Wind LP  WIN THIS by pledging now!!!  0:52:24 (Pop-up)
Rich Hazelton and Tamar  CDB! by William Steig   Favoriting We All Read, You All Listen: Double-Dip Recess's 2019 WFMU marathon premium!  Our DJ premium! $75 gets it!  0:54:59 (Pop-up)
The Meters  They All Ask'd for You   Favoriting     0:59:36 (Pop-up)
Monty Python’s Flying Circus  The Money Song   Favoriting     1:15:24 (Pop-up)
Bob McAllister (Wonderama)  Exercise!   Favoriting     1:17:32 (Pop-up)
Proof of Utah  On a Stick!   Favoriting     1:18:43 (Pop-up)
Sandra Kerr & John Faulkner  Song of a Flea   Favoriting The Music From Bagpuss  WIN THIS NOW! 20 bux or more!  1:32:24 (Pop-up)
Nate K  True Story by Shel Silverstein   Favoriting We All Read, You All Listen: Double-Dip Recess's 2019 WFMU marathon premium!    1:34:57 (Pop-up)
Sesame Street animation  Part of the Whole   Favoriting     1:35:52 (Pop-up)
Rockabye Baby  You're My Best Friend   Favoriting Rockabye Baby: Queen  WIN THIS!!!!!!!! 20 bux or more gets you in the running!  1:48:12 (Pop-up)
Cookie Monster  Share it Maybe   Favoriting     1:48:58 (Pop-up)

OUR GRAND PRIZE THIS WEEK is a 3-pack of beautiful children's books by Tamara Shopsin and Jason Fulford.
Pledges of $75 or more will be eligible to win!

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Listener comments!

Daybreak, the...Upped Swag for Life-er!:

I’m up, I’m up, I’m just resting my eyes...
Andrew In Etobicke:

Good morning Amanda and Roger.
John from Florham Park:

Hello fellow recess people
Andrew In Etobicke:

Hi John from Floral Park.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am

Good morning, all!!!!!! Please PLEDGE for DDR and new friends! 800-989-9368 or wfmu.org/pledge <3
John from Florham Park:

Hello Andrew
Avatar 9:04am

When that song came on, my toddler started grinning and crawling around rapidly in circles. He was really feeling it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am

Nice, Quinn!!! I am crawling around rapidly in circles too.
John from Florham Park:

@quinn your toddler is into WFMU already, Goodman

this is how Amanda built her 1 million foot tall bicycle
John from Florham Park:

Morning miss Amanda
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am

Hi Roger and Amanda! Nice to meet you at the station last week. Hi Nate too!
John from Florham Park:

Morning Melinda
Avatar Double-Dip Recess Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:10am
Webhamster Henry:

Nice typewriter percussion there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am

hi John
Santos L Halper:

Nice ensemble work on that story! Good luck today y'all.
John from Florham Park:

Loved it santos
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, ladies and gentledips.
John from Florham Park:

Morning KFHP
Daybreak, the...Upped Swag for Life-er!:

Can’t wait for “We All Read, You All Listen” to arrive in good time!
That Michael Shelley story was great!
We’ll definitely listen to it on the ride to the birthday party later today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am
Ken From Hyde Park:

'Morning, John. How's it going?
Daybreak, the...Upped Swag for Life-er!:

John from Florham Park:

Cuing pinball wizard
Daybreak, the...Upped Swag for Life-er!:

Sesame Street! This was the most mesmerizing break during the show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21am
dave wuz here:

i still count to this tune all the time
Avatar 9:21am

This was always one of my faves

Good morning Amanda and Roger!
Good morning Daybreak!
John from Florham Park:

I love count von count
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am
Nate K.:

This is the most adorable phone room I've ever been in. Don't let 'em down.
Avatar 9:22am

John from Florham Park:

Morning colleen and LCBD how are you feeling
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am
Nate K.:

Pledge at 1-800-989-9368 or online at wfmu.org.

Morning John! I’m good as new. Thanks for asking!
Avatar 9:23am

Hey there John...and LCBD...And Daybreak!! All the Glisteners checkin in all over!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am

i thought this was selma and patty from a halloween episode of the simpsons.
John from Florham Park:

@colleen have noticed that, how was the treadmill club this morning
John from Florham Park:

@LCBD glad to hear
Andrew In Etobicke:

Phil Harris is awesome!!!

Phil Harris is INDEED awesome
Daybreak, the...Upped Swag for Life-er!:

I got dibs on Peach!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am

i remember phil harris on abc's 'the american sportsman' - he always seemed loaded while sport fishing.

Hi Colleen!
John from Florham Park:

@dale remember that show
Danne D:

Lol Nate couldn't bring himself to say the phrase "The Steelers Are Yucky" :)
John from Florham Park:

Better a Steelers fan then to be a giants or jets fan
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am
Ken From Hyde Park:

I remember William Conrad (the Cannon detective) talking about fishing.
Andrew In Etobicke:

Thanks P-90
Avatar 9:35am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi everyone!
Danne D:

what was that song about?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am
Ken From Hyde Park:

You have the day off, Buddha?
Avatar 9:39am
Buddha of Suburbia:

IS this guy the poster boy for Tofurken meals?
Avatar 9:39am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Ken working a late night tonight.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am

i think we all need a rousing game of duck duck goose. it'll be our exercise (exercise, come on everybody......)
Danne D:

Yay Gaylord :)
Avatar 9:44am

Hi Juniper!
Avatar Double-Dip Recess Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:47am
Webhamster Henry:

Hey ! my great aunt and uncle were the people behind Romper Room!
Avatar Double-Dip Recess Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:48am
Webhamster Henry:

That means I'm one degree of separation away from Mr. Do-Bee .
Danne D:

tapping my feet to this awesome bed music
Daybreak, the...Upped Swag for Life-er!:

Dale, I’m also missing Exercise! I haven’t done a jumping jack, a jumping jack (come on everybody do a jumping jack)
My kids and I are usually panting from vigor by the end of the song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am

Exercise will be up shortly-- MARATHON STYLE!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am

Good morning everyone. Unable to listen live most of the time.
I do love this show so much.
Please pledge support if you haven't to keep this and all shows on WFMU alive and well. Swag for life makes it so easy to start that process. : )
Avatar 9:56am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Daybreak, I was at FMU this past Monday..and the chair you made for the station was there. They all love it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am

do some squat thrusts then daybreak. president's council on physical fitness has a tally of how many i was able to do in 1972 somewhere in their great vaults.
Avatar 10:00am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Medson it was so nice hanging out with you and the FMU all stars.
Avatar 10:01am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Any relation to Dale Hazelton?
Daybreak, the...Upped Swag for Life-er!:

Buddha! That is sooooo great to hear! I was hoping the chair would get thrown around during Marathon, but the signatures and doodles make it hard to toss around. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am

We are asking for your MONEY!!! Please call 800-989-9368 or pledge online at wfmu.org!!! :-)
Daybreak, the...Upped Swag for Life-er!:

Ha Dale! I used to always find a way to go last for pull ups because even though I was a really skinny kid, as long as I knew how many I had to do, I could get out 1 or 2 more than the highest.
Avatar 10:04am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Daybreak, no way! They love it. They treat it like a throne.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am

no boods - i asked.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am
Nate K.:

Get those phones ringing!!!! 800-989-9368 or online at wfmu.org.
Avatar 10:05am
Buddha of Suburbia:

What few people know is Daybreak is unreasonably handsome and very sweet. I think we had to stop getting in pictures with us at the FMU ART AUCTION because you made us look so lame in comparison.
Avatar 10:08am
Buddha of Suburbia:

I love you Amanda and Roger! Great show! Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar 10:12am
Buddha of Suburbia:

LOVE LCBD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daybreak, the...Upped Swag for Life-er!:

Nate is absolutely right even an NPR station might have a show kind of like this but it would be only a podcast or it would be “underwritten” by thinktanks or pleas to include NPR, not your family, in your will. Yikes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am

Aww, thanks Buddha for your kind words!
Avatar 10:20am

Wow, just about to start exercising and this comes on...
If you were a social network, I'd find it creepy

I never danced with a corndog before
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Dedicated to the US's Corndog Belt!
Avatar Double-Dip Recess Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:23am
Webhamster Henry:

Corn weenie!
John from Florham Park:

@amanda and roger I may not have the money to give you but I still think your show rocks

I think everyone is trying to call in and win corndogs
Daybreak, the...Upped Swag for Life-er!:

Awww Buddha...you makings’ me blush!

I was planning on using my last personal day at work to comedown to Wake during the Marathon. I’d use the only other 2 in Sept to officiate a friend’s wedding in Cleveland. However, I got so run down after grading and only getting 2 hours sleep for 4 nights in a row. So I used the last one to recover.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38am

We can make the goal with your help!!!! Please pledge, any amount helps!
Daybreak, the...Upped Swag for Life-er!:

Squack!, Squeek!, Neigh!, Baa!, Moo!, (Goat Scream!)
Squack!, Squeek!, Neigh!, Baa!, Moo!, (Goat Scream!)
Squack!, Squeek!, Neigh!, Baa!, Moo!, (Goat Scream!)
Squack!, Squeek!, Neigh!, Baa!, Moo!, (Goat Scream!)

Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!! Pledge!!!
Avatar 10:50am

Really cool rockabye one ^^
Andrew In Etobicke:

Thanks for the great show you guys!!!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am
Ken From Hyde Park:

You have reached your goal! Yay!
Daybreak, the...Upped Swag for Life-er!:

From Pidge to Trump! What a whirlwind!
Avatar Double-Dip Recess Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:19am
Granny Spicy Tuna:

Oh, drat, i overslept! Thanks for being awesome and huzzah for making your goal!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43pm

Wheeeee!!!!!!! Hey, special thanks to Teddy in South Orange, who put us over our goal after we stopped talking. And a big, huge, enormous thank-you to EVERYONE who pledged this morning, however big or small the amount. We truly appreciate it.
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