Favoriting If You Lose Your Horse with Sam Segal: Playlist from May 27, 2019 Favoriting

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Wednesday 10pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting May 27, 2019: Would You Ride a Horse to Work?

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Death is Not the End  Side A (excerpt)   Favoriting Bristol Pirates  Death Is Not the End   
N'Draman Blintch  Cosmic Sounds   Favoriting Cosmic Sounds  Secousse/Hot Mule  0:26:25 (Pop-up)
Julie Coker  Gossiper Scandal Monger   Favoriting A Life in the Limelight: Lagos Disco & Itsekiri Highlife  Kalita  0:36:51 (Pop-up)
Daniel Haaksman  Xinguila (ft. Throes + The Shine)   Favoriting African Fabrics  Man  0:42:17 (Pop-up)
Turning Jewels Into Water  Map of Absences   Favoriting Map of Absences  FPE  0:45:26 (Pop-up)
Sea Urchin  Asa (Tahtib Tehbat)   Favoriting Tahtib  Bokeh Versions  0:49:17 (Pop-up)
Hoshina Anniversary  Noroshi   Favoriting Nihon No Ongaku  Youth  0:55:38 (Pop-up)
The Black Dog  Tahr   Favoriting Spanners  Warp  0:59:19 (Pop-up)
Emerson  Sending All My Love Out   Favoriting If You Need Me, Call Me  Kalita  1:08:29 (Pop-up)
James Booth  You   Favoriting Personal Growth  Growing Bin  1:12:16 (Pop-up)
Wharp & Rom  President Pullman's Elephanthead Patriarchy   Favoriting Radical American Hippy Kraut  Astro Nautico  1:17:55 (Pop-up)
Maurice Louca  Laika   Favoriting Elephantine  Northern Spy  1:23:06 (Pop-up)
Shofar  I Can See By My Nose   Favoriting Ha-Huncvot  Kilogram  1:26:24 (Pop-up)
Collocutor  Elephant Room   Favoriting Instead  On The Corner  1:33:04 (Pop-up)
Rajna Swaminathan  Retrograde   Favoriting Of Agency and Abstraction  Biophilia  1:39:48 (Pop-up)
Will Guthrie  Side A   Favoriting Some Nasty  Hasana Editions  1:57:22 (Pop-up)
Baron Mordant  Only for Fun Game   Favoriting Mark of the Mould  Mordant Music  2:10:26 (Pop-up)
Equipment Pointed Ankh  Take the Bird and the Fish   Favoriting Zodiac Free  Self-Released  2:14:32 (Pop-up)
Aaron Dilloway  Switch 1   Favoriting Switches  Cejero  2:16:03 (Pop-up)
Benjamin Lew  Hommes Assis Devant un Mur Chaulé   Favoriting Nebka  Crammed Discs  2:22:37 (Pop-up)
        2:25:08 (Pop-up)
Tony Williams  From Before   Favoriting Spring  Blue Note  2:28:28 (Pop-up)
Oren Ambarchi  Girl with the Silver Eyes   Favoriting Grapes from the Estate  Touch  2:34:59 (Pop-up)
Naemi  net of floe   Favoriting Naemi  Carpet Group  2:43:33 (Pop-up)
Hank Roberts with Marc Ducret and Jim Black  Bernie Alap   Favoriting Green  Winter & Winter  2:45:55 (Pop-up)
High Aura'd  Turned Corners   Favoriting No River Long Enough Doesn't Contain a Bend  Debacle  2:48:57 (Pop-up)
Joseph Allred  East Netherland   Favoriting Mandorla Valley  Meliphonic Records  2:52:58 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:02pm

As long as it's a work horse.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03pm
Sam Segal:

Good news, Chresti. It is!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:04pm

A former city councilman used to ride a horse by where I work
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm
Sam Segal:

That's the kind of civil servant I like democratically representing the If You Lose Your Horse constituency, Chresti.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:09pm

This reminds me of a cassette recording I got from the radio in the Kingston, in 1990ish
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:10pm

*the Kingston area*
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11pm
Sam Segal:

Oh man, I'd love to hear that cassette. Do you still have it?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:15pm


Heya Sam and wranglers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
Sam Segal:

Carm! Welcome to the stable!
Avatar 9:21pm

I always wanted to ride a giant ground sloth. Unfortunately, they've been extinct for over 10k years. We need to Jurassic Park them! (I did have a megafauna and dinosaur collection toys as a kid).
Avatar 9:24pm

Before Derek Bailey died, he got entranced into UK d&b radio, and recorded "guitar, drum, and bass" (w/ a dj he found via pirate radio). (I recommend said album).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27pm
Sam Segal:

Oh, I have heard it, NGH. Incredibly unique record. I should play it on the show one of these days.

Ngh, heard it’s 100 there today.

This is definitely dancing music!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36pm
Sam Segal:

Keep on moving, Carmichael!
Doug Schulkind:

My horse is a stable genius. Greetings, Sam and fellow losers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43pm
Sam Segal:

My horse is a covfefe. Welcome, Doug!
Avatar 9:48pm

Yeah, Carmichael, 100F/38C again, I only got 7km in today hiking, even after drinking 3 pints of water beforehand (drank 3 more afterwards), and just had a 2 hour nap before Sam came on. I was spent.

Now I need to water the garden...
Chris Farrell:

Hello tech savvy individuals.

@Sam-do you or WFMU have to notify the artists that you play on the air?
Avatar 9:50pm

I want to hear Running the Jewels Into Water....

(Check out Killer Mike's diss track on Reagan)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm
Sam Segal:

@Chris! I don't really know the logistics of the whole thing. Artists receive royalties through some sort of mechanism that I have no grasp on.
Chris Farrell:

Oh interesting. I assume it’s ASCAP that is what my brother registered his and his girlfriends music with
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54pm
Sam Segal:

Hell yeah, NGH. Love that tune. Mike's "R.A.P. Music" is a modern hip-hop classic.
Avatar 9:56pm

I have had friends receive (very small) compensation, most likely from WFMU, the only station that would play them. Once a year, all songs must be reported for a week in November. There are other mechanisms in place to make sure they compensated, but the exposure for most artists here is more then the income from the radio (who else plays these artists?).
Chris Farrell:

Yeah that’s a really good point NGH I have only recognized maybe 5 artists the whole 2 months I have been listening. (Which is a good thing to some extent)
Avatar 9:58pm

Nihon No Ongaku = Music from/of Japan....
Avatar 9:59pm

@Chris: I think I know my schiidt about music, and most of the time it's rare enough I recognize something that I point out how rare I recognize an artist.
Avatar 10:01pm

(Hoshina was a daimyo clan from the Edo period ) (I was listening to the Japan History podcast recently.

Black Dog!

Just putting the burgers and white corn on the grill. Happy Memorial Day.
Avatar 10:05pm

I grew up in Japan on a Navy base... (took language lessons, had Japanese and Japanese-American friends)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:07pm

IDM is more wide ranging and freeform vs. EDM
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07pm

greetings Sam & hoarse people
-just got home from work and boy i'm sore. i really must switch to a western saddle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09pm
Sam Segal:

Had no idea, NGH!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:10pm

Black Dog has a dub element to it. I like
Avatar 10:10pm

(I was a soccer player that somehow made the U-14 US team for the 1989 U-14 WC. We finished 19th out of 21 [this was back when the US really sucked'. The only team we beat was the Soviet Union. Yes, it was that long ago, a few months before I left Japan). (Never sold jeans).

chresti is on point!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10pm
Sam Segal:

@Chresti: I just think its an odd distinction. The amount of interesting, boundary pushing dance music that isn't referred to as "Intelligent Dance Music" is weird to me--as if Detroit Techno or Chicago House aren't intelligent musical forms.
Avatar 10:12pm
still b/p:

Just back from long hike, short bike ride and long motor vehicle ride. Need the music to keep me rollin' along at home while I read something I'm supposed to read before tomorrow.
Avatar 10:12pm

Most artists labelled w/ that label hate it, but It usually referred to artists like Autechre and Pan Sonic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13pm
Sam Segal:

We'll keep you afloat, SBP!
Avatar 10:14pm

Then again, I never got the EDM label, electronic dance music instead of electro-acoustic music, what other kinds are there? Country and Western? ;p
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15pm
Sam Segal:

@NGH: Yeah, I definitely think IDM is useful as a descriptor of a certain historical moment/aesthetic in dance music...just wish it weren't such a condescending phrase.
Avatar 10:16pm

(now I want to hear the Nashville Moog album Scott Williams played earlier).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19pm
Sam Segal:

This tune has pedal steel guitars and synths. Does it come close, NGH?

I forgot it was Monday. Was out and about like a weekend.
Avatar 10:21pm

A wink is as good as a nod to a blind Pony Boy
Avatar 10:22pm

works for me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22pm
Sam Segal:

I like your energy, CC!
Avatar 10:23pm

Thanks Sam nice meeting you!!!...
Avatar 10:25pm
still b/p:

"Nudge, nudge...know what I mean? Neigh some more, neigh some more."
Avatar 10:26pm

I read your playlist so far...it's very interesting..!..:)O(:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29pm
Sam Segal:

Thanks, CC! Well, you're welcome to stay as long as you like. Make yourself comfortable. Fix yourself a drink. Lose your horse. Take your boots off.
Avatar 10:29pm

Nice guitar..!..
Avatar 10:30pm

Thank you!!!

If you see your nose... next season’s show.
Avatar 10:32pm

I usually need help with my boots...hehehe...:)O(:
Avatar 10:33pm

I sleep with them on a lot!!!..hehehe...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:34pm
Uncle Michael:

Loving this set, Sam.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:34pm

Intoxicated dance music. Like that better?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35pm
Sam Segal:

Hahahaha yes, Chresti! It's certainly more accurate.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35pm
Sam Segal:

Thanks, @UM! Welcome aboard.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:37pm

I second UM's comment
Avatar 10:38pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40pm
Sam Segal:

Oh dear, this is all going to go to my head, everyone. Tread lightly!
Avatar 10:40pm

Kind of reminds me of a cross between Chuck Mangione his first studio album and Billy Cobham and Chick Corea
Chris Farrell:

@Sam- how long is your commute to work? Do you take the subway? Is it crowded in the mornings?

I’m intoxicated, so it’s all making sense. Thus us Pat Metheny, no?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43pm
Sam Segal:

I've never actually listened to Chuck Mangione's music. I only know him as a recurring character on "King of the Hill."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44pm
Sam Segal:

Not Metheny actually. The guitar player is Miles Okazaki.

*this is* see what I mean?
Avatar 10:44pm

Yeah The White Album where he's sitting in the chair playing this flugelhorn with his long hair hanging down
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44pm
Sam Segal:

@Chris: About 40-45 mins on the subway. It vacillates between unbearably crowded and pretty comfortable, seemingly at random.
Avatar 10:46pm

The song self portrait great Bongo solos!!!

I’m in NorCal, no experience with a subway.
Avatar 10:54pm

Billy Cobham crosswinds the pleasant pheasant...etc...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:55pm

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:57pm

Take a survey. A gallop poll
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58pm
Sam Segal:

Good point, Chresti. I really should create some kind of listener survey.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:01pm

I only know some Mahavishnu Cobham @CC
Avatar 11:09pm

Mmmm hmmm... I always liked raw Clive bunker over polished Barrymore Barlow...
Chris Farrell:

What time do they expect you at work?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30pm
Sam Segal:

Oh, 9ish!
Chris Farrell:

Sorry I sort of haphazardly typed that. @Sam what time do they expect you at work? If anyone else has any interesting commuting experiences I love to hear them!
Chris Farrell:

Oh that’s interesting. I assume you need to be out the door by about 8? If you have an alarm what time does that go off?
Avatar 11:33pm

I live Less Than 3 minutes away from anything I need!!!...
Chris Farrell:

That must be nice CC.. I usually have to shuffle around for my items. I spend a lot of time alone which means I am usually free to procure those items as I please. I do live on a schedule though (or rough outline of days) so not too rigid but just rigid enough to make sure I stay on track!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:37pm

gotta close the comment machine, speaking of work and riding the horse in traffic, I have to leave extra early, Thanks Sam, goodnight !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40pm
Sam Segal:

Night, Chresti! Thanks for stopping by, as always.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:41pm
Granny Spicy Tuna:

hello, everyone, goodnight, chresti
Chris Farrell:

GST it looks like your picture changed! I like the new one!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:43pm
Granny Spicy Tuna:

Chris Farrell: thanks, i switch it up occasionally. This one is Ann-Margret from Tommy, which i will be seeing on a big screen tomorrow (in SF)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44pm
Sam Segal:

Love it, GST! Welcome!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:44pm
Granny Spicy Tuna:

Hey, Sam, thanks! Great to be hear, digging the sounds thus far…
Chris Farrell:

Oh nice! I have only watched the whole original Tommy once and don’t remember too much of it. My brothers friend is in a bluegrass band that does a bluegrass version of Tommy (if you like country music)
Avatar 11:49pm

Hi granny good night everyone I got to go to bed now!!!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:49pm
Granny Spicy Tuna:

Chris Farrell: bluegrass Tommy sounds like it could be a real hoot! (The Whoot?)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50pm
Sam Segal:

Night, CC!

Thanks, Sam!
Chris Farrell:

They are called “The Hillbenders” their dobro player is my brothers friend. Super talented. Did a mini tour about a year ago.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:53pm
Sam Segal:

Carmichael, thank you!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:54pm
Granny Spicy Tuna:

CC: sweet dreams…
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:55pm
Granny Spicy Tuna:

oh this is quite lovely

This is great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm
Michael 98145:

lurking. enjoying. g'night.
Avatar 11:59pm

Thanks, Sam!

I saw Hank Roberts with Bill Frizell about 200 years ago.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:01am
Granny Spicy Tuna:

…and related to your title's question— i was just reading Rose Wilder Lane remembering about riding her donkey to school. All the other kids rode horses, and scoffed at her donkey. And then her donkey would kick all the horses.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02am
Michael 98145:

William Richard Frisell is a local treasure
Chris Farrell:

Thanks everyone!
Avatar 🥁 6:56pm
DL in LA:

Enjoyed your show. Please pass the mustard.
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