Favoriting Pseu's Thing With A Hook: Playlist from February 6, 2020 Favoriting

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Riff rock for riff raff, pop fizzle for the frazzled, chord changes of life for the menopausal teenagers, a safari in the jingle-jangle jungle. (Visit homepage.)

Thursday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 13th, Noon - 3pm: Pseu and her Co-Host Jessica

Favoriting February 6, 2020

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Artist Track Album Label Format
doug gillard  thing with a hook (pseu's theme)   Favoriting single  347 records  CD 
sean henry  rain rain   Favoriting a jump from the high dive  double double whammy  CD 
the format  pick me up (demo)   Favoriting kenneth room sessions  the vanity label  MP3 
iji  lizard   Favoriting iji  feeding tube  LP 
utopia  lysistrata   Favoriting anthology: (1974-1985)  bearsville  LP 
pointer sisters  he's so shy   Favoriting special things  sony music  MP3 
electric looking glass  dream a dream   Favoriting single  13 o'clock  45 
margaux  palm   Favoriting more brilliant is the hand that throws the coin  massif  CD 
jim noir  driving my escort cosworth to the cake circus   Favoriting jimmy's show  jim noir  MP3 
en attendant ana  do you understand?   Favoriting juillet  trouble in mind  CD 
the darling buds  the other night   Favoriting pop said  Sony Music Entertainment  MP3 
telemarket  wide awake   Favoriting You Deserve A Hard Day's Work After A Long Night's Rest  avenue noise and sound  CD 
bob mould  i don't mind   Favoriting single  merge  MP3 
the muffs  earth below me   Favoriting no holiday  omnivore  MP3 
the tennors  the only living boy in new york (weather report)   Favoriting v/a american tunes: songs by paul simon  ace  CD 
luke lalonde  waiting for the light to change   Favoriting the perpetual optimist  paper bag  CD 
buck owens  rollin' in my sweet baby's arms   Favoriting The Complete Capitol Singles: 1971-1975  capitol  MP3 
eamon fogerty  buster-jangle   Favoriting blue values  jealous butcher  CD 
youbet  cycle   Favoriting compare & depair  ba da bing   LP 
doug tuttle  twilight   Favoriting dream road  burger  MP3 
lake ruth  strange interiors   Favoriting single  slumberland  45 
shana falana  go higher   Favoriting darkest light  arrowhawk  CD 
boogarins  foimal   Favoriting lá vem a morte  silliterme productions  MP3 
quilt  passerby   Favoriting plaza  kemado   MP3 
porridge radio  give/take   Favoriting every bad  secretly canadian  LP 
anton barbeau  wire from the wall   Favoriting kenny vs. thrust  big stir  CD 
click beetles  bubblegum   Favoriting single  vandalay  MP3 
ariel view  friday nights   Favoriting until my lungs are cleared  epitaph  CD 
the greyhound factory  outside the frame   Favoriting single  the greyhound factory  MP3 
bertling noise laboratories  you told me   Favoriting the frodis tape  bertling noise laboratories  MP3 
monkees  sweet young thing   Favoriting music box  rhino  MP3 
the clash  lose this skin   Favoriting sandinista!  Sony Music Entertainment  MP3 
cherry parke  all around the moon   Favoriting single  cherry parke  MP3 
dukes of stratosphear  the mole from the ministry   Favoriting chips from the chocolate fireball  virgin  MP3 
manfred mann  semi-detached suburban mr. james   Favoriting mannerisms  mercury  LP 
david guetta  without you (feat Usher)   Favoriting nothing but the beat  what a music, ltd  CD 
studded left  you were divine   Favoriting popular intuition  self released  LP 
vetiver  filigree   Favoriting up on high  mama bird  CD 
tindersticks  pinky in the daylight   Favoriting no treasure but hope  city slang  CD 
viva sherry  hey! shut up!   Favoriting silenzio  mottomotto  LP 
iguana death cult  castles in the sky   Favoriting nude casino  innovative leisure  CD 
richard lloyd  pretend   Favoriting alchemy  elektra entertainment  LP 
cosmonauts  molly on glass   Favoriting star 69  burger  CD 
liam lynch  we're all stars   Favoriting songs from lynchland  111 productions  MP3 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:08pm

hello all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08pm
Krys O.:

Good afternoon, Pseu & Hookingers!
Avatar 12:08pm
Jeff Moore:

Hello, hookers.
Avatar 12:13pm

Avatar 12:18pm

Didn't know this song was written by Cynthia Weil.
Avatar 12:19pm
Lixiviated Life:

i'm back again for the lyrical and melodic tapestry that is Pseu's Thnig etc. etc.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24pm

I couldn't log in quick enough but wanted to say...Todd is God.

Killlen it today!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:38pm
Handy Haversack:

I was in transit but am here, Hooked, with the rest of you. Hooked!

I like u Pseu!!!

And the teuns!!
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 12:44pm
WO Town Wick:

We like you. We like the music. Some of us even like the bitter taste of brocolli rabe.

Stumble upon for me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

Stumbled, never got up...from WFMU...again.

My ultimate 80s moment: seeing Wham, the Pointer Sisters and Katrina and the Waves in Miami in 1985.
Mark from Columbus Oh:

Stumbled upon it. Heard you in the past. I’ll stay.
Avatar 12:48pm

Pseu Pseu!
dave hill:

how did i find wmfu? completely by accident... i meant to ask alexa to play wmfe, our local npr affiliate, but i messed up the call letters & suddenly your radio station was on. lucky me! i've listened to you almost every day since...
Avatar 12:51pm
V Priceless:

Pseubee! Hey!
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Barkevious Shabazz:

Killin, me, Kim.
Avatar 12:54pm
stephen adams in the uk:

i brought an internet radio about two years ago,
and looked up recommended stations, and WFMU was mentioned on a few sites, so i tuned in and im still here

Im listening because Ill listen to almost anything played on wfmu to keep from going crazy at work and throwing random objects around and storming off into the suburban wilds... but PTWAH does the trick every time... so far I haven’t throw ANYTHING

thank you!!

So happy 2 hear this version of this song!!!
Avatar 12:59pm

I was working at UC Davis (home of KDVS, Liz Berg's old station), and was looking for stations on the internet. That was about 30 years ago.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm
Krys O.:

Buck, yeah!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm


First heard Hearty White on the radio of a philosopher/ blood-delivery man... Then I heard Wfmu in the kitchen at work... They played Wake every morning... Changed my life. Now there's Pseu, serious moonlight, Sinner's crossroads, vocal fry. "When you can't find a friend, you still got the radio."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
Bill in W.O.:

I was a regular listener to a couple of other WFMU shows but I'd never heard your show until I stumbled onto it one winter day nearly exactly two years ago. I felt almost immediate regret for missing everything before then, and now I guess you're kinda stuck with me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm
Krys O.:

When I was an Upsala College freshman in 1981, I was unaware that there was a radio station in the basement of the dorm where I lived until I met DJ John Morris in the cafeteria. He invited me down and my life was transformed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm
Pseu Braun:

Well I love all of this! Keep discovering!

First tuned in to hear my friend play live on Fabio’s show. Then I fell in love.
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 1:04pm
WO Town Wick:

That is a cool story Krys O.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:05pm
Handy Haversack:

In the early 90s I listened in a fog of youth and ... distractions ... and then kind of didn't remember for years after moving back to the city in 2000. Then I needed to find something to help my partner get away from NPR after the 2016 election -- and refound FMU.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm
Krys O.:

First time I became aware of Pseu was seeing Children in Adult Jails playing at the Speakeasy in 1983. I was blown away. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm
Handy Haversack:

Took longer to figure out about listening online, but sometimes radio reception is pretty bad here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10pm
Krys O.:

Okay, had my dates wrong on that. It was 1986 and here is the poster for the show: f4.bcbits.com...

It hung in my kitchen for decades.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:13pm
Pseu Braun:


Yeeee Shana! Jus played a show with her.

@Bill in WO always got the archive!
Avatar 1:36pm

uhhhh was in a meeting, what did i miss?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39pm

I picked up WFMU on a battery operated boom box in a squat in 1988. Scratchy, distant, and weird. Listening ever since.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39pm

And it was Bronwyn C reading a story about a dog.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:40pm
Handy Haversack:

Pseu plotzed, @Snoochie. Also, Buck Owens!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42pm

Who me, on the spectrum?! Pshaw!

Speaking of memory jolts, remember that time that Pseu interrupted her free-form show to announce Princess Diana's death on live radio? That was weird.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:46pm
Pseu Braun:

uhmmm, NO?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:46pm
Pseu Braun:

I was home when that happened
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm

Once again I'm proven to have an infamously unreliable memory. Maybe that was Wm. Berger?
Avatar 1:49pm

@Handy i wish i was plotzed! and damnnn i love me some buck
Avatar 1:49pm

I like to think of myself as a spectrum surfer
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm
Krys O.:

I remember when Joe Belock announced Joe Strummer's passing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm

You know, that raises really interesting questions about memory. I visited my grandmother a few weeks ago and two of my aunts were there, and it was amazing how differently we remembered the same defining life events. Not just in terms of nuance, but in terms of basic things like who was actually there, who said what, sequence of events, etc.
Avatar 1:53pm

It could have been Monica, Ike.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:58pm
Handy Haversack:

People's memories are the last thing we should trust, @mariano. They are all constructs. We barely understand why we do anything -- we're the least reliable narrators around!

Though I find it easier to be forgiving once I realize that everyone is wrong about everything all the time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:00pm

@Carm, that sounds more right than Wm. Berger. Good guess.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm

Words that bear remembering, Handy ;)

thanks Sue for playing one of my favorite Clash songs...ah...Lose this Skin...with the great fiddler...what's his name?

I thnk it's Tymon Dogg singing....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm
Krys O.:

Yes, Tymon Dogg who sadly passed away.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm
Krys O.:

Nope, that was incorrect. Dogg is still alive.

thanks Krys O...do you know the fiddler's name?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:06pm
Krys O.:

Dogg played the fiddle.

thanks for info..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:09pm
Krys O.:

My memory is very cheesy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:10pm

I remember DOO DOO!

They had a swimming poool!

"I'm the hole in your memory"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:12pm

@Handy: actually, just remembered: a while back I was talking with a friend who's a lawyer, and I mentioned that I'd be a terrible eyewitness, to which he replied immediately "Everyone would be a terrible eyewitness."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:12pm

Swiss, comte, goat gouda, Munster, or all of the above?
Listener Robert:

Anybody remember whose closing theme on WBAI "Lose This Skin" was? I've been trying to. Decades since I've heard it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:15pm
Krys O.:

Manfred Mann, yum!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:15pm
Handy Haversack:

@mariano -- exactly. Q.v. _My Cousin Vinny_ and the entire grit-eating world!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:16pm
Krys O.:

Havarti, Ike.
Listener Robert:

Might've been Hour of the Wolf, Hour of the Duck, Hour of the 3-Toed Sloth.... I used to hear that closing theme around 6 AM Saturday, I think. I think it was in the 1980s. I don't remember if it was that version of Lose This Skin" or another.

yeah, this song is hard to take...OY!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:19pm

isn't this the AOC dancing song?
Listener Robert:

Did Ike say upthread that William Berger came on mic to announce Pseu Braun's death?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21pm
Pseu Braun:

more than likely

Thanks Pseu

Ike, thanks for starting the rumor...

Ive read that when we remember a past event, we are actually remembering the last time we remembered that event, rather than the event itself
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30pm
Krys O.:

TK Folger might have announced the death of Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna aka Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine.
Avatar 2:30pm

I love that Sandinista! is mostly terrible. Every time I listen to it I'm shocked all over again.

Pseu, wrong on Sandinista...but each to his/her/them own....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:36pm
holland oats:

So many great song on Sandinista, yes it is batshit at times but who cares - we can haz artistic growth?
Mike tp:

checking in just before the wrapup....sounding good last couple songs.Movie:THE GOOD LIAR. recommended....fine evening PSEU and friends.

thanks Pseu for a great show.

No more beatles, rolling stones or clash in 2020!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm
Pseu Braun:

hahahaaa! flashbazbo you geezer!
John from Florham park:

No matter re young young too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57pm
Krys O.:

Thanks, Pseu!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm
Handy Haversack:

Thanks, Pseu!
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