Favoriting Polyglot with Jesse Dorris: Playlist from July 9, 2019 Favoriting

Jesse Dorris's avatar View Jesse Dorris's profile Favoriting

Beats mismatched. New mystic moods. The International Style. Pressed and dressed. Queasy listening. New ways to fail. More is more. Backroom room tones.

Tuesday 3 - 6am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting July 9, 2019: "If you intend to hold opinion/and discussion for discussion/just to win the discussion/I assure you, you can believe/that when the heart speaks/sometimes it's better to lose"

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
Herbert  Non Stop (Motorbass Mix)   Favoriting Parts Remixed  Phono  1997  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Cassius  La Mouche   Favoriting 1999  Virgin  1999  0:05:59 (Pop-up)
Motorbass  Genius   Favoriting Pansoul  Different  1996  0:10:57 (Pop-up)
Étienne de Crécy  Prix Choc (Ultra Bright Mix by La Funk Mob)   Favoriting Prix Choc (Remixes Vol. 1)  Different  1998  0:16:38 (Pop-up)
Cassius  Chuffed   Favoriting Dreems  Caroline Records  2019  0:23:56 (Pop-up)
Cassius  Cactus   Favoriting 15 Again  Virgin  2006  0:26:59 (Pop-up)
Cassius  Dinapoly   Favoriting Dinapoly Versus Foxxy Lady  Cassius  1996  0:34:25 (Pop-up)
Motorbass  Sucre Mon Son   Favoriting Transphunk  Motorbass  1993  0:42:04 (Pop-up)
Cassius and Jocelyn Brown  I'm a Woman (Cassius Remix)   Favoriting I'm a Woman  Virgin  2002  0:43:24 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Splitter   Favoriting


Alien Transistor 


0:58:22 (Pop-up)
João Gilberto  Discussao   Favoriting Joao Gilberto Interpreta Tom Jobim  Odeon   1978  0:59:48 (Pop-up)
CFCF  Oxygen Lounge/Anodyne Industries   Favoriting Liquid Colours  BGM  2019  1:00:53 (Pop-up)
Refreshers  Got Me Weak   Favoriting Pork Pie  Refreshers  2019  1:05:34 (Pop-up)
Hoover1  Hoover1-2B1   Favoriting Hoover 1-2  Hoover  2019  1:09:43 (Pop-up)
Almaty  Tulips   Favoriting Sonic Signature  Naive  2019  1:14:07 (Pop-up)
Emanuele Millozzi & Luke Di Lullo  Let It Go (T78 Remix)   Favoriting Let It Go  Silent Storm  2019  1:19:25 (Pop-up)
Jane Weaver  Conduit   Favoriting Loops in the Secret Society  Fire  2019  1:24:52 (Pop-up)
1800HaightStreet  Confess   Favoriting Confess  Lobster Theremin  2019  1:25:18 (Pop-up)
Lesinge  Burnt 140409_007   Favoriting HC004  Honey Club Records  2019  1:30:44 (Pop-up)
TELL  Y'all Feel that Honey (Paradise Mix)   Favoriting Faster than Light  Quartet Series  2017  1:35:21 (Pop-up)
Mr. Tophat  Tears of Illuminations   Favoriting Dusk to Dawn Part 1  Twilight Enterprise  2019  1:42:10 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ki Oni 

Midnight Club II   Favoriting

You Made It Out of the Forest Alive 

Atlantic Rhythms 


2:01:20 (Pop-up)
YPY  All Wounds   Favoriting Be A Little More Selfish  EM Records  2019  2:04:35 (Pop-up)
Anna Homler & Alessio Capovilla  O'sa Va'ya   Favoriting Deliquium In C  Präsens Editionen  2019  2:15:40 (Pop-up)
The Pilotwings  Trance En Aubrac   Favoriting Psytube  Animals Dancing  2019  2:21:38 (Pop-up)
Warp 9  Light Years Away   Favoriting It's a Beat Wave  Prism  1983  2:27:39 (Pop-up)
Beak>  Minus Pillow   Favoriting Life Goes On  Invada  2019  2:35:20 (Pop-up)
Box of Toys  I'm Thinking of You Now   Favoriting I'm Thinking of You Now  Inevitable  1983  2:38:42 (Pop-up)
John Di Stefano  Culture Schlock   Favoriting For the Moment  Concentric Circles  2019  2:42:35 (Pop-up)
Zru Vogue  Do the Zru   Favoriting Zru Vogue  Dark Entries  1981/2019  2:46:04 (Pop-up)
Stereo Total  Hass-Satellit   Favoriting Ah! Quel Cinéma!  Tapete  2019  2:49:55 (Pop-up)
Elephant9  Habanera Rocket   Favoriting Psychadelic Backfire I  Rune Grammofon  2019  2:53:09 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:03am
Jesse Dorris:

He he Hellloooooo everyone
Curious Tom:

Howdy JD!
Avatar 3:06am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey @Curious, how's all with you?
Avatar 3:23am
Satis-factory records:

Good morning Jesse & folks!
Avatar 3:26am
Jesse Dorris:

Good morning! How was your week?

Good Eve-Morning!!
Avatar 3:31am
Jesse Dorris:

Welcome aboard!
Avatar 3:31am
Jesse Dorris:

Probably pretty clear what I'm up to this week...this hour at least...
Avatar 3:46am
Satis-factory records:

RIP Philippe Zadar
Avatar 3:47am
Satis-factory records:

I had a pretty good week but missed out on Pride in London! Planning my Pride in Manchester to make sure it is doubly good. I heard it went off really well this year though, fewer terfs!
Avatar 3:48am
Jesse Dorris:

RIP indeed. What a random tragic loss.
Avatar 3:49am
Jesse Dorris:

Yeah I heard London Pride was kicked off by trans women and lesbians marching together, fucking fabulous.
Avatar 3:52am
Diezel Tea:

Good morning JD & people. What did I miss regarding this RIP?
Avatar 3:53am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey @Diezel! Philippe Zdar fell off a goddamn balcony and died. Madness.
Avatar 3:53am
Jesse Dorris:

Well, or through a window actually? A couple weeks ago.
Avatar 3:54am
Diezel Tea:

Is that the actor with the massive chin who's been in more films than any other actor, despite them all being b or c movies?
Avatar 3:54am

He he Hellloooooo Jesse, Diezel, Msr. Factory -
Tel Aviv wakey wakey eggs & bakey
Avatar 3:54am
Diezel Tea:

Is there bacon in Tel Aviv? tThat's a good question...
Avatar 3:55am

@Diezel Tea: Bruce Campbell
Avatar 3:56am
Diezel Tea:

@b/wad no, this guy's face waaaaay outdoes Brucie's chin of legend. The actor's face is entirely jaw and chin. Wondering if that's the guy that passed away or not. Brucie is still very much alive, thanks to the heavens!
Avatar 3:57am

It's legal to sell it here, but illegal to produce it here. So Israeli farmers build barns on platforms one meter off the ground to raise and sell pork product here (as it's not technically being grown 'on the land of Israel' as the law commands). Fact.
Avatar 3:57am
Diezel Tea:

So, now I guess it wasn't the Z'Dar actor I was thinking of RIP anyway to this dude.
Avatar 3:59am
Diezel Tea:

Robert Z'dar, the man, the legend, I was thinking of: www.imdb.com...
Avatar 4:05am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey @B/wad!
Avatar 4:05am
Jesse Dorris:

I highly recommend the new CFCF for any summery ambient jungle needs. CFCFTJ Bukem more like.
Avatar 4:07am
Diezel Tea:

Oh wow, that's interesting B/wad. I figured pork would have a market there for some of the Christians in Israel, but that it'd be a tricky situation.
Avatar 4:07am
Diezel Tea:

Yeah, this CFCF ain't too bad.
Avatar 4:18am
Diezel Tea:

On the topic of jungle/DnB, to make some of you jealous, I visited Glasgow in 2018 for a few days, and got to see DJ Storm perform live at the School of Art student cafe. I went there, because you know it's a student cafe/pub for the grad kids, thinking it's some young kid who just thought it was a cool name, but then no, it truly was THE DJ Storm. Jaw dropping set, in their tiny student pub.)))
Avatar 4:19am
Diezel Tea:

Is Almaty a Kazakh artist? I've always wanted to visit Almaty. If you're unfamiliar, just look at some pictures - gorgeous place.
Avatar 4:21am
Jesse Dorris:

WHOA. That is excellent. She blew my face off many moons ago...I want to say at the cooler here in NYC? Fuzzy memory.
Avatar 4:22am
Jesse Dorris:

I think Almaty might be Swedish...label is from Lisbon...
Avatar 4:42am
Jesse Dorris:

Y'all feel it?
Avatar 4:47am
Diezel Tea:

Avatar 4:48am
Diezel Tea:

I'm not usually a big fan of House, but these are some of the tastier cuts you're slicing off for us.
Avatar 4:50am

Feelings. It.
Avatar 4:53am
ben abs:

Hi Gang - big ups
Avatar 4:54am

I don’t know where Almaty is from, but RateYourMusic says Almaty is currently in København, Denmark.
Avatar 4:55am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey @Ben! How's everything? I forgot this superb, epic Mr. Tophat jam gets a little Santana for a moment but let's all hang in there together and push through.
Avatar 4:57am
Jesse Dorris:

Whew ok there we go.
Avatar 5:01am
ben abs:

All good thanks, Octo Octa was a blast in SF Sounds like it's been a fun set so far, that Tophat also got a bit wonky
Avatar 5:08am
Jesse Dorris:

Oh excellent! Where did she play?
Avatar 5:17am

Good morning.
Avatar 5:19am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning @Davee. Sun is coming up on another day!
Avatar 5:21am

All I see is fog
Avatar 5:26am
ben abs:

errrm, Danzhaus - quite a nice spot
Avatar 5:38am

You are playing some great stuff Jesse
Avatar 5:55am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks @Davee!
Avatar 5:55am
Jesse Dorris:

And that's it for me, friends! Thank you for your ears. Until next week....
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