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WFMU's September 2024 to June 2025 Program Schedule


6 AM - 9 AM
Favoriting Wake with Clay Pigeon (e-mail)
WFMU's morning show, featuring new technology that will sonically force caffeine directly into your bloodstream. Hosted by Clay Pigeon.

Click here to subscribe to the Wake n' Bake Email Newsletter.

Click here to subscribe to the Wake and Bake podcast and have all of each week's Wake and Bake segments delivered to you every Monday.

The Wake and Bake Answering Machine (WABAM) is now at this number: 646-494-1095. Call and leave a message for the show!

Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Clay Pigeon since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from August 21, 2018 ("The Wake n Bake Morning Show!") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

9 AM - Noon
Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko (e-mail)
A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Joe McGasko since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from April 24, 2014 ("Polka Party") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

Noon - 3 PM
Favoriting Three Chord Monte with Joe Belock (e-mail)
The Citizen Kane of adult entertainment.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | Homepage | All bands and artists played by Joe Belock since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from April 22, 2014: Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

3 PM - 3:01 PM
Favoriting Jim Price (e-mail)
Plenty of Tull. Some other bands too if they rock.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Jim Price since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from November 28, 2016 ("The Season of Disillusionment and Heartbreak ") : MP3 - 128K | Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

3:01 PM - 6 PM
Favoriting Scott Williams (e-mail)
" I can't tell when you're telling me the truth."
- I'm not.
"How do I know anything you've told me is..."
- You don't.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Scott Williams since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from November 19, 2012 ("Glaring Omissions, with special guests BALBOA! and 3 full hours of synthporn") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

6 PM - 7 PM
Favoriting Techtonic with Mark Hurst (e-mail)
Conversations with creators and thinkers who are charting the way forward in a tech-saturated society. In our shift to a digital future, we need alternatives to Big Tech. Homepage:
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Mark Hurst since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from February 7, 2022 ("Alec MacGillis, author, "Fulfillment: Winning and Losing in One-Click America"") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

7 PM - 8 PM
Favoriting It's Complicated with Dave Mandl (e-mail)
An hour of prog and prog-adjacent music.
Playlists & Archives | All bands and artists played by Dave Mandl since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from October 24, 2022: Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

8 PM - 9 PM
Favoriting Dance With Me, Stanley with Stashu (e-mail)
This isn't the kind of show you take home to your family. Get your polka shoes on and get ready to rumble.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Stashu since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from January 1, 2018 ("Uncle Nimra Bought a White Horse") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

9 PM - Midnight
Favoriting Daniel Blumin (e-mail)
The run-around drill sergeant of love meets the freeform radio nurse in an international popularity crisis. Twang, dub, noise, rockers, aliens, drum machines, foreigners, imported goods, songs, rumbles, hollers, blips and squiggles, along with an occasional musical number.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Daniel Blumin since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from January 19, 2014 ("Farewell, Predominantly Synthetic Elf!") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

Midnight - 3 AM
Favoriting Travel Zone with DJ Time Traveler (e-mail)
Memories of music. I'll take you back in time into the present sounds of today and yesteryear.
Playlists & Archives | All bands and artists played by DJ Time Traveler since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from August 21, 2018: Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

3 AM - 6 AM
Favoriting Polyglot with Jesse Dorris (e-mail)
Beats mismatched. New mystic moods. The International Style. Pressed and dressed. Queasy listening. New ways to fail. More is more. Backroom room tones.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Jesse Dorris since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from July 16, 2018 ("close tab") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist


6 AM - 9 AM
Favoriting Wake with Clay Pigeon (e-mail)
WFMU's morning show, featuring new technology that will sonically force caffeine directly into your bloodstream. Hosted by Clay Pigeon.

Click here to subscribe to the Wake n' Bake Email Newsletter.

Click here to subscribe to the Wake and Bake podcast and have all of each week's Wake and Bake segments delivered to you every Monday.

The Wake and Bake Answering Machine (WABAM) is now at this number: 646-494-1095. Call and leave a message for the show!

Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Clay Pigeon since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from August 21, 2018 ("The Wake n Bake Morning Show!") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

9 AM - Noon
Favoriting Garbage Time (e-mail)
Official Crumb Cake Capital Of The World.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Matt Warwick since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from July 16, 2024 ("If It Is To Be Garbage, So It Be, So It Is.") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

Noon - 3 PM
Favoriting Feelings with Michele with One "L" (e-mail)
Nothing less than feelings.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Michele with One "L" since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from February 13, 2024 ("Love is for Tiny People with Tiny Lives") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

3 PM - 6 PM
Favoriting Material Eyez with Naomi Shamble (e-mail)
the sound of the convergences of elation & grief, fantasy & reality; a show for the changelings, the shining, the misfits, the enchanted, the divergent, the despisers of small-talk, and the absolutely sublime.
Playlists & Archives | All bands and artists played by Naomi Shamble since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists

6 PM - 7 PM
Favoriting Three Thumbs Up with Jim the Poet (e-mail)
Do you got to the movies? Jim the Poet reviews the best and worst movies of the week in theaters and takes your calls!
Playlists & Archives | All bands and artists played by Jim the Poet since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists

7 PM - 8 PM
Favoriting Music Of Mind Control with Micah (e-mail)
An exploration into the musical output of religious cults, new religious movements, and individuals of a spiritually inspired and divine nature.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Micah since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from July 17, 2018: Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

8 PM - 9 PM
Favoriting Vocal Fry with Dan Bodah (e-mail)
Music with vocals weird & wonderful -- beatboxing, yodels, auction chants, Tuvan throatsinging, & eerie polyphonies.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Dan Bodah since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from March 27, 2023 ("S14 Ep34 Show #350: Newsboy in the post-apocalyptic netherworld") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

9 PM - Midnight
Favoriting The Frow Show with Jesse Jarnow (e-mail)
Grand pianos in the surf, singing frogs, hyphenated psych, outtakes, live collaging, twangy drone, old folk, and ephemeral pop.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Jesse Jarnow since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from August 9, 2010 ("in the night kitchen.") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

Midnight - 3 AM
Favoriting Radio Futura with DJ Pedro Fumero (e-mail)
Radio Futura aims to put to rest the misconception of “latin music” as the one that exclusively happens to be coming from Latin America and in Spanish … Hopefully we get to bring you a much needed accurate, wider, and richer painting of the single biggest issue that still today brings ALL Latin cultures together: their music !
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by DJ Pedro Fumero since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists

3 AM - 6 AM
Favoriting Buried In The Backseat with Matty No Times (e-mail)
Dogs and cats living together type mania. Weekly vinyl finds. CDs and tapes nobody else wanted. Bandcamp wormholes. Friends bands. Strong NYC/NJ deep cuts. Cloudy nostalgia. Pre pubescent punk meets a mid life punch in the faith.
Playlists & Archives | All bands and artists played by Matty No Times since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists


6 AM - 9 AM
Favoriting Wake with Clay Pigeon (e-mail)
WFMU's morning show, featuring new technology that will sonically force caffeine directly into your bloodstream. Hosted by Clay Pigeon.

Click here to subscribe to the Wake n' Bake Email Newsletter.

Click here to subscribe to the Wake and Bake podcast and have all of each week's Wake and Bake segments delivered to you every Monday.

The Wake and Bake Answering Machine (WABAM) is now at this number: 646-494-1095. Call and leave a message for the show!

Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Clay Pigeon since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from August 21, 2018 ("The Wake n Bake Morning Show!") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

9 AM - Noon
Favoriting Ken (e-mail)
Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Ken since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from May 25, 2011 ("Jeepers!") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

Noon - 3 PM
Favoriting The Evan "Funk" Davies Show (e-mail)
Every show starts with the ’70s! We’ll rediscover forgotten rockers, revisit unfairly maligned disco beats and replay power-pop favorites. Next: plenty of new releases, occasional live bands and more. Don’t let the nickname confuse you.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Evan Davies since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from June 12, 2019 ("Kansas City record store finds!") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

3 PM - 6 PM
Favoriting Irwin Chusid (e-mail)
Genre-surfing tokenism.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | Homepage | All bands and artists played by Irwin since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from January 3, 2024 (""Better to be the oldest guy in the weight room than the youngest guy in the nursing home." — Glenn Reynolds") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

6 PM - 7 PM
Favoriting Seven Second Delay with Andy (e-mail) and Ken (e-mail)
The program formerly known as Dinner at Andy's, The Fuzzy Glove Hour, Whores, and The Happiness Hut. Ken and Andy, also known as The Enema Boys, further lower WFMU's already abysmal standards on a weekly basis. Stunt radio which subjects the radio audience to concepts and topics which mature adults should not have to endure. Find the fatal flaw.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | Homepage | All bands and artists played by Andy and Ken since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists

7 PM - 8 PM
Favoriting Weekly World Blues with Matt Fiveash (e-mail)
All the blues all the time. An antidote to the moribund, corny and/or humorless blues programming generally found on the radio.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Matt Fiveash since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from April 24, 2018: Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

8 PM - 9 PM
Favoriting Honky Tonk Radio Girl with Becky (e-mail)
Twangs of all stripes and stuff that ends in -billy.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Becky since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from June 29, 2016 ("Everybody's Got A Little Evil") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

9 PM - Midnight
Favoriting Radio Ravioli with Olivia (e-mail)
Genre-fluid, ambient textures, global sounds, punk energy, electronica, jangle pop, disco, post punk, soul, r&b, and more...
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Olivia since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from July 8, 2024 ("summer dance party 🪩") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

Midnight - 3 AM
Favoriting Secret Canine Agents with DJ Perro Caliente (e-mail)
It's Secret Canine Agents! Coming from the world of College Radio, this program puts its primary focus on putting hidden and well-known Spanish gems to the front! Come and listen to the beautiful music of Latin America! Features genres such as Shoegaze, Hardcore, New-Wave, House, Pop, and many more goodies. Secret Canine Agents is here to deliver tunes to enjoy, wallow, or fight someone in Spanish! These are tunes for your listening pleasure :)."
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by DJ Perro Caliente since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from December 15, 2022 ("SHIELD YOUR EYES, A BEAST IN THE WELL ON YOUR HAND") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

3 AM - 6 AM
Favoriting WFMU Lite with Dan Morfitt (e-mail)
Dan Morfitt loves the odd bit of techno and avant-garde Japanese country and western, but he constantly returns to perfect pop, raucous rock and sublime hip-hop with everything in between. Join him, when you can, and remember, KEEP IT LITE!
Playlists & Archives | All bands and artists played by Dan Morfitt since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists


6 AM - 9 AM
Favoriting Wake with Clay Pigeon (e-mail)
WFMU's morning show, featuring new technology that will sonically force caffeine directly into your bloodstream. Hosted by Clay Pigeon.

Click here to subscribe to the Wake n' Bake Email Newsletter.

Click here to subscribe to the Wake and Bake podcast and have all of each week's Wake and Bake segments delivered to you every Monday.

The Wake and Bake Answering Machine (WABAM) is now at this number: 646-494-1095. Call and leave a message for the show!

Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Clay Pigeon since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from August 21, 2018 ("The Wake n Bake Morning Show!") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

9 AM - Noon
Favoriting This Is The Modern World with Trouble (e-mail)
A viking ship appears on the horizon, a likeness of Alice Coltrane carved into its bow. Rare birds flock together to sing Francoise Hardy as soul hits. A sunset of blips and bleeps fills the air.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Trouble since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from January 21, 2014 ("you forget centuries of civilization in a second") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

Noon - 3 PM
Favoriting Pseu's Thing With A Hook (e-mail)
Riff rock for riff raff, pop fizzle for the frazzled, chord changes of life for the menopausal teenagers, a safari in the jingle-jangle jungle.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | Homepage | All bands and artists played by Pseu Braun since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from March 27, 2018: Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

3 PM - 6 PM
Favoriting Strength Through Failure with Fabio (e-mail)
The Failure of Noise
The Failure of Sound
The Failure of Rock
The Failure of the Avant Garde
The Failure of the Space Age
The Failure of Jazz
The Failure of Psychedelia
The Failure of Krautrock
The Failure of Electronic
The Failure of Pop
The Failure of Free-form
The Failure of the 21st Century
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Fabio since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from January 18, 2023: Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

6 PM - 7 PM
Favoriting Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White (e-mail)
Southern inspirational dada.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Hearty White since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from April 3, 2014 ("Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

7 PM - 8 PM
Favoriting Mahogany with Bailey (e-mail)
A show that seeks to explore and celebrate the varied textures in which black and brown artists have expressed their experience of the world spirit over time.
Playlists & Archives | All bands and artists played by Bailey since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists

8 PM - 9 PM
Favoriting Sinner's Crossroads with Kevin Nutt (e-mail)
Scratchy vanity 45s, pilfered field recordings, muddy off-the-radio sounds, homemade congregational tapes and vintage commercial gospel throw-downs; a little preachin', a little salvation, a little audio tomfoolery.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Kevin Nutt since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from February 20, 2014: Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

9 PM - Midnight
Favoriting Music To Spazz By with Dave the Spazz (e-mail)
A chimpified, sonic soiree of overmodulated, toe-stubbing rock and roll.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | Homepage | All bands and artists played by Dave the Spazz since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from October 13, 2011: Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

Midnight - 3 AM
Favoriting Six Degrees with Alan (e-mail)
All roads lead to New Jersey in six degrees or less.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Alan since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from July 12, 2021 ("The Music of the 1967 Newark Rebellion") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

3 AM - 6 AM
Favoriting Cat Bomb! Radio with Maggie Hertz! (e-mail)
A show that kinda feels like Casey Kasem cookin’ up crockpot shortwave pirate radio, but with a lot more curbside cassette mixtapes, lost radio serials, French Canadian comedy… and zings, pings, and static. Or, well, maybe it doesn’t feel anything like that at all.
Playlists & Archives | All bands and artists played by Maggie Hertz! since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from June 14, 2024 ("Hoist Ye Antennas, Pirates!! We're Setting Sail!!") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist


6 AM - 9 AM
Favoriting Wake with Clay Pigeon (e-mail)
WFMU's morning show, featuring new technology that will sonically force caffeine directly into your bloodstream. Hosted by Clay Pigeon.

Click here to subscribe to the Wake n' Bake Email Newsletter.

Click here to subscribe to the Wake and Bake podcast and have all of each week's Wake and Bake segments delivered to you every Monday.

The Wake and Bake Answering Machine (WABAM) is now at this number: 646-494-1095. Call and leave a message for the show!

Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Clay Pigeon since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from August 21, 2018 ("The Wake n Bake Morning Show!") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

9 AM - Noon
Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen (e-mail)
"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot."
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | Homepage | All bands and artists played by John Allen since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from March 26, 2014: Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

Noon - 3 PM
Favoriting Jessica (e-mail)
Music for nothing to do all day but to sit on the porch in your underwear and drink cheap wine!
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Jessica since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists

3 PM - 6 PM
Favoriting Mona (e-mail)
Mona brings you synthpop, disco, darkwave, electronic, new romantic, queer anthems, dance classics, post punk, soul, goth, shoegaze, industrial, britpop, retro r&b, breaks, and more...
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Mona since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists

6 PM - 7 PM
Favoriting Bucci (e-mail)
Astonishing audio adventures. Mundane audio tasks.
Playlists & Archives | All bands and artists played by Bucci since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists

7 PM - 8 PM
Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam (e-mail)
Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Billy Jam since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from May 16, 2014 ("Put The Needle On The Smashed Concrete Turntable and Start All Over & Create Something New ") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

8 PM - 9 PM
Favoriting Downtown Soulville with Mr. Fine Wine (e-mail)
One hour; 23 or 24 soul 45s.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Mr. Fine Wine since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from May 2, 2014 ("I get my kicks") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

9 PM - Midnight
Favoriting Burn It Down! with Nate K. (e-mail)
Music for the revolution in my head: choogling punks; power pop, both skinny-tied and long-haired; soul shouters and girl groups; bubblegum and acid rock; global fuzz; weirdos and outsiders, and the Weirdos and the Outsiders; Archie Shepp and J. Geils. Plus, live bands.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Nate K. since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from July 1, 2018 ("Behold Transfiguration") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

Midnight - 3 AM
Favoriting Inflatable Squirrel Carcass with Rich Hazelton (e-mail)
A yurt for the transgenred.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Rich Hazelton since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from November 9, 2002 ("Reeling In Your Cactus Sound") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

3 AM - 6 AM
Favoriting Sunrise Lamentations with Jeremiah (e-mail)
Ambient, transient, poppy, sloppy, danceable, romanceable, and Italians rapping in English with laser noises. Don't be sad because here comes the sun.
Playlists & Archives | All bands and artists played by Jeremiah since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from July 24, 2021 ("The Farm Is On Fire") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist


6 AM - 9 AM
Favoriting Currents with Brian D (e-mail)
Music inspired by life and current events
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Brian D since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists

9 AM - 11 AM
Favoriting Everybody's Songs with Cricket (e-mail)
Folk music with no single author and no single audience. Songs by everybody, for everybody.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Cricket since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists

11 AM - 1 PM
Favoriting Michael Shelley (e-mail)
A showcase for the widest-possible definition of pop music, plus interviews with the world's finest music makers.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | Homepage | All bands and artists played by Michael Shelley since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from February 13, 2010 ("Includes an interview with Emitt Rhodes") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

1 PM - 3 PM
Favoriting Fool's Paradise with Rex (e-mail)
The unsung heroes of rock 'n' roll, presented at 45 RPM: 50s/60s bop, slop, & schlock.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | Homepage | All bands and artists played by Rex since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from May 3, 2014 ("The Alfonso Bedoya Memorial Playlist") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

3 PM - 6 PM
Favoriting Todd-o-phonic Todd (e-mail)
This isn't a radio show, it's a party. And everyone's invited!
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Todd-o-phonic Todd since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from September 23, 2017 ("Kid Congo especial!") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

6 PM - 9 PM
Favoriting Transpacific Sound Paradise with Rob Weisberg (e-mail)
Popular and Unpopular Music From Around the World
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | Homepage | All bands and artists played by Rob Weisberg since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from January 25, 2020 ("

Sounds of Siberia: Mind-Blowing Jaw Harp and Overtone Singing Featuring Yuliyana Krivoshapkina and Nachyn Choreve + Lunar New Year China Spotlight

") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

9 PM - Midnight
Favoriting Marty McSorley (e-mail)
Dishin' out the hits!
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Marty McSorley since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from October 8, 2022: Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

Midnight - 3 AM
Favoriting Radioactivity with Abbie From Mars (e-mail)
Music for lunatics!
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Abbie From Mars since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists

3 AM - 6 AM
Favoriting Push Button Heaven with Jody Peyote (e-mail)
Psych pop, no wave, foley, second-hand personality shopping and post-third-rail clarity
Playlists & Archives | All bands and artists played by Jody Peyote since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists


6 AM - 9 AM
Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol
An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Carol since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from July 25, 2021 ("Long Tailed Winter Moonbirds Fly Into the Light of a Dark Black Night") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

9 AM - Noon
Favoriting Reggae Schoolroom with Jeff Sarge
Reggae music is for everyone--you love it, say Irie!
Archives | Special Archives |
RSS feed: RSS MP3
Sample show from April 17, 2016 ("This archive has a playlist!") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

Noon - 3 PM
Favoriting The Glen Jones Radio Programme (e-mail)
Inoculated DJ plays songs and talks a lot.
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Sample show from April 20, 2014: Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

3 PM - 5 PM
Favoriting Paul Bruno (e-mail)
Too weird for the rockers. Too rock for the weirdos.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Paul Bruno since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from January 21, 2013 ("WFMU Record Fair finds (and less)") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

5 PM - 6 PM
Favoriting Radio Row (e-mail)
Our very own visiting DJ Hour, which puts a different DJ in the driver's seat each week for one hour of Freeform programming any way they choose!
Playlists & Archives | All bands and artists played by Jessica since January 2002
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6 PM - 8 PM
Favoriting Why Do We Only Listen to Dead People? with Carol Gimbel (e-mail) and Cullan Bryant (e-mail)
From the most profound classical music recordings ever made, to genres and musical perspectives from around the globe, talk on music, art and recordings that changed our lives and the world around us. Tune-in as we explore why we only listen to "dead" people, and what is "alive" in music today. Special guests, call-ins welcome.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Carol Gimbel and Cullan Bryant since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists

8 PM - 10 PM
Favoriting Rock and Roller Derby with Suzy Hotrod (e-mail)
Six-pack abs for the seedy underbelly with Gotham Roller Derby's own Suzy Hotrod. Rock and roll, punk, and things with a good beat that make you dance, sweat, and/or punch something.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Suzy Hotrod since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from August 13, 2018: Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

10 PM - Midnight
Favoriting Blurred and Obscured with Jonathan Herweg (e-mail)
An underground journey through the history of psychedelic rock, modern music, shimmering noise, free jazz, punk, funk, children's records played at the wrong speed, tape cut-up, static, the composition of decomposition, and subversive spoken word.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Jonathan Herweg since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from April 6, 2014 ("Synthalizingly ") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

Midnight - 3 AM
Favoriting Freaking Out with Kendraplex (e-mail)
Extra dimensions are old hat. Now each vibe is a Pokémon, wwyd? Agitation classics, spiritual chaos, noise genre, drone excerpts, tone worship, safe & sane record warping. Music! Every media format! Incoming and outgoing phone calls! Voicemail, audio attachments, reading your horoscopes thru a tasteful amount of delay. For the people.
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Kendraplex since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from August 23, 2023 ("oh how the play of light upon you brings one to reminisce of the lighthorse") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

3 AM - 6 AM
Favoriting Anti-Music Club with Land Phil (e-mail)
Death metal, Grindcore, Death grind, Grind death, Death death, grind punk, black, atomospheric, noise, boomer (metal). Get off your feet and get ready for some blast beats :)
Playlists & Archives | Special Archives | All bands and artists played by Land Phil since January 2002
RSS feeds: RSS MP3 | RSS Playlists
Sample show from May 13, 2024 ("Embrace the glory of the goat") : Pop-up listen Pop-up player! | Playlist

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