Dance dance dance
If anyone of the listeners would like to attend a great online Rhythm, Soul & Funk party tonight: Tune in to
You'll find the details over here:
Got to fetch some fastfood for dinner in a moment. Hope to see you tonight on mixcloud at the Rhythm Soul & Funk Party. Take care Bunny, Matt, duke and DA.
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Listener comments!
Soul'n'Soul Bunny:
Matt Clarke:
Matt Clarke:
Soul'n'Soul Bunny:
Soul'n'Soul Bunny:
.....' /
---' (_____
......... ((__)
..... _ ((___)
....... -'((__)
Matt Clarke
Soul'n'Soul Bunny:
perfrosk (Peter):
Soul'n'Soul Bunny:
Soul'n'Soul Bunny:
Matt Clarke:
DA The DJ:
Matt Clarke:
Soul'n'Soul Bunny:
Soul'n'Soul Bunny:
Matt Clarke:
Soul'n'Soul Bunny:
perfrosk (Peter):
Soul'n'Soul Bunny:
.....' /
---' (_____
......... ((__)
..... _ ((___)
....... -'((__)
perfrosk (Peter)
perfrosk (Peter):
DA the DJ:
Soul'n'Soul Bunny:
Soul'n'Soul Bunny:
.....' /
---' (_____
......... ((__)
..... _ ((___)
....... -'((__)
DA the DJ
perfrosk (Peter):
If anyone of the listeners would like to attend a great online Rhythm, Soul & Funk party tonight: Tune in to
You'll find the details over here:
perfrosk (Peter):
Matt Clarke:
perfrosk (Peter):
Matt Clarke:
Soul'n'Soul Bunny: